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ăbĭēgnus, -a, -um:
'''quondam:''' adv., once, formerly
absūmo, -mĕre, -mpsi, -mptum:
ăcervus, -i, m.:
Ăchilles, -is, m.:
Ăchīvus, -a, -um:
advento (1):
adverto, -tĕre, -ti, -sum:
aequŏrĕus, -a, -um:
aerĕus, -a, -um:
aestus, -ūs, m.:
aetas, -ātis, f.:
agger, -ĕris, m.:
agnosco, -noscĕre, -nōvi, -nitum:
ălăcer, -cris:
ālĕs, ālĭtĭs:
alga, -ae, f.:
allūdo, -ūdĕre, -ūsi, -ūsum:
ălo, ălĕre, ălŭi, altum:
āmens, -mentis:
ămictus, -ūs, m.:
āmitto, -mittĕre, -mīsi, -missum:
amplector, -ctī, -exus sum:
anceps, -cĭpĭtis:
anguīnus, -a, -um:
angusto (1):
angustus, -a, -um:
annŭo, -ŭĕre, -ŭi, -ūtum:
antenna, -ae, f.:
anxĭus, -a, -um:
ăpiscor, -ăpiscī, aptus sum:
appārĕo, -ēre, -ui, -itum:
āra, -ae, f.:
arbor, -ŏris, f.:
argentum, -i, n.:
Argīvus, -a, -um:
argŭo, -ŭĕre, -ŭi, -ūtum:
ārĭdŭlus, -a, -um:
armo (1):
ars, artis, f.:
artus, -a, -um:
arvus, -a, -um:
arx, arcis, f.:
aspernor, -āri, -ātus sum:
adsum, adesse, affui:
Ăthēnae, -ārum, f.:
attĕnŭo (1):
augĕo, augĕre, auxi, auctum:
aura, -ae, f.:
auris, -is, f.:
auro (1):
aurōra, -ae, f.:
auxĭlĭum, -ii, n.:
āvĕho, -vĕhĕre, -vexi, -vectum:
āverto, -tĕre, -ti, -sum:
bacchor, -āri, -ātus sum:
barbărus, -a, -um:
bellum, -i, n.:
blandus, -a, -um:
bombus, -i, m.:
bracchĭum, -ii, n.:
brāchĭum, -ii, n.:;
bustum, -i, n.:
caecus, -a, -um:
caedes, -is, f.:
caelestis, -e:
caerŭlus or caerŭlĕus, -a, -um:
călăthiscus, -i, m.:
cālīgo, -ĭnis, f.:
candeo, -ēre, -ui:
canities, -ei, f.:
cantus, -ūs, m.:
cānus, -a, -um:
carbăsus, -i, f.:
cărīna, -ae, f.:
carmen, -ĭnis, n.:
carpo, -pĕre, -psi, -ptum:
cătēna, -ae, f.:
căterva, -ae, f.:
cĕlē̆bro (1):
cēlo (1):
certāmen, -ĭnis, n.:
chŏrēa, -ae, f.:
cingo, -ĕre, -xi, -nctum:
cĭĕo, cĭēre, cīvi, cĭtum:
circumdo (1):
cista, -ae, f.:
clārĭsŏnus, -a, -um:
classis, -is, f.:
clēmens, -entis:
clēmentĭa, -ae, f.:
cŏăcervo (1):
cŏĕo, -īre, -īvi or -ii, -ĭtum:
coepĭo, coepĕre, coepi, coeptum:
Colchi, -ōrum, m.:
collis, -is:
collūcĕo, -ēre:
cŏlor, -ōris, m.:
cŏlus, -i, m.:
commĕmŏro (1):
compello (1):
complexus, -ūs, m.:
comprĕcor, -āri, -ātus sum:
concēdo, -cēdĕre, -cessi, -cessum:
concĭpĭo, -cĭpĕre, -cēpi, -ceptum:
concordĭa, -ae, f.:
concrēdo, -dĕre, -dĭdi, -dĭtum:
concŭtĭo, -cŭtĕre, -cussi, -cussum:
condo, -dĕre, -dĭdi, -dĭtum:
confĕro, conferre, contŭli, collātum:
cōnĭger, -gĕra, -gĕrum:
coniungo, -ngĕre, -nxi, -nctum:
coniunx,  -iŭgis, m. or f.:
conquĕror, -quĕrī, -questus sum:
consanguĭnĕus, -a, -um:
conscendo, -ndĕre, -ndi, -nsum:
consĕquor, -sĕqui, -sĕcūtus sum:
consĕro, -sĕrĕre, -sēvi, -sĭtum:
consĭlĭum, -ii, n.:
consōlo (1):
conspĭcĭo, -spĭcĕre, -spexi, -spectum:
consterno (1):
consto (1):
constrŭo, -strŭĕre, -struxi, -structum:
contĕgo, -gĕre, -xi, -ctum:
contexo, -xĕre, -xŭi, -xtum:
contingo, -tingĕre, -tĭgi, -tactum:
contorquĕo, -torquēre, -torsi, -tortum:
contrĕmisco, -miscĕre, -mŭi:
cōnūbĭum, -ii, n.:
convello, -vellĕre, velli, -vulsum:
cōpĭa, -ae, f.:
cortex, -ĭcis, m.:
cresco, crescĕre, crēvi, crētum:
Crēta, -ae, f.:
crīnis, -is, m.:
cultrix, -īcis, f.:
cŭpĭdus, -a, -um:
cū̆pressus, -i, f.:
cūro (1):
currus, -ūs, m.:
cuspis, -ĭdis, f.:
daps, dăpis, f.:
Dardănĭus, -a, -um:
dēcēdo, -cēdĕre, -cessi, -cessum:
dēcerpo, -pĕre, -psi, -ptum:
dēclāro (1):
dēclīno (1):
dĕcŏro (1):
dēcurro, -currĕre, -curri, -cursum
dēdo, -dĕre, -dĭdi, -dĭtum:
dēdūco, -cĕre, -xi, -ctum:
dēfendo, -dĕre, -di, -sum:
dēlābor, -lābī, -lapsus sum:
dēmĕto, -mĕtĕre, -messŭi, -messum:
dēperdo, -dĕre, -dĭdi, -dĭtum:
dēsisto, -sistĕre, -stĭti, -stĭtum:
dēspĭcĭo, -ĭcĕre, -exi, -ectum:
dēsum, -fŭi, -esse:
dēvincĭo, -ncīre, -nxi, -nctum:
dēvŏvĕo, -vŏvēre, -vōvi, -vōtum:
diffundo, -fundĕre, -fūdi, -fūsum:
dignor, -āri, -ātus sum:
dīgrĕdĭor, -grĕdī, -gressus sum:
dīlăcĕro (1):
dīmitto, -mittĕre, -mīsi, -missum:
dīrus, -a, -um:
discēdo, -cēdĕre, -cessi, -cessum:
discerno, -cernĕre, -crēvi, -crētum:
discerpo, -pĕre, -psi, -ptum:
discors, cordis, f.:
distinguo, -nguĕre, -nxi, -nctum:
dĭus, -a, -um:
dīva, -ae, f.:
dīvello, -vellĕre, -velli, -vulsum:
dīvĭdo, -vĭdĕre, -vīsi, -vīsum:
dīvīnus, -a, -um:
dŏmo (1):
dōnum, -i, n.:
dŭbĭus, -a, -um:
ĕbur, -ŏris, n.:
ēdūco, -cĕre, -xi, -ctum:
effĭgĭes, -ēi, f.:
efflo (1):
effundo, -fundĕre, -fūdi, -fūsum:
ēgrĕdĭor, -grĕdī, -gressus sum:
ēgrĕgĭus, -a, -um:
ēlĭgo, -lĭgĕre, -lēgi, -lectum:
ēmergo, -gĕre, -si, -sum:
errābundus, -a, -um:
ērŭo, -ŭĕre, -ŭi, -ŭtum:
Eumĕnĭdes, -um, f.:
Eurōtas, -ae, m.:
ēvans, -antis:
exăgĭto (1):
exardesco, -ardescĕre, -arsi, -arsum:
excelsus, -a, -um:
exĭmĭus, -a, -um:
exŏrĭor, -ŏrĭrī -ortus sum:
expallesco, -lescĕre, -lŭi:
expers, -tis:
exposco, -poscĕre, -pŏposci:
exprōmo, -mĕre, -mpsi, -mptum:
exsolvo, -solvĕre, -solvi, -sŏlūtum:
exspīro (1):
exspŭo, -ŭĕre, -ŭi, -ūtum:
exsto (1):
extĕnŭo (1):
exter, -tĕra, -tĕrum:
externo (1):
extinctus, -a, -um:
exturbo (1):
fāgus, -i, f.:
falx, falcis, f.:
fămŭlor, -āri, -ātus sum:
fātum, -i, n.:
faustus, -a, -um:
fēcundus, -a, -um:
fēlix, -īcis:
fēmĭna, -ae, f.:
fĕra, -ae, f.:
ferrūgo, -ĭnis, f.:
ferrum, -i, n.:
fervĭdus, -a, -um:
festus, -a, -um:
fīdus, -a, -um:
fĭgūra, -ae, f.:
fīlĭa, -ae, f.:
fīlum, -i. n.:
fīnĭo, -īre, -īvi or -ĭi, -ītum:
fīnis, -is, m.:
flā̆gro (1):
flāmen, -ĭnis, n.:
flammĕus, -a, -um:
flammo (1):
flātus, -ūs, m.:
flavens, -entis:
flecto, -ctĕre, -xi, -xum:
flexănĭmus, -a, -um:
flexus, -ūs, m.:
flōrens, -entis:
fluctŭo (1):
flŭentĭsŏnus, -a, -um:
flŭĭto (1):
flūmen, -ĭnis, n.:
foedo (1):
forma, -ae, f.:
formo (1):
fortis -e,:
frĕquento (1):
frētus, -a, -um:
frīgĭdŭlus, -a, -um:
frondātor, -ōris, m.:
frondōsus, -a, -um:
frons, frontis, f.:
frustro (1):
fūcus, -i, m.:
fŭga, -ae, f.:
fŭgo (1):
fulgor, -ōris, m.:
fūmo (1):
fūnesto (1):
fūnestus, -a, -um:
fūnis, -is, m.:
fūnus, -ĕris, n.:
fūsus, -i, m.:
gaudĭum, -ii, n.:
gaza, -ae
gĕnĭālis, -e:
germānus, -i, m.:
gigno, gignĕre, gĕnŭi, gĕnĭtum:
glēba, -ae, f.:
gnātus, -i, m.:
gurges, -ĭtis, m.:
haerĕo, haerēre, haesi, haesum:
hēres, -ēdis, m.:
hēros, -ōis, m.:
Hespĕrus, -i, m.:
hortor, -āri, -ātus sum:
hūmānus, -a, -um:
hŭmĭlis, -e:
Hymĕnaeus, -i, m.:
ignārus, -a, -um:
immītis, -e:
impendo, -dĕre, -di, -sum:
ĭmus, -a, -um:
incānesco, -cānĕre, -canŭi:
incingo, -ngĕre, -xi, -ctum:
incŏla, ae, f.:
incultus, -a, -um:
incurvo (1):
indĭco (1):
indistinctus, -a, -um:
infĕro, inferre, intŭli, illātum,
infĭcĭo, -fĭcĕre, -fēci, -fectum:
infirmus, -a, -um:
inflecto, -ectĕre, -exi, -exum:
infundo, -fundĕre, -fūdi, -fūsum:
ingrĕdĭor, -ĕdī, -essus sum:
iniustus, -a, -um:
innuptus, -a, -um:
ĭnobservābĭlis, -e:
ĭnops, -ŏpis:
insulto (1):
intorquĕo, -torquēre, -torsi, -tortum:
invictus, -a, -um:
invīso, -sĕre, -si, -sum:
īra, -ae, f.:
irrīto (1):
iūro (1):
iŭvencus, -i, m.:
iŭvĕnis, -is:
iacto (1):
iŭgālis, -e:
iŭgo (1):
iustĭtĭa, -ae, f.:
iustus, -a, -um:
lăbyrinthēus, -a, -um:
lactens, -entis:
laeto (1):
laetus, -a, -um:
lāna, -ae, f.:
languĕo, -ēre:
languesco, -guescĕre, -gŭi:
languĭdŭlus, -a, -um:
largus, -a, -um:
laurus, -i, f.:
laus, laudis, f.:
lēnis, -e:
lētĭfer, -fĕra, -fĕrum:
lētum, -i, n.:
lībro (1):
lintĕus, -a, -um:
lŏco (1):
longinquus, -a, -um:
luctus, -ūs, m.:
lympho (1):
mădĕfīo, -fieri, -factus:
mando (1):
mărīnus, -a, -um:
mărītus, -a, -um:
mărītus, -i, m.:
mātūtīnus, -a, -um:
Māvors, -vortis, m.:
mĕdĭus, -a, -um:
mĕmor, -ŏris:
mensa, -ae, f.:
messor, -ōris, m.:
mĭco (1):
miscĕo, miscēre, miscŭi, mixtum:
mĭsĕresco, -ĕre:
mī̆tra, -ae, f.:
mollesco, -ĕre:
monstrum, -i, n.:
mortālis, -e:
mōtus, -ūs, m.:
multĭplex, -ĭcis:
multĭplĭco (1):
multo (1):
mūnuscŭlum, -i, n.:
myrtus, -i, f.:
nāvĭta, -ae, m.:
nĕfandus, -a, -um:
neptis, -is, f.:
no (1):
nūbes, -is, f.:
nūdo (1):
nūmen, -ĭnis, n.:
nupta, -ae, f.:
nūto (1):
nūtrix, -īcis, f.:
nympha, -ae, f.:
oblittĕro (1):
obscūro (1):
obscūrus, -a, -um:
obsĭdĕo, -ĭdēre, -ēdi, -essum:
Ōcĕănus, -i, m.:
ŏdor, -ōris, m.:
offĕro, offĕrre, obtŭli, oblātum:
omnĭpŏtens, -ntis:
opplĕo, -ēre, -ēvi, -ētum:
ōrācŭlum, -i, n.:
orbis, -is, m.:
orgĭa, -ōrum, n.:
ostento (1):
palma, -ae, f.:
parco, parcĕre, pĕperci:
parcus, -a, -um:
pārĕo, -ēre, -ŭi, pārĭtum:
părĭo (1):
pellis, -is, f.:
pendo, pendĕre, pĕpendi, pensum:
percello, -cellĕre, -cŭli, -culsum:
perfĭdĭa, -ae, f.:
perfundo, -fundĕre, -fūdi, -fūsum:
pĕrhĭbĕo, -ēre, -ui, -ĭtum:
periūrĭum, -ii, n.:
permisceo, -scēre, -scŭi, -xtum:
permulcĕo, -mulcēre, -mulsi, -sum:
persolvo, -solvĕre, -solvi, -sŏlūtum:
Phoēbē, -ēs, f.:
pĭĕtas, -ātis, f.:
pīnĕus, -a, -um:
pīnus, -ūs, f.:
plăcĭdus, -a, -um:
plango, -ngĕre, -nxi, -nctum:
plangor, -ōris, m.:
plătănus, -i, f.:
plexus, -a, -um:
pōcŭlum, -i, n.:
pŏlĭo, -īre, -īvi and -ĭi, -ītum:
pollex, -ĭcis, m.:
poplĕs, -ĭtis, m.:
porto (1):
portus, -ūs, m.:
postĕrus, -a, -um:
pŏtĭor, -ī, -ītus sum:
praecerpo, -pĕre, -psi, -ptum:
praecingo, -ngĕre, -nxi, -nctum:
praecĭpĭo, -cĭpĕre, -cēpi, -ceptum:
praecĭpĭto (1):
praefor, -fāri, -fātus sum:
praegestio, -īre:
praemĭum, -ii, n.:
praeopto (1):
praeporto (1):
praeruptus, -a, -um:
praesto (1):
praeverto, -tĕre, -ti:
prīmaevus, -a, -um:
princeps, -cĭpis:
prōcēdo, -cēdĕre, -cessi, -cessum:
prōcērus, -a, -um:
prōclīvus, -a, -um:
prōcumbo, -cumbĕre, -cŭbŭi, -cŭbĭtum:
prōcurro, -currĕre, -curri, -cursum:
prōdo, -dĕre, -dĭdi, -dĭtum:
prŏfānus, -a, -um:
prōfĕro, -ferre, -tŭli, -lātum:
prōgnātus, -a, -um:
prōĭcĭo, -ĭcĕre, -iēci, -iectum:
prōscindo, -scindĕre, -scĭdi, -scissum:
prospecto (1):
prospectus, -ūs, m.:
prospĕrus, -a, -um:
prōspĭcĭo, -ĭcĕre, -exi, -ectum:
prōsterno (1):
prōtendo, -dĕre, -di, -tum:
pūbes, -is, f.:
pulvīnar, -āris, n.:
pulvis, -ĕris, m.:
puppis, -is, f.:
purgo (1):
purpŭra, -ae, f.:
pū̆trĭdus, -a, -um:
quercus, -ūs, f.:
quĕrella, -ae, f.:
questus, -ūs, m.:
răpax, -ācis:
rastrum, -i, n.:
raucĭsŏnus, -a, -um:
rĕcēdo, -cēdĕre, -cessi, -cessum:
rector, -ōris, m.:
rĕdux, -dŭcis:
rĕfulgĕo, -gēre, -si:
rēgālis, -e.:
rēmĭgĭum, -ii, n.:
rēmus, -i, m.:
rēspergo, -gĕre, -si, -sum:
rēstringo, -ingĕre, -inxi, -ictum:
rĕtĭnĕo, -ēre, -ŭi, -tentum:
rōbur, -ŏris, n.:
rōbustus, -a, -um:
rōstrum, -i, n.:
rubigo, rubiginis, f.:
rŭdis, -is, f.:
rŭdens, entis, m.:
rŭo, -ŭĕre, -ŭi, -ŭtum:
rūpes, -is, f.:
rūs, rūris, n.:
sacrum, -i, n.:
salvē, salvēte:
sanctus, -a, -um:
sătĭo (1):
sătŭro (1):
sătyrus, -i, m.:
saucĭus, -a, -um:
saxĕus, -a, -um:
scĕlĕro (1):
scĕlus, -ĕris, n.:
scŏpŭlus, -i, m.:
sēcēdo, -cēdĕre, -cessi, -cessum:
sĕcundus, -a, -um:
sēcŭbĭtus, -ūs, m.:
sēdes, -is, f.:
sĕnectus, -a, -um:
serpo, -pĕre, -psi, -ptum:
serva, -ae, f.:
signum, -i, n.:
silvestris, -e:
singultus, -ūs, m.:
sisto, sistĕre, steti, stătum:
sŏlĭum, -ii, n.:
sollers, -tis:
sŏror, -ōris, f.:
sospĕs, -ĭtis:
spes, spēi, f.:
spīnōsus, -a, -um:
splendĕo, -ēre:
splendĭdus, -a, -um:
spūma, -ae, f.:
spūmo (1):
spūmōsus, -a, -um:
squālĭdus, -a, -um:
stīpendĭum, -ii, n.:
stīpĕs, -ĭtis, m.:
strīdo, -ĕre:
strŏphĭum, -ii, n.:
substerno, -sternĕre, -strāvi, -strātum:
subtegmen, -ĭnis, n.:
succumbo, -cumbĕre, -cŭbŭi, -cŭbĭtum:
sūdo (1):
summitto, -mittĕre, -mīsi, -missum:
sŭpĕrus, -a, -um:
sūra, -ae, f.:
suspendo, -dĕre, -di, -sum:
suspīro (1):
sustollo, -ĕre:
Syrtis, -is, f.:
tăcĭtus, -a, -um:
taeda, -ae, f.:
tālus, -i, m.:
tegmen, -ĭnis, n.:
tellūs, -ūris, f.:
tempestas, -ātis, f.:
Tempē, n.:
tĕpĕfăcĭo, -făcĕre, -fēci, -factum:
tĕrĕs, -ĕtis:
terror, -ōris, m.:
testis, -is, m. or f.:
Teucer, -cri, m.:
texo, -xĕre, -xui, -xtum:
thĕsis, -is, f.:
thyrsus, -i, m.:
tībĭa, -ae, f.:
tĭmor, -ōris, m.:
tingo, -ngĕre, -nxi, -nctum:
tinnĭo, -īre, -īvi or -ĭi, -ītum:
torquĕo, torquēre, torsi, tortum:
Trōiŭgĕna, -ae, m.:
truncus, -i, m.:
tŭmŭlo (1):
turbo (1):
turbo, -ĭnis, m.:
tūtāmen, -ĭnis, n.:
ūdus, -a, -um:
ūnĭgĕna, -ae:
văcŭus, -a, -um:
vānesco, -ĕre:
vānus, -a, -um:
vărĭo (1):

