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ăbĭēgnus, -a, -um:
'''quondam:''' adv., once, formerly
absūmo, -mĕre, -mpsi, -mptum:
ăcervus, -i, m.:
Ăchilles, -is, m.:
Ăchīvus, -a, -um:
advento (1):
adverto, -tĕre, -ti, -sum:
aequŏrĕus, -a, -um:
aerĕus, -a, -um:
aestus, -ūs, m.:
aetas, -ātis, f.:
agger, -ĕris, m.:
agnosco, -noscĕre, -nōvi, -nitum:
ălăcer, -cris:
ālĕs, ālĭtĭs:
alga, -ae, f.:
allūdo, -ūdĕre, -ūsi, -ūsum:
ălo, ălĕre, ălŭi, altum:
āmens, -mentis:
ămictus, -ūs, m.:
āmitto, -mittĕre, -mīsi, -missum:
amplector, -ctī, -exus sum:
anceps, -cĭpĭtis:
anguīnus, -a, -um:
angusto (1):
angustus, -a, -um:
annŭo, -ŭĕre, -ŭi, -ūtum:
antenna, -ae, f.:
anxĭus, -a, -um:
ăpiscor, -ăpiscī, aptus sum:
appārĕo, -ēre, -ui, -itum:
āra, -ae, f.:
arbor, -ŏris, f.:
argentum, -i, n.:
Argīvus, -a, -um:
argŭo, -ŭĕre, -ŭi, -ūtum:
ārĭdŭlus, -a, -um:
armo (1):
ars, artis, f.:
artus, -a, -um:
arvus, -a, -um:
arx, arcis, f.:
aspernor, -āri, -ātus sum:
adsum, adesse, affui:
Ăthēnae, -ārum, f.:
attĕnŭo (1):
augĕo, augĕre, auxi, auctum:
aura, -ae, f.:
auris, -is, f.:
auro (1):
aurōra, -ae, f.:
auxĭlĭum, -ii, n.:
āvĕho, -vĕhĕre, -vexi, -vectum:
āverto, -tĕre, -ti, -sum:
bacchor, -āri, -ātus sum:
barbărus, -a, -um:
bellum, -i, n.:
blandus, -a, -um:
bombus, -i, m.:
bracchĭum, -ii, n.:
brāchĭum, -ii, n.:;
bustum, -i, n.:
caecus, -a, -um:
caedes, -is, f.:
caelestis, -e:
caerŭlus or caerŭlĕus, -a, -um:
călăthiscus, -i, m.:
cālīgo, -ĭnis, f.:
candeo, -ēre, -ui:
canities, -ei, f.:
cantus, -ūs, m.:
cānus, -a, -um:
carbăsus, -i, f.:
cărīna, -ae, f.:
carmen, -ĭnis, n.:
carpo, -pĕre, -psi, -ptum:
cătēna, -ae, f.:
căterva, -ae, f.:
cĕlē̆bro (1):
cēlo (1):
certāmen, -ĭnis, n.:
chŏrēa, -ae, f.:
cingo, -ĕre, -xi, -nctum:
cĭĕo, cĭēre, cīvi, cĭtum:
circumdo (1):
cista, -ae, f.:
clārĭsŏnus, -a, -um:
classis, -is, f.:
clēmens, -entis:
clēmentĭa, -ae, f.:
cŏăcervo (1):
cŏĕo, -īre, -īvi or -ii, -ĭtum:
coepĭo, coepĕre, coepi, coeptum:
Colchi, -ōrum, m.:
collis, -is:
collūcĕo, -ēre:
cŏlor, -ōris, m.:
cŏlus, -i, m.:
commĕmŏro (1):
compello (1):
complexus, -ūs, m.:
comprĕcor, -āri, -ātus sum:
concēdo, -cēdĕre, -cessi, -cessum:
concĭpĭo, -cĭpĕre, -cēpi, -ceptum:
concordĭa, -ae, f.:
concrēdo, -dĕre, -dĭdi, -dĭtum:
concŭtĭo, -cŭtĕre, -cussi, -cussum:
condo, -dĕre, -dĭdi, -dĭtum:
confĕro, conferre, contŭli, collātum:
cōnĭger, -gĕra, -gĕrum:
coniungo, -ngĕre, -nxi, -nctum:
coniunx,  -iŭgis, m. or f.:
conquĕror, -quĕrī, -questus sum:
consanguĭnĕus, -a, -um:
conscendo, -ndĕre, -ndi, -nsum:
consĕquor, -sĕqui, -sĕcūtus sum:
consĕro, -sĕrĕre, -sēvi, -sĭtum:
consĭlĭum, -ii, n.:
consōlo (1):
conspĭcĭo, -spĭcĕre, -spexi, -spectum:
consterno (1):
consto (1):
constrŭo, -strŭĕre, -struxi, -structum:
contĕgo, -gĕre, -xi, -ctum:
contexo, -xĕre, -xŭi, -xtum:
contingo, -tingĕre, -tĭgi, -tactum:
contorquĕo, -torquēre, -torsi, -tortum:
contrĕmisco, -miscĕre, -mŭi:
cōnūbĭum, -ii, n.:
convello, -vellĕre, velli, -vulsum:
cōpĭa, -ae, f.:
cortex, -ĭcis, m.:
cresco, crescĕre, crēvi, crētum:
Crēta, -ae, f.:
crīnis, -is, m.:
cultrix, -īcis, f.:
cŭpĭdus, -a, -um:
cū̆pressus, -i, f.:
cūro (1):
currus, -ūs, m.:
cuspis, -ĭdis, f.:
daps, dăpis, f.:
Dardănĭus, -a, -um:
dēcēdo, -cēdĕre, -cessi, -cessum:
dēcerpo, -pĕre, -psi, -ptum:
dēclāro (1):
dēclīno (1):
dĕcŏro (1):
dēcurro, -currĕre, -curri, -cursum
dēdo, -dĕre, -dĭdi, -dĭtum:
dēdūco, -cĕre, -xi, -ctum:
dēfendo, -dĕre, -di, -sum:
dēlābor, -lābī, -lapsus sum:
dēmĕto, -mĕtĕre, -messŭi, -messum:
dēperdo, -dĕre, -dĭdi, -dĭtum:
dēsisto, -sistĕre, -stĭti, -stĭtum:
dēspĭcĭo, -ĭcĕre, -exi, -ectum:
dēsum, -fŭi, -esse:
dēvincĭo, -ncīre, -nxi, -nctum:
dēvŏvĕo, -vŏvēre, -vōvi, -vōtum:
diffundo, -fundĕre, -fūdi, -fūsum:
dignor, -āri, -ātus sum:
dīgrĕdĭor, -grĕdī, -gressus sum:
dīlăcĕro (1):
dīmitto, -mittĕre, -mīsi, -missum:
dīrus, -a, -um:
discēdo, -cēdĕre, -cessi, -cessum:
discerno, -cernĕre, -crēvi, -crētum:
discerpo, -pĕre, -psi, -ptum:
discors, cordis, f.:
distinguo, -nguĕre, -nxi, -nctum:
dĭus, -a, -um:
dīva, -ae, f.:
dīvello, -vellĕre, -velli, -vulsum:
dīvĭdo, -vĭdĕre, -vīsi, -vīsum:
dīvīnus, -a, -um:
dŏmo (1):
dōnum, -i, n.:
dŭbĭus, -a, -um:
ĕbur, -ŏris, n.:
ēdūco, -cĕre, -xi, -ctum:
effĭgĭes, -ēi, f.:
efflo (1):
effundo, -fundĕre, -fūdi, -fūsum:
ēgrĕdĭor, -grĕdī, -gressus sum:
ēgrĕgĭus, -a, -um:
ēlĭgo, -lĭgĕre, -lēgi, -lectum:
ēmergo, -gĕre, -si, -sum:
errābundus, -a, -um:
ērŭo, -ŭĕre, -ŭi, -ŭtum:
Eumĕnĭdes, -um, f.:
Eurōtas, -ae, m.:
ēvans, -antis:
exăgĭto (1):
exardesco, -ardescĕre, -arsi, -arsum:
excelsus, -a, -um:
exĭmĭus, -a, -um:
exŏrĭor, -ŏrĭrī -ortus sum:
expallesco, -lescĕre, -lŭi:
expers, -tis:
exposco, -poscĕre, -pŏposci:
exprōmo, -mĕre, -mpsi, -mptum:
exsolvo, -solvĕre, -solvi, -sŏlūtum:
exspīro (1):
exspŭo, -ŭĕre, -ŭi, -ūtum:
exsto (1):
extĕnŭo (1):
exter, -tĕra, -tĕrum:
externo (1):
extinctus, -a, -um:
exturbo (1):
fāgus, -i, f.:
falx, falcis, f.:
fămŭlor, -āri, -ātus sum:
fātum, -i, n.:
faustus, -a, -um:
fēcundus, -a, -um:
fēlix, -īcis:
fēmĭna, -ae, f.:
fĕra, -ae, f.:
ferrūgo, -ĭnis, f.:
ferrum, -i, n.:
fervĭdus, -a, -um:
festus, -a, -um:
fīdus, -a, -um:
fĭgūra, -ae, f.:
fīlĭa, -ae, f.:
fīlum, -i. n.:
fīnĭo, -īre, -īvi or -ĭi, -ītum:
fīnis, -is, m.:
flā̆gro (1):
flāmen, -ĭnis, n.:
flammĕus, -a, -um:
flammo (1):
flātus, -ūs, m.:
flavens, -entis:
flecto, -ctĕre, -xi, -xum:
flexănĭmus, -a, -um:
flexus, -ūs, m.:
flōrens, -entis:
fluctŭo (1):
flŭentĭsŏnus, -a, -um:
flŭĭto (1):
flūmen, -ĭnis, n.:
foedo (1):
forma, -ae, f.:
formo (1):
fortis -e,:
frĕquento (1):
frētus, -a, -um:
frīgĭdŭlus, -a, -um:
frondātor, -ōris, m.:
frondōsus, -a, -um:
frons, frontis, f.:
frustro (1):
fūcus, -i, m.:
fŭga, -ae, f.:
fŭgo (1):
fulgor, -ōris, m.:
fūmo (1):
fūnesto (1):
fūnestus, -a, -um:
fūnis, -is, m.:
fūnus, -ĕris, n.:
fūsus, -i, m.:
gaudĭum, -ii, n.:
gaza, -ae
gĕnĭālis, -e:
germānus, -i, m.:
gigno, gignĕre, gĕnŭi, gĕnĭtum:
glēba, -ae, f.:
gnātus, -i, m.:
gurges, -ĭtis, m.:
haerĕo, haerēre, haesi, haesum:
hēres, -ēdis, m.:
hēros, -ōis, m.:
Hespĕrus, -i, m.:
hortor, -āri, -ātus sum:
hūmānus, -a, -um:
hŭmĭlis, -e:
Hymĕnaeus, -i, m.:
ignārus, -a, -um:
immītis, -e:
impendo, -dĕre, -di, -sum:
ĭmus, -a, -um:
incānesco, -cānĕre, -canŭi:
incingo, -ngĕre, -xi, -ctum:
incŏla, ae, f.:
incultus, -a, -um:
incurvo (1):
indĭco (1):
indistinctus, -a, -um:
infĕro, inferre, intŭli, illātum,
infĭcĭo, -fĭcĕre, -fēci, -fectum:
infirmus, -a, -um:
inflecto, -ectĕre, -exi, -exum:
infundo, -fundĕre, -fūdi, -fūsum:
ingrĕdĭor, -ĕdī, -essus sum:
iniustus, -a, -um:
innuptus, -a, -um:
ĭnobservābĭlis, -e:
ĭnops, -ŏpis:
insulto (1):
intorquĕo, -torquēre, -torsi, -tortum:
invictus, -a, -um:
invīso, -sĕre, -si, -sum:
īra, -ae, f.:
irrīto (1):
iūro (1):
iŭvencus, -i, m.:
iŭvĕnis, -is:
iacto (1):
iŭgālis, -e:
iŭgo (1):
iustĭtĭa, -ae, f.:
iustus, -a, -um:
lăbyrinthēus, -a, -um:
lactens, -entis:
laeto (1):
laetus, -a, -um:
lāna, -ae, f.:
languĕo, -ēre:
languesco, -guescĕre, -gŭi:
languĭdŭlus, -a, -um:
largus, -a, -um:
laurus, -i, f.:
laus, laudis, f.:
lēnis, -e:
lētĭfer, -fĕra, -fĕrum:
lētum, -i, n.:
lībro (1):
lintĕus, -a, -um:
lŏco (1):
longinquus, -a, -um:
luctus, -ūs, m.:
lympho (1):
mădĕfīo, -fieri, -factus:
mando (1):
mărīnus, -a, -um:
mărītus, -a, -um:
mărītus, -i, m.:
mātūtīnus, -a, -um:
Māvors, -vortis, m.:
mĕdĭus, -a, -um:
mĕmor, -ŏris:
mensa, -ae, f.:
messor, -ōris, m.:
mĭco (1):
miscĕo, miscēre, miscŭi, mixtum:
mĭsĕresco, -ĕre:
mī̆tra, -ae, f.:
mollesco, -ĕre:
monstrum, -i, n.:
mortālis, -e:
mōtus, -ūs, m.:
multĭplex, -ĭcis:
multĭplĭco (1):
multo (1):
mūnuscŭlum, -i, n.:
myrtus, -i, f.:
nāvĭta, -ae, m.:
nĕfandus, -a, -um:
neptis, -is, f.:
no (1):
nūbes, -is, f.:
nūdo (1):
nūmen, -ĭnis, n.:
nupta, -ae, f.:
nūto (1):
nūtrix, -īcis, f.:
nympha, -ae, f.:
oblittĕro (1):
obscūro (1):
obscūrus, -a, -um:
obsĭdĕo, -ĭdēre, -ēdi, -essum:
Ōcĕănus, -i, m.:
ŏdor, -ōris, m.:
offĕro, offĕrre, obtŭli, oblātum:
omnĭpŏtens, -ntis:
opplĕo, -ēre, -ēvi, -ētum:
ōrācŭlum, -i, n.:
orbis, -is, m.:
orgĭa, -ōrum, n.:
ostento (1):
palma, -ae, f.:
parco, parcĕre, pĕperci:
parcus, -a, -um:
pārĕo, -ēre, -ŭi, pārĭtum:
părĭo (1):
pellis, -is, f.:
pendo, pendĕre, pĕpendi, pensum:
percello, -cellĕre, -cŭli, -culsum:
perfĭdĭa, -ae, f.:
perfundo, -fundĕre, -fūdi, -fūsum:
pĕrhĭbĕo, -ēre, -ui, -ĭtum:
periūrĭum, -ii, n.:
permisceo, -scēre, -scŭi, -xtum:
permulcĕo, -mulcēre, -mulsi, -sum:
persolvo, -solvĕre, -solvi, -sŏlūtum:
Phoēbē, -ēs, f.:
pĭĕtas, -ātis, f.:
pīnĕus, -a, -um:
pīnus, -ūs, f.:
plăcĭdus, -a, -um:
plango, -ngĕre, -nxi, -nctum:
plangor, -ōris, m.:
plătănus, -i, f.:
plexus, -a, -um:
pōcŭlum, -i, n.:
pŏlĭo, -īre, -īvi and -ĭi, -ītum:
pollex, -ĭcis, m.:
poplĕs, -ĭtis, m.:
porto (1):
portus, -ūs, m.:
postĕrus, -a, -um:
pŏtĭor, -ī, -ītus sum:
praecerpo, -pĕre, -psi, -ptum:
praecingo, -ngĕre, -nxi, -nctum:
praecĭpĭo, -cĭpĕre, -cēpi, -ceptum:
praecĭpĭto (1):
praefor, -fāri, -fātus sum:
praegestio, -īre:
praemĭum, -ii, n.:
praeopto (1):
praeporto (1):
praeruptus, -a, -um:
praesto (1):
praeverto, -tĕre, -ti:
prīmaevus, -a, -um:
princeps, -cĭpis:
prōcēdo, -cēdĕre, -cessi, -cessum:
prōcērus, -a, -um:
prōclīvus, -a, -um:
prōcumbo, -cumbĕre, -cŭbŭi, -cŭbĭtum:
prōcurro, -currĕre, -curri, -cursum:
prōdo, -dĕre, -dĭdi, -dĭtum:
prŏfānus, -a, -um:
prōfĕro, -ferre, -tŭli, -lātum:
prōgnātus, -a, -um:
prōĭcĭo, -ĭcĕre, -iēci, -iectum:
prōscindo, -scindĕre, -scĭdi, -scissum:
prospecto (1):
prospectus, -ūs, m.:
prospĕrus, -a, -um:
prōspĭcĭo, -ĭcĕre, -exi, -ectum:
prōsterno (1):
prōtendo, -dĕre, -di, -tum:
pūbes, -is, f.:
pulvīnar, -āris, n.:
pulvis, -ĕris, m.:
puppis, -is, f.:
purgo (1):
purpŭra, -ae, f.:
pū̆trĭdus, -a, -um:
quercus, -ūs, f.:
quĕrella, -ae, f.:
questus, -ūs, m.:
răpax, -ācis:
rastrum, -i, n.:
raucĭsŏnus, -a, -um:
rĕcēdo, -cēdĕre, -cessi, -cessum:
rector, -ōris, m.:
rĕdux, -dŭcis:
rĕfulgĕo, -gēre, -si:
rēgālis, -e.:
rēmĭgĭum, -ii, n.:
rēmus, -i, m.:
rēspergo, -gĕre, -si, -sum:
rēstringo, -ingĕre, -inxi, -ictum:
rĕtĭnĕo, -ēre, -ŭi, -tentum:
rōbur, -ŏris, n.:
rōbustus, -a, -um:
rōstrum, -i, n.:
rubigo, rubiginis, f.:
rŭdis, -is, f.:
rŭdens, entis, m.:
rŭo, -ŭĕre, -ŭi, -ŭtum:
rūpes, -is, f.:
rūs, rūris, n.:
sacrum, -i, n.:
salvē, salvēte:
sanctus, -a, -um:
sătĭo (1):
sătŭro (1):
sătyrus, -i, m.:
saucĭus, -a, -um:
saxĕus, -a, -um:
scĕlĕro (1):
scĕlus, -ĕris, n.:
scŏpŭlus, -i, m.:
sēcēdo, -cēdĕre, -cessi, -cessum:
sĕcundus, -a, -um:
sēcŭbĭtus, -ūs, m.:
sēdes, -is, f.:
sĕnectus, -a, -um:
serpo, -pĕre, -psi, -ptum:
serva, -ae, f.:
signum, -i, n.:
silvestris, -e:
singultus, -ūs, m.:

'''prōgnātus, -a, -um:''' born, produced

signum, signi Nbattle standard; indication; seal; sign, proof; signal; image, statue
'''vertex, -ĭcis, m.:''' whirlpool, whirlwind; top of the head; summit
silvestris, silvestris, silvestrewooded, covered with woods; found/situated/living in woodlands; wild, untamed
singultus, singultus Msobbing; convulsive catching of breath
'''pīnus, -ūs, f.:''' pine tree
sisto, sistere, stiti, statusstop, check; cause to stand; set up
solium, soli(i) Nthrone, seat
'''lī̆quĭdus, -a, -um:''' liquid, fluid; clear, unclouded
sollers, sollertis (gen.), sollertior -or -us, sollertissimus -a -umclever, dexterous, adroit, expert, skilled, ingenious, accomplished
soror, sororis Fsister
'''Neptūnus, -i, m.:''' Neptune or Poseidon, god of the sea; the sea
sospes, (gen.), sospitissafe and sound; auspicious
spes, spei Fhope/anticipation/expectation; prospect/hope/promise
'''no (1):''' swim; float, sail
spinosus, spinosa, spinosumthorny, prickly; crabbed, difficult
splendeo, splendere, splendui, -shine/gleam/glitter, be bright/radiant/resplendent/distinguished
'''unda, -ae, f.: ''' wave; waves of the sea, sea
splendĭdus, -a, -um:
spuma, spumae Ffoam, froth; slime, scum, spume; hair pomade/dye
'''fluctus, -ūs, m.:''' wave
spumo, spumare, spumavi, spumatusfoam, froth; be covered in foam; cover with foam
spumosus, spumosa, spumosumfoaming, frothy
'''fīnis, -is, m.:''' boundary; end; (pl.) territory
squalidus, squalida, squalidumsqualid, filthy
stipendium, stipendi(i) Ntribute, stipend; pay, wages; military service
'''lĕgo, lĕgĕre, lēgi, lectum:''' gather; remove; pick out; read, read about
stipes, stipitis Mpost, stake
strido, stridere, stridi, -creak, squeak, grate, shriek, whistle; hiss; gnash
'''iŭvĕnis, -is, m.:''' youth, young man
strophium, strophi(i) Ntwisted breast-band; head-band; bra
substerno, substernere, substravi, substratusspread out
'''Argīvus, -a, -um:''' Argive; by metonymy, Greek
subtegmen, subtegminis Nweft/woof, transverse threads woven between warp threads; threads of the Fates
succumbo, succumbere, succubui, succubitussink/fall/lie/break down; succumb/collapse; suffer/concede defeat
'''rōbur, -ŏris, n.:''' an oak tree, oak; the strongest element of anything
sudo, sudare, sudavi, sudatussweat, perspire
summitto, summittere, summisi, summissusallow to grow long; emit, put forth, raise; lower, moderate, relieve; submit
'''pūbes, -is, f.:''' the adult male population; manpower
superus, supera -um, superior -or -us, supremus -a -umabove, high; higher, upper, of this world; greatest, last, highest
sura, surae Fcalf of the leg
'''aurātus, -a, -um:''' gilded; golden
suspendo, suspendere, suspendi, suspensushang up, suspend
suspiro, suspirare, suspiravi, suspiratussigh; utter with a sigh
'''opto (1):''' wish, choose, desire
sustollo, sustollere, -, -raise on high
syrtis, syrtis Fsandbank, quicksand
'''Colchi, -ōrum, m.:''' Colchis, the country of King Aeëtes, his daughter Medea, and the Golden Fleece, located at the eastern end of the Black Sea south of the Caucasus Mts.
tacitus, tacita, tacitumsilent, secret
taeda, -ae, f.:
'''āverto, -tĕre, -ti, -sum:''' divert; remove, steal
talus, tali Mankle; ankle/pastern bone; sheep knucklebone; dice game
tegmen, tegminis Ncovering/cover/protection; clothing; body armor; skin/shell/husk
'''pellis, -is, f.:''' pelt, skin, hide, fleece
tellus, telluris Fearth, ground; the earth; land, country
tempestas, tempestatis Fseason, time, weather; storm
'''audĕo, audēre, ausus:''' semi-dep., dare
tempus, tempi Mweather
tenusas far as, to the extent of, up to, down to
'''vădum, -i, n.:''' a shallow piece of water, shoal; (pl.) the waters of the sea
tepefacio, tepefacere, tepefeci, tepefactusmake warm, warm up
tĕrĕs, -ĕtis:
'''salsus, -a, -um:''' salty, briny; witty, clever
terror, terroris Mterror, panic, alarm, fear
testis, testiswitness
'''cĭĕo, cĭēre, cīvi, cĭtum:''' move, set in motion; rouse, raise, produce
Teucer, Teucri MTrojan; originally brother of Ajax
texo, texere, texui, textusweave; plait; construct with elaborate care
'''dēcurro, -currĕre, -curri, -cursum ''' run down; travel over
thesis, thesis Fproposition, thesis
thyrsus, thyrsi MBacchic wand tipped with a fir-cone/tuft of ivy/vine leaves; plant's main stem
'''puppis, -is, f.:''' the stern or poop of a boat; by metonymy, boat, ship
tibia, tibiae Fflute, pipe; reed-pipe; B:tibia, shin-bone
timor, timoris Mfear; dread
'''caerŭlus or caerŭlĕus, -a, -um:''' sea-blue
tinguo, tinguere, tinxi, tinctuswet/moisten/dip/soak; color/dye/tinge/tint, stain; imbue; impregnate
tinnio, tinnire, tinnivi, tinnitusring/clang/jangle; ring; utter a shrill/metallic sound
'''verro, verrĕre, verri, versum:''' sweep
torqueo, torquere, torsi, tortusturn, twist; hurl; torture; torment; bend, distort; spin, whirl; wind
Troiugena, Troiugenae Mborn of Trojan stock, descendent of Trojans; Trojan; the Romans
'''ăbĭēgnus, -a, -um:''' made of silver fir; poet., wooden
truncus, trunci Mtrunk
tumulo, tumulare, tumulavi, tumulatuscover with a burial mound
'''aequor, -ŏris, n.:''' a smooth expanse; hence water, the sea
turbo, turbare, turbavi, turbatusdisturb, agitate, throw into confusion
turbo, turbinis Mthat which whirls; whirlwind, tornado; spinning top; spiral, round, circle
'''palma, -ae, f.:''' the front of the hand; the palm or palm leaf; the palm of victory; an oar
tutamen, tutaminis Nmeans of protection
udus, uda, udumwet
'''dīvus, -a, -um:''' divine, holy
unigena, unigenae Fone sharing a single parentage, i.e. brother or sister
utinamif only, would that
'''rĕtĭnĕo, -ēre, -ŭi, -tentum:''' hold fast; keep
utpoteas, in as much as; namely; inasmuch as
vacuus, vacua, vacuumempty, vacant, unoccupied; devoid of, free of
'''summus, -a, -um:''' highest; the top of
vaealas, woe, ah; oh dear; Bah!, Curses!
vanesco, vanescere, -, -vanish, fade, disappear
'''urbs, urbis, f.:''' city; often used as synonym for Rome
vanus, vana, vanumempty, vain; false, untrustworthy
vario, variare, variavi, variatusmark with contrasting colors, variegate; vary, waver; fluctuate, change
'''arx, arcis, f.:''' the fortified eminence of a city, citadel
vastus, vasta -um, vastior -or -us, vastissimus -a -umhuge, vast; monstrous
vellus, velleris Nfleece
'''lĕvis, -e:''' light in weight; light, gentle; trivial, shallow, insignificant
velo, velare, velavi, velatusveil, cover, cover up; enfold, wrap, envelop; hide, conceal; clothe in
velum, veli Nsail, covering; curtain
'''vŏlĭto (1):''' freq. of ''volo'', fly about; move about rapidly; dart swiftly
ventosus, ventosa, ventosumwindy; swift; fickle, changeable; vain, puffed up
veridicus, veridica, veridicumtruthful
'''flāmen, -ĭnis, n.:''' a blast or gust of wind; wind, breeze
vernus, verna, vernumof spring, vernal
veroyes; in truth; certainly; truly, to be sure; however
'''currus, -ūs, m.:''' chariot; poet., ship
verro, verrere, verri, versussweep clean; sweep together; sweep; skim, sweep; sweep along
vertex, verticis Mwhirlpool, eddy, vortex; crown of the head; peak, top, summit; the pole
'''pīnĕus, -a, -um:''' of pinewood
vestibulum, vestibuli Nentrance, court
vestigium, vestigi(i) Nstep, track; trace; footstep
'''coniungo, -ngĕre, -nxi, -nctum:''' join together; associate
vexo, vexare, vexavi, vexatusshake, jolt, toss violently; annoy, trouble, harass, plague, disturb, vex
vicis, vicis Fturn, change, succession; exchange, interchange, repayment; plight, lot
'''inflecto, -ectĕre, -exi, -exum:''' bend
victima, victimae Fvictim; animal for sacrifice
victor, (gen.), victoristriumphant
'''texo, -xĕre, -xui, -xtum:''' weave
vigeo, vigere, -, -be strong/vigorous; thrive, flourish, bloom/blossom; be active, be effective
vincio, vincire, vinxi, vinctusbind, fetter; restrain
'''cărīna, -ae, f.:''' keel, hull; by metonymy, ship
vinclum, vincli Nchain, bond, fetter; imprisonment
vindex, vindicis Mdefender, protector
'''rŭdis, -is, f.:''' still in its natural state; inexperienced, untried
vineus, vinea, vineummade of/belonging to wine, wine-
virgatus, virgata, virgatummade of twigs striped
'''cursus, -ūs, m.:''' the action of running; a ace; trave; course
virido, viridare, viridavi, viridatusmake green; be green
virtus, virtutis Fstrength/power; courage/bravery; worth/manliness/virtue/character/excellence
'''prīmus, -a, -um:''' first; the tip of
vitta, vittae Fband, ribbon; fillet
volvo, volvere, volvi, volutusroll, cause to roll; travel in circle/circuit; bring around/about; revolve
'''imbŭo, -ŭĕre -ŭi, -ūtum:''' drench, steep; dip or wet for the first time; inaugurate, give first experience
vomer, vomeris Mplowshare; stylus
'''sĭmŭl:''' adv., at the same time, tohether, as well; conj., as soon as
'''rōstrum, -i, n.:''' the snout or muzzle of an animal; the beak of a bird or ship
'''ventōsus, -a, -um:''' windy
'''prōscindo, -scindĕre, -scĭdi, -scissum:''' plow
'''aequo (1):''' make level, even, or smooth
'''torquĕo, torquēre, torsi, tortum:''' twist, whirl, spin in an eddy
'''rēmĭgĭum, -ii, n.:''' the action of rowing
'''spūma, -ae, f.:''' foam
'''incānesco, -cānĕre, -canŭi:''' become white or hoary
'''ēmergo, -gĕre, -si, -sum:''' come out of the water, emerge
'''frĕtum, -i, n.:''' any place where the sea boils up; sea
'''candeo, -ēre, -ui:''' shine, gleam, glisten, sparkle
'''ē, ex:''' out of, from, in accordance with
'''gurges, -ĭtis, m.:''' a swirling mass of water; sea
'''vultus, -ūs, m.:''' countenance, face
'''aequŏrĕus, -a, -um:''' of the sea, maritime
'''monstrum, -i, n.:''' portent, prodigy, apparition; monster; a monstrous act, attrocity
'''admīror, -āri, -ātus sum:''' marvel or wonder at, admire
'''atque:''' and
'''lux, lūcis, f.:''' light, ray; by metonymy, day; sweetheart
'''mărīnus, -a, -um: ''' of the sea, marine
'''mortālis, -e:''' a mortal, human being
'''ŏcŭlus, -i, m.:''' eye
'''nūdo (1):''' make naked, denude, bare
'''corpus, -ŏris, n.:''' body
'''nympha, -ae, f.:''' a semidivine female nature spirit
'''nūtrix, -īcis, f.:''' nurse; breast
'''tĕnus:''' prep. w/ abl. or gen., up to, as far as
'''exsto (1):''' stand out
'''cānus, -a, -um:''' white, whitened
'''tum:''' adv., then, at that time
'''incendo, -dĕre, -di, -sum:''' set of fire; inflame
'''fĕro, fĕrre, tŭli, lātum:  ''' bear, carry; endure, withstand; say; take, accept
'''ămor, -ōris, m.:''' love; personified, the god of love
'''hūmānus, -a, -um:''' human; of or with a mortal human being
'''dēspĭcĭo, -ĭcĕre, -exi, -ectum:''' look down on, scorn
'''Hymĕnaeus, -i, m.:''' the Greek wedding refrain, hymeneal; personified as god of marriage; pl. marriage
'''iŭgo (1):''' join, hitch, yoke
'''sentĭo, -tīre, -si, -sum:''' perceive, sense, feel
'''ō:''' interjection, expressing grief, pleasure, indignation, or adjuration
'''nĭmis:''' adv., too much; very much
'''saeclum, -i n.:''' a generation
'''nascor, nascī, nātus sum,''' to be born; originate
'''hēros, -ōis, m.:''' a hero
'''salvē, salvēte:''' greetings! hail!
'''gĕnus, -ĕris, n.:''' stock, family; offspring; kind, type; way, method, mode
'''bŏnus, -a, -um:''' good; of "good" social standing
'''māter, -tris, f.:''' mother
'''prōgĕnĭes, -ēi, f.:''' offspring, progeny
'''ĭter, ĭtĭnĕris n.:''' journey, path, road, course
'''vos:''' 2nd pers. pl. pron., you
'''saepe:''' adv., often
'''carmen, -ĭnis, n.:''' song, poem; incantation
'''compello (1):''' address, invoke
'''ădĕo, -īre, -ĭī, -ĭtum: ''' approach, go to, visit
'''exĭmĭus, -a, -um:''' excepted; exceptional, choice
'''taeda, -ae, f.:''' pinewood, esp. as used in torches; torch; marriage torch, by metonymy, wedding
'''fēlix, -īcis:''' fruitful; lucky, prosperous; happy
'''augĕo, augĕre, auxi, auctum:''' augment, increase; glorify; enhance, equip, furnish
'''cŏlŭmen, -ĭnis, n.:''' roof, summit, peak; a key person, top man
'''Iūppĭter, Iŏvis, m.:''' Juppiter or Zeus, chief of the Olympian gods; by metonymy, the weather, wind, sky
'''gĕnĭtor, -ōris, m.:''' father; pl., parents
'''concēdo, -cēdĕre, -cessi, -cessum: ''' withdraw; grant, hand over
'''tĕnĕo, tĕnēre, tĕnŭi, tentum:''' hold
'''pulcer, -cra, -crum:''' beautiful, handsome, lovely
'''dūco, -cĕre, -xi, -ctum:''' lead, take; take as one's wife; consider, reckon
'''nĕpos, -ōtis, m.:''' grandson, descendant
'''Ōcĕănus, -i, m.:''' Ocean, god of the sea, husband of Tethys
'''măre, -is, n.:''' sea
'''tōtus, -a, -um:''' the whole, all
'''amplector, -ctī, -exus sum:''' embrace
'''orbis, -is, m.:''' disk; sphere
'''fīnĭo, -īre, -īvi or -ĭi, -ītum:''' mark out the boundaries; finish
'''advĕnĭo, -vĕnīre, -vēni, -ventum:''' arrive at, come to
'''dŏmus, -ūs, f.:''' home; house, family
'''convĕnĭo, -vĕnīre -vēni, -ventum:''' meet together; agree
'''frĕquento (1):''' fill with people; occupy, crowd, throng
'''opplĕo, -ēre, -ēvi, -ētum:''' fill up
'''laetor, -āri, -ātus sum:''' rejoice, be glad
'''rēgĭus, -a, -um:''' royal; princely, splendid
'''coetus, -us, m.:''' meeting; band, company, group, crowd
'''dōno (1):''' give, dedicate
'''prae:''' prep. w/ abl., before, in front of; in comparison with
'''dēclāro (1):''' make known, declare, tell
'''gaudĭum, -ii, n.:''' joy, delight, gladness
'''dēsĕro, -rĕre -rŭi, -rtum:''' forsake, leave
'''linquo, linquĕre, līqui, lictus:''' leave, quit
'''Tempē, n.:''' valley of the Peneus R. between Mt. Olympus and Mt. Ossa, famous for its scenic beauty
'''moenĭa, -ĭum, n.:''' town walls
'''cŏĕo, -īre, -īvi or -ii, -ĭtum:''' come together, meet
'''tĕgo, -gĕre, -xi, -ctum:''' cover
'''rūs, rūris, n.:''' country, boondocks
'''cŏlo, cŏlĕre, colŭi, cultum:''' inhabit; till; look after
'''nēmō̆, neminis, m.:''' nobody, no one
'''mollesco, -ĕre:''' become soft
'''collum, -i, n.: ''' neck
'''iŭvencus, -i, m.:''' young bull or ox, bullock
'''hŭmĭlis, -e:''' low
'''curvus, -a, -um:''' bent, curving
'''purgo (1):''' clean, clear out; (refl.) apologize, excuse
'''vīnĕa, -ae, f.:''' grapevines
'''rastrum, -i, n.:''' a type of hoe
'''glēba, -ae, f.:''' a lump of earth, clod
'''prōnus, -a, -um:''' leaning forward, angling or sloping toward the ground; sloping; face down, prone; flat
'''convello, -vellĕre, -velli, -volsum:''' tug at; plow up, dislodge, uproot
'''vōmer, -ĕris, m.:''' a plowshare, the part of a plow that cuts the furrow
'''taurus, -i, m.:''' a bull
'''falx, falcis, f.:''' a curved knife for pruning trees ad vines
'''attĕnŭo (1):''' make thin, reduce, thin out
'''frondātor, -ōris, m.:''' a foliage tender, pruner
'''arbor, -ŏris, f.:''' tree
'''umbra, -ae, f.:''' shade, shadow
'''squālĭdus, -a, -um:''' rough; filthy
'''rubigo, rubiginis, f.:''' rust; blight
'''infĕro, inferre, intŭli, illātum, ''' bring in; bring on, incur; enter (as in a document, will, etc.)
'''ărātrum, -i, n.:''' plow
'''sĕdeo, sĕdēre, sēdi, sessum:''' sit
'''quācumquē:''' adv., wherever
'''ŏpŭlentus, -a, -um:''' wealthy, opulent
'''rĕcēdo, -cēdĕre, -cessi, -cessum:''' draw back; extend backward, recede