vanus, vana, vanumempty, vain; false, untrustworthy
'''prōgnātus, -a, -um:''' born, produced
vario, variare, variavi, variatusmark with contrasting colors, variegate; vary, waver; fluctuate, change
vastus, vasta -um, vastior -or -us, vastissimus -a -umhuge, vast; monstrous
'''vertex, -ĭcis, m.:''' whirlpool, whirlwind; top of the head; summit
vellus, velleris Nfleece
velo, velare, velavi, velatusveil, cover, cover up; enfold, wrap, envelop; hide, conceal; clothe in
'''pīnus, -ūs, f.:''' pine tree
velum, veli Nsail, covering; curtain
ventosus, ventosa, ventosumwindy; swift; fickle, changeable; vain, puffed up
'''lī̆quĭdus, -a, -um:''' liquid, fluid; clear, unclouded
veridicus, veridica, veridicumtruthful
vernus, verna, vernumof spring, vernal
'''Neptūnus, -i, m.:''' Neptune or Poseidon, god of the sea; the sea
veroyes; in truth; certainly; truly, to be sure; however
verro, verrere, verri, versussweep clean; sweep together; sweep; skim, sweep; sweep along
'''no (1):''' swim; float, sail
vertex, verticis Mwhirlpool, eddy, vortex; crown of the head; peak, top, summit; the pole
vestibulum, vestibuli Nentrance, court
'''unda, -ae, f.: ''' wave; waves of the sea, sea
vestigium, vestigi(i) Nstep, track; trace; footstep
vexo, vexare, vexavi, vexatusshake, jolt, toss violently; annoy, trouble, harass, plague, disturb, vex
'''fluctus, -ūs, m.:''' wave
vicis, vicis Fturn, change, succession; exchange, interchange, repayment; plight, lot
victima, victimae Fvictim; animal for sacrifice
'''fīnis, -is, m.:''' boundary; end; (pl.) territory
victor, (gen.), victoristriumphant
vigeo, vigere, -, -be strong/vigorous; thrive, flourish, bloom/blossom; be active, be effective
'''lĕgo, lĕgĕre, lēgi, lectum:''' gather; remove; pick out; read, read about
vincio, vincire, vinxi, vinctusbind, fetter; restrain
vinclum, vincli Nchain, bond, fetter; imprisonment
'''iŭvĕnis, -is, m.:''' youth, young man
vindex, vindicis Mdefender, protector
vineus, vinea, vineummade of/belonging to wine, wine-
'''Argīvus, -a, -um:''' Argive; by metonymy, Greek
virgatus, virgata, virgatummade of twigs striped
virido, viridare, viridavi, viridatusmake green; be green
'''rōbur, -ŏris, n.:''' an oak tree, oak; the strongest element of anything
virtus, virtutis Fstrength/power; courage/bravery; worth/manliness/virtue/character/excellence
vitta, vittae Fband, ribbon; fillet
'''pūbes, -is, f.:''' the adult male population; manpower
volvo, volvere, volvi, volutusroll, cause to roll; travel in circle/circuit; bring around/about; revolve
vomer, vomeris Mplowshare; stylus
'''aurātus, -a, -um:''' gilded; golden
'''opto (1):''' wish, choose, desire
'''Colchi, -ōrum, m.:''' Colchis, the country of King Aeëtes, his daughter Medea, and the Golden Fleece, located at the eastern end of the Black Sea south of the Caucasus Mts.
'''āverto, -tĕre, -ti, -sum:''' divert; remove, steal
'''pellis, -is, f.:''' pelt, skin, hide, fleece
'''audĕo, audēre, ausus:''' semi-dep., dare
'''vădum, -i, n.:''' a shallow piece of water, shoal; (pl.) the waters of the sea
'''salsus, -a, -um:''' salty, briny; witty, clever
'''cĭĕo, cĭēre, cīvi, cĭtum:''' move, set in motion; rouse, raise, produce
'''dēcurro, -currĕre, -curri, -cursum ''' run down; travel over
'''puppis, -is, f.:''' the stern or poop of a boat; by metonymy, boat, ship
'''caerŭlus or caerŭlĕus, -a, -um:''' sea-blue
'''verro, verrĕre, verri, versum:''' sweep
'''ăbĭēgnus, -a, -um:''' made of silver fir; poet., wooden
'''aequor, -ŏris, n.:''' a smooth expanse; hence water, the sea
'''palma, -ae, f.:''' the front of the hand; the palm or palm leaf; the palm of victory; an oar
'''dīvus, -a, -um:''' divine, holy
'''rĕtĭnĕo, -ēre, -ŭi, -tentum:''' hold fast; keep
'''summus, -a, -um:''' highest; the top of
'''urbs, urbis, f.:''' city; often used as synonym for Rome
'''arx, arcis, f.:''' the fortified eminence of a city, citadel
'''lĕvis, -e:''' light in weight; light, gentle; trivial, shallow, insignificant
'''vŏlĭto (1):''' freq. of ''volo'', fly about; move about rapidly; dart swiftly
'''flāmen, -ĭnis, n.:''' a blast or gust of wind; wind, breeze
'''currus, -ūs, m.:''' chariot; poet., ship
'''pīnĕus, -a, -um:''' of pinewood
'''coniungo, -ngĕre, -nxi, -nctum:''' join together; associate
'''inflecto, -ectĕre, -exi, -exum:''' bend
'''texo, -xĕre, -xui, -xtum:''' weave
'''cărīna, -ae, f.:''' keel, hull; by metonymy, ship
'''rŭdis, -is, f.:''' still in its natural state; inexperienced, untried
'''cursus, -ūs, m.:''' the action of running; a ace; trave; course
'''prīmus, -a, -um:''' first; the tip of
'''imbŭo, -ŭĕre -ŭi, -ūtum:''' drench, steep; dip or wet for the first time; inaugurate, give first experience
'''sĭmŭl:''' adv., at the same time, tohether, as well; conj., as soon as
'''rōstrum, -i, n.:''' the snout or muzzle of an animal; the beak of a bird or ship
'''ventōsus, -a, -um:''' windy
'''prōscindo, -scindĕre, -scĭdi, -scissum:''' plow
'''aequo (1):''' make level, even, or smooth
'''torquĕo, torquēre, torsi, tortum:''' twist, whirl, spin in an eddy
'''rēmĭgĭum, -ii, n.:''' the action of rowing
'''spūma, -ae, f.:''' foam
'''incānesco, -cānĕre, -canŭi:''' become white or hoary
'''ēmergo, -gĕre, -si, -sum:''' come out of the water, emerge
'''frĕtum, -i, n.:''' any place where the sea boils up; sea
'''candeo, -ēre, -ui:''' shine, gleam, glisten, sparkle
'''ē, ex:''' out of, from, in accordance with
'''gurges, -ĭtis, m.:''' a swirling mass of water; sea
'''vultus, -ūs, m.:''' countenance, face
'''aequŏrĕus, -a, -um:''' of the sea, maritime
'''monstrum, -i, n.:''' portent, prodigy, apparition; monster; a monstrous act, attrocity
'''admīror, -āri, -ātus sum:''' marvel or wonder at, admire
'''atque:''' and
'''lux, lūcis, f.:''' light, ray; by metonymy, day; sweetheart
'''mărīnus, -a, -um: ''' of the sea, marine
'''mortālis, -e:''' a mortal, human being
'''ŏcŭlus, -i, m.:''' eye
'''nūdo (1):''' make naked, denude, bare
'''corpus, -ŏris, n.:''' body
'''nympha, -ae, f.:''' a semidivine female nature spirit
'''nūtrix, -īcis, f.:''' nurse; breast
'''tĕnus:''' prep. w/ abl. or gen., up to, as far as
'''exsto (1):''' stand out
'''cānus, -a, -um:''' white, whitened
'''tum:''' adv., then, at that time
'''incendo, -dĕre, -di, -sum:''' set of fire; inflame
'''fĕro, fĕrre, tŭli, lātum:  ''' bear, carry; endure, withstand; say; take, accept
'''ămor, -ōris, m.:''' love; personified, the god of love
'''hūmānus, -a, -um:''' human; of or with a mortal human being
'''dēspĭcĭo, -ĭcĕre, -exi, -ectum:''' look down on, scorn
'''Hymĕnaeus, -i, m.:''' the Greek wedding refrain, hymeneal; personified as god of marriage; pl. marriage
'''iŭgo (1):''' join, hitch, yoke
'''sentĭo, -tīre, -si, -sum:''' perceive, sense, feel
'''ō:''' interjection, expressing grief, pleasure, indignation, or adjuration
'''nĭmis:''' adv., too much; very much
'''saeclum, -i n.:''' a generation
'''nascor, nascī, nātus sum,''' to be born; originate
'''hēros, -ōis, m.:''' a hero
'''salvē, salvēte:''' greetings! hail!
'''gĕnus, -ĕris, n.:''' stock, family; offspring; kind, type; way, method, mode
'''bŏnus, -a, -um:''' good; of "good" social standing
'''māter, -tris, f.:''' mother
'''prōgĕnĭes, -ēi, f.:''' offspring, progeny
'''ĭter, ĭtĭnĕris n.:''' journey, path, road, course
'''vos:''' 2nd pers. pl. pron., you
'''saepe:''' adv., often
'''carmen, -ĭnis, n.:''' song, poem; incantation
'''compello (1):''' address, invoke
'''ădĕo, -īre, -ĭī, -ĭtum: ''' approach, go to, visit
'''exĭmĭus, -a, -um:''' excepted; exceptional, choice
'''taeda, -ae, f.:''' pinewood, esp. as used in torches; torch; marriage torch, by metonymy, wedding
'''fēlix, -īcis:''' fruitful; lucky, prosperous; happy
'''augĕo, augĕre, auxi, auctum:''' augment, increase; glorify; enhance, equip, furnish
'''cŏlŭmen, -ĭnis, n.:''' roof, summit, peak; a key person, top man
'''Iūppĭter, Iŏvis, m.:''' Juppiter or Zeus, chief of the Olympian gods; by metonymy, the weather, wind, sky
'''gĕnĭtor, -ōris, m.:''' father; pl., parents
'''concēdo, -cēdĕre, -cessi, -cessum: ''' withdraw; grant, hand over
'''tĕnĕo, tĕnēre, tĕnŭi, tentum:''' hold
'''pulcer, -cra, -crum:''' beautiful, handsome, lovely
'''dūco, -cĕre, -xi, -ctum:''' lead, take; take as one's wife; consider, reckon
'''nĕpos, -ōtis, m.:''' grandson, descendant
'''Ōcĕănus, -i, m.:''' Ocean, god of the sea, husband of Tethys
'''măre, -is, n.:''' sea
'''tōtus, -a, -um:''' the whole, all
'''amplector, -ctī, -exus sum:''' embrace
'''orbis, -is, m.:''' disk; sphere
'''fīnĭo, -īre, -īvi or -ĭi, -ītum:''' mark out the boundaries; finish
'''advĕnĭo, -vĕnīre, -vēni, -ventum:''' arrive at, come to
'''dŏmus, -ūs, f.:''' home; house, family
'''convĕnĭo, -vĕnīre -vēni, -ventum:''' meet together; agree
'''frĕquento (1):''' fill with people; occupy, crowd, throng
'''opplĕo, -ēre, -ēvi, -ētum:''' fill up
'''laetor, -āri, -ātus sum:''' rejoice, be glad
'''rēgĭus, -a, -um:''' royal; princely, splendid
'''coetus, -us, m.:''' meeting; band, company, group, crowd
'''dōno (1):''' give, dedicate
'''prae:''' prep. w/ abl., before, in front of; in comparison with
'''dēclāro (1):''' make known, declare, tell
'''gaudĭum, -ii, n.:''' joy, delight, gladness
'''dēsĕro, -rĕre -rŭi, -rtum:''' forsake, leave
'''linquo, linquĕre, līqui, lictus:''' leave, quit
'''Tempē, n.:''' valley of the Peneus R. between Mt. Olympus and Mt. Ossa, famous for its scenic beauty
'''moenĭa, -ĭum, n.:''' town walls
'''cŏĕo, -īre, -īvi or -ii, -ĭtum:''' come together, meet
'''tĕgo, -gĕre, -xi, -ctum:''' cover
'''rūs, rūris, n.:''' country, boondocks
'''cŏlo, cŏlĕre, colŭi, cultum:''' inhabit; till; look after
'''nēmō̆, neminis, m.:''' nobody, no one
'''mollesco, -ĕre:''' become soft
'''collum, -i, n.: ''' neck
'''iŭvencus, -i, m.:''' young bull or ox, bullock
'''hŭmĭlis, -e:''' low
'''curvus, -a, -um:''' bent, curving
'''purgo (1):''' clean, clear out; (refl.) apologize, excuse
'''vīnĕa, -ae, f.:''' grapevines
'''rastrum, -i, n.:''' a type of hoe
'''glēba, -ae, f.:''' a lump of earth, clod
'''prōnus, -a, -um:''' leaning forward, angling or sloping toward the ground; sloping; face down, prone; flat
'''convello, -vellĕre, -velli, -volsum:''' tug at; plow up, dislodge, uproot
'''vōmer, -ĕris, m.:''' a plowshare, the part of a plow that cuts the furrow
'''taurus, -i, m.:''' a bull
'''falx, falcis, f.:''' a curved knife for pruning trees ad vines
'''attĕnŭo (1):''' make thin, reduce, thin out
'''frondātor, -ōris, m.:''' a foliage tender, pruner
'''arbor, -ŏris, f.:''' tree
'''umbra, -ae, f.:''' shade, shadow
'''squālĭdus, -a, -um:''' rough; filthy
'''rubigo, rubiginis, f.:''' rust; blight
'''infĕro, inferre, intŭli, illātum, ''' bring in; bring on, incur; enter (as in a document, will, etc.)
'''ărātrum, -i, n.:''' plow
'''sĕdeo, sĕdēre, sēdi, sessum:''' sit
'''quācumquē:''' adv., wherever
'''ŏpŭlentus, -a, -um:''' wealthy, opulent
'''rĕcēdo, -cēdĕre, -cessi, -cessum:''' draw back; extend backward, recede
'''fulgeo, fulgēre, fulsi:''' shine brightly, gleam
'''splendĕo, -ēre:''' shine, be bright, glitter
'''aurum, -i, n.:''' gold
'''argentum, -i, n.:''' silver
'''ĕbur, -ŏris, n.:''' ivory
'''sŏlĭum, -ii, n.:''' a high-backed chair, throne
'''collūcĕo, -ēre:''' shine
'''pōcŭlum, -i, n.:''' cup
'''mensa, -ae, f.:''' table
'''gaudĕo, gaudēre, gāvīsus:''' rejoice, take pleasure
'''rēgālis, -e.:''' kingly, royal, regal
'''splendĭdus, -a, -um:''' brilliant, bright, glittering
'''gaza, -ae''' treasure
'''pulvīnar, -āris, n.:''' a couch on which images of gods were placed at a banquet offered to the gods
'''vērō:''' adv., part., in truth, indeed
'''gĕnĭālis, -e:''' of or pertaining to a person's ''genius''; of or pertaining to marriage
'''lŏco (1):''' place
'''sēdes, -is, f.:''' seat, place, home
'''mĕdĭus, -a, -um:''' middle; the middle of
'''Indus, -a, -um:''' Indian
'''dens, dentis, m.:''' tooth
'''pŏlĭo, -īre, -īvi and -ĭi, -ītum:''' polish
'''tingo, -ngĕre, -nxi, -nctum:''' dip; dye
'''rŏsĕus, -a, -um:''' rosy, red
'''purpŭra, -ae, f.:''' a shellfish yielding a purple dye; purple dye; any purple-dyed cloth
'''fūcus, -i, m.:''' seaweed; dye (orig. that derived from a seaweed)
'''vestis, -is, f.:''' clothing; any drapery, such as a bedspread or sail (cf. Eng. A ''suit'' of sails)
'''priscus, a, um:''' ancient, olden, old-fashioned, archaic
'''vărĭo (1):''' adorn with contrasting colors; embroider; mottle, bruise
'''fĭgūra, -ae, f.:''' form, shape, aspect, appearance
'''mīrus, -a, -um:''' extraordinary, remarkable
'''virtūs, -ūtis, f.:''' manliness, manly excellence (cf. Gk. ''aretē'')
'''indĭco (1):''' reveal, declare, disclose, show
'''ars, artis, f.:''' craftsmanship (cf. Gk. ''technē'')
'''flŭentĭsŏnus, -a, -um:''' resounding with the noise of the sea
'''prospecto (1):''' gaze out
'''lītus, -ŏris, n.:''' shore
'''Dīa, -ae, f.:''' an Aegean island, usu. identified with Naxos
'''cēdo, cēdĕre, cessi, cessum:''' go; go away, depart
'''cĕler, -ĕris, e:''' swift
'''classis, -is, f.:''' any designated group or class; fleet
'''tŭĕor, tŭēri, tuĭtus sum:''' look at, view, observe
'''indŏmĭtus, -a, -um:''' untamed; indomitable; violent
'''cor, cordis, n.:''' heart
'''gĕro, gĕrĕre, gessi, gestum:''' bear, conduct, carry on, do; wear
'''fŭror, -ōris, m.:''' passion, rage, frenzy
'''necdum:''' conj., and not yet, but not yet
'''vīso, -sĕre, -si, -sum:''' (freq. of ''video'') go to see; look at, gaze at, view
'''crēdo, -dĕre, -dĭdi, -dĭtum''' entrust; believe
'''utpŏtĕ:''' part., as one might expect, as is natural
'''fallax, -ācis:''' treacherous, deceptive
'''excĭto (1):''' rouse, wake; stir up, arouse, excite
'''somnus, -i, m.:''' sleep, sts. personified as ''Somnus''
'''sōlus, -a, -um:''' only, alone, lonely
'''mĭser, -ĕra, -ĕrum:''' wretched, unhappy
'''cerno, cernĕre, crēvi, crētum:''' sift; distinguish; decide, determine; make out, perceive
'''hărēna, -ae, f.:''' sand, beach