'''fulgeo, fulgēre, fulsi:''' shine brightly, gleam
'''splendĕo, -ēre:''' shine, be bright, glitter
'''aurum, -i, n.:''' gold
'''argentum, -i, n.:''' silver
'''ĕbur, -ŏris, n.:''' ivory
'''sŏlĭum, -ii, n.:''' a high-backed chair, throne
'''collūcĕo, -ēre:''' shine
'''pōcŭlum, -i, n.:''' cup
'''mensa, -ae, f.:''' table
'''gaudĕo, gaudēre, gāvīsus:''' rejoice, take pleasure
'''rēgālis, -e.:''' kingly, royal, regal
'''splendĭdus, -a, -um:''' brilliant, bright, glittering
'''gaza, -ae''' treasure
'''pulvīnar, -āris, n.:''' a couch on which images of gods were placed at a banquet offered to the gods
'''vērō:''' adv., part., in truth, indeed
'''gĕnĭālis, -e:''' of or pertaining to a person's ''genius''; of or pertaining to marriage
'''lŏco (1):''' place
'''sēdes, -is, f.:''' seat, place, home
'''mĕdĭus, -a, -um:''' middle; the middle of
'''Indus, -a, -um:''' Indian
'''dens, dentis, m.:''' tooth
'''pŏlĭo, -īre, -īvi and -ĭi, -ītum:''' polish
'''tingo, -ngĕre, -nxi, -nctum:''' dip; dye
'''rŏsĕus, -a, -um:''' rosy, red
'''purpŭra, -ae, f.:''' a shellfish yielding a purple dye; purple dye; any purple-dyed cloth
'''fūcus, -i, m.:''' seaweed; dye (orig. that derived from a seaweed)
'''vestis, -is, f.:''' clothing; any drapery, such as a bedspread or sail (cf. Eng. A ''suit'' of sails)
'''priscus, a, um:''' ancient, olden, old-fashioned, archaic
'''vărĭo (1):''' adorn with contrasting colors; embroider; mottle, bruise
'''fĭgūra, -ae, f.:''' form, shape, aspect, appearance
'''mīrus, -a, -um:''' extraordinary, remarkable
'''virtūs, -ūtis, f.:''' manliness, manly excellence (cf. Gk. ''aretē'')
'''indĭco (1):''' reveal, declare, disclose, show
'''ars, artis, f.:''' craftsmanship (cf. Gk. ''technē'')
'''flŭentĭsŏnus, -a, -um:''' resounding with the noise of the sea
'''prospecto (1):''' gaze out
'''lītus, -ŏris, n.:''' shore
'''Dīa, -ae, f.:''' an Aegean island, usu. identified with Naxos
'''cēdo, cēdĕre, cessi, cessum:''' go; go away, depart
'''cĕler, -ĕris, e:''' swift
'''classis, -is, f.:''' any designated group or class; fleet
'''tŭĕor, tŭēri, tuĭtus sum:''' look at, view, observe
'''indŏmĭtus, -a, -um:''' untamed; indomitable; violent
'''cor, cordis, n.:''' heart
'''gĕro, gĕrĕre, gessi, gestum:''' bear, conduct, carry on, do; wear
'''fŭror, -ōris, m.:''' passion, rage, frenzy
'''necdum:''' conj., and not yet, but not yet
'''vīso, -sĕre, -si, -sum:''' (freq. of ''video'') go to see; look at, gaze at, view
'''crēdo, -dĕre, -dĭdi, -dĭtum''' entrust; believe
'''utpŏtĕ:''' part., as one might expect, as is natural
'''fallax, -ācis:''' treacherous, deceptive
'''excĭto (1):''' rouse, wake; stir up, arouse, excite
'''somnus, -i, m.:''' sleep, sts. personified as ''Somnus''
'''sōlus, -a, -um:''' only, alone, lonely
'''mĭser, -ĕra, -ĕrum:''' wretched, unhappy
'''cerno, cernĕre, crēvi, crētum:''' sift; distinguish; decide, determine; make out, perceive
'''hărēna, -ae, f.:''' sand, beach
'''immĕmor, -ŏris:''' forgetful, heedless, feckless
'''fŭgĭo, fŭgĕre, fūgi, fŭgĭtum:''' run away, flee, escape, slip off
'''pello, pellĕre, pĕpŭli, pulsum:''' push; strike, beat; drive, drive off
'''rēmus, -i, m.:''' oar
'''irrĭtus, -a, -um:''' not ratified, null and void; empty, unfulfilled, vain
'''prōmitto, -mittĕre, -mīsi, -missum:''' send forth; undertake, promise, guarantee
'''prŏcella, -ae, f.:''' storm, gale
'''prŏcul:''' adv., far off; to a great distance
'''alga, -ae, f.:''' seaweed
'''maestus, -a, -um:''' sad
'''ŏcellus, -i, m.:''' dim. of ''oculus'', eye; as term of endearment, darling
'''saxĕus, -a, -um:''' made of stone
'''effĭgĭes, -ēi, f.:''' statue, effigy
'''bacchor, -āri, -ātus sum:''' celebrate rites of Bacchus; act like a Bacchant, rave
'''prōspĭcĭo, -ĭcĕre, -exi, -ectum:''' look forth or out
'''ēheu:''' interj., Alas!
'''cūra, -ae, f.:''' care, concern, anxiety
'''fluctŭo (1):''' surge like a wave; be in turmoil
'''flāvus, -a, -um:''' yellow, gold-colored, blonde
'''subtīlis, -e:''' fine-textured, delicate
'''mī̆tra, -ae, f.:''' an oriental headdress tied under the chin with ribbons
'''contĕgo, -gĕre, -xi, -ctum:''' cover up; shelter
'''vēlo (1):''' cover, clothe, veil
'''pectus, -ŏris, n.:''' breast, chest; soul, heart, mind
'''ămictus, -ūs, m.:''' a mantle or cloak
'''tĕrĕs, -ĕtis:''' smooth; rounded
'''strŏphĭum, -ii, n.:''' a twisted band supporting a woman's breast
'''lactens, -entis:''' milky; milk-white
'''vincĭo, vincīre, vinxi, vinctum:''' fasten, tie, bind
'''păpilla, -ae, f.:''' nipple; breast
'''dēlābor, -lābī, -lapsus sum:''' fall, slip down
'''passim:''' adv., dispersedly, all over the place
'''antĕ: ''' adv., before, previously
'''pēs, pĕdis, m.:''' foot; (poet.) a metrical foot; (naut.) the line or sheet by which each of the two lower corners of a square sail is made fast to the ship
'''sal, sălis, m.:''' salt; fig., of a quality that gives character and flavor, wit; by metonymy, the sea
'''allūdo, -ūdĕre, -ūsi, -ūsum:''' play with
'''nĕque:''' conj., adv. and not
'''flŭĭto (1):''' flow; float, drift
'''ămĭcĭo, -ĭcīre, -ĭcui, -ictum:''' cover, cloak
'''vĭcis (gen.), acc. vicem, f.:''' a recurring occasion for action,turn; plight or situation
'''cūro (1):''' watch over, care for, care about
'''Thēseus, -ĕï, m.:''' son of Aegeus, seducer of Ariadne (later husband of her sister Phaedra), slayer of the Minotaur
'''ănĭmus, -i, m.:''' the mind
'''pendĕo, pendēre, pĕpendi:''' hang; depend, rely
'''perdo, -dĕre, -dĭdi, -ditum:''' ruin, spoil
'''mens, mentis, f.:''' mind
'''assĭdŭus, -a, -um:''' settled; constantly present, persistent, unremitting
'''luctus, -ūs, m.:''' the expression of grief; lamentation, grief, sorrow
'''externo (1):''' drive out of one's wits, madden, panic
'''spīnōsus, -a, -um:''' thorny, prickly
'''sĕro, sĕrĕre, sēvi, sătum:''' sow, plant
'''tempestas, -ātis, f.:''' period, time, season; weather; storm
'''fĕrox, -ōcis:''' fierce
'''ēgrĕdĭor, -grĕdī, -gressus sum:''' come out, depart
'''attingo, -tingĕre, -tĭgi, -tactum:''' touch; touch upon (in speaking), mention
'''iniustus, -a, -um:''' unjust
'''templum, -i, n.:''' a consecrated area; a zone, space, region, or quarter
'''pĕrhĭbĕo, -ēre, -ui, -ĭtum:''' present, bestow; say, hold, maintain, give out
'''ōlim:''' adv., formerly, once, once upon a time
'''crūdēlis, -e:''' savage, cruel
'''pestis, -is, f.: ''' physical destruction; plague, affliction, bane
'''cōgo, cōgĕre, cŏēgi, cŏactum:''' round up, collect; compel
'''poena, -ae, f.:''' penalty
'''exsolvo, -solvĕre, -solvi, -sŏlūtum:''' unfasten; discharge, pay
'''caedes, -is, f.:''' killing, murder; gore
'''ēlĭgo, -lĭgĕre, -lēgi, -lectum:''' pull out; select
'''dĕcus, -ŏris, n.:''' glory; the best of anything
'''innuptus, -a, -um:''' unwed
'''sŏlĕo, -ēre, -ĭtus:''' to be accustomed (to); (euphemistic, w/ acc.) to "know," i.e., be sexually intimate with
'''daps, dăpis, f.:''' a sacrifical meal; any feast or meal; food
'''angustus, -a, -um:''' narrow
'''mălus, -a, -um:''' bad, evil, malicious
'''vexo (1):''' buffet, harry, ravage, afflict
'''cārus, -a, -um:''' dear
'''Ăthēnae, -ārum, f.:''' Athens
'''prōĭcĭo, -ĭcĕre, -iēci, -iectum:''' fling forth, throw forward; renounce
'''pŏtĭus:''' adv., more, more than, rather
'''tālis, -e:''' such a, such
'''Crēta, -ae, f.:''' Crete, large island south of the Aegean Sea, home of King Minos and Ariadne
'''fūnus, -ĕris, n.:''' funeral rites; a corpse; death
'''porto (1):''' carry
'''nāvis, -is, f.:''' ship
'''nītor, nītī, nixus sum:''' lean; press onward; rely, depend
'''lēnis, -e:''' easy, gentle
'''auris, -is, f.:''' ear
'''magnănĭmus, -a, -um:''' noble-spirited, brve, bold
'''vĕnĭo, vĕnīre, vēni, ventum:''' come
'''sŭperbus, -a, -um:''' proud, haughty
'''cŭpĭdus, -a, -um:''' desirous, eager
'''conspĭcĭo, -spĭcĕre, -spexi, -spectum:''' catch sight of, lay eyes on
'''lūmen, -ĭnis, n.:''' radiance, light; day; the light of life; by metonymy, eye; a light-giving body in the heavens
'''virgo, -ĭnis, f.:''' maiden, virgin; the constellation Virgo
'''suāvis, -e:''' agreeable, pleasant
'''exspīro (1):''' exhale, pant, emit (a fragrance); be exhaled
'''castus, -a, -um:''' free from vice, pure, chaste
'''ŏdor, -ōris, m.:''' smell, odor, fragrance
'''lectŭlus, -i, m.:''' dim. of ''lectus'', bed, couch
'''mollis, -e:''' soft, mild, languid, voluptuous
'''complexus, -ūs, m.:''' embrace
'''ălo, ălĕre, ălŭi, altum:''' nurse, feed, foster; cherish
'''quālis, -e:''' (interr) of what kind; (rel.) such as
'''Eurōtas, -ae, m.:''' the river that runs through Sparta
'''praecingo, -ngĕre, -nxi, -nctum:''' encircle, stand around
'''flūmen, -ĭnis, n.:''' river
'''myrtus, -i, f.:''' the myrtle tree, a bushy shrub with oval leaves and fragrant white or rosy flowers, common to southern Europe
'''distinctus, -a, -um:''' separate, different, distinct
'''ēdūco, -cĕre, -xi, -ctum:''' bring out
'''vernus, -a, -um:''' of spring, vernal
'''cŏlor, -ōris, m.:''' color
'''prĭor, -ĭus:''' former
'''flā̆gro (1):''' burn
'''dēclīno (1):''' lower, decline
'''cunctus, -a, -um:''' the whole of, all
'''concĭpĭo, -cĭpĕre, -cēpi, -ceptum:''' take in, catch, conceive, contract (a disease); conceive (a child), produce, be the mother of
'''flamma, -ae, f.:''' flame, fire
'''fundĭtus:''' adv., from the bottom up; utterly
'''ĭmus, -a, -um:''' lowest, deepest
'''exardesco, -ardescĕre, -arsi, -arsum:''' catch fire, blaze up
'''mĕdulla, -ae, f.:''' the marrow of the bones; the interior, inside, seat of the emotions
'''heu:''' interj., alas
'''mĭsĕrē:''' adv., wretchedly, with piteous result, unhappily
'''exăgĭto (1):''' stir up
'''immītis, -e:''' ungentle, pitiless, violent
'''sanctus, -a, -um:''' holy, sacred, inviolate
'''pŭer, -ĕri, m.:''' boy; colloq., of a friend; slave
'''miscĕo, miscēre, miscŭi, mixtum:''' mix, combine
'''Īdălĭum, -ĭi, n.:''' town in Cyprus sacred to Aphrodite/Venus
'''frondōsus, -a, -um:''' leafy
'''iacto (1):''' throw; toss about, torment
'''pŭella, -ae, f.:''' girl; young woman; girlfriend
'''hospĕs, -ĭtis, m.:''' guest, visitor; stranger
'''suspīro (1):''' sigh, pant
'''quantus, -a, -um:''' interr. or rel. adj., how much, how great, pl. how many
'''languĕo, -ēre:''' be faint, droop, be sick
'''tĭmor, -ōris, m.:''' fear, anxiety
'''magis: ''' adv., more
'''fulgor, -ōris, m.:''' brightness, luster
'''expallesco, -lescĕre, -lŭi:''' turn pale
'''saevus, -a, -um:''' fierce, savage
'''cŭpĭo, -ĕre, -īvi or -ĭi, -ītum:''' want, desire
'''contrā:''' adv., in front, opposite; in return; on the other hand
'''contendo, -dĕre, -di, -tum:''' stretch, strain; contend
'''mors, -tis, f.:''' death
'''appĕto, -ĕre, -īvi or -ii, -ītum:''' try to reach; seek; attack
'''praemĭum, -ii, n.:''' payment, offering, prize, reward
'''laus, laudis, f.:''' praise; cause of praise, virtue, glory
'''ingrātus, -a, -um:''' thankless, unwelcome, disagreeable
'''frustrā:''' adv., in vain
'''mūnuscŭlum, -i, n.:''' a small gift or favor
'''tăcĭtus, -a, -um:''' unspeaking; silent
'''căpĭo, căpĕre, cēpi, captum:''' catch, snatch
'''vŏvĕo, vŏvēre, vōvi, vōtum:''' promise, vow
'''lăbellum, -i, n.:''' (dim. of ''labrum'') lip
'''vĕlut, vĕlŭti:''' adv., just as
'''quătĭo, quătĕre, quassum:''' shake
'''brāchĭum, -ii, n.:; ''' arm
'''quercus, -ūs, f.:''' an oak tree
'''cōnĭger, -gĕra, -gĕrum:''' coniferous, e.g., a pine tree
'''sūdo (1):''' sweat, perspire
'''cortex, -ĭcis, m.:''' bark, cortex
'''turbo, -ĭnis, m.:''' anything that spins; whirlwind, tornado; maelstrom; a weight used in spinning
'''contorquĕo, -torquēre, -torsi, -tortum:''' twist, agitate
'''ērŭo, -ŭĕre, -ŭi, -ŭtum:''' remove, uproot
'''rādīcĭtus:''' adv., by, from, or at the roots; roots and all
'''exturbo (1):''' drive out, remove by force
'''cădo, cădĕre, cĕcĭdi, cāsum:''' fall
'''lātē:''' adv., far, at a distance, far and wide
'''cumquĕ:''' postpos. adv., giving preceding pron. or adv. indefinite force: -ever, -soever
'''obvĭus, -a, -um:''' in the way or path of something
'''frango, frangĕre, frēgi, fractum:''' break
'''dŏmo (1):''' subdue
'''prōsterno (1):''' lay low, strike down
'''nēquīquam:''' adv., to no purpose, in vain
'''vānus, -a, -um:''' lacking substance, empty; vain, useless
'''cornū, -ūs, n.:''' horn
'''inde:''' adv., thence, from that point
'''sospĕs, -ĭtis:''' safe
'''multus, -a, -um:''' much; a lot of, many a; (pl.) many
'''rĕflecto, -ctĕre, -xi, -xum:''' bend back
'''errābundus, -a, -um:''' prone to err or make a wrong turning; wandering
'''rĕgo, -gĕre, -xi, -ctum:''' direct, manage, guide, control
'''vestīgĭum, -ii, n.:''' footprint, trail, track; mark, vestige; course; foot
'''fīlum, -i. n.:''' thread, string, filament
'''nē:''' neg. adv. & conj., introducing prohibitions, clauses of purpose, etc.: do not, let not, lest, in order that not, etc.
'''lăbyrinthēus, -a, -um:''' of or like a labyrinth, labyrinthine
'''flexus, -ūs, m.:''' a bending, turning, curve
'''ĭnobservābĭlis, -e:''' undetectable to the eye; difficult to trace or observe
'''error, -ōris, m.:''' a wandering; deviation, mistake
'''dīgrĕdĭor, -grĕdī, -gressus sum:''' go off; digress
'''plūs, plūris:''' adj. & adv., more
'''commĕmŏro (1):''' recall, recount
'''fīlĭa, -ae, f.:''' daughter
'''consanguinea, -ae, f.:''' sister, female relative
'''dēnĭquē:''' adv., finally
'''gnātus, -i, m.:''' son
'''deperditus, -a, -um:''' lost, ruined
'''laetus, -a, -um:''' glad, happy
'''dulcis, -e:''' sweet
'''praeopto (1):''' prefer, choose in preference
'''vĕho, -hĕre, -xi, -ctum:''' convey, carry, transport
'''rătis, -is, f.:''' raft; boat, ship
'''spūmōsus, -a, -um:''' foamy
'''dēvincĭo, -ncīre, -nxi, -nctum:''' tie fast, bind
'''discēdo, -cēdĕre, -cessi, -cessum:''' scatter; depart, desert, run away
'''coniunx,  -iŭgis, m. or f.:''' spouse, consort, mate, wife, husband
'''ardĕo, -rdēre, -rsi, -rsum:''' burn, blaze
'''fŭro, -ĕre, -ŭi:''' be mad or crazed; rage with passion, rave
'''clārĭsŏnus, -a, -um:''' clear-sounding, loud, shrill
'''fundo, fundĕre, fūdi, fūsum:''' pour, pour forth, emit, utter
'''vŏco (1):''' call, summon, invite
'''praeruptus, -a, -um:''' broken off into a cliff, steep
'''tristis, -e:''' grim, fierce, gloomy; unhappy, sad
'''conscendo, -ndĕre, -ndi, -nsum:''' climb up
'''mons, -tis, m.:''' mountain
'''undĕ:''' rel. adv., from which, whence
'''ăcĭēs, -ēi, f.:''' a sharp edge; the sight of one's eyes, vision
'''pĕlăgus, -i, n.:''' the sea
'''vastus, -a, -um:''' desolate, uninhabited, featureless, dreary, endless
'''prōtendo, -dĕre, -di, -tum:''' stretch out; extend forward over a distance
'''aestus, -ūs, m.:''' heat, hot weather; swell (of the sea), flood; tumult
'''trĕmŭlus, -a, -um:''' shaky, trembling; shaking (voluntarily, as one dandling an infant)
'''adversus, -a, -um:''' opposite, facing
'''prōcurro, -currĕre, -curri, -cursum:''' run forward; roll forth
'''tollo, tollĕre, sustŭli, sublātum:''' pick up, raise, tke, carry off, steal
'''tegmen, -ĭnis, n.:''' covering
'''sūra, -ae, f.:''' calf of the leg
'''extrēmus, -a, -um:''' farthest, the farthest part of; final
'''quĕrella, -ae, f.:''' complaint, protest, lament
'''frīgĭdŭlus, -a, -um:''' dim. of ''frigidus'', chilly, cold; (of language, rhetoric, etc.) feeble, tedious, frigid
'''ūdus, -a, -um:''' wet
'''singultus, -ūs, m.:''' sob
'''ōs, ōris, n.:''' mouth; face, countenance
'''sīcĭnē:''' ''sic'' + interrog. ''-ne'': is this the way?
'''pā̆trĭus, -a, -um:''' of one's father or fathers; paternal, ancestral
'''āvĕho, -vĕhĕre, -vexi, -vectum:''' carry off
'''perfĭdus, -a, -um:''' treacherous, perfidious
'''āra, -ae, f.:''' altar
'''neglĕgo, -ĕgĕre, -exi, -ectum:''' regard as of no consequence, be indifferent to, disregard, ignore, fail to respect
'''nūmen, -ĭnis, n.:''' a nod; divine power
'''ā:''' expletive of distress, pity, or entreaty.
'''dēvōtus, -a, -um:''' accursed; vowed as an offering
'''periūrĭum, -ii, n.:''' a breach of oath, flase oath, perjury
'''nullus, -a, -um:''' adj. & subst., not one, no, none; with adverbial force, not at all
'''flecto, -ctĕre, -xi, -xum:''' bend; turn, avert
'''consĭlĭum, -ii, n.:''' deliberation; advice; resolution, purpose
'''clēmentĭa, -ae, f.:''' mercy, pity, clemency
'''praestō:''' adv., available, ready
'''vŏlo, velle, volui:''' wish, be willing
'''mĭsĕresco, -ĕre:''' w/ gen., have compassion on
'''blandus, -a, -um:''' charming, ingratiating, seductive, sweet
'''vox, vōcis, f.:''' voice; word
'''spēro (1):''' hope, hope for; anticipate
'''iŭbĕo, iŭbēre, iussi, iussum:''' order, bid
'''cōnūbĭum, -ii, n.:''' marriage; pl. a wedding
'''discerpo, -pĕre, -psi, -ptum:''' tear to pieces
'''ventus, -i, m.:''' wind
'''nunc:''' adv., now
'''iam:''' adv., now
'''vĭr, vĭri, m.:''' man; husband; (poet.) manhood
'''iūro (1):''' swear an oath
'''fēmĭna, -ae, f.:''' woman
'''sermo, -ōnis, m.:''' talk, informal speech, conversation; topic of conversation
'''fĭdēlis, -e:''' faithful, worthy of trust
'''dum:''' conj., as long as; (w. historical pres.) while; (w/ subjunctive) provided that; (w/ ind. or subj.) until
'''ălĭquis, aliquid:''' indef. pron., someone, something; indef. adj., some
'''praegestio, -īre:''' have an overpowering desire, be especially eager for
'''ăpiscor, -ăpiscī, aptus sum:''' seuze, grasp; obtain
'''nĭhil, nīl:''' indecl. n., nothing; w/ adv. force, an emphatic form of ''non''; not at all
'''mĕtŭo, -ŭĕre, -ŭi, -ūtum:''' fear; w/ ''a'', ''ab'', fear danger (from)
'''parco, parcĕre, pĕperci:''' act sparingly, refrain from, show restraint
'''sătĭo (1):''' satisfy
'''lĭbīdo, -ĭnis, f.:''' desire; sexual craving
'''certus, -a, -um: ''' fixed, definite, sure, unerring
'''verso (1):''' keep turning; pass. w/ middle force, toss and turn
'''lētum, -i, n.:''' death
'''ērĭpĭo, -ĭpĕre, -ĭpŭi, -eptum:''' snatch away, remove
'''germānus, -i, m.:''' brother
'''āmitto, -mittĕre, -mīsi, -missum:''' dismiss, give up, forfeit; lose
'''sū̆prēmus, -a, -um:''' highest; final; decisive, critical, desperate
'''dēsum, -esse, -efŭi:''' be wanting or lacking; fail
'''dīlăcĕro (1):''' tear to pieces
'''fĕra, -ae, f.:''' wild animal
'''ālĕs, ālĭtĭs:''' winged
'''praeda, -ae, f.:''' booty, prey
'''tŭmŭlo (1):''' cover with a burial mound; bury
'''mŏrĭor, mŏrī, mortŭus sum:''' die
'''terra, -ae, f.:''' earth; land
'''quisnam, quaenam, quidnam:''' pron. & adj., who/what, tell me?, who/what, finally
'''gigno, gignĕre, gĕnŭi, gĕnĭtum:''' create, beget, give birth to
'''sŭb:''' prep. w/ acc. or abl., under
'''rūpes, -is, f.:''' cliff, crag
'''lĕaena, -ae, f.:''' lioness
'''spūmo (1):''' foam, froth
'''exspŭo, -ŭĕre, -ŭi, -ūtum:''' spit out
'''Syrtis, -is, f.:''' shoals on the N. African coast between Carthage and Cyrene
'''răpax, -ācis:''' predatory, rapacious
'''vasto (1):''' make desolate; destroy, sack
'''reddo, -dĕre, -dĭdi, -dĭtum:''' give back, restore; repay (a debt, obligation, or vow); pay (honor, tribute, etc.); render, turn something or someone into
'''vīta, -ae, f.:''' life; hyperb., as a term of endearment
'''horrĕo, -ēre, -ui:''' bristle; shudder or tremble at, fear; regard with awe or dread
'''praeceptum, -i, n.:''' advice, precept; instruction, order
'''pārĕo, -ēre, -ŭi, pārĭtum:''' submit, be obedient
'''attămen:''' nevertheless
'''vester, -tra, -trum:''' 3rd pers. poss. adj., your, yours
'''iūcundus, -a, -um:''' pleasant, delightful
'''fămŭlor, -āri, -ātus sum:''' be a servant
'''serva, -ae, f.:''' female slave or servant
'''lăbor or lăbos, -ōris, m.:''' labor, effort, toil
'''candĭdus, -a, -um:''' bright; white; fair-skinned (implying beauty); gorgeous (of a woman)
'''permulcĕo, -mulcēre, -mulsi, -sum:''' caress, soothe, refresh
'''lympha, -ae, f.:''' a water nymph; (poet.) water
'''consterno (1):''' cover, spread
'''cŭbīle, -is, n.:''' bed, couch
'''ignārus, -a, -um:''' ignorant, uncomprehending
'''conquĕror, -quĕrī, -questus sum:''' complain, lament
'''aura, -ae, f.:''' breeze, wind
'''sensus, -ūs, m.:''' sensation; any of the senses; conciousness
'''mitto, mittĕre, mīsi, missum:''' send, send forth; (of weapons) throw, cast, hurl; emit, utter; cease, desist, omit; let go, release, abandon, discard; give
'''audĭo, -īre, -īvi or -ii, -itum:''' hear, pay attention to
'''quĕo, -īre, -īvi and -ii, -ĭtum:''' to be able
'''prŏpe:''' adv. & prep. w/ acc., near
'''quisquam, quicquam:''' indef. pron., anyone, anything
'''appārĕo, -ēre, -ui, -itum:''' be visible
'''văcŭus, -a, -um:''' vacant, empty, empty-handed
'''insulto (1):''' leap or trample on; behave insultingly, scoff
'''fors, fortis, f.:''' chance, luck
'''invĭdĕo, -vĭdēre, -vīdi, -vīsum:''' to look at with ill will or envy; begrudge
'''questus, -ūs, m.:''' complaint, protest
'''omnĭpŏtens, -ntis:''' all-powerful
'''ŭtĭnam:''' particle used to express a wish: would that, how I wish that
'''tango, tangĕre, tĕtĭgi, tactum: ''' touch
'''dīrus, -a, -um:''' awful, dread, dire, frightful
'''stīpendĭum, -ii, n.:''' payment
'''rĕlĭgo (1):''' tie back, tie up; untie
'''nāvĭta, -ae, m.:''' = ''nauta'', sailor
'''fūnis, -is, m.:''' rope; a ship's hawser, mooring rope
'''cēlo (1):''' conceal
'''forma, -ae, f.:''' appearance; beauty, good looks
'''rĕquĭesco, -ĕre, -ēvi, -ētum:''' rest, find relief
'''rĕfĕro, refĕrre, rettŭli, rĕlātum: ''' bring back; report; (reflexive) return; w/ ''in'' + abl., write down; w/ acc. & dat., put something down to, assign to a category
'''spes, spēi, f.:''' hope
'''pĕto, -ĕre, -īvi and -ĭi, -ītum:''' seek
'''lătus, -ĕris, n.:''' side, flank
'''discerno, -cernĕre, -crēvi, -crētum:''' separate, divide off
'''pons, -ntis, m.:''' bridge
'''trŭcŭlentus, -a, -um:''' ferocious; n. pl. as subst., ferocity
'''dīvĭdo, -vĭdĕre, -vīsi, -vīsum:''' separate, divide
'''ăn:''' particle introducing questions with note of surprise or indignation: can it be that … ?; (after ''utrum'') or
'''auxĭlĭum, -ii, n.:''' aid, assistance, help
'''rĕlinquo, -linquĕre, -līqui, -lictum:''' quit, leave, forsake
'''rēspergo, -gĕre, -si, -sum:''' sprinkle, spatter, splash
'''frāternus, -a, -um:''' of or from a brother, fraternal
'''caedo, caedĕre, cĕcīdi, caesum:''' strike, strike dead; to "beat" with sexual intercourse; cut through, hew
'''sĕquor, sĕqui, sĕcūtus sum:''' follow
'''fīdus, -a, -um:''' faithful, loyal, devoted
'''consōlor, -āri, -ātus sum:''' comfort, console, solace
'''lentus, -a, -um:''' supple, pliant; slow, taking one's time, unconcerned, at ease
'''incurvo (1):''' bend
'''praetĕrĕā:''' adv., besides, moreover
'''insŭla, -ae, f.:''' island
'''tectum, -i, n.:''' roof; by metonymy, house
'''păteo, -ēre, -ŭi:''' be open; show as entered (in accounts)
'''cingo, -ĕre, -xi, -nctum:''' surround; crown
'''fŭga, -ae, f.:''' flight, escape
'''rătĭo, -ōnis, f.:''' account, reason; exercise of faculty of reason; business, matter, affair; method, means
'''mūtus, -a, -um:''' inarticulate, mute, dumb, silent
'''ostento (1):''' freq. of ''ostendo'', exhibit, display conspicuously
'''languesco, -guescĕre, -gŭi:''' weaken, grow feeble
'''fessus, -a, -um:''' tired, exhausted
'''sēcēdo, -cēdĕre, -cessi, -cessum:''' withdraw
'''iustus, -a, -um:''' just
'''exposco, -poscĕre, -pŏposci:''' ask for, demand, beg
'''prōdo, -dĕre, -dĭdi, -dĭtum:''' thrust out; give up, abandon, betray
'''caelestis, -e:''' of the heavens, celestial
'''fĭdes, -ĕi, f.:''' tutelage, faith, trust; trustworthiness; promise
'''postrēmus, -a, -um:''' final
'''comprĕcor, -āri, -ātus sum:''' pray to, invoke, supplicate
'''hōra, -ae, f.:''' hour
'''quārē:''' interr. & rel. adv., how? for what reason? on account of which thing; wherefore, therefore
'''multo (1):''' penalize
'''vindex, -ĭcis, m.:''' guarantor, defender, champion; one who punishes a wrong or takes vengeance
'''Eumĕnĭdes, -um, f.:''' Kindly Spirits, Furies, Erinyes, punishers of outrage
'''anguīnus, -a, -um:''' snaky, made of snakes
'''rĕdĭmĭo, -īre, -ĭi, -ītum:''' wreathe, encircle
'''căpillus, -i, m.:''' hair
'''frons, frontis, f.:''' forehead; front, façade
'''praeporto (1):''' carry before one, carry in front
'''īra, -ae, f.:''' wrath
'''huc:''' adv., to this place or point; to this total or amount
'''advento (1):''' (freq. of ''advenio'') approach, draw near
'''vae''' interj., woe to, alas for
'''prōfĕro, -ferre, -tŭli, -lātum:''' bring forth; utter
'''ĭnops, -ŏpis:''' destitute; defenseless; powerless
'''āmens, -mentis:''' demented, mad, insane
'''caecus, -a, -um:''' blind; dark
'''quŏnĭam:''' conj., as soon as, after; because, since
'''vērus, -a, -um:''' true
'''nōlo, nolle, nōlŭi:''' be unwilling, not to wish
'''pătĭor, pătī, passus sum:''' undergo, suffer, be subjected to; bear, put up with, tolerate, let, allow
'''vānesco, -ĕre:''' vanish; become ineffectual
'''dĕa, -ae, f.:''' goddess
'''fūnesto (1):''' pollute with death
'''postquam:''' conj., after
'''prō̆fundo, -fundĕre, -fūdi, -fūsum:''' pour forth
'''supplĭcĭum, -ii, n.:''' compensation offered to placate a person who has been wronged; reparation; punishment
'''anxĭus, -a, -um:''' anxious
'''annŭo, -ŭĕre, -ŭi, -ūtum:''' nod assent; consent
'''invictus, -a, -um:''' unvanquished
'''rector, -ōris, m.:''' steersman, ruler
'''mōtus, -ūs, m.:''' motion, movement
'''tellūs, -ūris, f.:''' earth, ground
'''horrĭdus, -a, -um:''' rough, rugged, wild, uncouth, harsh
'''contrĕmo, -ŭĕre, -ŭi:''' tremble violently
'''concŭtĭo, -cŭtĕre, -cussi, -cussum:''' cause to vibrate; shake
'''mĭco (1):''' quiver, dart, flicker; flash, glitter, gleam
'''sīdus, -ĕris, n.:''' star, planet, constellation
'''mundus, -a, -um:''' heavens, sky, firmament; world, earth
'''cālīgo, -ĭnis, f.:''' darkness, murk
'''consĕro, -sĕrĕre, -sēvi, -sĭtum:''' sow, plant; beset
'''oblīviscor, -līviscī, -lītus sum:''' forget, w/ gen. or acc. of object forgotten
'''dīmitto, -mittĕre, -mīsi, -missum:''' let go
'''mandātum, -i, n.:''' command
'''constans, -antis:''' steady, resolute, steadfast
'''sustollo, -ĕre:''' raise
'''signum, -i, n.:''' sign, signal
'''ostendo, -ndĕre, -di, -sum:''' show, display; reveal
'''portus, -ūs, m.:''' harbor, port
'''concrēdo, -dĕre, -dĭdi, -dĭtum:''' entrust
'''longus, -a, -um:''' long; tall, svelte
'''ūnĭcus, -a, -um:''' one and only, singular, unique, special
'''dŭbĭus, -a, -um:''' uncertain, doubtful; perilous
'''cāsus, -ūs, n.:''' fall; accident, chance, fortune, situation, plight
'''nūper:''' adv., recently
'''sĕnecta, -ae, f.:''' old age
'''quandōquĭdem:''' rel. adv., since
'''fortūna, -ae, f.:''' fortune
'''fervĭdus, -a, -um:''' hot; fervent, passionate, lusty
'''invītus, -a, -um:''' unwilling
'''languĭdus, -a, -um:''' weary, drooping, flaccid
'''nondum:''' adv., not yet
'''sătŭro (1):''' fill, satisfy, sate
'''sĭno, sĭnĕre, sīvi, sĭtum:''' leave alone; allow
'''sĕcundus, -a, -um:''' (early participal gerundive of sequor) going along with, following; hence (of a wind) favorable; second
'''exprōmo, -mĕre, -mpsi, -mptum:''' bring out, express
'''canities, -ei, f.:''' white or gray coloring; whiteness of hair; gray hair
'''infundo, -fundĕre, -fūdi, -fūsum:''' pour in or on
'''pulvis, -ĕris, m.:''' dust; sand
'''foedo (1):''' make foul, soil
'''infectus, -a, -um:''' dyed
'''văgus, -a, -um:''' roaming, wandering, rambling
'''suspendo, -dĕre, -di, -sum:''' hang, suspend
'''lintĕum, -i, n.:''' linen cloth; napkin; sail
'''incendĭum, -ĭi, n.:''' conflagration; inflammation, agony
'''carbăsus, -i, f.:''' sail, canvas
'''obscūro (1):''' darken
'''ferrūgo, -ĭnis, f.:''' rust; any color from reddish purple to nearly black
'''incŏla, ae, f.:''' inhabitant
'''dēfendo, -dĕre, -di, -sum:''' ward off; defend
'''sanguis, -ĭnis, m.:''' blood
'''dexter, -tĕra, -tĕrum:''' right; the right hand; on the right side
'''mĕmor, -ŏris:''' remembering, mindful
'''condĭtus, -a, -um:''' put away, preserved
'''vĭgĕo, -ēre:''' be vigorous and active, fluorish
'''ullus, -a, -um:''' any
'''oblittĕro (1):''' cause to be forgottend, wipe out
'''aetas, -ātis, f.:''' age, lifetime
'''invīso, -sĕre, -si, -sum:''' go to see; look upon
'''collis, -is, m.:''' hill, mountain
'''fūnestus, -a, -um:''' associated with mourning; funereal
'''antenna, -ae, f.:''' the horizontal yardarm of a sailing ship
'''dēpōno, -pōnĕre, -pŏsŭi, -pŏsĭtum:''' put down, lay down (in birth), put away
'''undĭquĕ:''' from all directions, from everywhere; throughout
'''intortus, -a, -um:''' twisted or twined
'''vēlum, -i, n.:''' sail
'''rŭdens, entis, m.:''' rope, line
'''agnosco, -noscĕre, -nōvi, -nitum:''' recognize
'''rĕdux, -dŭcis:''' brought back, returned, restored
'''prospĕrus, -a, -um:''' agreeable to one's wishes, prosperous
'''sisto, sistĕre, steti, stătum:''' (redup. ''sto'') cause to stand, set; present, hand over
'''ceu:''' part. introducing similes: in the same way as, as, like
'''nūbes, -is, f.:''' cloud
'''āĕrĭus or āĕrĕus, -a, -um:''' of the air, airy
'''nĭvĕus, -a, -um:''' snowy, white
'''căcūmen, -ĭnis, n.:''' peak, tip
'''prospectus, -ūs, m.:''' view, prospect
'''absūmo, -mĕre, -mpsi, -mptum:''' use up, consume, exhaust; do away with, remove by death
'''flĕo, flēre, flēvi, flētum:''' weep, cry; weep for, mourn
'''praeceps, -cĭpĭtis:''' plunging headfirst; headlong; sudden
'''scŏpŭlus, -i, m.:''' a projecting rock or cliff
'''iăcĭo, iăcĕre, iēci, iactum:''' throw
'''fātum, -i, n.:''' a prophetic utterance; fate
'''ingrĕdĭor, -ĕdī, -essus sum:''' enter
'''păternus, -a, -um:''' of a father; paternal
'''offĕro, offĕrre, obtŭli, oblātum:''' put in one's path; provide, offer; cause
'''rĕcĭpĭo, -cĭpĕre, -cēpi, -ceptum:''' receive, take in
'''multĭplex, -ĭcis:''' having many twists and turns; varied
'''volvo, volvĕre, volvi, vŏlūtum:''' cause to roll
'''saucĭus, -a, -um:''' wounded, afflicted
'''flōrens, -entis:''' flowering; in the flower of one's youth; fresh, vigorous
'''thĭăsus, -i, m.:''' an orgiastic dance; a group that performs such dances