'''immĕmor, -ŏris:''' forgetful, heedless, feckless
'''fŭgĭo, fŭgĕre, fūgi, fŭgĭtum:''' run away, flee, escape, slip off
'''pello, pellĕre, pĕpŭli, pulsum:''' push; strike, beat; drive, drive off
'''rēmus, -i, m.:''' oar
'''irrĭtus, -a, -um:''' not ratified, null and void; empty, unfulfilled, vain
'''prōmitto, -mittĕre, -mīsi, -missum:''' send forth; undertake, promise, guarantee
'''prŏcella, -ae, f.:''' storm, gale
'''prŏcul:''' adv., far off; to a great distance
'''alga, -ae, f.:''' seaweed
'''maestus, -a, -um:''' sad
'''ŏcellus, -i, m.:''' dim. of ''oculus'', eye; as term of endearment, darling
'''saxĕus, -a, -um:''' made of stone
'''effĭgĭes, -ēi, f.:''' statue, effigy
'''bacchor, -āri, -ātus sum:''' celebrate rites of Bacchus; act like a Bacchant, rave
'''prōspĭcĭo, -ĭcĕre, -exi, -ectum:''' look forth or out
'''ēheu:''' interj., Alas!
'''cūra, -ae, f.:''' care, concern, anxiety
'''fluctŭo (1):''' surge like a wave; be in turmoil
'''flāvus, -a, -um:''' yellow, gold-colored, blonde
'''subtīlis, -e:''' fine-textured, delicate
'''mī̆tra, -ae, f.:''' an oriental headdress tied under the chin with ribbons
'''contĕgo, -gĕre, -xi, -ctum:''' cover up; shelter
'''vēlo (1):''' cover, clothe, veil
'''pectus, -ŏris, n.:''' breast, chest; soul, heart, mind
'''ămictus, -ūs, m.:''' a mantle or cloak
'''tĕrĕs, -ĕtis:''' smooth; rounded
'''strŏphĭum, -ii, n.:''' a twisted band supporting a woman's breast
'''lactens, -entis:''' milky; milk-white
'''vincĭo, vincīre, vinxi, vinctum:''' fasten, tie, bind
'''păpilla, -ae, f.:''' nipple; breast
'''dēlābor, -lābī, -lapsus sum:''' fall, slip down
'''passim:''' adv., dispersedly, all over the place
'''antĕ: ''' adv., before, previously
'''pēs, pĕdis, m.:''' foot; (poet.) a metrical foot; (naut.) the line or sheet by which each of the two lower corners of a square sail is made fast to the ship
'''sal, sălis, m.:''' salt; fig., of a quality that gives character and flavor, wit; by metonymy, the sea
'''allūdo, -ūdĕre, -ūsi, -ūsum:''' play with
'''nĕque:''' conj., adv. and not
'''flŭĭto (1):''' flow; float, drift
'''ămĭcĭo, -ĭcīre, -ĭcui, -ictum:''' cover, cloak
'''vĭcis (gen.), acc. vicem, f.:''' a recurring occasion for action,turn; plight or situation
'''cūro (1):''' watch over, care for, care about
'''Thēseus, -ĕï, m.:''' son of Aegeus, seducer of Ariadne (later husband of her sister Phaedra), slayer of the Minotaur
'''ănĭmus, -i, m.:''' the mind
'''pendĕo, pendēre, pĕpendi:''' hang; depend, rely
'''perdo, -dĕre, -dĭdi, -ditum:''' ruin, spoil
'''mens, mentis, f.:''' mind
'''assĭdŭus, -a, -um:''' settled; constantly present, persistent, unremitting
'''luctus, -ūs, m.:''' the expression of grief; lamentation, grief, sorrow
'''externo (1):''' drive out of one's wits, madden, panic
'''spīnōsus, -a, -um:''' thorny, prickly
'''sĕro, sĕrĕre, sēvi, sătum:''' sow, plant
'''tempestas, -ātis, f.:''' period, time, season; weather; storm
'''fĕrox, -ōcis:''' fierce
'''ēgrĕdĭor, -grĕdī, -gressus sum:''' come out, depart
'''attingo, -tingĕre, -tĭgi, -tactum:''' touch; touch upon (in speaking), mention
'''iniustus, -a, -um:''' unjust
'''templum, -i, n.:''' a consecrated area; a zone, space, region, or quarter
'''pĕrhĭbĕo, -ēre, -ui, -ĭtum:''' present, bestow; say, hold, maintain, give out
'''ōlim:''' adv., formerly, once, once upon a time
'''crūdēlis, -e:''' savage, cruel
'''pestis, -is, f.: ''' physical destruction; plague, affliction, bane
'''cōgo, cōgĕre, cŏēgi, cŏactum:''' round up, collect; compel
'''poena, -ae, f.:''' penalty
'''exsolvo, -solvĕre, -solvi, -sŏlūtum:''' unfasten; discharge, pay
'''caedes, -is, f.:''' killing, murder; gore
'''ēlĭgo, -lĭgĕre, -lēgi, -lectum:''' pull out; select
'''dĕcus, -ŏris, n.:''' glory; the best of anything
'''innuptus, -a, -um:''' unwed
'''sŏlĕo, -ēre, -ĭtus:''' to be accustomed (to); (euphemistic, w/ acc.) to "know," i.e., be sexually intimate with
'''daps, dăpis, f.:''' a sacrifical meal; any feast or meal; food
'''angustus, -a, -um:''' narrow
'''mălus, -a, -um:''' bad, evil, malicious
'''vexo (1):''' buffet, harry, ravage, afflict
'''cārus, -a, -um:''' dear
'''Ăthēnae, -ārum, f.:''' Athens
'''prōĭcĭo, -ĭcĕre, -iēci, -iectum:''' fling forth, throw forward; renounce
'''pŏtĭus:''' adv., more, more than, rather
'''tālis, -e:''' such a, such
'''Crēta, -ae, f.:''' Crete, large island south of the Aegean Sea, home of King Minos and Ariadne
'''fūnus, -ĕris, n.:''' funeral rites; a corpse; death
'''porto (1):''' carry
'''nāvis, -is, f.:''' ship
'''nītor, nītī, nixus sum:''' lean; press onward; rely, depend
'''lēnis, -e:''' easy, gentle
'''auris, -is, f.:''' ear
'''magnănĭmus, -a, -um:''' noble-spirited, brve, bold
'''vĕnĭo, vĕnīre, vēni, ventum:''' come
'''sŭperbus, -a, -um:''' proud, haughty
'''cŭpĭdus, -a, -um:''' desirous, eager
'''conspĭcĭo, -spĭcĕre, -spexi, -spectum:''' catch sight of, lay eyes on
'''lūmen, -ĭnis, n.:''' radiance, light; day; the light of life; by metonymy, eye; a light-giving body in the heavens
'''virgo, -ĭnis, f.:''' maiden, virgin; the constellation Virgo
'''suāvis, -e:''' agreeable, pleasant
'''exspīro (1):''' exhale, pant, emit (a fragrance); be exhaled
'''castus, -a, -um:''' free from vice, pure, chaste
'''ŏdor, -ōris, m.:''' smell, odor, fragrance
'''lectŭlus, -i, m.:''' dim. of ''lectus'', bed, couch
'''mollis, -e:''' soft, mild, languid, voluptuous
'''complexus, -ūs, m.:''' embrace
'''ălo, ălĕre, ălŭi, altum:''' nurse, feed, foster; cherish
'''quālis, -e:''' (interr) of what kind; (rel.) such as
'''Eurōtas, -ae, m.:''' the river that runs through Sparta
'''praecingo, -ngĕre, -nxi, -nctum:''' encircle, stand around
'''flūmen, -ĭnis, n.:''' river
'''myrtus, -i, f.:''' the myrtle tree, a bushy shrub with oval leaves and fragrant white or rosy flowers, common to southern Europe
'''distinctus, -a, -um:''' separate, different, distinct
'''ēdūco, -cĕre, -xi, -ctum:''' bring out
'''vernus, -a, -um:''' of spring, vernal
'''cŏlor, -ōris, m.:''' color
'''prĭor, -ĭus:''' former
'''flā̆gro (1):''' burn
'''dēclīno (1):''' lower, decline
'''cunctus, -a, -um:''' the whole of, all
'''concĭpĭo, -cĭpĕre, -cēpi, -ceptum:''' take in, catch, conceive, contract (a disease); conceive (a child), produce, be the mother of
'''flamma, -ae, f.:''' flame, fire
'''fundĭtus:''' adv., from the bottom up; utterly
'''ĭmus, -a, -um:''' lowest, deepest
'''exardesco, -ardescĕre, -arsi, -arsum:''' catch fire, blaze up
'''mĕdulla, -ae, f.:''' the marrow of the bones; the interior, inside, seat of the emotions
'''heu:''' interj., alas
'''mĭsĕrē:''' adv., wretchedly, with piteous result, unhappily
'''exăgĭto (1):''' stir up
'''immītis, -e:''' ungentle, pitiless, violent
'''sanctus, -a, -um:''' holy, sacred, inviolate
'''pŭer, -ĕri, m.:''' boy; colloq., of a friend; slave
'''miscĕo, miscēre, miscŭi, mixtum:''' mix, combine
'''Īdălĭum, -ĭi, n.:''' town in Cyprus sacred to Aphrodite/Venus
'''frondōsus, -a, -um:''' leafy
'''iacto (1):''' throw; toss about, torment
'''pŭella, -ae, f.:''' girl; young woman; girlfriend
'''hospĕs, -ĭtis, m.:''' guest, visitor; stranger
'''suspīro (1):''' sigh, pant
'''quantus, -a, -um:''' interr. or rel. adj., how much, how great, pl. how many
'''languĕo, -ēre:''' be faint, droop, be sick
'''tĭmor, -ōris, m.:''' fear, anxiety
'''magis: ''' adv., more
'''fulgor, -ōris, m.:''' brightness, luster
'''expallesco, -lescĕre, -lŭi:''' turn pale
'''saevus, -a, -um:''' fierce, savage
'''cŭpĭo, -ĕre, -īvi or -ĭi, -ītum:''' want, desire
'''contrā:''' adv., in front, opposite; in return; on the other hand
'''contendo, -dĕre, -di, -tum:''' stretch, strain; contend
'''mors, -tis, f.:''' death
'''appĕto, -ĕre, -īvi or -ii, -ītum:''' try to reach; seek; attack
'''praemĭum, -ii, n.:''' payment, offering, prize, reward
'''laus, laudis, f.:''' praise; cause of praise, virtue, glory
'''ingrātus, -a, -um:''' thankless, unwelcome, disagreeable
'''frustrā:''' adv., in vain
'''mūnuscŭlum, -i, n.:''' a small gift or favor
'''tăcĭtus, -a, -um:''' unspeaking; silent
'''căpĭo, căpĕre, cēpi, captum:''' catch, snatch
'''vŏvĕo, vŏvēre, vōvi, vōtum:''' promise, vow
'''lăbellum, -i, n.:''' (dim. of ''labrum'') lip
'''vĕlut, vĕlŭti:''' adv., just as
'''quătĭo, quătĕre, quassum:''' shake
'''brāchĭum, -ii, n.:; ''' arm
'''quercus, -ūs, f.:''' an oak tree
'''cōnĭger, -gĕra, -gĕrum:''' coniferous, e.g., a pine tree
'''sūdo (1):''' sweat, perspire
'''cortex, -ĭcis, m.:''' bark, cortex
'''turbo, -ĭnis, m.:''' anything that spins; whirlwind, tornado; maelstrom; a weight used in spinning
'''contorquĕo, -torquēre, -torsi, -tortum:''' twist, agitate
'''ērŭo, -ŭĕre, -ŭi, -ŭtum:''' remove, uproot
'''rādīcĭtus:''' adv., by, from, or at the roots; roots and all
'''exturbo (1):''' drive out, remove by force
'''cădo, cădĕre, cĕcĭdi, cāsum:''' fall
'''lātē:''' adv., far, at a distance, far and wide
'''cumquĕ:''' postpos. adv., giving preceding pron. or adv. indefinite force: -ever, -soever
'''obvĭus, -a, -um:''' in the way or path of something
'''frango, frangĕre, frēgi, fractum:''' break
'''dŏmo (1):''' subdue
'''prōsterno (1):''' lay low, strike down
'''nēquīquam:''' adv., to no purpose, in vain
'''vānus, -a, -um:''' lacking substance, empty; vain, useless
'''cornū, -ūs, n.:''' horn
'''inde:''' adv., thence, from that point
'''sospĕs, -ĭtis:''' safe
'''multus, -a, -um:''' much; a lot of, many a; (pl.) many
'''rĕflecto, -ctĕre, -xi, -xum:''' bend back
'''errābundus, -a, -um:''' prone to err or make a wrong turning; wandering
'''rĕgo, -gĕre, -xi, -ctum:''' direct, manage, guide, control
'''vestīgĭum, -ii, n.:''' footprint, trail, track; mark, vestige; course; foot
'''fīlum, -i. n.:''' thread, string, filament
'''nē:''' neg. adv. & conj., introducing prohibitions, clauses of purpose, etc.: do not, let not, lest, in order that not, etc.
'''lăbyrinthēus, -a, -um:''' of or like a labyrinth, labyrinthine
'''flexus, -ūs, m.:''' a bending, turning, curve
'''ĭnobservābĭlis, -e:''' undetectable to the eye; difficult to trace or observe
'''error, -ōris, m.:''' a wandering; deviation, mistake
'''dīgrĕdĭor, -grĕdī, -gressus sum:''' go off; digress
'''plūs, plūris:''' adj. & adv., more
'''commĕmŏro (1):''' recall, recount
'''fīlĭa, -ae, f.:''' daughter
'''consanguinea, -ae, f.:''' sister, female relative
'''dēnĭquē:''' adv., finally
'''gnātus, -i, m.:''' son
'''deperditus, -a, -um:''' lost, ruined
'''laetus, -a, -um:''' glad, happy
'''dulcis, -e:''' sweet
'''praeopto (1):''' prefer, choose in preference
'''vĕho, -hĕre, -xi, -ctum:''' convey, carry, transport
'''rătis, -is, f.:''' raft; boat, ship
'''spūmōsus, -a, -um:''' foamy
'''dēvincĭo, -ncīre, -nxi, -nctum:''' tie fast, bind
'''discēdo, -cēdĕre, -cessi, -cessum:''' scatter; depart, desert, run away
'''coniunx,  -iŭgis, m. or f.:''' spouse, consort, mate, wife, husband
'''ardĕo, -rdēre, -rsi, -rsum:''' burn, blaze
'''fŭro, -ĕre, -ŭi:''' be mad or crazed; rage with passion, rave
'''clārĭsŏnus, -a, -um:''' clear-sounding, loud, shrill
'''fundo, fundĕre, fūdi, fūsum:''' pour, pour forth, emit, utter
'''vŏco (1):''' call, summon, invite
'''praeruptus, -a, -um:''' broken off into a cliff, steep
'''tristis, -e:''' grim, fierce, gloomy; unhappy, sad
'''conscendo, -ndĕre, -ndi, -nsum:''' climb up
'''mons, -tis, m.:''' mountain
'''undĕ:''' rel. adv., from which, whence
'''ăcĭēs, -ēi, f.:''' a sharp edge; the sight of one's eyes, vision
'''pĕlăgus, -i, n.:''' the sea
'''vastus, -a, -um:''' desolate, uninhabited, featureless, dreary, endless
'''prōtendo, -dĕre, -di, -tum:''' stretch out; extend forward over a distance
'''aestus, -ūs, m.:''' heat, hot weather; swell (of the sea), flood; tumult
'''trĕmŭlus, -a, -um:''' shaky, trembling; shaking (voluntarily, as one dandling an infant)
'''adversus, -a, -um:''' opposite, facing
'''prōcurro, -currĕre, -curri, -cursum:''' run forward; roll forth
'''tollo, tollĕre, sustŭli, sublātum:''' pick up, raise, tke, carry off, steal
'''tegmen, -ĭnis, n.:''' covering
'''sūra, -ae, f.:''' calf of the leg
'''extrēmus, -a, -um:''' farthest, the farthest part of; final
'''quĕrella, -ae, f.:''' complaint, protest, lament
'''frīgĭdŭlus, -a, -um:''' dim. of ''frigidus'', chilly, cold; (of language, rhetoric, etc.) feeble, tedious, frigid
'''ūdus, -a, -um:''' wet
'''singultus, -ūs, m.:''' sob
'''ōs, ōris, n.:''' mouth; face, countenance
'''sīcĭnē:''' ''sic'' + interrog. ''-ne'': is this the way?
'''pā̆trĭus, -a, -um:''' of one's father or fathers; paternal, ancestral
'''āvĕho, -vĕhĕre, -vexi, -vectum:''' carry off
'''perfĭdus, -a, -um:''' treacherous, perfidious
'''āra, -ae, f.:''' altar
'''neglĕgo, -ĕgĕre, -exi, -ectum:''' regard as of no consequence, be indifferent to, disregard, ignore, fail to respect
'''nūmen, -ĭnis, n.:''' a nod; divine power
'''ā:''' expletive of distress, pity, or entreaty.
'''dēvōtus, -a, -um:''' accursed; vowed as an offering
'''periūrĭum, -ii, n.:''' a breach of oath, flase oath, perjury
'''nullus, -a, -um:''' adj. & subst., not one, no, none; with adverbial force, not at all
'''flecto, -ctĕre, -xi, -xum:''' bend; turn, avert
'''consĭlĭum, -ii, n.:''' deliberation; advice; resolution, purpose
'''clēmentĭa, -ae, f.:''' mercy, pity, clemency
'''praestō:''' adv., available, ready
'''vŏlo, velle, volui:''' wish, be willing
'''mĭsĕresco, -ĕre:''' w/ gen., have compassion on
'''blandus, -a, -um:''' charming, ingratiating, seductive, sweet
'''vox, vōcis, f.:''' voice; word
'''spēro (1):''' hope, hope for; anticipate
'''iŭbĕo, iŭbēre, iussi, iussum:''' order, bid
'''cōnūbĭum, -ii, n.:''' marriage; pl. a wedding
'''discerpo, -pĕre, -psi, -ptum:''' tear to pieces
'''ventus, -i, m.:''' wind
'''nunc:''' adv., now
'''iam:''' adv., now
'''vĭr, vĭri, m.:''' man; husband; (poet.) manhood
'''iūro (1):''' swear an oath
'''fēmĭna, -ae, f.:''' woman
'''sermo, -ōnis, m.:''' talk, informal speech, conversation; topic of conversation
'''fĭdēlis, -e:''' faithful, worthy of trust
'''dum:''' conj., as long as; (w. historical pres.) while; (w/ subjunctive) provided that; (w/ ind. or subj.) until
'''ălĭquis, aliquid:''' indef. pron., someone, something; indef. adj., some
'''praegestio, -īre:''' have an overpowering desire, be especially eager for
'''ăpiscor, -ăpiscī, aptus sum:''' seuze, grasp; obtain
'''nĭhil, nīl:''' indecl. n., nothing; w/ adv. force, an emphatic form of ''non''; not at all
'''mĕtŭo, -ŭĕre, -ŭi, -ūtum:''' fear; w/ ''a'', ''ab'', fear danger (from)
'''parco, parcĕre, pĕperci:''' act sparingly, refrain from, show restraint
'''sătĭo (1):''' satisfy
'''lĭbīdo, -ĭnis, f.:''' desire; sexual craving
'''certus, -a, -um: ''' fixed, definite, sure, unerring
'''verso (1):''' keep turning; pass. w/ middle force, toss and turn
'''lētum, -i, n.:''' death
'''ērĭpĭo, -ĭpĕre, -ĭpŭi, -eptum:''' snatch away, remove
'''germānus, -i, m.:''' brother
'''āmitto, -mittĕre, -mīsi, -missum:''' dismiss, give up, forfeit; lose
'''sū̆prēmus, -a, -um:''' highest; final; decisive, critical, desperate
'''dēsum, -esse, -efŭi:''' be wanting or lacking; fail
'''dīlăcĕro (1):''' tear to pieces
'''fĕra, -ae, f.:''' wild animal
'''ālĕs, ālĭtĭs:''' winged
'''praeda, -ae, f.:''' booty, prey
'''tŭmŭlo (1):''' cover with a burial mound; bury
'''mŏrĭor, mŏrī, mortŭus sum:''' die
'''terra, -ae, f.:''' earth; land
'''quisnam, quaenam, quidnam:''' pron. & adj., who/what, tell me?, who/what, finally
'''gigno, gignĕre, gĕnŭi, gĕnĭtum:''' create, beget, give birth to
'''sŭb:''' prep. w/ acc. or abl., under
'''rūpes, -is, f.:''' cliff, crag
'''lĕaena, -ae, f.:''' lioness
'''spūmo (1):''' foam, froth
'''exspŭo, -ŭĕre, -ŭi, -ūtum:''' spit out
'''Syrtis, -is, f.:''' shoals on the N. African coast between Carthage and Cyrene
'''răpax, -ācis:''' predatory, rapacious
'''vasto (1):''' make desolate; destroy, sack
'''reddo, -dĕre, -dĭdi, -dĭtum:''' give back, restore; repay (a debt, obligation, or vow); pay (honor, tribute, etc.); render, turn something or someone into
'''vīta, -ae, f.:''' life; hyperb., as a term of endearment
'''horrĕo, -ēre, -ui:''' bristle; shudder or tremble at, fear; regard with awe or dread
'''praeceptum, -i, n.:''' advice, precept; instruction, order
'''pārĕo, -ēre, -ŭi, pārĭtum:''' submit, be obedient
'''attămen:''' nevertheless
'''vester, -tra, -trum:''' 3rd pers. poss. adj., your, yours
'''iūcundus, -a, -um:''' pleasant, delightful
'''fămŭlor, -āri, -ātus sum:''' be a servant
'''serva, -ae, f.:''' female slave or servant
'''lăbor or lăbos, -ōris, m.:''' labor, effort, toil
'''candĭdus, -a, -um:''' bright; white; fair-skinned (implying beauty); gorgeous (of a woman)
'''permulcĕo, -mulcēre, -mulsi, -sum:''' caress, soothe, refresh
'''lympha, -ae, f.:''' a water nymph; (poet.) water
'''consterno (1):''' cover, spread
'''cŭbīle, -is, n.:''' bed, couch
'''ignārus, -a, -um:''' ignorant, uncomprehending
'''conquĕror, -quĕrī, -questus sum:''' complain, lament
'''aura, -ae, f.:''' breeze, wind
'''sensus, -ūs, m.:''' sensation; any of the senses; conciousness
'''mitto, mittĕre, mīsi, missum:''' send, send forth; (of weapons) throw, cast, hurl; emit, utter; cease, desist, omit; let go, release, abandon, discard; give
'''audĭo, -īre, -īvi or -ii, -itum:''' hear, pay attention to
'''quĕo, -īre, -īvi and -ii, -ĭtum:''' to be able
'''prŏpe:''' adv. & prep. w/ acc., near
'''quisquam, quicquam:''' indef. pron., anyone, anything
'''appārĕo, -ēre, -ui, -itum:''' be visible
'''văcŭus, -a, -um:''' vacant, empty, empty-handed
'''insulto (1):''' leap or trample on; behave insultingly, scoff
'''fors, fortis, f.:''' chance, luck
'''invĭdĕo, -vĭdēre, -vīdi, -vīsum:''' to look at with ill will or envy; begrudge
'''questus, -ūs, m.:''' complaint, protest
'''omnĭpŏtens, -ntis:''' all-powerful
'''ŭtĭnam:''' particle used to express a wish: would that, how I wish that
'''tango, tangĕre, tĕtĭgi, tactum: ''' touch
'''dīrus, -a, -um:''' awful, dread, dire, frightful
'''stīpendĭum, -ii, n.:''' payment
'''rĕlĭgo (1):''' tie back, tie up; untie
'''nāvĭta, -ae, m.:''' = ''nauta'', sailor
'''fūnis, -is, m.:''' rope; a ship's hawser, mooring rope
'''cēlo (1):''' conceal
'''forma, -ae, f.:''' appearance; beauty, good looks
'''rĕquĭesco, -ĕre, -ēvi, -ētum:''' rest, find relief
'''rĕfĕro, refĕrre, rettŭli, rĕlātum: ''' bring back; report; (reflexive) return; w/ ''in'' + abl., write down; w/ acc. & dat., put something down to, assign to a category
'''spes, spēi, f.:''' hope
'''pĕto, -ĕre, -īvi and -ĭi, -ītum:''' seek
'''lătus, -ĕris, n.:''' side, flank
'''discerno, -cernĕre, -crēvi, -crētum:''' separate, divide off
'''pons, -ntis, m.:''' bridge
'''trŭcŭlentus, -a, -um:''' ferocious; n. pl. as subst., ferocity
'''dīvĭdo, -vĭdĕre, -vīsi, -vīsum:''' separate, divide
'''ăn:''' particle introducing questions with note of surprise or indignation: can it be that … ?; (after ''utrum'') or
'''auxĭlĭum, -ii, n.:''' aid, assistance, help
'''rĕlinquo, -linquĕre, -līqui, -lictum:''' quit, leave, forsake
'''rēspergo, -gĕre, -si, -sum:''' sprinkle, spatter, splash
'''frāternus, -a, -um:''' of or from a brother, fraternal
'''caedo, caedĕre, cĕcīdi, caesum:''' strike, strike dead; to "beat" with sexual intercourse; cut through, hew
'''sĕquor, sĕqui, sĕcūtus sum:''' follow
'''fīdus, -a, -um:''' faithful, loyal, devoted
'''consōlor, -āri, -ātus sum:''' comfort, console, solace
'''lentus, -a, -um:''' supple, pliant; slow, taking one's time, unconcerned, at ease
'''incurvo (1):''' bend
'''praetĕrĕā:''' adv., besides, moreover
'''insŭla, -ae, f.:''' island
'''tectum, -i, n.:''' roof; by metonymy, house
'''păteo, -ēre, -ŭi:''' be open; show as entered (in accounts)
'''cingo, -ĕre, -xi, -nctum:''' surround; crown
'''fŭga, -ae, f.:''' flight, escape
'''rătĭo, -ōnis, f.:''' account, reason; exercise of faculty of reason; business, matter, affair; method, means
'''mūtus, -a, -um:''' inarticulate, mute, dumb, silent
'''ostento (1):''' freq. of ''ostendo'', exhibit, display conspicuously
'''languesco, -guescĕre, -gŭi:''' weaken, grow feeble
'''fessus, -a, -um:''' tired, exhausted
'''sēcēdo, -cēdĕre, -cessi, -cessum:''' withdraw
'''iustus, -a, -um:''' just
'''exposco, -poscĕre, -pŏposci:''' ask for, demand, beg
'''prōdo, -dĕre, -dĭdi, -dĭtum:''' thrust out; give up, abandon, betray
'''caelestis, -e:''' of the heavens, celestial
'''fĭdes, -ĕi, f.:''' tutelage, faith, trust; trustworthiness; promise
'''postrēmus, -a, -um:''' final
'''comprĕcor, -āri, -ātus sum:''' pray to, invoke, supplicate
'''hōra, -ae, f.:''' hour
'''quārē:''' interr. & rel. adv., how? for what reason? on account of which thing; wherefore, therefore
'''multo (1):''' penalize
'''vindex, -ĭcis, m.:''' guarantor, defender, champion; one who punishes a wrong or takes vengeance
'''Eumĕnĭdes, -um, f.:''' Kindly Spirits, Furies, Erinyes, punishers of outrage
'''anguīnus, -a, -um:''' snaky, made of snakes
'''rĕdĭmĭo, -īre, -ĭi, -ītum:''' wreathe, encircle
'''căpillus, -i, m.:''' hair
'''frons, frontis, f.:''' forehead; front, façade
'''praeporto (1):''' carry before one, carry in front
'''īra, -ae, f.:''' wrath
'''huc:''' adv., to this place or point; to this total or amount
'''advento (1):''' (freq. of ''advenio'') approach, draw near
'''vae''' interj., woe to, alas for
'''prōfĕro, -ferre, -tŭli, -lātum:''' bring forth; utter
'''ĭnops, -ŏpis:''' destitute; defenseless; powerless
'''āmens, -mentis:''' demented, mad, insane
'''caecus, -a, -um:''' blind; dark
'''quŏnĭam:''' conj., as soon as, after; because, since
'''vērus, -a, -um:''' true
'''nōlo, nolle, nōlŭi:''' be unwilling, not to wish
'''pătĭor, pătī, passus sum:''' undergo, suffer, be subjected to; bear, put up with, tolerate, let, allow
'''vānesco, -ĕre:''' vanish; become ineffectual
'''dĕa, -ae, f.:''' goddess
'''fūnesto (1):''' pollute with death
'''postquam:''' conj., after
'''prō̆fundo, -fundĕre, -fūdi, -fūsum:''' pour forth
'''supplĭcĭum, -ii, n.:''' compensation offered to placate a person who has been wronged; reparation; punishment
'''anxĭus, -a, -um:''' anxious
'''annŭo, -ŭĕre, -ŭi, -ūtum:''' nod assent; consent
'''invictus, -a, -um:''' unvanquished
'''rector, -ōris, m.:''' steersman, ruler
'''mōtus, -ūs, m.:''' motion, movement
'''tellūs, -ūris, f.:''' earth, ground
'''horrĭdus, -a, -um:''' rough, rugged, wild, uncouth, harsh
'''contrĕmo, -ŭĕre, -ŭi:''' tremble violently
'''concŭtĭo, -cŭtĕre, -cussi, -cussum:''' cause to vibrate; shake
'''mĭco (1):''' quiver, dart, flicker; flash, glitter, gleam
'''sīdus, -ĕris, n.:''' star, planet, constellation
'''mundus, -a, -um:''' heavens, sky, firmament; world, earth
'''cālīgo, -ĭnis, f.:''' darkness, murk
'''consĕro, -sĕrĕre, -sēvi, -sĭtum:''' sow, plant; beset
'''oblīviscor, -līviscī, -lītus sum:''' forget, w/ gen. or acc. of object forgotten
'''dīmitto, -mittĕre, -mīsi, -missum:''' let go
'''mandātum, -i, n.:''' command
'''constans, -antis:''' steady, resolute, steadfast
'''sustollo, -ĕre:''' raise
'''signum, -i, n.:''' sign, signal
'''ostendo, -ndĕre, -di, -sum:''' show, display; reveal
'''portus, -ūs, m.:''' harbor, port
'''concrēdo, -dĕre, -dĭdi, -dĭtum:''' entrust
'''longus, -a, -um:''' long; tall, svelte
'''ūnĭcus, -a, -um:''' one and only, singular, unique, special
'''dŭbĭus, -a, -um:''' uncertain, doubtful; perilous
'''cāsus, -ūs, n.:''' fall; accident, chance, fortune, situation, plight
'''nūper:''' adv., recently
'''sĕnecta, -ae, f.:''' old age
'''quandōquĭdem:''' rel. adv., since
'''fortūna, -ae, f.:''' fortune
'''fervĭdus, -a, -um:''' hot; fervent, passionate, lusty
'''invītus, -a, -um:''' unwilling
'''languĭdus, -a, -um:''' weary, drooping, flaccid
'''nondum:''' adv., not yet
'''sătŭro (1):''' fill, satisfy, sate
'''sĭno, sĭnĕre, sīvi, sĭtum:''' leave alone; allow
'''sĕcundus, -a, -um:''' (early participal gerundive of sequor) going along with, following; hence (of a wind) favorable; second
'''exprōmo, -mĕre, -mpsi, -mptum:''' bring out, express
'''canities, -ei, f.:''' white or gray coloring; whiteness of hair; gray hair
'''infundo, -fundĕre, -fūdi, -fūsum:''' pour in or on
'''pulvis, -ĕris, m.:''' dust; sand
'''foedo (1):''' make foul, soil
'''infectus, -a, -um:''' dyed
'''văgus, -a, -um:''' roaming, wandering, rambling
'''suspendo, -dĕre, -di, -sum:''' hang, suspend
'''lintĕum, -i, n.:''' linen cloth; napkin; sail
'''incendĭum, -ĭi, n.:''' conflagration; inflammation, agony
'''carbăsus, -i, f.:''' sail, canvas
'''obscūro (1):''' darken
'''ferrūgo, -ĭnis, f.:''' rust; any color from reddish purple to nearly black
'''incŏla, ae, f.:''' inhabitant
'''dēfendo, -dĕre, -di, -sum:''' ward off; defend
'''sanguis, -ĭnis, m.:''' blood
'''dexter, -tĕra, -tĕrum:''' right; the right hand; on the right side
'''mĕmor, -ŏris:''' remembering, mindful
'''condĭtus, -a, -um:''' put away, preserved
'''vĭgĕo, -ēre:''' be vigorous and active, fluorish
'''ullus, -a, -um:''' any
'''oblittĕro (1):''' cause to be forgottend, wipe out
'''aetas, -ātis, f.:''' age, lifetime
'''invīso, -sĕre, -si, -sum:''' go to see; look upon
'''collis, -is, m.:''' hill, mountain
'''fūnestus, -a, -um:''' associated with mourning; funereal
'''antenna, -ae, f.:''' the horizontal yardarm of a sailing ship
'''dēpōno, -pōnĕre, -pŏsŭi, -pŏsĭtum:''' put down, lay down (in birth), put away
'''undĭquĕ:''' from all directions, from everywhere; throughout
'''intortus, -a, -um:''' twisted or twined
'''vēlum, -i, n.:''' sail
'''rŭdens, entis, m.:''' rope, line
'''agnosco, -noscĕre, -nōvi, -nitum:''' recognize
'''rĕdux, -dŭcis:''' brought back, returned, restored
'''prospĕrus, -a, -um:''' agreeable to one's wishes, prosperous
'''sisto, sistĕre, steti, stătum:''' (redup. ''sto'') cause to stand, set; present, hand over
'''ceu:''' part. introducing similes: in the same way as, as, like
'''nūbes, -is, f.:''' cloud
'''āĕrĭus or āĕrĕus, -a, -um:''' of the air, airy
'''nĭvĕus, -a, -um:''' snowy, white
'''căcūmen, -ĭnis, n.:''' peak, tip
'''prospectus, -ūs, m.:''' view, prospect
'''absūmo, -mĕre, -mpsi, -mptum:''' use up, consume, exhaust; do away with, remove by death
'''flĕo, flēre, flēvi, flētum:''' weep, cry; weep for, mourn
'''praeceps, -cĭpĭtis:''' plunging headfirst; headlong; sudden
'''scŏpŭlus, -i, m.:''' a projecting rock or cliff
'''iăcĭo, iăcĕre, iēci, iactum:''' throw
'''fātum, -i, n.:''' a prophetic utterance; fate
'''ingrĕdĭor, -ĕdī, -essus sum:''' enter
'''păternus, -a, -um:''' of a father; paternal
'''offĕro, offĕrre, obtŭli, oblātum:''' put in one's path; provide, offer; cause
'''rĕcĭpĭo, -cĭpĕre, -cēpi, -ceptum:''' receive, take in
'''multĭplex, -ĭcis:''' having many twists and turns; varied
'''volvo, volvĕre, volvi, vŏlūtum:''' cause to roll
'''saucĭus, -a, -um:''' wounded, afflicted
'''flōrens, -entis:''' flowering; in the flower of one's youth; fresh, vigorous
'''thĭăsus, -i, m.:''' an orgiastic dance; a group that performs such dances
'''Sătyrus, -i, m.:''' a Satyr, demigod of wild places, frequent companion of Bacchus/Dionysus
'''quaero, quaerĕre, -sīvi or -sĭi, -sītum:''' ask, ask for, seek
'''ălăcer, -cris:''' moving nimbly, lively; eager
'''lymphātus, -a, -um:''' frenzied, frantic
'''euhoe:''' interj., the ritual cry of Bacchants
'''căpŭt, -ĭtis, n.:''' head
'''cuspis, -ĭdis, f.:''' sharp point or tip; spear; pointed stick
'''thyrsus, -i, m.:''' a pole tipped with a pinecone, ivy, or vine leaves, as carried by bacchants
'''dīvello, -vellĕre, -velli, -vulsum:''' tear apart
'''membrum, -i, n.:''' any part of the body; limb
'''serpens, -entis, m. or f.:''' snake
'''incingo, -ngĕre, -xi, -ctum:''' wrap
'''obscūrus, -a, -um:''' dark; unknown, secret
'''căvus, -a, -um:''' hollow; deep
'''cĕlē̆bro (1):''' throng, fill, crowd; perform, celebrate
'''orgĭa, -ōrum, n.:''' secret rites, mysteries
'''cista, -ae, f.:''' wicker box for sacred objects in mystery cults
'''prŏfānus, -a, -um:''' not dedicated to religious use; not initiated into a cult