'''Sătyrus, -i, m.:''' a Satyr, demigod of wild places, frequent companion of Bacchus/Dionysus
'''quaero, quaerĕre, -sīvi or -sĭi, -sītum:''' ask, ask for, seek
'''ălăcer, -cris:''' moving nimbly, lively; eager
'''lymphātus, -a, -um:''' frenzied, frantic
'''euhoe:''' interj., the ritual cry of Bacchants
'''căpŭt, -ĭtis, n.:''' head
'''cuspis, -ĭdis, f.:''' sharp point or tip; spear; pointed stick
'''thyrsus, -i, m.:''' a pole tipped with a pinecone, ivy, or vine leaves, as carried by bacchants
'''dīvello, -vellĕre, -velli, -vulsum:''' tear apart
'''membrum, -i, n.:''' any part of the body; limb
'''serpens, -entis, m. or f.:''' snake
'''incingo, -ngĕre, -xi, -ctum:''' wrap
'''obscūrus, -a, -um:''' dark; unknown, secret
'''căvus, -a, -um:''' hollow; deep
'''cĕlē̆bro (1):''' throng, fill, crowd; perform, celebrate
'''orgĭa, -ōrum, n.:''' secret rites, mysteries
'''cista, -ae, f.:''' wicker box for sacred objects in mystery cults
'''prŏfānus, -a, -um:''' not dedicated to religious use; not initiated into a cult
'''plango, -ngĕre, -nxi, -nctum:''' beat, strike
'''prōcērus, -a, -um:''' tall, long
'''tympănum, -i, n.:''' a small drum or tom-tom, usu. as used in the worship of Cybele or Bacchus
'''tĕnŭis, -e:''' thin
'''tinnītus, -ūs, m.:''' a ringing or clanging sound
'''āēr, āĕris, m.:''' air
'''raucĭsŏnus, -a, -um:''' harsh-sounding
'''efflo (1):''' breathe out, emit, blast out
'''bombus, -i, m.:''' a low, booming sound
'''barbărus, -a, -um:''' outlandish; "barbarian," spec. non-Greek, e.g., Persian
'''horrĭbĭlis, -e:''' fearful, dreadful; rough, uncouth
'''strīdo, -ĕre:''' make a shrill, strident sound
'''tībĭa, -ae, f.:''' pipe, flute
'''cantus, -ūs, m.:''' song; sound of instruments
'''amplĭfĭcē:''' magnificently, splendidly
'''dĕcŏro (1):''' embellish, adorn
'''specto (1):''' look at, watch
'''explĕo, -ēre, -ēvi, -ētum:''' fill up, satisfy
'''coepĭo, coepĕre, coepi, coeptum:''' begin
'''dēcēdo, -cēdĕre, -cessi, -cessum:''' go away, leave; make way for
'''flātus, -ūs, m.:''' blowing, breath, breeze
'''plăcĭdus, -a, -um:''' quiet, peaceful
'''mātūtīnus, -a, -um:''' of the morning, matutinal
'''Zĕphyrus, -i, m.:''' the west wind
'''prōclīvus, -a, -um:''' downward sloping, (of whitecaps at sea) tumbling forward or down
'''incĭto (1):''' incite, provoke, stir
'''Aurōra, -ae, f.:''' the goddess of Dawn
'''exŏrĭor, -ŏrĭrī -ortus sum:''' rise up from
'''līmen, -ĭnis, n.:''' threshold, doorway
'''tardus, -a, -um:''' slow, late, dull
'''clēmens, -entis:''' gentle, mild, lenient
'''prōcēdo, -cēdĕre, -cessi, -cessum:''' move forward
'''lĕvĭter:''' adv., lightly
'''sŏno (1):''' make a sound
'''plangor, -ōris, m.:''' a beating or slapping action
'''căchinnus, -i, m.:''' laugh, guffaw; metaph. of rippling waves
'''post''' prep w/ acc. adv. behind; later, afterward
'''cresco, crescĕre, crēvi, crētum:''' come into existence; grow
'''purpŭrĕus, -a, -um:''' purple
'''rĕfulgĕo, -gēre, -si:''' shine, gleam
'''vestĭbŭlum, -i, n.:''' forecourt
'''ăbĕo, -īre, -ĭvi or -ii, -ītum:''' go away or out; come off, turn out; escape criticism or other consequences
'''princeps, -cĭpis:''' first, earliest
'''silvester, -tris:''' of the forest
'''dōnum, -i, n.:''' gift
'''quīcumque, quaecumque, quodcumque:''' indef. rel. pron. , whoever, whatever
'''campus, -i, m.:''' plain, field
'''ōra, -ae, f.:''' edge, border; region, district, land
'''crĕo (1):''' beget, give birth to, produce
'''propter:''' adv. & prep. w/ acc., near
'''părĭo (1):''' give birth to; produce
'''flōs, -ōris, m.:''' flower; youthful beauty; the finest specimen of a type or class
'''tĕpĭdus, -a, -um:''' warm
'''fēcundus, -a, -um:''' productive of offspring; fertile, fruitful
'''indistinctus, -a, -um:''' indiscriminate, disordered, not arranged by type
'''plĕcto, -ctĕre, -xi, -xum:''' plait, twine
'''cŏrolla, -ae, f.:''' dim. of ''corona''; garland, small wreath
'''rīdĕo, -dēre, -si, -sum:''' laugh
'''confestim:''' adv., immediately
'''adsum, adesse, affui:''' be present
'''vĭrĭdo (1):''' be green
'''silva, -ae, f.:''' forest, wood
'''sŭper:''' adv., over, above; more; besides; prep. w/ acc., over
'''impendĕo, -ēre:''' hang above
'''chŏrēa, -ae, f.:''' a circle dance; choral dancers
'''altus, -a, -um:''' high, deep; loud
'''fāgus, -i, f.:''' beech-tree
'''stīpĕs, -ĭtis, m.:''' tree trunk
'''laurus, -i, f.:''' laurel or bay tree
'''nūto (1):''' nod, sway; beat rhythymically
'''plătănus, -i, f.:''' plane tree
'''sŏror, -ōris, f.:''' sister
'''flammatus, -a, -um:''' burning
'''cū̆pressus, -i, f.:''' the cypress tree
'''circum:''' pre. w/ acc., around
'''contexo, -xĕre, -xŭi, -xtum:''' weave together; arrange, combine
'''vĭrĕo, -ēre, -ui: ''' be verdant
'''consĕquor, -sĕqui, -sĕcūtus sum:''' come after, follow
'''sollers, -tis:''' clever, skilled, ingenious, resourceful
'''extĕnŭo (1):''' make thin, reduce, diminish
'''vĕtus, -ĕris:''' old
'''sĭlex, -ĭcis, m.:''' any hard rock; flint
'''rēstringo, -ingĕre, -inxi, -ictum:''' tie back, restrain with bonds
'''cătēna, -ae, f.:''' chain, fetter
'''persolvo, -solvĕre, -solvi, -sŏlūtum:''' pay
'''caelum, -i, n.:''' the sky or heavens
'''Phoebus, -i, m.:''' Phoebus Apollo, twin brother of Diana
'''ūnĭgĕna, -ae:''' born together with, twin; sharing a single parentage; (as substantive) brother
'''cultrix, -īcis, f.:''' a female inhabitant; local goddess
'''părĭter:''' adv., equally
'''aspernor, -āri, -ātus sum:''' push away, reject, scorn, spurn
'''iŭgālis, -e:''' yoke-bearing; matrimonial
'''artus, -ūs, m.:''' joint; limb; part of the body, member
'''largē:''' adv., abundantly
'''constrŭo, -strŭĕre, -struxi, -structum:''' pile up
'''intĕrĕā:''' adv., in the meantime; with adversative force, in these circumstances
'''infirmus, -a, -um:''' feeble, weak
'''vērĭdĭcus, -a, -um:''' truth telling
'''parcus, -a, -um:''' thrifty, frugal; skinny, lean
'''ĕdo, ĕdĕre, ēdi, ēsum:''' emit, bring forth, yield; publish
'''complector, -plectī, -plexus sum:''' embrace, surround
'''tālus, -i, m.:''' anklebone; ankle
'''rĕsĭdĕo, -sĭdēre, -sēdi:''' remain seated; persist
'''vitta, -ae, f.:''' headband
'''aeternus, -a, -um:''' eternal, everlasting
'''mănus, -ūs, f.:''' hand
'''carpo, -pĕre, -psi, -ptum:''' pluck, pull at; press on along (a way, journey, period of time, etc.); carp at, criticize
'''rītĕ:''' adv., properly, duly
'''lăbōro (1):''' work, labor
'''laevus, -a, -um:''' left; the left hand
'''cŏlus, -i, m.:''' distaff, a short staff for holding wool that is being spun into thread
'''lāna, -ae, f.:''' wool
'''dēdūco, -cĕre, -xi, -ctum:''' lead or bring down
'''sŭpīnus, -a, -um:''' lying on the back; facing upwards; flat; helpless
'''formo (1):''' shape, form
'''dĭgĭtus, -i, m.:''' finger
'''pollex, -ĭcis, m.:''' thumb
'''lībro (1):''' make level; hold suspended; balance, poise
'''fūsus, -i, m.:''' a weighted spindle on which yarn is wound and twisted
'''dēcerpo, -pĕre, -psi, -ptum:''' pluck off, snatch
'''semper:''' adv., always, forever
'''ŏpus, -ĕris, n.:''' that which needs to be done; work
'''lānĕus, -a, -um:''' woolly
'''ārĭdŭlus, -a, -um:''' dim. of ''aridus'', dry
'''haerĕo, haerēre, haesi, haesum:''' stick, cling
'''mordĕo, -ēre, mŏmordi, morsum:''' bite
'''vellus, -ĕris, n.:''' fleece; a piece of wool
'''virgātus, -a, -um:''' made of twigs; wicker
'''călăthiscus, -i, m.:''' a small basket
'''dīvīnus, -a, -um:''' divine
'''for, fāri, fātus sum:''' speak, say, tell
'''perfĭdĭa, -ae, f.:''' treachery, lying, perfidy
'''argŭo, -ŭĕre, -ŭi, -ūtum:''' show, reveal; prove wrong
'''tūtāmen, -ĭnis, n.:''' means of protection; bulwark
'''ops, ŏpis, f.:''' power; wealth; help
'''accĭpĭo, -cĭpĕre, -cēpi, -ceptum:''' receive, accept; hear
'''pando (1):''' spread out, disclose, reveal; open
'''ōrācŭlum, -i, n.:''' oracle
'''curro, currĕre, cŭcurri, cursum:''' run
'''subtegmen, -ĭnis, n.:''' the woof or weft, crossthreads in a loom running at right angles to the vertical threads of the warp
'''mărītus, -a, -um:''' married
'''Hespĕrus, -i, m.:''' the evening star
'''faustus, -a, -um:''' fortunate, lucky
'''flexănĭmus, -a, -um:''' persuasive
'''perfundo, -fundĕre, -fūdi, -fūsum:''' pour through, drench, suffuse, imbue
'''languĭdŭlus, -a, -um:''' dim. of ''languidus'', weary, drooping, flaccid
'''păro (1):''' furnish, supply; obtain
'''substerno, -sternĕre, -strāvi, -strātum:''' lay or spread beneath; (of a woman) offer oneself sexually to a man
'''rōbustus, -a, -um:''' strong
'''bracchĭum, -ii, n.:''' arm
'''umquam:''' adv., ever
'''ămo (1):''' love
'''foedus, -ĕris, n.:''' any formal agreement or bond, incl. marriage and (sometimes) other sexual unions
'''concordĭa, -ae, f.:''' harmony
'''expers, -tis:''' having no share of; immune to
'''terror, -ōris, m.:''' extreme fear
'''Ăchilles, -is, m.:''' son of Peleus and Thetis, greatest of the Greek warriors in the Trojan War, tragic hero of Homer's Iliad
'''hostis, -is, m.:''' enemy
'''haud or haut:''' part., not
'''tergum, -i, n.:''' back; hide from an animal's back
'''fortis -e,:''' strong; brave
'''nosco, -ĕre, nōvi, nōtum:''' know
'''persaepe:''' adv., very often
'''victor, -ōris, m.:''' winner, victor
'''certāmen, -ĭnis, n.:''' contest
'''flammĕus, -a, -um:''' fiery; swift as fire
'''praeverto, -tĕre, -ti:''' outstrip, outrun
'''cerva, -ae, f.:''' hind, doe
'''bellum, -i, n.:''' war
'''confĕro, conferre, contŭli, collātum:''' compare
'''Phrygĭus, -a, -um: ''' of Phrygia, Phrygian
'''Teucrus, -a, -um:''' Teucrian, Trojan
'''māno (1):''' flow, run, frip
'''obsīdo, -ĕre:''' beseige, beset
'''longinquus, -a, -um:''' far-off; drawn-out, long
'''tertĭus, -a, -um:''' third
'''hēres, -ēdis, m.:''' heir
'''ēgrĕgĭus, -a, -um:''' outstanding preeminent, illustrious
'''clārus, -a, -um:''' loud; bright; clear; famous
'''fătĕor, fătēri, fassus sum:''' concede, admit, confess
'''incultus, -a, -um:''' unkempt
'''solvo, solvĕre, solvi, solūtum:''' loosen, untie, dislodge, cast off; discharge, fulfill (a vow)
'''crīnis, -is, m.:''' a lock or braid of hair; hair
'''pū̆trĭdus, -a, -um:''' rotten, decaying, withered
'''densus, -a, -um:''' dense, closely packed
'''praecerpo, -pĕre, -psi, -ptum:''' cull or reap ahead
'''messor, -ōris, m.:''' reaper, harvester
'''ărista, -ae, f.:''' an ear of grain
'''sōl, sōlis, m.:''' the sun, sts. personified as ''Sol''
'''flavens, -entis:''' yellow
'''dēmĕto, -mĕtĕre, -messŭi, -messum:''' mow, reap, harvest
'''arvum, -i, n.:''' tilled field; field; tillable land
'''Trōiŭgĕna, -ae, m.:''' a Trojan-born man; Trojan
'''infestus, -a, -um:''' hostile, warlike; troublesome
'''ferrum, -i, n.:''' iron, steel; sword
'''testis, -is, m. or f.:''' witness
'''răpĭdus, -a, -um:''' strongly flowing, swiftly moving, rapid; scorching, consuming
'''diffundo, -fundĕre, -fūdi, -fūsum:''' diffuse, spread out
'''angusto (1):''' to make narrow, confine
'''ăcervus, -i, m.:''' heap, pile, mass
'''tĕpĕfăcĭo, -făcĕre, -fēci, -factum:''' make warm
'''permisceo, -scēre, -scŭi, -xtum:''' blend thoroughly, mix up
'''quŏque:''' also
'''excelsus, -a, -um:''' lofty
'''cŏăcervo (1):''' pile up
'''agger, -ĕris, m.:''' fill, rubble; a mound
'''bustum, -i, n.:''' funeral pyre; grave mound
'''excĭpĭo, -cĭpĕre, -cēpi, -ceptum:''' take out, exclude, except; receive
'''percello, -cellĕre, -cŭli, -culsum:''' strike down, kill
'''cōpĭa, -ae, f.:''' abundance; supply; opportunity
'''Ăchīvus, -a, -um:''' an Achaean, a Greek man
'''Dardănĭus, -a, -um:''' of Dardanus, an ancestor of Priam; Trojan
'''vincŭlum, -i, n.:''' bond, fetter; any fastening device
'''mădĕfīo, -fieri, -factus:''' become wet, be soaked
'''sĕpulcrum, -i, n.:''' tomb, sepulcher
'''anceps, -cĭpĭtis:''' double-edged
'''succumbo, -cumbĕre, -cŭbŭi, -cŭbĭtum:''' collapse; (w/ dat.) "go down," lie under or submit to (a man) in the act of sex
'''victĭma, -ae, f.:''' a living sacrificial victim
'''truncus, -i, m.:''' body, trunk, torso
'''summissus, -a, -um:''' lowered, submissive
'''poplĕs, -ĭtis, m.:''' the knee
'''ăgo, ăgĕre, ēgi, actum:''' drive, do, conduct, throw; draw (breath); be engaged in
'''dīva, -ae, f.:''' goddess; any female immortal, e.g., the sea nymph Thetis
'''dēdo, -dĕre, -dĭdi, -dĭtum:''' give up, deliver, hand over; reflexive, devote oneself to
'''dūdum:''' adv., some time ago, w/ ''iam'', now after all this time
'''nupta, -ae, f.:''' wife
'''mărītus, -i, m.:''' husband
'''ŏrĭor, orīri, ortus sum:''' rise
'''rĕvīso, -ĕre:''' pay another visit; go back and see, return to
'''hesternus, -a, -um:''' of or belonging to yesterday
'''circumdo (1):''' ring, circle, enclose
'''discors, cordis, f.:''' in conflict, at odds, quarreling
'''sēcŭbĭtus, -ūs, m.:''' a sleeping apart; the action of sleeping apart from one's spouse or love
'''praefor, -fāri, -fātus sum:''' say by way of preface
'''căno, cănĕre, cĕcĭni, cantum:''' sing
'''praesens, -entis:''' face to face, in person, present
'''caelĭcŏla, -ae, m. or f.:''' an inhabitan of heaven, god or goddess
'''sperno, spernĕre, sprēvi, sprētum:''' scorn, spurn, reject
'''pĭĕtas, -ātis, f.:''' dutiful respect
'''annŭus, -a, -um:''' yearly
'''festus, -a, -um:''' festal, holiday
'''sacrum, -i, n.:''' a sacred object or observance, rite
'''dĭes, -ēi, m. or f.:''' day
'''centum:''' indecl. adj., a hundred
'''prōcumbo, -cumbĕre, -cŭbŭi, -cŭbĭtum:''' bend or fall forward
'''līber, -ĕra, -ĕrum:''' free
'''effūsus, -a, -um:''' loose; disorderly, in disarray
'''euans, euantis:''' uttering the Bacchic cry ''euan!''
'''certātim:''' adv., with eager rivalry
'''rŭo, -ŭĕre, -ŭi, -ŭtum:''' rush
'''fūmo (1):''' emit smoke, smoke
'''lētĭfer, -fĕra, -fĕrum:''' bringing death, deadly
'''Māvors, -vortis, m.:''' Mars, god of war
'''ĕra, -ae, f.:''' a woman in relation to her sevants; mistress, i.e., the woman or goddess one serves (as opp. to a kept woman)
'''armo (1):''' arm, equip with arms
'''hortor, -āri, -ātus sum:''' exhort, urge on
'''căterva, -ae, f.:''' company, squadron, mass
'''scĕlus, -ĕris, n.:''' crime, iniquity; a wicked act
'''nĕfandus, -a, -um:''' unspeakable; wicked, unlawful, impious
'''iustĭtĭa, -ae, f.:''' justice
'''fŭgo (1):''' put to flight, drive off, expel
'''frāter, -tris, m.:''' brother
'''dēsisto, -sistĕre, -stĭti, -stĭtum:''' cease, desist
'''extinctus, -a, -um:''' dead, deceased
'''lūgĕo, -ēre, -xi, -ctum:''' mourn
'''prīmaevus, -a, -um:''' youthful
'''pŏtĭor, -ī, -ītus sum:''' get possession of
'''nŏverca, -ae, f.:''' stepmother
'''impĭus, -a, -um:''' wicked, irreligious, without ''pietas''
'''vĕrĕor, -ēri, ĭtus sum:''' show respect for; fear
'''scĕlĕro (1):''' stain or defile with wicked acts
'''Pĕnātes, -ĭum, m.:''' household gods, the tutelary gods of the Roman pantry
'''dignor, -āri, -ātus sum:''' consider worthy; deign, see fit
'''contingo, -tingĕre, -tĭgi, -tactum:''' come in contact with; touch, reach
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Latest revision as of 21:44, 10 January 2013