'''plango, -ngĕre, -nxi, -nctum:''' beat, strike
'''prōcērus, -a, -um:''' tall, long
'''tympănum, -i, n.:''' a small drum or tom-tom, usu. as used in the worship of Cybele or Bacchus
'''tĕnŭis, -e:''' thin
'''tinnītus, -ūs, m.:''' a ringing or clanging sound
'''āēr, āĕris, m.:''' air
'''raucĭsŏnus, -a, -um:''' harsh-sounding
'''efflo (1):''' breathe out, emit, blast out
'''bombus, -i, m.:''' a low, booming sound
'''barbărus, -a, -um:''' outlandish; "barbarian," spec. non-Greek, e.g., Persian
'''horrĭbĭlis, -e:''' fearful, dreadful; rough, uncouth
'''strīdo, -ĕre:''' make a shrill, strident sound
'''tībĭa, -ae, f.:''' pipe, flute
'''cantus, -ūs, m.:''' song; sound of instruments
'''amplĭfĭcē:''' magnificently, splendidly
'''dĕcŏro (1):''' embellish, adorn
'''specto (1):''' look at, watch
'''explĕo, -ēre, -ēvi, -ētum:''' fill up, satisfy
'''coepĭo, coepĕre, coepi, coeptum:''' begin
'''dēcēdo, -cēdĕre, -cessi, -cessum:''' go away, leave; make way for
'''flātus, -ūs, m.:''' blowing, breath, breeze
'''plăcĭdus, -a, -um:''' quiet, peaceful
'''mātūtīnus, -a, -um:''' of the morning, matutinal
'''Zĕphyrus, -i, m.:''' the west wind
'''prōclīvus, -a, -um:''' downward sloping, (of whitecaps at sea) tumbling forward or down
'''incĭto (1):''' incite, provoke, stir
'''Aurōra, -ae, f.:''' the goddess of Dawn
'''exŏrĭor, -ŏrĭrī -ortus sum:''' rise up from
'''līmen, -ĭnis, n.:''' threshold, doorway
'''tardus, -a, -um:''' slow, late, dull
'''clēmens, -entis:''' gentle, mild, lenient
'''prōcēdo, -cēdĕre, -cessi, -cessum:''' move forward
'''lĕvĭter:''' adv., lightly
'''sŏno (1):''' make a sound
'''plangor, -ōris, m.:''' a beating or slapping action
'''căchinnus, -i, m.:''' laugh, guffaw; metaph. of rippling waves
'''post''' prep w/ acc. adv. behind; later, afterward
'''cresco, crescĕre, crēvi, crētum:''' come into existence; grow
'''purpŭrĕus, -a, -um:''' purple
'''rĕfulgĕo, -gēre, -si:''' shine, gleam
'''vestĭbŭlum, -i, n.:''' forecourt
'''ăbĕo, -īre, -ĭvi or -ii, -ītum:''' go away or out; come off, turn out; escape criticism or other consequences
'''princeps, -cĭpis:''' first, earliest
'''silvester, -tris:''' of the forest
'''dōnum, -i, n.:''' gift
'''quīcumque, quaecumque, quodcumque:''' indef. rel. pron. , whoever, whatever
'''campus, -i, m.:''' plain, field
'''ōra, -ae, f.:''' edge, border; region, district, land
'''crĕo (1):''' beget, give birth to, produce
'''propter:''' adv. & prep. w/ acc., near
'''părĭo (1):''' give birth to; produce
'''flōs, -ōris, m.:''' flower; youthful beauty; the finest specimen of a type or class
'''tĕpĭdus, -a, -um:''' warm
'''fēcundus, -a, -um:''' productive of offspring; fertile, fruitful
'''indistinctus, -a, -um:''' indiscriminate, disordered, not arranged by type
'''plĕcto, -ctĕre, -xi, -xum:''' plait, twine
'''cŏrolla, -ae, f.:''' dim. of ''corona''; garland, small wreath
'''rīdĕo, -dēre, -si, -sum:''' laugh
'''confestim:''' adv., immediately
'''adsum, adesse, affui:''' be present
'''vĭrĭdo (1):''' be green
'''silva, -ae, f.:''' forest, wood
'''sŭper:''' adv., over, above; more; besides; prep. w/ acc., over
'''impendĕo, -ēre:''' hang above
'''chŏrēa, -ae, f.:''' a circle dance; choral dancers
'''altus, -a, -um:''' high, deep; loud
'''fāgus, -i, f.:''' beech-tree
'''stīpĕs, -ĭtis, m.:''' tree trunk
'''laurus, -i, f.:''' laurel or bay tree
'''nūto (1):''' nod, sway; beat rhythymically
'''plătănus, -i, f.:''' plane tree
'''sŏror, -ōris, f.:''' sister
'''flammatus, -a, -um:''' burning
'''cū̆pressus, -i, f.:''' the cypress tree
'''circum:''' pre. w/ acc., around
'''contexo, -xĕre, -xŭi, -xtum:''' weave together; arrange, combine
'''vĭrĕo, -ēre, -ui: ''' be verdant
'''consĕquor, -sĕqui, -sĕcūtus sum:''' come after, follow
'''sollers, -tis:''' clever, skilled, ingenious, resourceful
'''extĕnŭo (1):''' make thin, reduce, diminish
'''vĕtus, -ĕris:''' old
'''sĭlex, -ĭcis, m.:''' any hard rock; flint
'''rēstringo, -ingĕre, -inxi, -ictum:''' tie back, restrain with bonds
'''cătēna, -ae, f.:''' chain, fetter
'''persolvo, -solvĕre, -solvi, -sŏlūtum:''' pay
'''caelum, -i, n.:''' the sky or heavens
'''Phoebus, -i, m.:''' Phoebus Apollo, twin brother of Diana
'''ūnĭgĕna, -ae:''' born together with, twin; sharing a single parentage; (as substantive) brother
'''cultrix, -īcis, f.:''' a female inhabitant; local goddess
'''părĭter:''' adv., equally
'''aspernor, -āri, -ātus sum:''' push away, reject, scorn, spurn
'''iŭgālis, -e:''' yoke-bearing; matrimonial
'''artus, -ūs, m.:''' joint; limb; part of the body, member
'''largē:''' adv., abundantly
'''constrŭo, -strŭĕre, -struxi, -structum:''' pile up
'''intĕrĕā:''' adv., in the meantime; with adversative force, in these circumstances
'''infirmus, -a, -um:''' feeble, weak
'''vērĭdĭcus, -a, -um:''' truth telling
'''parcus, -a, -um:''' thrifty, frugal; skinny, lean
'''ĕdo, ĕdĕre, ēdi, ēsum:''' emit, bring forth, yield; publish
'''complector, -plectī, -plexus sum:''' embrace, surround
'''tālus, -i, m.:''' anklebone; ankle
'''rĕsĭdĕo, -sĭdēre, -sēdi:''' remain seated; persist
'''vitta, -ae, f.:''' headband
'''aeternus, -a, -um:''' eternal, everlasting
'''mănus, -ūs, f.:''' hand
'''carpo, -pĕre, -psi, -ptum:''' pluck, pull at; press on along (a way, journey, period of time, etc.); carp at, criticize
'''rītĕ:''' adv., properly, duly
'''lăbōro (1):''' work, labor
'''laevus, -a, -um:''' left; the left hand
'''cŏlus, -i, m.:''' distaff, a short staff for holding wool that is being spun into thread
'''lāna, -ae, f.:''' wool
'''dēdūco, -cĕre, -xi, -ctum:''' lead or bring down
'''sŭpīnus, -a, -um:''' lying on the back; facing upwards; flat; helpless
'''formo (1):''' shape, form
'''dĭgĭtus, -i, m.:''' finger
'''pollex, -ĭcis, m.:''' thumb
'''lībro (1):''' make level; hold suspended; balance, poise
'''fūsus, -i, m.:''' a weighted spindle on which yarn is wound and twisted
'''dēcerpo, -pĕre, -psi, -ptum:''' pluck off, snatch
'''semper:''' adv., always, forever
'''ŏpus, -ĕris, n.:''' that which needs to be done; work
'''lānĕus, -a, -um:''' woolly
'''ārĭdŭlus, -a, -um:''' dim. of ''aridus'', dry
'''haerĕo, haerēre, haesi, haesum:''' stick, cling
'''mordĕo, -ēre, mŏmordi, morsum:''' bite
'''vellus, -ĕris, n.:''' fleece; a piece of wool
'''virgātus, -a, -um:''' made of twigs; wicker
'''călăthiscus, -i, m.:''' a small basket
'''dīvīnus, -a, -um:''' divine
'''for, fāri, fātus sum:''' speak, say, tell
'''perfĭdĭa, -ae, f.:''' treachery, lying, perfidy
'''argŭo, -ŭĕre, -ŭi, -ūtum:''' show, reveal; prove wrong
'''tūtāmen, -ĭnis, n.:''' means of protection; bulwark
'''ops, ŏpis, f.:''' power; wealth; help
'''accĭpĭo, -cĭpĕre, -cēpi, -ceptum:''' receive, accept; hear
'''pando (1):''' spread out, disclose, reveal; open
'''ōrācŭlum, -i, n.:''' oracle
'''curro, currĕre, cŭcurri, cursum:''' run
'''subtegmen, -ĭnis, n.:''' the woof or weft, crossthreads in a loom running at right angles to the vertical threads of the warp
'''mărītus, -a, -um:''' married
'''Hespĕrus, -i, m.:''' the evening star
'''faustus, -a, -um:''' fortunate, lucky
'''flexănĭmus, -a, -um:''' persuasive
'''perfundo, -fundĕre, -fūdi, -fūsum:''' pour through, drench, suffuse, imbue
'''languĭdŭlus, -a, -um:''' dim. of ''languidus'', weary, drooping, flaccid
'''păro (1):''' furnish, supply; obtain
'''substerno, -sternĕre, -strāvi, -strātum:''' lay or spread beneath; (of a woman) offer oneself sexually to a man
'''rōbustus, -a, -um:''' strong
'''bracchĭum, -ii, n.:''' arm
'''umquam:''' adv., ever
'''ămo (1):''' love
'''foedus, -ĕris, n.:''' any formal agreement or bond, incl. marriage and (sometimes) other sexual unions
'''concordĭa, -ae, f.:''' harmony
'''expers, -tis:''' having no share of; immune to
'''terror, -ōris, m.:''' extreme fear
'''Ăchilles, -is, m.:''' son of Peleus and Thetis, greatest of the Greek warriors in the Trojan War, tragic hero of Homer's Iliad
'''hostis, -is, m.:''' enemy
'''haud or haut:''' part., not
'''tergum, -i, n.:''' back; hide from an animal's back
'''fortis -e,:''' strong; brave
'''nosco, -ĕre, nōvi, nōtum:''' know
'''persaepe:''' adv., very often
'''victor, -ōris, m.:''' winner, victor
'''certāmen, -ĭnis, n.:''' contest
'''flammĕus, -a, -um:''' fiery; swift as fire
'''praeverto, -tĕre, -ti:''' outstrip, outrun
'''cerva, -ae, f.:''' hind, doe
'''bellum, -i, n.:''' war
'''confĕro, conferre, contŭli, collātum:''' compare
'''Phrygĭus, -a, -um: ''' of Phrygia, Phrygian
'''Teucrus, -a, -um:''' Teucrian, Trojan
'''māno (1):''' flow, run, frip
'''obsīdo, -ĕre:''' beseige, beset
'''longinquus, -a, -um:''' far-off; drawn-out, long
'''tertĭus, -a, -um:''' third
'''hēres, -ēdis, m.:''' heir
'''ēgrĕgĭus, -a, -um:''' outstanding preeminent, illustrious
'''clārus, -a, -um:''' loud; bright; clear; famous
'''fătĕor, fătēri, fassus sum:''' concede, admit, confess
'''incultus, -a, -um:''' unkempt
'''solvo, solvĕre, solvi, solūtum:''' loosen, untie, dislodge, cast off; discharge, fulfill (a vow)
'''crīnis, -is, m.:''' a lock or braid of hair; hair
'''pū̆trĭdus, -a, -um:''' rotten, decaying, withered
'''densus, -a, -um:''' dense, closely packed
'''praecerpo, -pĕre, -psi, -ptum:''' cull or reap ahead
'''messor, -ōris, m.:''' reaper, harvester
'''ărista, -ae, f.:''' an ear of grain
'''sōl, sōlis, m.:''' the sun, sts. personified as ''Sol''
'''flavens, -entis:''' yellow
'''dēmĕto, -mĕtĕre, -messŭi, -messum:''' mow, reap, harvest
'''arvum, -i, n.:''' tilled field; field; tillable land
'''Trōiŭgĕna, -ae, m.:''' a Trojan-born man; Trojan
'''infestus, -a, -um:''' hostile, warlike; troublesome
'''ferrum, -i, n.:''' iron, steel; sword
'''testis, -is, m. or f.:''' witness
'''răpĭdus, -a, -um:''' strongly flowing, swiftly moving, rapid; scorching, consuming
'''diffundo, -fundĕre, -fūdi, -fūsum:''' diffuse, spread out
'''angusto (1):''' to make narrow, confine
'''ăcervus, -i, m.:''' heap, pile, mass
'''tĕpĕfăcĭo, -făcĕre, -fēci, -factum:''' make warm
'''permisceo, -scēre, -scŭi, -xtum:''' blend thoroughly, mix up
'''quŏque:''' also
'''excelsus, -a, -um:''' lofty
'''cŏăcervo (1):''' pile up
'''agger, -ĕris, m.:''' fill, rubble; a mound
'''bustum, -i, n.:''' funeral pyre; grave mound
'''excĭpĭo, -cĭpĕre, -cēpi, -ceptum:''' take out, exclude, except; receive
'''percello, -cellĕre, -cŭli, -culsum:''' strike down, kill
'''cōpĭa, -ae, f.:''' abundance; supply; opportunity
'''Ăchīvus, -a, -um:''' an Achaean, a Greek man
'''Dardănĭus, -a, -um:''' of Dardanus, an ancestor of Priam; Trojan
'''vincŭlum, -i, n.:''' bond, fetter; any fastening device
'''mădĕfīo, -fieri, -factus:''' become wet, be soaked
'''sĕpulcrum, -i, n.:''' tomb, sepulcher
'''anceps, -cĭpĭtis:''' double-edged
'''succumbo, -cumbĕre, -cŭbŭi, -cŭbĭtum:''' collapse; (w/ dat.) "go down," lie under or submit to (a man) in the act of sex
'''victĭma, -ae, f.:''' a living sacrificial victim
'''truncus, -i, m.:''' body, trunk, torso
'''summissus, -a, -um:''' lowered, submissive
'''poplĕs, -ĭtis, m.:''' the knee
'''ăgo, ăgĕre, ēgi, actum:''' drive, do, conduct, throw; draw (breath); be engaged in
'''dīva, -ae, f.:''' goddess; any female immortal, e.g., the sea nymph Thetis
'''dēdo, -dĕre, -dĭdi, -dĭtum:''' give up, deliver, hand over; reflexive, devote oneself to
'''dūdum:''' adv., some time ago, w/ ''iam'', now after all this time
'''nupta, -ae, f.:''' wife
'''mărītus, -i, m.:''' husband
'''ŏrĭor, orīri, ortus sum:''' rise
'''rĕvīso, -ĕre:''' pay another visit; go back and see, return to
'''hesternus, -a, -um:''' of or belonging to yesterday
'''circumdo (1):''' ring, circle, enclose
'''discors, cordis, f.:''' in conflict, at odds, quarreling
'''sēcŭbĭtus, -ūs, m.:''' a sleeping apart; the action of sleeping apart from one's spouse or love
'''praefor, -fāri, -fātus sum:''' say by way of preface
'''căno, cănĕre, cĕcĭni, cantum:''' sing
'''praesens, -entis:''' face to face, in person, present
'''caelĭcŏla, -ae, m. or f.:''' an inhabitan of heaven, god or goddess
'''sperno, spernĕre, sprēvi, sprētum:''' scorn, spurn, reject
'''pĭĕtas, -ātis, f.:''' dutiful respect
'''annŭus, -a, -um:''' yearly
'''festus, -a, -um:''' festal, holiday
'''sacrum, -i, n.:''' a sacred object or observance, rite
'''dĭes, -ēi, m. or f.:''' day
'''centum:''' indecl. adj., a hundred
'''prōcumbo, -cumbĕre, -cŭbŭi, -cŭbĭtum:''' bend or fall forward
'''līber, -ĕra, -ĕrum:''' free
'''effūsus, -a, -um:''' loose; disorderly, in disarray
'''euans, euantis:''' uttering the Bacchic cry ''euan!''
'''certātim:''' adv., with eager rivalry
'''rŭo, -ŭĕre, -ŭi, -ŭtum:''' rush
'''fūmo (1):''' emit smoke, smoke
'''lētĭfer, -fĕra, -fĕrum:''' bringing death, deadly
'''Māvors, -vortis, m.:''' Mars, god of war
'''ĕra, -ae, f.:''' a woman in relation to her sevants; mistress, i.e., the woman or goddess one serves (as opp. to a kept woman)
'''armo (1):''' arm, equip with arms
'''hortor, -āri, -ātus sum:''' exhort, urge on
'''căterva, -ae, f.:''' company, squadron, mass
'''scĕlus, -ĕris, n.:''' crime, iniquity; a wicked act
'''nĕfandus, -a, -um:''' unspeakable; wicked, unlawful, impious
'''iustĭtĭa, -ae, f.:''' justice
'''fŭgo (1):''' put to flight, drive off, expel
'''frāter, -tris, m.:''' brother
'''dēsisto, -sistĕre, -stĭti, -stĭtum:''' cease, desist
'''extinctus, -a, -um:''' dead, deceased
'''lūgĕo, -ēre, -xi, -ctum:''' mourn
'''prīmaevus, -a, -um:''' youthful
'''pŏtĭor, -ī, -ītus sum:''' get possession of
'''nŏverca, -ae, f.:''' stepmother
'''impĭus, -a, -um:''' wicked, irreligious, without ''pietas''
'''vĕrĕor, -ēri, ĭtus sum:''' show respect for; fear
'''scĕlĕro (1):''' stain or defile with wicked acts
'''Pĕnātes, -ĭum, m.:''' household gods, the tutelary gods of the Roman pantry
'''dignor, -āri, -ātus sum:''' consider worthy; deign, see fit
'''contingo, -tingĕre, -tĭgi, -tactum:''' come in contact with; touch, reach
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Latest revision as of 21:44, 10 January 2013

quondam: adv., once, formerly

prōgnātus, -a, -um: born, produced

vertex, -ĭcis, m.: whirlpool, whirlwind; top of the head; summit

pīnus, -ūs, f.: pine tree

lī̆quĭdus, -a, -um: liquid, fluid; clear, unclouded

Neptūnus, -i, m.: Neptune or Poseidon, god of the sea; the sea

no (1): swim; float, sail

unda, -ae, f.: wave; waves of the sea, sea

fluctus, -ūs, m.: wave

fīnis, -is, m.: boundary; end; (pl.) territory

lĕgo, lĕgĕre, lēgi, lectum: gather; remove; pick out; read, read about

iŭvĕnis, -is, m.: youth, young man

Argīvus, -a, -um: Argive; by metonymy, Greek

rōbur, -ŏris, n.: an oak tree, oak; the strongest element of anything

pūbes, -is, f.: the adult male population; manpower

aurātus, -a, -um: gilded; golden

opto (1): wish, choose, desire

Colchi, -ōrum, m.: Colchis, the country of King Aeëtes, his daughter Medea, and the Golden Fleece, located at the eastern end of the Black Sea south of the Caucasus Mts.

āverto, -tĕre, -ti, -sum: divert; remove, steal

pellis, -is, f.: pelt, skin, hide, fleece

audĕo, audēre, ausus: semi-dep., dare

vădum, -i, n.: a shallow piece of water, shoal; (pl.) the waters of the sea

salsus, -a, -um: salty, briny; witty, clever

cĭĕo, cĭēre, cīvi, cĭtum: move, set in motion; rouse, raise, produce

dēcurro, -currĕre, -curri, -cursum run down; travel over

puppis, -is, f.: the stern or poop of a boat; by metonymy, boat, ship

caerŭlus or caerŭlĕus, -a, -um: sea-blue

verro, verrĕre, verri, versum: sweep

ăbĭēgnus, -a, -um: made of silver fir; poet., wooden

aequor, -ŏris, n.: a smooth expanse; hence water, the sea

palma, -ae, f.: the front of the hand; the palm or palm leaf; the palm of victory; an oar

dīvus, -a, -um: divine, holy

rĕtĭnĕo, -ēre, -ŭi, -tentum: hold fast; keep

summus, -a, -um: highest; the top of

urbs, urbis, f.: city; often used as synonym for Rome

arx, arcis, f.: the fortified eminence of a city, citadel

lĕvis, -e: light in weight; light, gentle; trivial, shallow, insignificant

vŏlĭto (1): freq. of volo, fly about; move about rapidly; dart swiftly

flāmen, -ĭnis, n.: a blast or gust of wind; wind, breeze

currus, -ūs, m.: chariot; poet., ship

pīnĕus, -a, -um: of pinewood

coniungo, -ngĕre, -nxi, -nctum: join together; associate

inflecto, -ectĕre, -exi, -exum: bend

texo, -xĕre, -xui, -xtum: weave

cărīna, -ae, f.: keel, hull; by metonymy, ship

rŭdis, -is, f.: still in its natural state; inexperienced, untried

cursus, -ūs, m.: the action of running; a ace; trave; course

prīmus, -a, -um: first; the tip of

imbŭo, -ŭĕre -ŭi, -ūtum: drench, steep; dip or wet for the first time; inaugurate, give first experience

sĭmŭl: adv., at the same time, tohether, as well; conj., as soon as

rōstrum, -i, n.: the snout or muzzle of an animal; the beak of a bird or ship

ventōsus, -a, -um: windy

prōscindo, -scindĕre, -scĭdi, -scissum: plow

aequo (1): make level, even, or smooth

torquĕo, torquēre, torsi, tortum: twist, whirl, spin in an eddy

rēmĭgĭum, -ii, n.: the action of rowing

spūma, -ae, f.: foam

incānesco, -cānĕre, -canŭi: become white or hoary

ēmergo, -gĕre, -si, -sum: come out of the water, emerge

frĕtum, -i, n.: any place where the sea boils up; sea

candeo, -ēre, -ui: shine, gleam, glisten, sparkle

ē, ex: out of, from, in accordance with

gurges, -ĭtis, m.: a swirling mass of water; sea

vultus, -ūs, m.: countenance, face

aequŏrĕus, -a, -um: of the sea, maritime

monstrum, -i, n.: portent, prodigy, apparition; monster; a monstrous act, attrocity

admīror, -āri, -ātus sum: marvel or wonder at, admire

atque: and

lux, lūcis, f.: light, ray; by metonymy, day; sweetheart

mărīnus, -a, -um: of the sea, marine

mortālis, -e: a mortal, human being

ŏcŭlus, -i, m.: eye

nūdo (1): make naked, denude, bare

corpus, -ŏris, n.: body

nympha, -ae, f.: a semidivine female nature spirit

nūtrix, -īcis, f.: nurse; breast

tĕnus: prep. w/ abl. or gen., up to, as far as

exsto (1): stand out

cānus, -a, -um: white, whitened

tum: adv., then, at that time

incendo, -dĕre, -di, -sum: set of fire; inflame

fĕro, fĕrre, tŭli, lātum: bear, carry; endure, withstand; say; take, accept

ămor, -ōris, m.: love; personified, the god of love

hūmānus, -a, -um: human; of or with a mortal human being

dēspĭcĭo, -ĭcĕre, -exi, -ectum: look down on, scorn

Hymĕnaeus, -i, m.: the Greek wedding refrain, hymeneal; personified as god of marriage; pl. marriage

iŭgo (1): join, hitch, yoke

sentĭo, -tīre, -si, -sum: perceive, sense, feel

ō: interjection, expressing grief, pleasure, indignation, or adjuration

nĭmis: adv., too much; very much

saeclum, -i n.: a generation

nascor, nascī, nātus sum, to be born; originate

hēros, -ōis, m.: a hero

salvē, salvēte: greetings! hail!

gĕnus, -ĕris, n.: stock, family; offspring; kind, type; way, method, mode

bŏnus, -a, -um: good; of "good" social standing

māter, -tris, f.: mother

prōgĕnĭes, -ēi, f.: offspring, progeny

ĭter, ĭtĭnĕris n.: journey, path, road, course

vos: 2nd pers. pl. pron., you

saepe: adv., often

carmen, -ĭnis, n.: song, poem; incantation

compello (1): address, invoke

ădĕo, -īre, -ĭī, -ĭtum: approach, go to, visit

exĭmĭus, -a, -um: excepted; exceptional, choice

taeda, -ae, f.: pinewood, esp. as used in torches; torch; marriage torch, by metonymy, wedding

fēlix, -īcis: fruitful; lucky, prosperous; happy

augĕo, augĕre, auxi, auctum: augment, increase; glorify; enhance, equip, furnish

cŏlŭmen, -ĭnis, n.: roof, summit, peak; a key person, top man

Iūppĭter, Iŏvis, m.: Juppiter or Zeus, chief of the Olympian gods; by metonymy, the weather, wind, sky

gĕnĭtor, -ōris, m.: father; pl., parents

concēdo, -cēdĕre, -cessi, -cessum: withdraw; grant, hand over

tĕnĕo, tĕnēre, tĕnŭi, tentum: hold

pulcer, -cra, -crum: beautiful, handsome, lovely

dūco, -cĕre, -xi, -ctum: lead, take; take as one's wife; consider, reckon

nĕpos, -ōtis, m.: grandson, descendant

Ōcĕănus, -i, m.: Ocean, god of the sea, husband of Tethys

măre, -is, n.: sea

tōtus, -a, -um: the whole, all

amplector, -ctī, -exus sum: embrace

orbis, -is, m.: disk; sphere

fīnĭo, -īre, -īvi or -ĭi, -ītum: mark out the boundaries; finish

advĕnĭo, -vĕnīre, -vēni, -ventum: arrive at, come to

dŏmus, -ūs, f.: home; house, family

convĕnĭo, -vĕnīre -vēni, -ventum: meet together; agree

frĕquento (1): fill with people; occupy, crowd, throng

opplĕo, -ēre, -ēvi, -ētum: fill up

laetor, -āri, -ātus sum: rejoice, be glad

rēgĭus, -a, -um: royal; princely, splendid

coetus, -us, m.: meeting; band, company, group, crowd

dōno (1): give, dedicate

prae: prep. w/ abl., before, in front of; in comparison with

dēclāro (1): make known, declare, tell

gaudĭum, -ii, n.: joy, delight, gladness

dēsĕro, -rĕre -rŭi, -rtum: forsake, leave

linquo, linquĕre, līqui, lictus: leave, quit

Tempē, n.: valley of the Peneus R. between Mt. Olympus and Mt. Ossa, famous for its scenic beauty

moenĭa, -ĭum, n.: town walls

cŏĕo, -īre, -īvi or -ii, -ĭtum: come together, meet

tĕgo, -gĕre, -xi, -ctum: cover

rūs, rūris, n.: country, boondocks

cŏlo, cŏlĕre, colŭi, cultum: inhabit; till; look after

nēmō̆, neminis, m.: nobody, no one

mollesco, -ĕre: become soft

collum, -i, n.: neck

iŭvencus, -i, m.: young bull or ox, bullock

hŭmĭlis, -e: low

curvus, -a, -um: bent, curving

purgo (1): clean, clear out; (refl.) apologize, excuse

vīnĕa, -ae, f.: grapevines

rastrum, -i, n.: a type of hoe

glēba, -ae, f.: a lump of earth, clod

prōnus, -a, -um: leaning forward, angling or sloping toward the ground; sloping; face down, prone; flat

convello, -vellĕre, -velli, -volsum: tug at; plow up, dislodge, uproot

vōmer, -ĕris, m.: a plowshare, the part of a plow that cuts the furrow

taurus, -i, m.: a bull

falx, falcis, f.: a curved knife for pruning trees ad vines

attĕnŭo (1): make thin, reduce, thin out

frondātor, -ōris, m.: a foliage tender, pruner

arbor, -ŏris, f.: tree

umbra, -ae, f.: shade, shadow

squālĭdus, -a, -um: rough; filthy

rubigo, rubiginis, f.: rust; blight

infĕro, inferre, intŭli, illātum, bring in; bring on, incur; enter (as in a document, will, etc.)

ărātrum, -i, n.: plow

sĕdeo, sĕdēre, sēdi, sessum: sit

quācumquē: adv., wherever

ŏpŭlentus, -a, -um: wealthy, opulent

rĕcēdo, -cēdĕre, -cessi, -cessum: draw back; extend backward, recede

fulgeo, fulgēre, fulsi: shine brightly, gleam

splendĕo, -ēre: shine, be bright, glitter

aurum, -i, n.: gold

argentum, -i, n.: silver

ĕbur, -ŏris, n.: ivory

sŏlĭum, -ii, n.: a high-backed chair, throne

collūcĕo, -ēre: shine

pōcŭlum, -i, n.: cup

mensa, -ae, f.: table

gaudĕo, gaudēre, gāvīsus: rejoice, take pleasure

rēgālis, -e.: kingly, royal, regal

splendĭdus, -a, -um: brilliant, bright, glittering

gaza, -ae treasure

pulvīnar, -āris, n.: a couch on which images of gods were placed at a banquet offered to the gods

vērō: adv., part., in truth, indeed

gĕnĭālis, -e: of or pertaining to a person's genius; of or pertaining to marriage

lŏco (1): place

sēdes, -is, f.: seat, place, home

mĕdĭus, -a, -um: middle; the middle of

Indus, -a, -um: Indian

dens, dentis, m.: tooth

pŏlĭo, -īre, -īvi and -ĭi, -ītum: polish

tingo, -ngĕre, -nxi, -nctum: dip; dye

rŏsĕus, -a, -um: rosy, red

purpŭra, -ae, f.: a shellfish yielding a purple dye; purple dye; any purple-dyed cloth

fūcus, -i, m.: seaweed; dye (orig. that derived from a seaweed)

vestis, -is, f.: clothing; any drapery, such as a bedspread or sail (cf. Eng. A suit of sails)

priscus, a, um: ancient, olden, old-fashioned, archaic

vărĭo (1): adorn with contrasting colors; embroider; mottle, bruise

fĭgūra, -ae, f.: form, shape, aspect, appearance

mīrus, -a, -um: extraordinary, remarkable

virtūs, -ūtis, f.: manliness, manly excellence (cf. Gk. aretē)

indĭco (1): reveal, declare, disclose, show

ars, artis, f.: craftsmanship (cf. Gk. technē)

flŭentĭsŏnus, -a, -um: resounding with the noise of the sea

prospecto (1): gaze out

lītus, -ŏris, n.: shore

Dīa, -ae, f.: an Aegean island, usu. identified with Naxos

cēdo, cēdĕre, cessi, cessum: go; go away, depart

cĕler, -ĕris, e: swift

classis, -is, f.: any designated group or class; fleet

tŭĕor, tŭēri, tuĭtus sum: look at, view, observe

indŏmĭtus, -a, -um: untamed; indomitable; violent

cor, cordis, n.: heart

gĕro, gĕrĕre, gessi, gestum: bear, conduct, carry on, do; wear

fŭror, -ōris, m.: passion, rage, frenzy

necdum: conj., and not yet, but not yet

vīso, -sĕre, -si, -sum: (freq. of video) go to see; look at, gaze at, view

crēdo, -dĕre, -dĭdi, -dĭtum entrust; believe

utpŏtĕ: part., as one might expect, as is natural

fallax, -ācis: treacherous, deceptive

excĭto (1): rouse, wake; stir up, arouse, excite

somnus, -i, m.: sleep, sts. personified as Somnus

sōlus, -a, -um: only, alone, lonely

mĭser, -ĕra, -ĕrum: wretched, unhappy

cerno, cernĕre, crēvi, crētum: sift; distinguish; decide, determine; make out, perceive

hărēna, -ae, f.: sand, beach

immĕmor, -ŏris: forgetful, heedless, feckless

fŭgĭo, fŭgĕre, fūgi, fŭgĭtum: run away, flee, escape, slip off

pello, pellĕre, pĕpŭli, pulsum: push; strike, beat; drive, drive off

rēmus, -i, m.: oar

irrĭtus, -a, -um: not ratified, null and void; empty, unfulfilled, vain

prōmitto, -mittĕre, -mīsi, -missum: send forth; undertake, promise, guarantee

prŏcella, -ae, f.: storm, gale

prŏcul: adv., far off; to a great distance

alga, -ae, f.: seaweed

maestus, -a, -um: sad

ŏcellus, -i, m.: dim. of oculus, eye; as term of endearment, darling

saxĕus, -a, -um: made of stone

effĭgĭes, -ēi, f.: statue, effigy

bacchor, -āri, -ātus sum: celebrate rites of Bacchus; act like a Bacchant, rave

prōspĭcĭo, -ĭcĕre, -exi, -ectum: look forth or out

ēheu: interj., Alas!

cūra, -ae, f.: care, concern, anxiety

fluctŭo (1): surge like a wave; be in turmoil

flāvus, -a, -um: yellow, gold-colored, blonde

subtīlis, -e: fine-textured, delicate

mī̆tra, -ae, f.: an oriental headdress tied under the chin with ribbons

contĕgo, -gĕre, -xi, -ctum: cover up; shelter

vēlo (1): cover, clothe, veil

pectus, -ŏris, n.: breast, chest; soul, heart, mind

ămictus, -ūs, m.: a mantle or cloak

tĕrĕs, -ĕtis: smooth; rounded

strŏphĭum, -ii, n.: a twisted band supporting a woman's breast

lactens, -entis: milky; milk-white

vincĭo, vincīre, vinxi, vinctum: fasten, tie, bind

păpilla, -ae, f.: nipple; breast

dēlābor, -lābī, -lapsus sum: fall, slip down

passim: adv., dispersedly, all over the place

antĕ: adv., before, previously

pēs, pĕdis, m.: foot; (poet.) a metrical foot; (naut.) the line or sheet by which each of the two lower corners of a square sail is made fast to the ship

sal, sălis, m.: salt; fig., of a quality that gives character and flavor, wit; by metonymy, the sea

allūdo, -ūdĕre, -ūsi, -ūsum: play with

nĕque: conj., adv. and not

flŭĭto (1): flow; float, drift

ămĭcĭo, -ĭcīre, -ĭcui, -ictum: cover, cloak

vĭcis (gen.), acc. vicem, f.: a recurring occasion for action,turn; plight or situation

cūro (1): watch over, care for, care about

Thēseus, -ĕï, m.: son of Aegeus, seducer of Ariadne (later husband of her sister Phaedra), slayer of the Minotaur