quondam: adv., once, formerly

prōgnātus, -a, -um: born, produced

vertex, -ĭcis, m.: whirlpool, whirlwind; top of the head; summit

pīnus, -ūs, f.: pine tree

lī̆quĭdus, -a, -um: liquid, fluid; clear, unclouded

Neptūnus, -i, m.: Neptune or Poseidon, god of the sea; the sea

no (1): swim; float, sail

unda, -ae, f.: wave; waves of the sea, sea

fluctus, -ūs, m.: wave

fīnis, -is, m.: boundary; end; (pl.) territory

lĕgo, lĕgĕre, lēgi, lectum: gather; remove; pick out; read, read about

iŭvĕnis, -is, m.: youth, young man

Argīvus, -a, -um: Argive; by metonymy, Greek

rōbur, -ŏris, n.: an oak tree, oak; the strongest element of anything

pūbes, -is, f.: the adult male population; manpower

aurātus, -a, -um: gilded; golden

opto (1): wish, choose, desire

Colchi, -ōrum, m.: Colchis, the country of King Aeëtes, his daughter Medea, and the Golden Fleece, located at the eastern end of the Black Sea south of the Caucasus Mts.

āverto, -tĕre, -ti, -sum: divert; remove, steal

pellis, -is, f.: pelt, skin, hide, fleece

audĕo, audēre, ausus: semi-dep., dare

vădum, -i, n.: a shallow piece of water, shoal; (pl.) the waters of the sea

salsus, -a, -um: salty, briny; witty, clever

cĭĕo, cĭēre, cīvi, cĭtum: move, set in motion; rouse, raise, produce

dēcurro, -currĕre, -curri, -cursum run down; travel over

puppis, -is, f.: the stern or poop of a boat; by metonymy, boat, ship

caerŭlus or caerŭlĕus, -a, -um: sea-blue

verro, verrĕre, verri, versum: sweep

ăbĭēgnus, -a, -um: made of silver fir; poet., wooden

aequor, -ŏris, n.: a smooth expanse; hence water, the sea

palma, -ae, f.: the front of the hand; the palm or palm leaf; the palm of victory; an oar

dīvus, -a, -um: divine, holy

rĕtĭnĕo, -ēre, -ŭi, -tentum: hold fast; keep

summus, -a, -um: highest; the top of

urbs, urbis, f.: city; often used as synonym for Rome

arx, arcis, f.: the fortified eminence of a city, citadel

lĕvis, -e: light in weight; light, gentle; trivial, shallow, insignificant

vŏlĭto (1): freq. of volo, fly about; move about rapidly; dart swiftly

flāmen, -ĭnis, n.: a blast or gust of wind; wind, breeze

currus, -ūs, m.: chariot; poet., ship

pīnĕus, -a, -um: of pinewood

coniungo, -ngĕre, -nxi, -nctum: join together; associate

inflecto, -ectĕre, -exi, -exum: bend

texo, -xĕre, -xui, -xtum: weave

cărīna, -ae, f.: keel, hull; by metonymy, ship

rŭdis, -is, f.: still in its natural state; inexperienced, untried

cursus, -ūs, m.: the action of running; a ace; trave; course

prīmus, -a, -um: first; the tip of

imbŭo, -ŭĕre -ŭi, -ūtum: drench, steep; dip or wet for the first time; inaugurate, give first experience

sĭmŭl: adv., at the same time, tohether, as well; conj., as soon as

rōstrum, -i, n.: the snout or muzzle of an animal; the beak of a bird or ship

ventōsus, -a, -um: windy

prōscindo, -scindĕre, -scĭdi, -scissum: plow

aequo (1): make level, even, or smooth

torquĕo, torquēre, torsi, tortum: twist, whirl, spin in an eddy

rēmĭgĭum, -ii, n.: the action of rowing

spūma, -ae, f.: foam

incānesco, -cānĕre, -canŭi: become white or hoary

ēmergo, -gĕre, -si, -sum: come out of the water, emerge

frĕtum, -i, n.: any place where the sea boils up; sea

candeo, -ēre, -ui: shine, gleam, glisten, sparkle

ē, ex: out of, from, in accordance with

gurges, -ĭtis, m.: a swirling mass of water; sea

vultus, -ūs, m.: countenance, face

aequŏrĕus, -a, -um: of the sea, maritime

monstrum, -i, n.: portent, prodigy, apparition; monster; a monstrous act, attrocity

admīror, -āri, -ātus sum: marvel or wonder at, admire

atque: and

lux, lūcis, f.: light, ray; by metonymy, day; sweetheart

mărīnus, -a, -um: of the sea, marine

mortālis, -e: a mortal, human being

ŏcŭlus, -i, m.: eye

nūdo (1): make naked, denude, bare

corpus, -ŏris, n.: body

nympha, -ae, f.: a semidivine female nature spirit

nūtrix, -īcis, f.: nurse; breast

tĕnus: prep. w/ abl. or gen., up to, as far as

exsto (1): stand out

cānus, -a, -um: white, whitened

tum: adv., then, at that time

incendo, -dĕre, -di, -sum: set of fire; inflame

fĕro, fĕrre, tŭli, lātum: bear, carry; endure, withstand; say; take, accept

ămor, -ōris, m.: love; personified, the god of love

hūmānus, -a, -um: human; of or with a mortal human being

dēspĭcĭo, -ĭcĕre, -exi, -ectum: look down on, scorn

Hymĕnaeus, -i, m.: the Greek wedding refrain, hymeneal; personified as god of marriage; pl. marriage

iŭgo (1): join, hitch, yoke

sentĭo, -tīre, -si, -sum: perceive, sense, feel

ō: interjection, expressing grief, pleasure, indignation, or adjuration

nĭmis: adv., too much; very much

saeclum, -i n.: a generation

nascor, nascī, nātus sum, to be born; originate

hēros, -ōis, m.: a hero

salvē, salvēte: greetings! hail!

gĕnus, -ĕris, n.: stock, family; offspring; kind, type; way, method, mode

bŏnus, -a, -um: good; of "good" social standing

māter, -tris, f.: mother

prōgĕnĭes, -ēi, f.: offspring, progeny

ĭter, ĭtĭnĕris n.: journey, path, road, course

vos: 2nd pers. pl. pron., you

saepe: adv., often

carmen, -ĭnis, n.: song, poem; incantation

compello (1): address, invoke

ădĕo, -īre, -ĭī, -ĭtum: approach, go to, visit

exĭmĭus, -a, -um: excepted; exceptional, choice

taeda, -ae, f.: pinewood, esp. as used in torches; torch; marriage torch, by metonymy, wedding

fēlix, -īcis: fruitful; lucky, prosperous; happy

augĕo, augĕre, auxi, auctum: augment, increase; glorify; enhance, equip, furnish

cŏlŭmen, -ĭnis, n.: roof, summit, peak; a key person, top man

Iūppĭter, Iŏvis, m.: Juppiter or Zeus, chief of the Olympian gods; by metonymy, the weather, wind, sky

gĕnĭtor, -ōris, m.: father; pl., parents

concēdo, -cēdĕre, -cessi, -cessum: withdraw; grant, hand over

tĕnĕo, tĕnēre, tĕnŭi, tentum: hold

pulcer, -cra, -crum: beautiful, handsome, lovely

dūco, -cĕre, -xi, -ctum: lead, take; take as one's wife; consider, reckon

nĕpos, -ōtis, m.: grandson, descendant

Ōcĕănus, -i, m.: Ocean, god of the sea, husband of Tethys

măre, -is, n.: sea

tōtus, -a, -um: the whole, all

amplector, -ctī, -exus sum: embrace

orbis, -is, m.: disk; sphere

fīnĭo, -īre, -īvi or -ĭi, -ītum: mark out the boundaries; finish

advĕnĭo, -vĕnīre, -vēni, -ventum: arrive at, come to

dŏmus, -ūs, f.: home; house, family

convĕnĭo, -vĕnīre -vēni, -ventum: meet together; agree

frĕquento (1): fill with people; occupy, crowd, throng

opplĕo, -ēre, -ēvi, -ētum: fill up

laetor, -āri, -ātus sum: rejoice, be glad

rēgĭus, -a, -um: royal; princely, splendid

coetus, -us, m.: meeting; band, company, group, crowd

dōno (1): give, dedicate

prae: prep. w/ abl., before, in front of; in comparison with

dēclāro (1): make known, declare, tell

gaudĭum, -ii, n.: joy, delight, gladness

dēsĕro, -rĕre -rŭi, -rtum: forsake, leave

linquo, linquĕre, līqui, lictus: leave, quit

Tempē, n.: valley of the Peneus R. between Mt. Olympus and Mt. Ossa, famous for its scenic beauty

moenĭa, -ĭum, n.: town walls

cŏĕo, -īre, -īvi or -ii, -ĭtum: come together, meet

tĕgo, -gĕre, -xi, -ctum: cover

rūs, rūris, n.: country, boondocks

cŏlo, cŏlĕre, colŭi, cultum: inhabit; till; look after

nēmō̆, neminis, m.: nobody, no one

mollesco, -ĕre: become soft

collum, -i, n.: neck

iŭvencus, -i, m.: young bull or ox, bullock

hŭmĭlis, -e: low

curvus, -a, -um: bent, curving

purgo (1): clean, clear out; (refl.) apologize, excuse

vīnĕa, -ae, f.: grapevines

rastrum, -i, n.: a type of hoe

glēba, -ae, f.: a lump of earth, clod

prōnus, -a, -um: leaning forward, angling or sloping toward the ground; sloping; face down, prone; flat

convello, -vellĕre, -velli, -volsum: tug at; plow up, dislodge, uproot

vōmer, -ĕris, m.: a plowshare, the part of a plow that cuts the furrow

taurus, -i, m.: a bull

falx, falcis, f.: a curved knife for pruning trees ad vines

attĕnŭo (1): make thin, reduce, thin out

frondātor, -ōris, m.: a foliage tender, pruner

arbor, -ŏris, f.: tree

umbra, -ae, f.: shade, shadow

squālĭdus, -a, -um: rough; filthy

rubigo, rubiginis, f.: rust; blight

infĕro, inferre, intŭli, illātum, bring in; bring on, incur; enter (as in a document, will, etc.)

ărātrum, -i, n.: plow

sĕdeo, sĕdēre, sēdi, sessum: sit

quācumquē: adv., wherever

ŏpŭlentus, -a, -um: wealthy, opulent

rĕcēdo, -cēdĕre, -cessi, -cessum: draw back; extend backward, recede

fulgeo, fulgēre, fulsi: shine brightly, gleam

splendĕo, -ēre: shine, be bright, glitter

aurum, -i, n.: gold

argentum, -i, n.: silver

ĕbur, -ŏris, n.: ivory

sŏlĭum, -ii, n.: a high-backed chair, throne

collūcĕo, -ēre: shine

pōcŭlum, -i, n.: cup

mensa, -ae, f.: table

gaudĕo, gaudēre, gāvīsus: rejoice, take pleasure

rēgālis, -e.: kingly, royal, regal

splendĭdus, -a, -um: brilliant, bright, glittering

gaza, -ae treasure

pulvīnar, -āris, n.: a couch on which images of gods were placed at a banquet offered to the gods

vērō: adv., part., in truth, indeed

gĕnĭālis, -e: of or pertaining to a person's genius; of or pertaining to marriage

lŏco (1): place

sēdes, -is, f.: seat, place, home

mĕdĭus, -a, -um: middle; the middle of

Indus, -a, -um: Indian

dens, dentis, m.: tooth

pŏlĭo, -īre, -īvi and -ĭi, -ītum: polish

tingo, -ngĕre, -nxi, -nctum: dip; dye

rŏsĕus, -a, -um: rosy, red

purpŭra, -ae, f.: a shellfish yielding a purple dye; purple dye; any purple-dyed cloth

fūcus, -i, m.: seaweed; dye (orig. that derived from a seaweed)

vestis, -is, f.: clothing; any drapery, such as a bedspread or sail (cf. Eng. A suit of sails)

priscus, a, um: ancient, olden, old-fashioned, archaic

vărĭo (1): adorn with contrasting colors; embroider; mottle, bruise

fĭgūra, -ae, f.: form, shape, aspect, appearance

mīrus, -a, -um: extraordinary, remarkable

virtūs, -ūtis, f.: manliness, manly excellence (cf. Gk. aretē)

indĭco (1): reveal, declare, disclose, show

ars, artis, f.: craftsmanship (cf. Gk. technē)

flŭentĭsŏnus, -a, -um: resounding with the noise of the sea

prospecto (1): gaze out

lītus, -ŏris, n.: shore

Dīa, -ae, f.: an Aegean island, usu. identified with Naxos

cēdo, cēdĕre, cessi, cessum: go; go away, depart

cĕler, -ĕris, e: swift

classis, -is, f.: any designated group or class; fleet

tŭĕor, tŭēri, tuĭtus sum: look at, view, observe

indŏmĭtus, -a, -um: untamed; indomitable; violent

cor, cordis, n.: heart

gĕro, gĕrĕre, gessi, gestum: bear, conduct, carry on, do; wear

fŭror, -ōris, m.: passion, rage, frenzy

necdum: conj., and not yet, but not yet

vīso, -sĕre, -si, -sum: (freq. of video) go to see; look at, gaze at, view

crēdo, -dĕre, -dĭdi, -dĭtum entrust; believe

utpŏtĕ: part., as one might expect, as is natural

fallax, -ācis: treacherous, deceptive

excĭto (1): rouse, wake; stir up, arouse, excite

somnus, -i, m.: sleep, sts. personified as Somnus

sōlus, -a, -um: only, alone, lonely

mĭser, -ĕra, -ĕrum: wretched, unhappy

cerno, cernĕre, crēvi, crētum: sift; distinguish; decide, determine; make out, perceive

hărēna, -ae, f.: sand, beach

immĕmor, -ŏris: forgetful, heedless, feckless

fŭgĭo, fŭgĕre, fūgi, fŭgĭtum: run away, flee, escape, slip off

pello, pellĕre, pĕpŭli, pulsum: push; strike, beat; drive, drive off

rēmus, -i, m.: oar

irrĭtus, -a, -um: not ratified, null and void; empty, unfulfilled, vain

prōmitto, -mittĕre, -mīsi, -missum: send forth; undertake, promise, guarantee

prŏcella, -ae, f.: storm, gale

prŏcul: adv., far off; to a great distance

alga, -ae, f.: seaweed

maestus, -a, -um: sad

ŏcellus, -i, m.: dim. of oculus, eye; as term of endearment, darling

saxĕus, -a, -um: made of stone

effĭgĭes, -ēi, f.: statue, effigy

bacchor, -āri, -ātus sum: celebrate rites of Bacchus; act like a Bacchant, rave

prōspĭcĭo, -ĭcĕre, -exi, -ectum: look forth or out

ēheu: interj., Alas!

cūra, -ae, f.: care, concern, anxiety

fluctŭo (1): surge like a wave; be in turmoil

flāvus, -a, -um: yellow, gold-colored, blonde

subtīlis, -e: fine-textured, delicate

mī̆tra, -ae, f.: an oriental headdress tied under the chin with ribbons

contĕgo, -gĕre, -xi, -ctum: cover up; shelter

vēlo (1): cover, clothe, veil

pectus, -ŏris, n.: breast, chest; soul, heart, mind

ămictus, -ūs, m.: a mantle or cloak

tĕrĕs, -ĕtis: smooth; rounded

strŏphĭum, -ii, n.: a twisted band supporting a woman's breast

lactens, -entis: milky; milk-white

vincĭo, vincīre, vinxi, vinctum: fasten, tie, bind

păpilla, -ae, f.: nipple; breast

dēlābor, -lābī, -lapsus sum: fall, slip down

passim: adv., dispersedly, all over the place

antĕ: adv., before, previously

pēs, pĕdis, m.: foot; (poet.) a metrical foot; (naut.) the line or sheet by which each of the two lower corners of a square sail is made fast to the ship

sal, sălis, m.: salt; fig., of a quality that gives character and flavor, wit; by metonymy, the sea

allūdo, -ūdĕre, -ūsi, -ūsum: play with

nĕque: conj., adv. and not

flŭĭto (1): flow; float, drift

ămĭcĭo, -ĭcīre, -ĭcui, -ictum: cover, cloak

vĭcis (gen.), acc. vicem, f.: a recurring occasion for action,turn; plight or situation

cūro (1): watch over, care for, care about

Thēseus, -ĕï, m.: son of Aegeus, seducer of Ariadne (later husband of her sister Phaedra), slayer of the Minotaur

ănĭmus, -i, m.: the mind

pendĕo, pendēre, pĕpendi: hang; depend, rely

perdo, -dĕre, -dĭdi, -ditum: ruin, spoil

mens, mentis, f.: mind

assĭdŭus, -a, -um: settled; constantly present, persistent, unremitting

luctus, -ūs, m.: the expression of grief; lamentation, grief, sorrow

externo (1): drive out of one's wits, madden, panic

spīnōsus, -a, -um: thorny, prickly

sĕro, sĕrĕre, sēvi, sătum: sow, plant

tempestas, -ātis, f.: period, time, season; weather; storm

fĕrox, -ōcis: fierce

ēgrĕdĭor, -grĕdī, -gressus sum: come out, depart

attingo, -tingĕre, -tĭgi, -tactum: touch; touch upon (in speaking), mention

iniustus, -a, -um: unjust

templum, -i, n.: a consecrated area; a zone, space, region, or quarter

pĕrhĭbĕo, -ēre, -ui, -ĭtum: present, bestow; say, hold, maintain, give out

ōlim: adv., formerly, once, once upon a time

crūdēlis, -e: savage, cruel

pestis, -is, f.: physical destruction; plague, affliction, bane

cōgo, cōgĕre, cŏēgi, cŏactum: round up, collect; compel

poena, -ae, f.: penalty

exsolvo, -solvĕre, -solvi, -sŏlūtum: unfasten; discharge, pay

caedes, -is, f.: killing, murder; gore

ēlĭgo, -lĭgĕre, -lēgi, -lectum: pull out; select

dĕcus, -ŏris, n.: glory; the best of anything

innuptus, -a, -um: unwed

sŏlĕo, -ēre, -ĭtus: to be accustomed (to); (euphemistic, w/ acc.) to "know," i.e., be sexually intimate with

daps, dăpis, f.: a sacrifical meal; any feast or meal; food

angustus, -a, -um: narrow

mălus, -a, -um: bad, evil, malicious

vexo (1): buffet, harry, ravage, afflict

cārus, -a, -um: dear

Ăthēnae, -ārum, f.: Athens

prōĭcĭo, -ĭcĕre, -iēci, -iectum: fling forth, throw forward; renounce

pŏtĭus: adv., more, more than, rather

tālis, -e: such a, such

Crēta, -ae, f.: Crete, large island south of the Aegean Sea, home of King Minos and Ariadne

fūnus, -ĕris, n.: funeral rites; a corpse; death

porto (1): carry

nāvis, -is, f.: ship

nītor, nītī, nixus sum: lean; press onward; rely, depend

lēnis, -e: easy, gentle

auris, -is, f.: ear

magnănĭmus, -a, -um: noble-spirited, brve, bold

vĕnĭo, vĕnīre, vēni, ventum: come

sŭperbus, -a, -um: proud, haughty

cŭpĭdus, -a, -um: desirous, eager

conspĭcĭo, -spĭcĕre, -spexi, -spectum: catch sight of, lay eyes on

lūmen, -ĭnis, n.: radiance, light; day; the light of life; by metonymy, eye; a light-giving body in the heavens

virgo, -ĭnis, f.: maiden, virgin; the constellation Virgo

suāvis, -e: agreeable, pleasant

exspīro (1): exhale, pant, emit (a fragrance); be exhaled

castus, -a, -um: free from vice, pure, chaste

ŏdor, -ōris, m.: smell, odor, fragrance

lectŭlus, -i, m.: dim. of lectus, bed, couch

mollis, -e: soft, mild, languid, voluptuous

complexus, -ūs, m.: embrace

ălo, ălĕre, ălŭi, altum: nurse, feed, foster; cherish

quālis, -e: (interr) of what kind; (rel.) such as

Eurōtas, -ae, m.: the river that runs through Sparta

praecingo, -ngĕre, -nxi, -nctum: encircle, stand around

flūmen, -ĭnis, n.: river

myrtus, -i, f.: the myrtle tree, a bushy shrub with oval leaves and fragrant white or rosy flowers, common to southern Europe

distinctus, -a, -um: separate, different, distinct

ēdūco, -cĕre, -xi, -ctum: bring out

vernus, -a, -um: of spring, vernal

cŏlor, -ōris, m.: color

prĭor, -ĭus: former

flā̆gro (1): burn

dēclīno (1): lower, decline

cunctus, -a, -um: the whole of, all

concĭpĭo, -cĭpĕre, -cēpi, -ceptum: take in, catch, conceive, contract (a disease); conceive (a child), produce, be the mother of

flamma, -ae, f.: flame, fire

fundĭtus: adv., from the bottom up; utterly

ĭmus, -a, -um: lowest, deepest

exardesco, -ardescĕre, -arsi, -arsum: catch fire, blaze up

mĕdulla, -ae, f.: the marrow of the bones; the interior, inside, seat of the emotions