ănĭmus, -i, m.: the mind

pendĕo, pendēre, pĕpendi: hang; depend, rely

perdo, -dĕre, -dĭdi, -ditum: ruin, spoil

mens, mentis, f.: mind

assĭdŭus, -a, -um: settled; constantly present, persistent, unremitting

luctus, -ūs, m.: the expression of grief; lamentation, grief, sorrow

externo (1): drive out of one's wits, madden, panic

spīnōsus, -a, -um: thorny, prickly

sĕro, sĕrĕre, sēvi, sătum: sow, plant

tempestas, -ātis, f.: period, time, season; weather; storm

fĕrox, -ōcis: fierce

ēgrĕdĭor, -grĕdī, -gressus sum: come out, depart

attingo, -tingĕre, -tĭgi, -tactum: touch; touch upon (in speaking), mention

iniustus, -a, -um: unjust

templum, -i, n.: a consecrated area; a zone, space, region, or quarter

pĕrhĭbĕo, -ēre, -ui, -ĭtum: present, bestow; say, hold, maintain, give out

ōlim: adv., formerly, once, once upon a time

crūdēlis, -e: savage, cruel

pestis, -is, f.: physical destruction; plague, affliction, bane

cōgo, cōgĕre, cŏēgi, cŏactum: round up, collect; compel

poena, -ae, f.: penalty

exsolvo, -solvĕre, -solvi, -sŏlūtum: unfasten; discharge, pay

caedes, -is, f.: killing, murder; gore

ēlĭgo, -lĭgĕre, -lēgi, -lectum: pull out; select

dĕcus, -ŏris, n.: glory; the best of anything

innuptus, -a, -um: unwed

sŏlĕo, -ēre, -ĭtus: to be accustomed (to); (euphemistic, w/ acc.) to "know," i.e., be sexually intimate with

daps, dăpis, f.: a sacrifical meal; any feast or meal; food

angustus, -a, -um: narrow

mălus, -a, -um: bad, evil, malicious

vexo (1): buffet, harry, ravage, afflict

cārus, -a, -um: dear

Ăthēnae, -ārum, f.: Athens

prōĭcĭo, -ĭcĕre, -iēci, -iectum: fling forth, throw forward; renounce

pŏtĭus: adv., more, more than, rather

tālis, -e: such a, such

Crēta, -ae, f.: Crete, large island south of the Aegean Sea, home of King Minos and Ariadne

fūnus, -ĕris, n.: funeral rites; a corpse; death

porto (1): carry

nāvis, -is, f.: ship

nītor, nītī, nixus sum: lean; press onward; rely, depend

lēnis, -e: easy, gentle

auris, -is, f.: ear

magnănĭmus, -a, -um: noble-spirited, brve, bold

vĕnĭo, vĕnīre, vēni, ventum: come

sŭperbus, -a, -um: proud, haughty

cŭpĭdus, -a, -um: desirous, eager

conspĭcĭo, -spĭcĕre, -spexi, -spectum: catch sight of, lay eyes on

lūmen, -ĭnis, n.: radiance, light; day; the light of life; by metonymy, eye; a light-giving body in the heavens

virgo, -ĭnis, f.: maiden, virgin; the constellation Virgo

suāvis, -e: agreeable, pleasant

exspīro (1): exhale, pant, emit (a fragrance); be exhaled

castus, -a, -um: free from vice, pure, chaste

ŏdor, -ōris, m.: smell, odor, fragrance

lectŭlus, -i, m.: dim. of lectus, bed, couch

mollis, -e: soft, mild, languid, voluptuous

complexus, -ūs, m.: embrace

ălo, ălĕre, ălŭi, altum: nurse, feed, foster; cherish

quālis, -e: (interr) of what kind; (rel.) such as

Eurōtas, -ae, m.: the river that runs through Sparta

praecingo, -ngĕre, -nxi, -nctum: encircle, stand around

flūmen, -ĭnis, n.: river

myrtus, -i, f.: the myrtle tree, a bushy shrub with oval leaves and fragrant white or rosy flowers, common to southern Europe

distinctus, -a, -um: separate, different, distinct

ēdūco, -cĕre, -xi, -ctum: bring out

vernus, -a, -um: of spring, vernal

cŏlor, -ōris, m.: color

prĭor, -ĭus: former

flā̆gro (1): burn

dēclīno (1): lower, decline

cunctus, -a, -um: the whole of, all

concĭpĭo, -cĭpĕre, -cēpi, -ceptum: take in, catch, conceive, contract (a disease); conceive (a child), produce, be the mother of

flamma, -ae, f.: flame, fire

fundĭtus: adv., from the bottom up; utterly

ĭmus, -a, -um: lowest, deepest

exardesco, -ardescĕre, -arsi, -arsum: catch fire, blaze up

mĕdulla, -ae, f.: the marrow of the bones; the interior, inside, seat of the emotions

heu: interj., alas

mĭsĕrē: adv., wretchedly, with piteous result, unhappily

exăgĭto (1): stir up

immītis, -e: ungentle, pitiless, violent

sanctus, -a, -um: holy, sacred, inviolate

pŭer, -ĕri, m.: boy; colloq., of a friend; slave

miscĕo, miscēre, miscŭi, mixtum: mix, combine

Īdălĭum, -ĭi, n.: town in Cyprus sacred to Aphrodite/Venus

frondōsus, -a, -um: leafy

iacto (1): throw; toss about, torment

pŭella, -ae, f.: girl; young woman; girlfriend

hospĕs, -ĭtis, m.: guest, visitor; stranger

suspīro (1): sigh, pant

quantus, -a, -um: interr. or rel. adj., how much, how great, pl. how many

languĕo, -ēre: be faint, droop, be sick

tĭmor, -ōris, m.: fear, anxiety

magis: adv., more

fulgor, -ōris, m.: brightness, luster

expallesco, -lescĕre, -lŭi: turn pale

saevus, -a, -um: fierce, savage

cŭpĭo, -ĕre, -īvi or -ĭi, -ītum: want, desire

contrā: adv., in front, opposite; in return; on the other hand

contendo, -dĕre, -di, -tum: stretch, strain; contend

mors, -tis, f.: death

appĕto, -ĕre, -īvi or -ii, -ītum: try to reach; seek; attack

praemĭum, -ii, n.: payment, offering, prize, reward

laus, laudis, f.: praise; cause of praise, virtue, glory

ingrātus, -a, -um: thankless, unwelcome, disagreeable

frustrā: adv., in vain

mūnuscŭlum, -i, n.: a small gift or favor

tăcĭtus, -a, -um: unspeaking; silent

căpĭo, căpĕre, cēpi, captum: catch, snatch

vŏvĕo, vŏvēre, vōvi, vōtum: promise, vow

lăbellum, -i, n.: (dim. of labrum) lip

vĕlut, vĕlŭti: adv., just as

quătĭo, quătĕre, quassum: shake

brāchĭum, -ii, n.:; arm

quercus, -ūs, f.: an oak tree

cōnĭger, -gĕra, -gĕrum: coniferous, e.g., a pine tree

sūdo (1): sweat, perspire

cortex, -ĭcis, m.: bark, cortex

turbo, -ĭnis, m.: anything that spins; whirlwind, tornado; maelstrom; a weight used in spinning

contorquĕo, -torquēre, -torsi, -tortum: twist, agitate

ērŭo, -ŭĕre, -ŭi, -ŭtum: remove, uproot

rādīcĭtus: adv., by, from, or at the roots; roots and all

exturbo (1): drive out, remove by force

cădo, cădĕre, cĕcĭdi, cāsum: fall

lātē: adv., far, at a distance, far and wide

cumquĕ: postpos. adv., giving preceding pron. or adv. indefinite force: -ever, -soever

obvĭus, -a, -um: in the way or path of something

frango, frangĕre, frēgi, fractum: break

dŏmo (1): subdue

prōsterno (1): lay low, strike down

nēquīquam: adv., to no purpose, in vain

vānus, -a, -um: lacking substance, empty; vain, useless

cornū, -ūs, n.: horn

inde: adv., thence, from that point

sospĕs, -ĭtis: safe

multus, -a, -um: much; a lot of, many a; (pl.) many

rĕflecto, -ctĕre, -xi, -xum: bend back

errābundus, -a, -um: prone to err or make a wrong turning; wandering

rĕgo, -gĕre, -xi, -ctum: direct, manage, guide, control

vestīgĭum, -ii, n.: footprint, trail, track; mark, vestige; course; foot

fīlum, -i. n.: thread, string, filament

nē: neg. adv. & conj., introducing prohibitions, clauses of purpose, etc.: do not, let not, lest, in order that not, etc.

lăbyrinthēus, -a, -um: of or like a labyrinth, labyrinthine

flexus, -ūs, m.: a bending, turning, curve

ĭnobservābĭlis, -e: undetectable to the eye; difficult to trace or observe

error, -ōris, m.: a wandering; deviation, mistake

dīgrĕdĭor, -grĕdī, -gressus sum: go off; digress

plūs, plūris: adj. & adv., more

commĕmŏro (1): recall, recount

fīlĭa, -ae, f.: daughter

consanguinea, -ae, f.: sister, female relative

dēnĭquē: adv., finally

gnātus, -i, m.: son

deperditus, -a, -um: lost, ruined

laetus, -a, -um: glad, happy

dulcis, -e: sweet

praeopto (1): prefer, choose in preference

vĕho, -hĕre, -xi, -ctum: convey, carry, transport

rătis, -is, f.: raft; boat, ship

spūmōsus, -a, -um: foamy

dēvincĭo, -ncīre, -nxi, -nctum: tie fast, bind

discēdo, -cēdĕre, -cessi, -cessum: scatter; depart, desert, run away

coniunx, -iŭgis, m. or f.: spouse, consort, mate, wife, husband

ardĕo, -rdēre, -rsi, -rsum: burn, blaze

fŭro, -ĕre, -ŭi: be mad or crazed; rage with passion, rave

clārĭsŏnus, -a, -um: clear-sounding, loud, shrill

fundo, fundĕre, fūdi, fūsum: pour, pour forth, emit, utter

vŏco (1): call, summon, invite

praeruptus, -a, -um: broken off into a cliff, steep

tristis, -e: grim, fierce, gloomy; unhappy, sad

conscendo, -ndĕre, -ndi, -nsum: climb up

mons, -tis, m.: mountain

undĕ: rel. adv., from which, whence

ăcĭēs, -ēi, f.: a sharp edge; the sight of one's eyes, vision

pĕlăgus, -i, n.: the sea

vastus, -a, -um: desolate, uninhabited, featureless, dreary, endless

prōtendo, -dĕre, -di, -tum: stretch out; extend forward over a distance

aestus, -ūs, m.: heat, hot weather; swell (of the sea), flood; tumult

trĕmŭlus, -a, -um: shaky, trembling; shaking (voluntarily, as one dandling an infant)

adversus, -a, -um: opposite, facing

prōcurro, -currĕre, -curri, -cursum: run forward; roll forth

tollo, tollĕre, sustŭli, sublātum: pick up, raise, tke, carry off, steal

tegmen, -ĭnis, n.: covering

sūra, -ae, f.: calf of the leg

extrēmus, -a, -um: farthest, the farthest part of; final

quĕrella, -ae, f.: complaint, protest, lament

frīgĭdŭlus, -a, -um: dim. of frigidus, chilly, cold; (of language, rhetoric, etc.) feeble, tedious, frigid

ūdus, -a, -um: wet

singultus, -ūs, m.: sob

ōs, ōris, n.: mouth; face, countenance

sīcĭnē: sic + interrog. -ne: is this the way?

pā̆trĭus, -a, -um: of one's father or fathers; paternal, ancestral

āvĕho, -vĕhĕre, -vexi, -vectum: carry off

perfĭdus, -a, -um: treacherous, perfidious

āra, -ae, f.: altar

neglĕgo, -ĕgĕre, -exi, -ectum: regard as of no consequence, be indifferent to, disregard, ignore, fail to respect

nūmen, -ĭnis, n.: a nod; divine power

ā: expletive of distress, pity, or entreaty.

dēvōtus, -a, -um: accursed; vowed as an offering

periūrĭum, -ii, n.: a breach of oath, flase oath, perjury

nullus, -a, -um: adj. & subst., not one, no, none; with adverbial force, not at all

flecto, -ctĕre, -xi, -xum: bend; turn, avert

consĭlĭum, -ii, n.: deliberation; advice; resolution, purpose

clēmentĭa, -ae, f.: mercy, pity, clemency

praestō: adv., available, ready

vŏlo, velle, volui: wish, be willing

mĭsĕresco, -ĕre: w/ gen., have compassion on

blandus, -a, -um: charming, ingratiating, seductive, sweet

vox, vōcis, f.: voice; word

spēro (1): hope, hope for; anticipate

iŭbĕo, iŭbēre, iussi, iussum: order, bid

cōnūbĭum, -ii, n.: marriage; pl. a wedding

discerpo, -pĕre, -psi, -ptum: tear to pieces

ventus, -i, m.: wind

nunc: adv., now

iam: adv., now

vĭr, vĭri, m.: man; husband; (poet.) manhood

iūro (1): swear an oath

fēmĭna, -ae, f.: woman

sermo, -ōnis, m.: talk, informal speech, conversation; topic of conversation

fĭdēlis, -e: faithful, worthy of trust

dum: conj., as long as; (w. historical pres.) while; (w/ subjunctive) provided that; (w/ ind. or subj.) until

ălĭquis, aliquid: indef. pron., someone, something; indef. adj., some

praegestio, -īre: have an overpowering desire, be especially eager for

ăpiscor, -ăpiscī, aptus sum: seuze, grasp; obtain

nĭhil, nīl: indecl. n., nothing; w/ adv. force, an emphatic form of non; not at all

mĕtŭo, -ŭĕre, -ŭi, -ūtum: fear; w/ a, ab, fear danger (from)

parco, parcĕre, pĕperci: act sparingly, refrain from, show restraint

sătĭo (1): satisfy

lĭbīdo, -ĭnis, f.: desire; sexual craving

certus, -a, -um: fixed, definite, sure, unerring

verso (1): keep turning; pass. w/ middle force, toss and turn

lētum, -i, n.: death

ērĭpĭo, -ĭpĕre, -ĭpŭi, -eptum: snatch away, remove

germānus, -i, m.: brother

āmitto, -mittĕre, -mīsi, -missum: dismiss, give up, forfeit; lose

sū̆prēmus, -a, -um: highest; final; decisive, critical, desperate

dēsum, -esse, -efŭi: be wanting or lacking; fail

dīlăcĕro (1): tear to pieces

fĕra, -ae, f.: wild animal

ālĕs, ālĭtĭs: winged

praeda, -ae, f.: booty, prey

tŭmŭlo (1): cover with a burial mound; bury

mŏrĭor, mŏrī, mortŭus sum: die

terra, -ae, f.: earth; land

quisnam, quaenam, quidnam: pron. & adj., who/what, tell me?, who/what, finally

gigno, gignĕre, gĕnŭi, gĕnĭtum: create, beget, give birth to

sŭb: prep. w/ acc. or abl., under

rūpes, -is, f.: cliff, crag

lĕaena, -ae, f.: lioness

spūmo (1): foam, froth

exspŭo, -ŭĕre, -ŭi, -ūtum: spit out

Syrtis, -is, f.: shoals on the N. African coast between Carthage and Cyrene

răpax, -ācis: predatory, rapacious

vasto (1): make desolate; destroy, sack

reddo, -dĕre, -dĭdi, -dĭtum: give back, restore; repay (a debt, obligation, or vow); pay (honor, tribute, etc.); render, turn something or someone into

vīta, -ae, f.: life; hyperb., as a term of endearment

horrĕo, -ēre, -ui: bristle; shudder or tremble at, fear; regard with awe or dread

praeceptum, -i, n.: advice, precept; instruction, order

pārĕo, -ēre, -ŭi, pārĭtum: submit, be obedient

attămen: nevertheless

vester, -tra, -trum: 3rd pers. poss. adj., your, yours

iūcundus, -a, -um: pleasant, delightful

fămŭlor, -āri, -ātus sum: be a servant

serva, -ae, f.: female slave or servant

lăbor or lăbos, -ōris, m.: labor, effort, toil

candĭdus, -a, -um: bright; white; fair-skinned (implying beauty); gorgeous (of a woman)

permulcĕo, -mulcēre, -mulsi, -sum: caress, soothe, refresh

lympha, -ae, f.: a water nymph; (poet.) water

consterno (1): cover, spread

cŭbīle, -is, n.: bed, couch

ignārus, -a, -um: ignorant, uncomprehending

conquĕror, -quĕrī, -questus sum: complain, lament

aura, -ae, f.: breeze, wind

sensus, -ūs, m.: sensation; any of the senses; conciousness

mitto, mittĕre, mīsi, missum: send, send forth; (of weapons) throw, cast, hurl; emit, utter; cease, desist, omit; let go, release, abandon, discard; give

audĭo, -īre, -īvi or -ii, -itum: hear, pay attention to

quĕo, -īre, -īvi and -ii, -ĭtum: to be able

prŏpe: adv. & prep. w/ acc., near

quisquam, quicquam: indef. pron., anyone, anything

appārĕo, -ēre, -ui, -itum: be visible

văcŭus, -a, -um: vacant, empty, empty-handed

insulto (1): leap or trample on; behave insultingly, scoff

fors, fortis, f.: chance, luck

invĭdĕo, -vĭdēre, -vīdi, -vīsum: to look at with ill will or envy; begrudge

questus, -ūs, m.: complaint, protest

omnĭpŏtens, -ntis: all-powerful

ŭtĭnam: particle used to express a wish: would that, how I wish that

tango, tangĕre, tĕtĭgi, tactum: touch

dīrus, -a, -um: awful, dread, dire, frightful

stīpendĭum, -ii, n.: payment

rĕlĭgo (1): tie back, tie up; untie

nāvĭta, -ae, m.: = nauta, sailor

fūnis, -is, m.: rope; a ship's hawser, mooring rope

cēlo (1): conceal

forma, -ae, f.: appearance; beauty, good looks

rĕquĭesco, -ĕre, -ēvi, -ētum: rest, find relief

rĕfĕro, refĕrre, rettŭli, rĕlātum: bring back; report; (reflexive) return; w/ in + abl., write down; w/ acc. & dat., put something down to, assign to a category

spes, spēi, f.: hope

pĕto, -ĕre, -īvi and -ĭi, -ītum: seek

lătus, -ĕris, n.: side, flank

discerno, -cernĕre, -crēvi, -crētum: separate, divide off

pons, -ntis, m.: bridge

trŭcŭlentus, -a, -um: ferocious; n. pl. as subst., ferocity

dīvĭdo, -vĭdĕre, -vīsi, -vīsum: separate, divide

ăn: particle introducing questions with note of surprise or indignation: can it be that … ?; (after utrum) or

auxĭlĭum, -ii, n.: aid, assistance, help

rĕlinquo, -linquĕre, -līqui, -lictum: quit, leave, forsake

rēspergo, -gĕre, -si, -sum: sprinkle, spatter, splash

frāternus, -a, -um: of or from a brother, fraternal

caedo, caedĕre, cĕcīdi, caesum: strike, strike dead; to "beat" with sexual intercourse; cut through, hew

sĕquor, sĕqui, sĕcūtus sum: follow

fīdus, -a, -um: faithful, loyal, devoted

consōlor, -āri, -ātus sum: comfort, console, solace

lentus, -a, -um: supple, pliant; slow, taking one's time, unconcerned, at ease

incurvo (1): bend

praetĕrĕā: adv., besides, moreover

insŭla, -ae, f.: island

tectum, -i, n.: roof; by metonymy, house

păteo, -ēre, -ŭi: be open; show as entered (in accounts)

cingo, -ĕre, -xi, -nctum: surround; crown

fŭga, -ae, f.: flight, escape

rătĭo, -ōnis, f.: account, reason; exercise of faculty of reason; business, matter, affair; method, means

mūtus, -a, -um: inarticulate, mute, dumb, silent

ostento (1): freq. of ostendo, exhibit, display conspicuously

languesco, -guescĕre, -gŭi: weaken, grow feeble

fessus, -a, -um: tired, exhausted

sēcēdo, -cēdĕre, -cessi, -cessum: withdraw

iustus, -a, -um: just

exposco, -poscĕre, -pŏposci: ask for, demand, beg

prōdo, -dĕre, -dĭdi, -dĭtum: thrust out; give up, abandon, betray

caelestis, -e: of the heavens, celestial

fĭdes, -ĕi, f.: tutelage, faith, trust; trustworthiness; promise

postrēmus, -a, -um: final

comprĕcor, -āri, -ātus sum: pray to, invoke, supplicate

hōra, -ae, f.: hour

quārē: interr. & rel. adv., how? for what reason? on account of which thing; wherefore, therefore

multo (1): penalize

vindex, -ĭcis, m.: guarantor, defender, champion; one who punishes a wrong or takes vengeance