heu: interj., alas

mĭsĕrē: adv., wretchedly, with piteous result, unhappily

exăgĭto (1): stir up

immītis, -e: ungentle, pitiless, violent

sanctus, -a, -um: holy, sacred, inviolate

pŭer, -ĕri, m.: boy; colloq., of a friend; slave

miscĕo, miscēre, miscŭi, mixtum: mix, combine

Īdălĭum, -ĭi, n.: town in Cyprus sacred to Aphrodite/Venus

frondōsus, -a, -um: leafy

iacto (1): throw; toss about, torment

pŭella, -ae, f.: girl; young woman; girlfriend

hospĕs, -ĭtis, m.: guest, visitor; stranger

suspīro (1): sigh, pant

quantus, -a, -um: interr. or rel. adj., how much, how great, pl. how many

languĕo, -ēre: be faint, droop, be sick

tĭmor, -ōris, m.: fear, anxiety

magis: adv., more

fulgor, -ōris, m.: brightness, luster

expallesco, -lescĕre, -lŭi: turn pale

saevus, -a, -um: fierce, savage

cŭpĭo, -ĕre, -īvi or -ĭi, -ītum: want, desire

contrā: adv., in front, opposite; in return; on the other hand

contendo, -dĕre, -di, -tum: stretch, strain; contend

mors, -tis, f.: death

appĕto, -ĕre, -īvi or -ii, -ītum: try to reach; seek; attack

praemĭum, -ii, n.: payment, offering, prize, reward

laus, laudis, f.: praise; cause of praise, virtue, glory

ingrātus, -a, -um: thankless, unwelcome, disagreeable

frustrā: adv., in vain

mūnuscŭlum, -i, n.: a small gift or favor

tăcĭtus, -a, -um: unspeaking; silent

căpĭo, căpĕre, cēpi, captum: catch, snatch

vŏvĕo, vŏvēre, vōvi, vōtum: promise, vow

lăbellum, -i, n.: (dim. of labrum) lip

vĕlut, vĕlŭti: adv., just as

quătĭo, quătĕre, quassum: shake

brāchĭum, -ii, n.:; arm

quercus, -ūs, f.: an oak tree

cōnĭger, -gĕra, -gĕrum: coniferous, e.g., a pine tree

sūdo (1): sweat, perspire

cortex, -ĭcis, m.: bark, cortex

turbo, -ĭnis, m.: anything that spins; whirlwind, tornado; maelstrom; a weight used in spinning

contorquĕo, -torquēre, -torsi, -tortum: twist, agitate

ērŭo, -ŭĕre, -ŭi, -ŭtum: remove, uproot

rādīcĭtus: adv., by, from, or at the roots; roots and all

exturbo (1): drive out, remove by force

cădo, cădĕre, cĕcĭdi, cāsum: fall

lātē: adv., far, at a distance, far and wide

cumquĕ: postpos. adv., giving preceding pron. or adv. indefinite force: -ever, -soever

obvĭus, -a, -um: in the way or path of something

frango, frangĕre, frēgi, fractum: break

dŏmo (1): subdue

prōsterno (1): lay low, strike down

nēquīquam: adv., to no purpose, in vain

vānus, -a, -um: lacking substance, empty; vain, useless

cornū, -ūs, n.: horn

inde: adv., thence, from that point

sospĕs, -ĭtis: safe

multus, -a, -um: much; a lot of, many a; (pl.) many

rĕflecto, -ctĕre, -xi, -xum: bend back

errābundus, -a, -um: prone to err or make a wrong turning; wandering

rĕgo, -gĕre, -xi, -ctum: direct, manage, guide, control

vestīgĭum, -ii, n.: footprint, trail, track; mark, vestige; course; foot

fīlum, -i. n.: thread, string, filament

nē: neg. adv. & conj., introducing prohibitions, clauses of purpose, etc.: do not, let not, lest, in order that not, etc.

lăbyrinthēus, -a, -um: of or like a labyrinth, labyrinthine

flexus, -ūs, m.: a bending, turning, curve

ĭnobservābĭlis, -e: undetectable to the eye; difficult to trace or observe

error, -ōris, m.: a wandering; deviation, mistake

dīgrĕdĭor, -grĕdī, -gressus sum: go off; digress

plūs, plūris: adj. & adv., more

commĕmŏro (1): recall, recount

fīlĭa, -ae, f.: daughter

consanguinea, -ae, f.: sister, female relative

dēnĭquē: adv., finally

gnātus, -i, m.: son

deperditus, -a, -um: lost, ruined

laetus, -a, -um: glad, happy

dulcis, -e: sweet

praeopto (1): prefer, choose in preference

vĕho, -hĕre, -xi, -ctum: convey, carry, transport

rătis, -is, f.: raft; boat, ship

spūmōsus, -a, -um: foamy

dēvincĭo, -ncīre, -nxi, -nctum: tie fast, bind

discēdo, -cēdĕre, -cessi, -cessum: scatter; depart, desert, run away

coniunx, -iŭgis, m. or f.: spouse, consort, mate, wife, husband

ardĕo, -rdēre, -rsi, -rsum: burn, blaze

fŭro, -ĕre, -ŭi: be mad or crazed; rage with passion, rave

clārĭsŏnus, -a, -um: clear-sounding, loud, shrill

fundo, fundĕre, fūdi, fūsum: pour, pour forth, emit, utter

vŏco (1): call, summon, invite

praeruptus, -a, -um: broken off into a cliff, steep

tristis, -e: grim, fierce, gloomy; unhappy, sad

conscendo, -ndĕre, -ndi, -nsum: climb up

mons, -tis, m.: mountain

undĕ: rel. adv., from which, whence

ăcĭēs, -ēi, f.: a sharp edge; the sight of one's eyes, vision

pĕlăgus, -i, n.: the sea

vastus, -a, -um: desolate, uninhabited, featureless, dreary, endless

prōtendo, -dĕre, -di, -tum: stretch out; extend forward over a distance

aestus, -ūs, m.: heat, hot weather; swell (of the sea), flood; tumult

trĕmŭlus, -a, -um: shaky, trembling; shaking (voluntarily, as one dandling an infant)

adversus, -a, -um: opposite, facing

prōcurro, -currĕre, -curri, -cursum: run forward; roll forth

tollo, tollĕre, sustŭli, sublātum: pick up, raise, tke, carry off, steal

tegmen, -ĭnis, n.: covering

sūra, -ae, f.: calf of the leg

extrēmus, -a, -um: farthest, the farthest part of; final

quĕrella, -ae, f.: complaint, protest, lament

frīgĭdŭlus, -a, -um: dim. of frigidus, chilly, cold; (of language, rhetoric, etc.) feeble, tedious, frigid

ūdus, -a, -um: wet

singultus, -ūs, m.: sob

ōs, ōris, n.: mouth; face, countenance

sīcĭnē: sic + interrog. -ne: is this the way?

pā̆trĭus, -a, -um: of one's father or fathers; paternal, ancestral

āvĕho, -vĕhĕre, -vexi, -vectum: carry off

perfĭdus, -a, -um: treacherous, perfidious

āra, -ae, f.: altar

neglĕgo, -ĕgĕre, -exi, -ectum: regard as of no consequence, be indifferent to, disregard, ignore, fail to respect

nūmen, -ĭnis, n.: a nod; divine power

ā: expletive of distress, pity, or entreaty.

dēvōtus, -a, -um: accursed; vowed as an offering

periūrĭum, -ii, n.: a breach of oath, flase oath, perjury

nullus, -a, -um: adj. & subst., not one, no, none; with adverbial force, not at all

flecto, -ctĕre, -xi, -xum: bend; turn, avert

consĭlĭum, -ii, n.: deliberation; advice; resolution, purpose

clēmentĭa, -ae, f.: mercy, pity, clemency

praestō: adv., available, ready

vŏlo, velle, volui: wish, be willing

mĭsĕresco, -ĕre: w/ gen., have compassion on

blandus, -a, -um: charming, ingratiating, seductive, sweet

vox, vōcis, f.: voice; word

spēro (1): hope, hope for; anticipate

iŭbĕo, iŭbēre, iussi, iussum: order, bid

cōnūbĭum, -ii, n.: marriage; pl. a wedding

discerpo, -pĕre, -psi, -ptum: tear to pieces

ventus, -i, m.: wind

nunc: adv., now

iam: adv., now

vĭr, vĭri, m.: man; husband; (poet.) manhood

iūro (1): swear an oath

fēmĭna, -ae, f.: woman

sermo, -ōnis, m.: talk, informal speech, conversation; topic of conversation

fĭdēlis, -e: faithful, worthy of trust

dum: conj., as long as; (w. historical pres.) while; (w/ subjunctive) provided that; (w/ ind. or subj.) until

ălĭquis, aliquid: indef. pron., someone, something; indef. adj., some

praegestio, -īre: have an overpowering desire, be especially eager for

ăpiscor, -ăpiscī, aptus sum: seuze, grasp; obtain

nĭhil, nīl: indecl. n., nothing; w/ adv. force, an emphatic form of non; not at all

mĕtŭo, -ŭĕre, -ŭi, -ūtum: fear; w/ a, ab, fear danger (from)

parco, parcĕre, pĕperci: act sparingly, refrain from, show restraint

sătĭo (1): satisfy

lĭbīdo, -ĭnis, f.: desire; sexual craving

certus, -a, -um: fixed, definite, sure, unerring

verso (1): keep turning; pass. w/ middle force, toss and turn

lētum, -i, n.: death

ērĭpĭo, -ĭpĕre, -ĭpŭi, -eptum: snatch away, remove

germānus, -i, m.: brother

āmitto, -mittĕre, -mīsi, -missum: dismiss, give up, forfeit; lose

sū̆prēmus, -a, -um: highest; final; decisive, critical, desperate

dēsum, -esse, -efŭi: be wanting or lacking; fail

dīlăcĕro (1): tear to pieces

fĕra, -ae, f.: wild animal

ālĕs, ālĭtĭs: winged

praeda, -ae, f.: booty, prey

tŭmŭlo (1): cover with a burial mound; bury

mŏrĭor, mŏrī, mortŭus sum: die

terra, -ae, f.: earth; land

quisnam, quaenam, quidnam: pron. & adj., who/what, tell me?, who/what, finally

gigno, gignĕre, gĕnŭi, gĕnĭtum: create, beget, give birth to

sŭb: prep. w/ acc. or abl., under

rūpes, -is, f.: cliff, crag

lĕaena, -ae, f.: lioness

spūmo (1): foam, froth

exspŭo, -ŭĕre, -ŭi, -ūtum: spit out

Syrtis, -is, f.: shoals on the N. African coast between Carthage and Cyrene

răpax, -ācis: predatory, rapacious

vasto (1): make desolate; destroy, sack

reddo, -dĕre, -dĭdi, -dĭtum: give back, restore; repay (a debt, obligation, or vow); pay (honor, tribute, etc.); render, turn something or someone into

vīta, -ae, f.: life; hyperb., as a term of endearment

horrĕo, -ēre, -ui: bristle; shudder or tremble at, fear; regard with awe or dread

praeceptum, -i, n.: advice, precept; instruction, order

pārĕo, -ēre, -ŭi, pārĭtum: submit, be obedient

attămen: nevertheless

vester, -tra, -trum: 3rd pers. poss. adj., your, yours

iūcundus, -a, -um: pleasant, delightful

fămŭlor, -āri, -ātus sum: be a servant

serva, -ae, f.: female slave or servant

lăbor or lăbos, -ōris, m.: labor, effort, toil

candĭdus, -a, -um: bright; white; fair-skinned (implying beauty); gorgeous (of a woman)

permulcĕo, -mulcēre, -mulsi, -sum: caress, soothe, refresh

lympha, -ae, f.: a water nymph; (poet.) water

consterno (1): cover, spread

cŭbīle, -is, n.: bed, couch

ignārus, -a, -um: ignorant, uncomprehending

conquĕror, -quĕrī, -questus sum: complain, lament

aura, -ae, f.: breeze, wind

sensus, -ūs, m.: sensation; any of the senses; conciousness

mitto, mittĕre, mīsi, missum: send, send forth; (of weapons) throw, cast, hurl; emit, utter; cease, desist, omit; let go, release, abandon, discard; give

audĭo, -īre, -īvi or -ii, -itum: hear, pay attention to

quĕo, -īre, -īvi and -ii, -ĭtum: to be able

prŏpe: adv. & prep. w/ acc., near

quisquam, quicquam: indef. pron., anyone, anything

appārĕo, -ēre, -ui, -itum: be visible

văcŭus, -a, -um: vacant, empty, empty-handed

insulto (1): leap or trample on; behave insultingly, scoff

fors, fortis, f.: chance, luck

invĭdĕo, -vĭdēre, -vīdi, -vīsum: to look at with ill will or envy; begrudge

questus, -ūs, m.: complaint, protest

omnĭpŏtens, -ntis: all-powerful

ŭtĭnam: particle used to express a wish: would that, how I wish that

tango, tangĕre, tĕtĭgi, tactum: touch

dīrus, -a, -um: awful, dread, dire, frightful

stīpendĭum, -ii, n.: payment

rĕlĭgo (1): tie back, tie up; untie

nāvĭta, -ae, m.: = nauta, sailor

fūnis, -is, m.: rope; a ship's hawser, mooring rope

cēlo (1): conceal

forma, -ae, f.: appearance; beauty, good looks

rĕquĭesco, -ĕre, -ēvi, -ētum: rest, find relief

rĕfĕro, refĕrre, rettŭli, rĕlātum: bring back; report; (reflexive) return; w/ in + abl., write down; w/ acc. & dat., put something down to, assign to a category

spes, spēi, f.: hope

pĕto, -ĕre, -īvi and -ĭi, -ītum: seek

lătus, -ĕris, n.: side, flank

discerno, -cernĕre, -crēvi, -crētum: separate, divide off

pons, -ntis, m.: bridge

trŭcŭlentus, -a, -um: ferocious; n. pl. as subst., ferocity

dīvĭdo, -vĭdĕre, -vīsi, -vīsum: separate, divide

ăn: particle introducing questions with note of surprise or indignation: can it be that … ?; (after utrum) or

auxĭlĭum, -ii, n.: aid, assistance, help

rĕlinquo, -linquĕre, -līqui, -lictum: quit, leave, forsake

rēspergo, -gĕre, -si, -sum: sprinkle, spatter, splash

frāternus, -a, -um: of or from a brother, fraternal

caedo, caedĕre, cĕcīdi, caesum: strike, strike dead; to "beat" with sexual intercourse; cut through, hew

sĕquor, sĕqui, sĕcūtus sum: follow

fīdus, -a, -um: faithful, loyal, devoted

consōlor, -āri, -ātus sum: comfort, console, solace

lentus, -a, -um: supple, pliant; slow, taking one's time, unconcerned, at ease

incurvo (1): bend

praetĕrĕā: adv., besides, moreover

insŭla, -ae, f.: island

tectum, -i, n.: roof; by metonymy, house

păteo, -ēre, -ŭi: be open; show as entered (in accounts)

cingo, -ĕre, -xi, -nctum: surround; crown

fŭga, -ae, f.: flight, escape

rătĭo, -ōnis, f.: account, reason; exercise of faculty of reason; business, matter, affair; method, means

mūtus, -a, -um: inarticulate, mute, dumb, silent

ostento (1): freq. of ostendo, exhibit, display conspicuously

languesco, -guescĕre, -gŭi: weaken, grow feeble

fessus, -a, -um: tired, exhausted

sēcēdo, -cēdĕre, -cessi, -cessum: withdraw

iustus, -a, -um: just

exposco, -poscĕre, -pŏposci: ask for, demand, beg

prōdo, -dĕre, -dĭdi, -dĭtum: thrust out; give up, abandon, betray

caelestis, -e: of the heavens, celestial

fĭdes, -ĕi, f.: tutelage, faith, trust; trustworthiness; promise

postrēmus, -a, -um: final

comprĕcor, -āri, -ātus sum: pray to, invoke, supplicate

hōra, -ae, f.: hour

quārē: interr. & rel. adv., how? for what reason? on account of which thing; wherefore, therefore

multo (1): penalize

vindex, -ĭcis, m.: guarantor, defender, champion; one who punishes a wrong or takes vengeance

Eumĕnĭdes, -um, f.: Kindly Spirits, Furies, Erinyes, punishers of outrage

anguīnus, -a, -um: snaky, made of snakes

rĕdĭmĭo, -īre, -ĭi, -ītum: wreathe, encircle

căpillus, -i, m.: hair

frons, frontis, f.: forehead; front, façade

praeporto (1): carry before one, carry in front

īra, -ae, f.: wrath

huc: adv., to this place or point; to this total or amount

advento (1): (freq. of advenio) approach, draw near

vae interj., woe to, alas for

prōfĕro, -ferre, -tŭli, -lātum: bring forth; utter

ĭnops, -ŏpis: destitute; defenseless; powerless

āmens, -mentis: demented, mad, insane

caecus, -a, -um: blind; dark

quŏnĭam: conj., as soon as, after; because, since

vērus, -a, -um: true

nōlo, nolle, nōlŭi: be unwilling, not to wish

pătĭor, pătī, passus sum: undergo, suffer, be subjected to; bear, put up with, tolerate, let, allow

vānesco, -ĕre: vanish; become ineffectual

dĕa, -ae, f.: goddess

fūnesto (1): pollute with death

postquam: conj., after

prō̆fundo, -fundĕre, -fūdi, -fūsum: pour forth

supplĭcĭum, -ii, n.: compensation offered to placate a person who has been wronged; reparation; punishment

anxĭus, -a, -um: anxious

annŭo, -ŭĕre, -ŭi, -ūtum: nod assent; consent

invictus, -a, -um: unvanquished

rector, -ōris, m.: steersman, ruler

mōtus, -ūs, m.: motion, movement

tellūs, -ūris, f.: earth, ground

horrĭdus, -a, -um: rough, rugged, wild, uncouth, harsh

contrĕmo, -ŭĕre, -ŭi: tremble violently

concŭtĭo, -cŭtĕre, -cussi, -cussum: cause to vibrate; shake

mĭco (1): quiver, dart, flicker; flash, glitter, gleam

sīdus, -ĕris, n.: star, planet, constellation

mundus, -a, -um: heavens, sky, firmament; world, earth

cālīgo, -ĭnis, f.: darkness, murk

consĕro, -sĕrĕre, -sēvi, -sĭtum: sow, plant; beset

oblīviscor, -līviscī, -lītus sum: forget, w/ gen. or acc. of object forgotten

dīmitto, -mittĕre, -mīsi, -missum: let go

mandātum, -i, n.: command

constans, -antis: steady, resolute, steadfast

sustollo, -ĕre: raise

signum, -i, n.: sign, signal

ostendo, -ndĕre, -di, -sum: show, display; reveal

portus, -ūs, m.: harbor, port

concrēdo, -dĕre, -dĭdi, -dĭtum: entrust

longus, -a, -um: long; tall, svelte

ūnĭcus, -a, -um: one and only, singular, unique, special

dŭbĭus, -a, -um: uncertain, doubtful; perilous

cāsus, -ūs, n.: fall; accident, chance, fortune, situation, plight

nūper: adv., recently

sĕnecta, -ae, f.: old age

quandōquĭdem: rel. adv., since

fortūna, -ae, f.: fortune

fervĭdus, -a, -um: hot; fervent, passionate, lusty

invītus, -a, -um: unwilling

languĭdus, -a, -um: weary, drooping, flaccid

nondum: adv., not yet

sătŭro (1): fill, satisfy, sate

sĭno, sĭnĕre, sīvi, sĭtum: leave alone; allow

sĕcundus, -a, -um: (early participal gerundive of sequor) going along with, following; hence (of a wind) favorable; second

exprōmo, -mĕre, -mpsi, -mptum: bring out, express

canities, -ei, f.: white or gray coloring; whiteness of hair; gray hair

infundo, -fundĕre, -fūdi, -fūsum: pour in or on

pulvis, -ĕris, m.: dust; sand

foedo (1): make foul, soil

infectus, -a, -um: dyed

văgus, -a, -um: roaming, wandering, rambling

suspendo, -dĕre, -di, -sum: hang, suspend

lintĕum, -i, n.: linen cloth; napkin; sail

incendĭum, -ĭi, n.: conflagration; inflammation, agony

carbăsus, -i, f.: sail, canvas

obscūro (1): darken

ferrūgo, -ĭnis, f.: rust; any color from reddish purple to nearly black

incŏla, ae, f.: inhabitant

dēfendo, -dĕre, -di, -sum: ward off; defend

sanguis, -ĭnis, m.: blood

dexter, -tĕra, -tĕrum: right; the right hand; on the right side

mĕmor, -ŏris: remembering, mindful

condĭtus, -a, -um: put away, preserved

vĭgĕo, -ēre: be vigorous and active, fluorish

ullus, -a, -um: any

oblittĕro (1): cause to be forgottend, wipe out

aetas, -ātis, f.: age, lifetime

invīso, -sĕre, -si, -sum: go to see; look upon

collis, -is, m.: hill, mountain

fūnestus, -a, -um: associated with mourning; funereal

antenna, -ae, f.: the horizontal yardarm of a sailing ship

dēpōno, -pōnĕre, -pŏsŭi, -pŏsĭtum: put down, lay down (in birth), put away

undĭquĕ: from all directions, from everywhere; throughout

intortus, -a, -um: twisted or twined

vēlum, -i, n.: sail

rŭdens, entis, m.: rope, line

agnosco, -noscĕre, -nōvi, -nitum: recognize

rĕdux, -dŭcis: brought back, returned, restored

prospĕrus, -a, -um: agreeable to one's wishes, prosperous

sisto, sistĕre, steti, stătum: (redup. sto) cause to stand, set; present, hand over

ceu: part. introducing similes: in the same way as, as, like

nūbes, -is, f.: cloud

āĕrĭus or āĕrĕus, -a, -um: of the air, airy

nĭvĕus, -a, -um: snowy, white

căcūmen, -ĭnis, n.: peak, tip

prospectus, -ūs, m.: view, prospect

absūmo, -mĕre, -mpsi, -mptum: use up, consume, exhaust; do away with, remove by death

flĕo, flēre, flēvi, flētum: weep, cry; weep for, mourn

praeceps, -cĭpĭtis: plunging headfirst; headlong; sudden

scŏpŭlus, -i, m.: a projecting rock or cliff

iăcĭo, iăcĕre, iēci, iactum: throw

fātum, -i, n.: a prophetic utterance; fate

ingrĕdĭor, -ĕdī, -essus sum: enter

păternus, -a, -um: of a father; paternal

offĕro, offĕrre, obtŭli, oblātum: put in one's path; provide, offer; cause

rĕcĭpĭo, -cĭpĕre, -cēpi, -ceptum: receive, take in

multĭplex, -ĭcis: having many twists and turns; varied

volvo, volvĕre, volvi, vŏlūtum: cause to roll

saucĭus, -a, -um: wounded, afflicted

flōrens, -entis: flowering; in the flower of one's youth; fresh, vigorous

thĭăsus, -i, m.: an orgiastic dance; a group that performs such dances

Sătyrus, -i, m.: a Satyr, demigod of wild places, frequent companion of Bacchus/Dionysus

quaero, quaerĕre, -sīvi or -sĭi, -sītum: ask, ask for, seek

ălăcer, -cris: moving nimbly, lively; eager

lymphātus, -a, -um: frenzied, frantic

euhoe: interj., the ritual cry of Bacchants

căpŭt, -ĭtis, n.: head

cuspis, -ĭdis, f.: sharp point or tip; spear; pointed stick

thyrsus, -i, m.: a pole tipped with a pinecone, ivy, or vine leaves, as carried by bacchants

dīvello, -vellĕre, -velli, -vulsum: tear apart

membrum, -i, n.: any part of the body; limb

serpens, -entis, m. or f.: snake

incingo, -ngĕre, -xi, -ctum: wrap

obscūrus, -a, -um: dark; unknown, secret

căvus, -a, -um: hollow; deep

cĕlē̆bro (1): throng, fill, crowd; perform, celebrate

orgĭa, -ōrum, n.: secret rites, mysteries

cista, -ae, f.: wicker box for sacred objects in mystery cults

prŏfānus, -a, -um: not dedicated to religious use; not initiated into a cult

plango, -ngĕre, -nxi, -nctum: beat, strike

prōcērus, -a, -um: tall, long

tympănum, -i, n.: a small drum or tom-tom, usu. as used in the worship of Cybele or Bacchus

tĕnŭis, -e: thin

tinnītus, -ūs, m.: a ringing or clanging sound

āēr, āĕris, m.: air

raucĭsŏnus, -a, -um: harsh-sounding

efflo (1): breathe out, emit, blast out

bombus, -i, m.: a low, booming sound

barbărus, -a, -um: outlandish; "barbarian," spec. non-Greek, e.g., Persian

horrĭbĭlis, -e: fearful, dreadful; rough, uncouth

strīdo, -ĕre: make a shrill, strident sound

tībĭa, -ae, f.: pipe, flute

cantus, -ūs, m.: song; sound of instruments

amplĭfĭcē: magnificently, splendidly

dĕcŏro (1): embellish, adorn

specto (1): look at, watch

explĕo, -ēre, -ēvi, -ētum: fill up, satisfy

coepĭo, coepĕre, coepi, coeptum: begin

dēcēdo, -cēdĕre, -cessi, -cessum: go away, leave; make way for

flātus, -ūs, m.: blowing, breath, breeze

plăcĭdus, -a, -um: quiet, peaceful

mātūtīnus, -a, -um: of the morning, matutinal

Zĕphyrus, -i, m.: the west wind

prōclīvus, -a, -um: downward sloping, (of whitecaps at sea) tumbling forward or down

incĭto (1): incite, provoke, stir

Aurōra, -ae, f.: the goddess of Dawn

exŏrĭor, -ŏrĭrī -ortus sum: rise up from

līmen, -ĭnis, n.: threshold, doorway

tardus, -a, -um: slow, late, dull

clēmens, -entis: gentle, mild, lenient

prōcēdo, -cēdĕre, -cessi, -cessum: move forward

lĕvĭter: adv., lightly

sŏno (1): make a sound

plangor, -ōris, m.: a beating or slapping action

căchinnus, -i, m.: laugh, guffaw; metaph. of rippling waves

post prep w/ acc. adv. behind; later, afterward

cresco, crescĕre, crēvi, crētum: come into existence; grow

purpŭrĕus, -a, -um: purple

rĕfulgĕo, -gēre, -si: shine, gleam

vestĭbŭlum, -i, n.: forecourt

ăbĕo, -īre, -ĭvi or -ii, -ītum: go away or out; come off, turn out; escape criticism or other consequences

princeps, -cĭpis: first, earliest

silvester, -tris: of the forest

dōnum, -i, n.: gift

quīcumque, quaecumque, quodcumque: indef. rel. pron. , whoever, whatever

campus, -i, m.: plain, field

ōra, -ae, f.: edge, border; region, district, land

crĕo (1): beget, give birth to, produce

propter: adv. & prep. w/ acc., near

părĭo (1): give birth to; produce

flōs, -ōris, m.: flower; youthful beauty; the finest specimen of a type or class

tĕpĭdus, -a, -um: warm

fēcundus, -a, -um: productive of offspring; fertile, fruitful

indistinctus, -a, -um: indiscriminate, disordered, not arranged by type

plĕcto, -ctĕre, -xi, -xum: plait, twine

cŏrolla, -ae, f.: dim. of corona; garland, small wreath

rīdĕo, -dēre, -si, -sum: laugh

confestim: adv., immediately

adsum, adesse, affui: be present

vĭrĭdo (1): be green

silva, -ae, f.: forest, wood

sŭper: adv., over, above; more; besides; prep. w/ acc., over

impendĕo, -ēre: hang above

chŏrēa, -ae, f.: a circle dance; choral dancers

altus, -a, -um: high, deep; loud

fāgus, -i, f.: beech-tree

stīpĕs, -ĭtis, m.: tree trunk

laurus, -i, f.: laurel or bay tree

nūto (1): nod, sway; beat rhythymically

plătănus, -i, f.: plane tree

sŏror, -ōris, f.: sister

flammatus, -a, -um: burning

cū̆pressus, -i, f.: the cypress tree

circum: pre. w/ acc., around

contexo, -xĕre, -xŭi, -xtum: weave together; arrange, combine

vĭrĕo, -ēre, -ui: be verdant

consĕquor, -sĕqui, -sĕcūtus sum: come after, follow

sollers, -tis: clever, skilled, ingenious, resourceful

extĕnŭo (1): make thin, reduce, diminish

vĕtus, -ĕris: old

sĭlex, -ĭcis, m.: any hard rock; flint

rēstringo, -ingĕre, -inxi, -ictum: tie back, restrain with bonds

cătēna, -ae, f.: chain, fetter

persolvo, -solvĕre, -solvi, -sŏlūtum: pay

caelum, -i, n.: the sky or heavens

Phoebus, -i, m.: Phoebus Apollo, twin brother of Diana

ūnĭgĕna, -ae: born together with, twin; sharing a single parentage; (as substantive) brother

cultrix, -īcis, f.: a female inhabitant; local goddess

părĭter: adv., equally

aspernor, -āri, -ātus sum: push away, reject, scorn, spurn

iŭgālis, -e: yoke-bearing; matrimonial

artus, -ūs, m.: joint; limb; part of the body, member

largē: adv., abundantly

constrŭo, -strŭĕre, -struxi, -structum: pile up

intĕrĕā: adv., in the meantime; with adversative force, in these circumstances

infirmus, -a, -um: feeble, weak

vērĭdĭcus, -a, -um: truth telling

parcus, -a, -um: thrifty, frugal; skinny, lean

ĕdo, ĕdĕre, ēdi, ēsum: emit, bring forth, yield; publish

complector, -plectī, -plexus sum: embrace, surround

tālus, -i, m.: anklebone; ankle

rĕsĭdĕo, -sĭdēre, -sēdi: remain seated; persist

vitta, -ae, f.: headband

aeternus, -a, -um: eternal, everlasting

mănus, -ūs, f.: hand

carpo, -pĕre, -psi, -ptum: pluck, pull at; press on along (a way, journey, period of time, etc.); carp at, criticize

rītĕ: adv., properly, duly

lăbōro (1): work, labor

laevus, -a, -um: left; the left hand

cŏlus, -i, m.: distaff, a short staff for holding wool that is being spun into thread

lāna, -ae, f.: wool

dēdūco, -cĕre, -xi, -ctum: lead or bring down

sŭpīnus, -a, -um: lying on the back; facing upwards; flat; helpless

formo (1): shape, form

dĭgĭtus, -i, m.: finger

pollex, -ĭcis, m.: thumb

lībro (1): make level; hold suspended; balance, poise

fūsus, -i, m.: a weighted spindle on which yarn is wound and twisted

dēcerpo, -pĕre, -psi, -ptum: pluck off, snatch

semper: adv., always, forever

ŏpus, -ĕris, n.: that which needs to be done; work

lānĕus, -a, -um: woolly

ārĭdŭlus, -a, -um: dim. of aridus, dry

haerĕo, haerēre, haesi, haesum: stick, cling

mordĕo, -ēre, mŏmordi, morsum: bite

vellus, -ĕris, n.: fleece; a piece of wool

virgātus, -a, -um: made of twigs; wicker

călăthiscus, -i, m.: a small basket

dīvīnus, -a, -um: divine

for, fāri, fātus sum: speak, say, tell

perfĭdĭa, -ae, f.: treachery, lying, perfidy

argŭo, -ŭĕre, -ŭi, -ūtum: show, reveal; prove wrong

tūtāmen, -ĭnis, n.: means of protection; bulwark

ops, ŏpis, f.: power; wealth; help

accĭpĭo, -cĭpĕre, -cēpi, -ceptum: receive, accept; hear

pando (1): spread out, disclose, reveal; open

ōrācŭlum, -i, n.: oracle

curro, currĕre, cŭcurri, cursum: run

subtegmen, -ĭnis, n.: the woof or weft, crossthreads in a loom running at right angles to the vertical threads of the warp

mărītus, -a, -um: married

Hespĕrus, -i, m.: the evening star

faustus, -a, -um: fortunate, lucky

flexănĭmus, -a, -um: persuasive

perfundo, -fundĕre, -fūdi, -fūsum: pour through, drench, suffuse, imbue

languĭdŭlus, -a, -um: dim. of languidus, weary, drooping, flaccid

păro (1): furnish, supply; obtain

substerno, -sternĕre, -strāvi, -strātum: lay or spread beneath; (of a woman) offer oneself sexually to a man

rōbustus, -a, -um: strong

bracchĭum, -ii, n.: arm

umquam: adv., ever

ămo (1): love

foedus, -ĕris, n.: any formal agreement or bond, incl. marriage and (sometimes) other sexual unions

concordĭa, -ae, f.: harmony

expers, -tis: having no share of; immune to

terror, -ōris, m.: extreme fear

Ăchilles, -is, m.: son of Peleus and Thetis, greatest of the Greek warriors in the Trojan War, tragic hero of Homer's Iliad

hostis, -is, m.: enemy

haud or haut: part., not

tergum, -i, n.: back; hide from an animal's back

fortis -e,: strong; brave

nosco, -ĕre, nōvi, nōtum: know

persaepe: adv., very often

victor, -ōris, m.: winner, victor

certāmen, -ĭnis, n.: contest

flammĕus, -a, -um: fiery; swift as fire

praeverto, -tĕre, -ti: outstrip, outrun

cerva, -ae, f.: hind, doe

bellum, -i, n.: war

confĕro, conferre, contŭli, collātum: compare

Phrygĭus, -a, -um: of Phrygia, Phrygian

Teucrus, -a, -um: Teucrian, Trojan

māno (1): flow, run, frip

obsīdo, -ĕre: beseige, beset

longinquus, -a, -um: far-off; drawn-out, long

tertĭus, -a, -um: third

hēres, -ēdis, m.: heir

ēgrĕgĭus, -a, -um: outstanding preeminent, illustrious

clārus, -a, -um: loud; bright; clear; famous

fătĕor, fătēri, fassus sum: concede, admit, confess

incultus, -a, -um: unkempt

solvo, solvĕre, solvi, solūtum: loosen, untie, dislodge, cast off; discharge, fulfill (a vow)

crīnis, -is, m.: a lock or braid of hair; hair

pū̆trĭdus, -a, -um: rotten, decaying, withered

densus, -a, -um: dense, closely packed

praecerpo, -pĕre, -psi, -ptum: cull or reap ahead

messor, -ōris, m.: reaper, harvester

ărista, -ae, f.: an ear of grain

sōl, sōlis, m.: the sun, sts. personified as Sol

flavens, -entis: yellow

dēmĕto, -mĕtĕre, -messŭi, -messum: mow, reap, harvest

arvum, -i, n.: tilled field; field; tillable land

Trōiŭgĕna, -ae, m.: a Trojan-born man; Trojan

infestus, -a, -um: hostile, warlike; troublesome

ferrum, -i, n.: iron, steel; sword

testis, -is, m. or f.: witness

răpĭdus, -a, -um: strongly flowing, swiftly moving, rapid; scorching, consuming

diffundo, -fundĕre, -fūdi, -fūsum: diffuse, spread out

angusto (1): to make narrow, confine

ăcervus, -i, m.: heap, pile, mass

tĕpĕfăcĭo, -făcĕre, -fēci, -factum: make warm

permisceo, -scēre, -scŭi, -xtum: blend thoroughly, mix up

quŏque: also

excelsus, -a, -um: lofty

cŏăcervo (1): pile up

agger, -ĕris, m.: fill, rubble; a mound

bustum, -i, n.: funeral pyre; grave mound

excĭpĭo, -cĭpĕre, -cēpi, -ceptum: take out, exclude, except; receive

percello, -cellĕre, -cŭli, -culsum: strike down, kill

cōpĭa, -ae, f.: abundance; supply; opportunity

Ăchīvus, -a, -um: an Achaean, a Greek man

Dardănĭus, -a, -um: of Dardanus, an ancestor of Priam; Trojan

vincŭlum, -i, n.: bond, fetter; any fastening device

mădĕfīo, -fieri, -factus: become wet, be soaked

sĕpulcrum, -i, n.: tomb, sepulcher

anceps, -cĭpĭtis: double-edged

succumbo, -cumbĕre, -cŭbŭi, -cŭbĭtum: collapse; (w/ dat.) "go down," lie under or submit to (a man) in the act of sex

victĭma, -ae, f.: a living sacrificial victim

truncus, -i, m.: body, trunk, torso

summissus, -a, -um: lowered, submissive

poplĕs, -ĭtis, m.: the knee

ăgo, ăgĕre, ēgi, actum: drive, do, conduct, throw; draw (breath); be engaged in

dīva, -ae, f.: goddess; any female immortal, e.g., the sea nymph Thetis

dēdo, -dĕre, -dĭdi, -dĭtum: give up, deliver, hand over; reflexive, devote oneself to

dūdum: adv., some time ago, w/ iam, now after all this time

nupta, -ae, f.: wife

mărītus, -i, m.: husband

ŏrĭor, orīri, ortus sum: rise

rĕvīso, -ĕre: pay another visit; go back and see, return to

hesternus, -a, -um: of or belonging to yesterday

circumdo (1): ring, circle, enclose

discors, cordis, f.: in conflict, at odds, quarreling

sēcŭbĭtus, -ūs, m.: a sleeping apart; the action of sleeping apart from one's spouse or love

praefor, -fāri, -fātus sum: say by way of preface

căno, cănĕre, cĕcĭni, cantum: sing

praesens, -entis: face to face, in person, present

caelĭcŏla, -ae, m. or f.: an inhabitan of heaven, god or goddess

sperno, spernĕre, sprēvi, sprētum: scorn, spurn, reject

pĭĕtas, -ātis, f.: dutiful respect

annŭus, -a, -um: yearly

festus, -a, -um: festal, holiday

sacrum, -i, n.: a sacred object or observance, rite

dĭes, -ēi, m. or f.: day

centum: indecl. adj., a hundred

prōcumbo, -cumbĕre, -cŭbŭi, -cŭbĭtum: bend or fall forward

līber, -ĕra, -ĕrum: free

effūsus, -a, -um: loose; disorderly, in disarray

euans, euantis: uttering the Bacchic cry euan!

certātim: adv., with eager rivalry

rŭo, -ŭĕre, -ŭi, -ŭtum: rush

fūmo (1): emit smoke, smoke

lētĭfer, -fĕra, -fĕrum: bringing death, deadly

Māvors, -vortis, m.: Mars, god of war

ĕra, -ae, f.: a woman in relation to her sevants; mistress, i.e., the woman or goddess one serves (as opp. to a kept woman)

armo (1): arm, equip with arms

hortor, -āri, -ātus sum: exhort, urge on

căterva, -ae, f.: company, squadron, mass

scĕlus, -ĕris, n.: crime, iniquity; a wicked act

nĕfandus, -a, -um: unspeakable; wicked, unlawful, impious

iustĭtĭa, -ae, f.: justice

fŭgo (1): put to flight, drive off, expel

frāter, -tris, m.: brother

dēsisto, -sistĕre, -stĭti, -stĭtum: cease, desist

extinctus, -a, -um: dead, deceased

lūgĕo, -ēre, -xi, -ctum: mourn

prīmaevus, -a, -um: youthful

pŏtĭor, -ī, -ītus sum: get possession of

nŏverca, -ae, f.: stepmother

impĭus, -a, -um: wicked, irreligious, without pietas

vĕrĕor, -ēri, ĭtus sum: show respect for; fear

scĕlĕro (1): stain or defile with wicked acts

Pĕnātes, -ĭum, m.: household gods, the tutelary gods of the Roman pantry

dignor, -āri, -ātus sum: consider worthy; deign, see fit

contingo, -tingĕre, -tĭgi, -tactum: come in contact with; touch, reach

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