Eumĕnĭdes, -um, f.: Kindly Spirits, Furies, Erinyes, punishers of outrage

anguīnus, -a, -um: snaky, made of snakes

rĕdĭmĭo, -īre, -ĭi, -ītum: wreathe, encircle

căpillus, -i, m.: hair

frons, frontis, f.: forehead; front, façade

praeporto (1): carry before one, carry in front

īra, -ae, f.: wrath

huc: adv., to this place or point; to this total or amount

advento (1): (freq. of advenio) approach, draw near

vae interj., woe to, alas for

prōfĕro, -ferre, -tŭli, -lātum: bring forth; utter

ĭnops, -ŏpis: destitute; defenseless; powerless

āmens, -mentis: demented, mad, insane

caecus, -a, -um: blind; dark

quŏnĭam: conj., as soon as, after; because, since

vērus, -a, -um: true

nōlo, nolle, nōlŭi: be unwilling, not to wish

pătĭor, pătī, passus sum: undergo, suffer, be subjected to; bear, put up with, tolerate, let, allow

vānesco, -ĕre: vanish; become ineffectual

dĕa, -ae, f.: goddess

fūnesto (1): pollute with death

postquam: conj., after

prō̆fundo, -fundĕre, -fūdi, -fūsum: pour forth

supplĭcĭum, -ii, n.: compensation offered to placate a person who has been wronged; reparation; punishment

anxĭus, -a, -um: anxious

annŭo, -ŭĕre, -ŭi, -ūtum: nod assent; consent

invictus, -a, -um: unvanquished

rector, -ōris, m.: steersman, ruler

mōtus, -ūs, m.: motion, movement

tellūs, -ūris, f.: earth, ground

horrĭdus, -a, -um: rough, rugged, wild, uncouth, harsh

contrĕmo, -ŭĕre, -ŭi: tremble violently

concŭtĭo, -cŭtĕre, -cussi, -cussum: cause to vibrate; shake

mĭco (1): quiver, dart, flicker; flash, glitter, gleam

sīdus, -ĕris, n.: star, planet, constellation

mundus, -a, -um: heavens, sky, firmament; world, earth

cālīgo, -ĭnis, f.: darkness, murk

consĕro, -sĕrĕre, -sēvi, -sĭtum: sow, plant; beset

oblīviscor, -līviscī, -lītus sum: forget, w/ gen. or acc. of object forgotten

dīmitto, -mittĕre, -mīsi, -missum: let go

mandātum, -i, n.: command

constans, -antis: steady, resolute, steadfast

sustollo, -ĕre: raise

signum, -i, n.: sign, signal

ostendo, -ndĕre, -di, -sum: show, display; reveal

portus, -ūs, m.: harbor, port

concrēdo, -dĕre, -dĭdi, -dĭtum: entrust

longus, -a, -um: long; tall, svelte

ūnĭcus, -a, -um: one and only, singular, unique, special

dŭbĭus, -a, -um: uncertain, doubtful; perilous

cāsus, -ūs, n.: fall; accident, chance, fortune, situation, plight

nūper: adv., recently

sĕnecta, -ae, f.: old age

quandōquĭdem: rel. adv., since

fortūna, -ae, f.: fortune

fervĭdus, -a, -um: hot; fervent, passionate, lusty

invītus, -a, -um: unwilling

languĭdus, -a, -um: weary, drooping, flaccid

nondum: adv., not yet

sătŭro (1): fill, satisfy, sate

sĭno, sĭnĕre, sīvi, sĭtum: leave alone; allow

sĕcundus, -a, -um: (early participal gerundive of sequor) going along with, following; hence (of a wind) favorable; second

exprōmo, -mĕre, -mpsi, -mptum: bring out, express

canities, -ei, f.: white or gray coloring; whiteness of hair; gray hair

infundo, -fundĕre, -fūdi, -fūsum: pour in or on

pulvis, -ĕris, m.: dust; sand

foedo (1): make foul, soil

infectus, -a, -um: dyed

văgus, -a, -um: roaming, wandering, rambling

suspendo, -dĕre, -di, -sum: hang, suspend

lintĕum, -i, n.: linen cloth; napkin; sail

incendĭum, -ĭi, n.: conflagration; inflammation, agony

carbăsus, -i, f.: sail, canvas

obscūro (1): darken

ferrūgo, -ĭnis, f.: rust; any color from reddish purple to nearly black

incŏla, ae, f.: inhabitant

dēfendo, -dĕre, -di, -sum: ward off; defend

sanguis, -ĭnis, m.: blood

dexter, -tĕra, -tĕrum: right; the right hand; on the right side

mĕmor, -ŏris: remembering, mindful

condĭtus, -a, -um: put away, preserved

vĭgĕo, -ēre: be vigorous and active, fluorish

ullus, -a, -um: any

oblittĕro (1): cause to be forgottend, wipe out

aetas, -ātis, f.: age, lifetime

invīso, -sĕre, -si, -sum: go to see; look upon

collis, -is, m.: hill, mountain

fūnestus, -a, -um: associated with mourning; funereal

antenna, -ae, f.: the horizontal yardarm of a sailing ship

dēpōno, -pōnĕre, -pŏsŭi, -pŏsĭtum: put down, lay down (in birth), put away

undĭquĕ: from all directions, from everywhere; throughout

intortus, -a, -um: twisted or twined

vēlum, -i, n.: sail

rŭdens, entis, m.: rope, line

agnosco, -noscĕre, -nōvi, -nitum: recognize

rĕdux, -dŭcis: brought back, returned, restored

prospĕrus, -a, -um: agreeable to one's wishes, prosperous

sisto, sistĕre, steti, stătum: (redup. sto) cause to stand, set; present, hand over

ceu: part. introducing similes: in the same way as, as, like

nūbes, -is, f.: cloud

āĕrĭus or āĕrĕus, -a, -um: of the air, airy

nĭvĕus, -a, -um: snowy, white

căcūmen, -ĭnis, n.: peak, tip

prospectus, -ūs, m.: view, prospect

absūmo, -mĕre, -mpsi, -mptum: use up, consume, exhaust; do away with, remove by death

flĕo, flēre, flēvi, flētum: weep, cry; weep for, mourn

praeceps, -cĭpĭtis: plunging headfirst; headlong; sudden

scŏpŭlus, -i, m.: a projecting rock or cliff

iăcĭo, iăcĕre, iēci, iactum: throw

fātum, -i, n.: a prophetic utterance; fate

ingrĕdĭor, -ĕdī, -essus sum: enter

păternus, -a, -um: of a father; paternal

offĕro, offĕrre, obtŭli, oblātum: put in one's path; provide, offer; cause

rĕcĭpĭo, -cĭpĕre, -cēpi, -ceptum: receive, take in

multĭplex, -ĭcis: having many twists and turns; varied

volvo, volvĕre, volvi, vŏlūtum: cause to roll

saucĭus, -a, -um: wounded, afflicted

flōrens, -entis: flowering; in the flower of one's youth; fresh, vigorous

thĭăsus, -i, m.: an orgiastic dance; a group that performs such dances

Sătyrus, -i, m.: a Satyr, demigod of wild places, frequent companion of Bacchus/Dionysus

quaero, quaerĕre, -sīvi or -sĭi, -sītum: ask, ask for, seek

ălăcer, -cris: moving nimbly, lively; eager

lymphātus, -a, -um: frenzied, frantic

euhoe: interj., the ritual cry of Bacchants

căpŭt, -ĭtis, n.: head

cuspis, -ĭdis, f.: sharp point or tip; spear; pointed stick

thyrsus, -i, m.: a pole tipped with a pinecone, ivy, or vine leaves, as carried by bacchants

dīvello, -vellĕre, -velli, -vulsum: tear apart

membrum, -i, n.: any part of the body; limb

serpens, -entis, m. or f.: snake

incingo, -ngĕre, -xi, -ctum: wrap

obscūrus, -a, -um: dark; unknown, secret

căvus, -a, -um: hollow; deep

cĕlē̆bro (1): throng, fill, crowd; perform, celebrate

orgĭa, -ōrum, n.: secret rites, mysteries

cista, -ae, f.: wicker box for sacred objects in mystery cults

prŏfānus, -a, -um: not dedicated to religious use; not initiated into a cult

plango, -ngĕre, -nxi, -nctum: beat, strike

prōcērus, -a, -um: tall, long

tympănum, -i, n.: a small drum or tom-tom, usu. as used in the worship of Cybele or Bacchus

tĕnŭis, -e: thin

tinnītus, -ūs, m.: a ringing or clanging sound

āēr, āĕris, m.: air

raucĭsŏnus, -a, -um: harsh-sounding

efflo (1): breathe out, emit, blast out

bombus, -i, m.: a low, booming sound

barbărus, -a, -um: outlandish; "barbarian," spec. non-Greek, e.g., Persian

horrĭbĭlis, -e: fearful, dreadful; rough, uncouth

strīdo, -ĕre: make a shrill, strident sound

tībĭa, -ae, f.: pipe, flute

cantus, -ūs, m.: song; sound of instruments

amplĭfĭcē: magnificently, splendidly

dĕcŏro (1): embellish, adorn

specto (1): look at, watch

explĕo, -ēre, -ēvi, -ētum: fill up, satisfy

coepĭo, coepĕre, coepi, coeptum: begin

dēcēdo, -cēdĕre, -cessi, -cessum: go away, leave; make way for

flātus, -ūs, m.: blowing, breath, breeze

plăcĭdus, -a, -um: quiet, peaceful

mātūtīnus, -a, -um: of the morning, matutinal

Zĕphyrus, -i, m.: the west wind

prōclīvus, -a, -um: downward sloping, (of whitecaps at sea) tumbling forward or down

incĭto (1): incite, provoke, stir

Aurōra, -ae, f.: the goddess of Dawn

exŏrĭor, -ŏrĭrī -ortus sum: rise up from

līmen, -ĭnis, n.: threshold, doorway

tardus, -a, -um: slow, late, dull

clēmens, -entis: gentle, mild, lenient

prōcēdo, -cēdĕre, -cessi, -cessum: move forward

lĕvĭter: adv., lightly

sŏno (1): make a sound

plangor, -ōris, m.: a beating or slapping action

căchinnus, -i, m.: laugh, guffaw; metaph. of rippling waves

post prep w/ acc. adv. behind; later, afterward

cresco, crescĕre, crēvi, crētum: come into existence; grow

purpŭrĕus, -a, -um: purple

rĕfulgĕo, -gēre, -si: shine, gleam

vestĭbŭlum, -i, n.: forecourt

ăbĕo, -īre, -ĭvi or -ii, -ītum: go away or out; come off, turn out; escape criticism or other consequences

princeps, -cĭpis: first, earliest

silvester, -tris: of the forest

dōnum, -i, n.: gift

quīcumque, quaecumque, quodcumque: indef. rel. pron. , whoever, whatever

campus, -i, m.: plain, field

ōra, -ae, f.: edge, border; region, district, land

crĕo (1): beget, give birth to, produce

propter: adv. & prep. w/ acc., near

părĭo (1): give birth to; produce

flōs, -ōris, m.: flower; youthful beauty; the finest specimen of a type or class

tĕpĭdus, -a, -um: warm

fēcundus, -a, -um: productive of offspring; fertile, fruitful

indistinctus, -a, -um: indiscriminate, disordered, not arranged by type

plĕcto, -ctĕre, -xi, -xum: plait, twine

cŏrolla, -ae, f.: dim. of corona; garland, small wreath

rīdĕo, -dēre, -si, -sum: laugh

confestim: adv., immediately

adsum, adesse, affui: be present

vĭrĭdo (1): be green

silva, -ae, f.: forest, wood

sŭper: adv., over, above; more; besides; prep. w/ acc., over

impendĕo, -ēre: hang above

chŏrēa, -ae, f.: a circle dance; choral dancers

altus, -a, -um: high, deep; loud

fāgus, -i, f.: beech-tree

stīpĕs, -ĭtis, m.: tree trunk

laurus, -i, f.: laurel or bay tree

nūto (1): nod, sway; beat rhythymically

plătănus, -i, f.: plane tree

sŏror, -ōris, f.: sister

flammatus, -a, -um: burning

cū̆pressus, -i, f.: the cypress tree

circum: pre. w/ acc., around

contexo, -xĕre, -xŭi, -xtum: weave together; arrange, combine

vĭrĕo, -ēre, -ui: be verdant

consĕquor, -sĕqui, -sĕcūtus sum: come after, follow

sollers, -tis: clever, skilled, ingenious, resourceful

extĕnŭo (1): make thin, reduce, diminish

vĕtus, -ĕris: old

sĭlex, -ĭcis, m.: any hard rock; flint

rēstringo, -ingĕre, -inxi, -ictum: tie back, restrain with bonds

cătēna, -ae, f.: chain, fetter

persolvo, -solvĕre, -solvi, -sŏlūtum: pay

caelum, -i, n.: the sky or heavens

Phoebus, -i, m.: Phoebus Apollo, twin brother of Diana

ūnĭgĕna, -ae: born together with, twin; sharing a single parentage; (as substantive) brother

cultrix, -īcis, f.: a female inhabitant; local goddess

părĭter: adv., equally

aspernor, -āri, -ātus sum: push away, reject, scorn, spurn

iŭgālis, -e: yoke-bearing; matrimonial

artus, -ūs, m.: joint; limb; part of the body, member

largē: adv., abundantly

constrŭo, -strŭĕre, -struxi, -structum: pile up

intĕrĕā: adv., in the meantime; with adversative force, in these circumstances

infirmus, -a, -um: feeble, weak

vērĭdĭcus, -a, -um: truth telling

parcus, -a, -um: thrifty, frugal; skinny, lean

ĕdo, ĕdĕre, ēdi, ēsum: emit, bring forth, yield; publish

complector, -plectī, -plexus sum: embrace, surround

tālus, -i, m.: anklebone; ankle

rĕsĭdĕo, -sĭdēre, -sēdi: remain seated; persist

vitta, -ae, f.: headband

aeternus, -a, -um: eternal, everlasting

mănus, -ūs, f.: hand

carpo, -pĕre, -psi, -ptum: pluck, pull at; press on along (a way, journey, period of time, etc.); carp at, criticize

rītĕ: adv., properly, duly

lăbōro (1): work, labor

laevus, -a, -um: left; the left hand

cŏlus, -i, m.: distaff, a short staff for holding wool that is being spun into thread

lāna, -ae, f.: wool

dēdūco, -cĕre, -xi, -ctum: lead or bring down

sŭpīnus, -a, -um: lying on the back; facing upwards; flat; helpless

formo (1): shape, form

dĭgĭtus, -i, m.: finger

pollex, -ĭcis, m.: thumb

lībro (1): make level; hold suspended; balance, poise

fūsus, -i, m.: a weighted spindle on which yarn is wound and twisted

dēcerpo, -pĕre, -psi, -ptum: pluck off, snatch

semper: adv., always, forever

ŏpus, -ĕris, n.: that which needs to be done; work

lānĕus, -a, -um: woolly

ārĭdŭlus, -a, -um: dim. of aridus, dry

haerĕo, haerēre, haesi, haesum: stick, cling

mordĕo, -ēre, mŏmordi, morsum: bite

vellus, -ĕris, n.: fleece; a piece of wool

virgātus, -a, -um: made of twigs; wicker

călăthiscus, -i, m.: a small basket

dīvīnus, -a, -um: divine

for, fāri, fātus sum: speak, say, tell

perfĭdĭa, -ae, f.: treachery, lying, perfidy

argŭo, -ŭĕre, -ŭi, -ūtum: show, reveal; prove wrong

tūtāmen, -ĭnis, n.: means of protection; bulwark

ops, ŏpis, f.: power; wealth; help

accĭpĭo, -cĭpĕre, -cēpi, -ceptum: receive, accept; hear

pando (1): spread out, disclose, reveal; open

ōrācŭlum, -i, n.: oracle

curro, currĕre, cŭcurri, cursum: run

subtegmen, -ĭnis, n.: the woof or weft, crossthreads in a loom running at right angles to the vertical threads of the warp

mărītus, -a, -um: married

Hespĕrus, -i, m.: the evening star

faustus, -a, -um: fortunate, lucky

flexănĭmus, -a, -um: persuasive

perfundo, -fundĕre, -fūdi, -fūsum: pour through, drench, suffuse, imbue

languĭdŭlus, -a, -um: dim. of languidus, weary, drooping, flaccid

păro (1): furnish, supply; obtain

substerno, -sternĕre, -strāvi, -strātum: lay or spread beneath; (of a woman) offer oneself sexually to a man

rōbustus, -a, -um: strong

bracchĭum, -ii, n.: arm

umquam: adv., ever

ămo (1): love

foedus, -ĕris, n.: any formal agreement or bond, incl. marriage and (sometimes) other sexual unions

concordĭa, -ae, f.: harmony

expers, -tis: having no share of; immune to

terror, -ōris, m.: extreme fear

Ăchilles, -is, m.: son of Peleus and Thetis, greatest of the Greek warriors in the Trojan War, tragic hero of Homer's Iliad

hostis, -is, m.: enemy

haud or haut: part., not

tergum, -i, n.: back; hide from an animal's back

fortis -e,: strong; brave

nosco, -ĕre, nōvi, nōtum: know

persaepe: adv., very often

victor, -ōris, m.: winner, victor

certāmen, -ĭnis, n.: contest

flammĕus, -a, -um: fiery; swift as fire

praeverto, -tĕre, -ti: outstrip, outrun

cerva, -ae, f.: hind, doe

bellum, -i, n.: war

confĕro, conferre, contŭli, collātum: compare

Phrygĭus, -a, -um: of Phrygia, Phrygian

Teucrus, -a, -um: Teucrian, Trojan

māno (1): flow, run, frip

obsīdo, -ĕre: beseige, beset

longinquus, -a, -um: far-off; drawn-out, long

tertĭus, -a, -um: third

hēres, -ēdis, m.: heir

ēgrĕgĭus, -a, -um: outstanding preeminent, illustrious

clārus, -a, -um: loud; bright; clear; famous

fătĕor, fătēri, fassus sum: concede, admit, confess

incultus, -a, -um: unkempt

solvo, solvĕre, solvi, solūtum: loosen, untie, dislodge, cast off; discharge, fulfill (a vow)

crīnis, -is, m.: a lock or braid of hair; hair

pū̆trĭdus, -a, -um: rotten, decaying, withered

densus, -a, -um: dense, closely packed

praecerpo, -pĕre, -psi, -ptum: cull or reap ahead

messor, -ōris, m.: reaper, harvester

ărista, -ae, f.: an ear of grain

sōl, sōlis, m.: the sun, sts. personified as Sol

flavens, -entis: yellow

dēmĕto, -mĕtĕre, -messŭi, -messum: mow, reap, harvest

arvum, -i, n.: tilled field; field; tillable land

Trōiŭgĕna, -ae, m.: a Trojan-born man; Trojan

infestus, -a, -um: hostile, warlike; troublesome

ferrum, -i, n.: iron, steel; sword

testis, -is, m. or f.: witness

răpĭdus, -a, -um: strongly flowing, swiftly moving, rapid; scorching, consuming

diffundo, -fundĕre, -fūdi, -fūsum: diffuse, spread out

angusto (1): to make narrow, confine

ăcervus, -i, m.: heap, pile, mass

tĕpĕfăcĭo, -făcĕre, -fēci, -factum: make warm

permisceo, -scēre, -scŭi, -xtum: blend thoroughly, mix up

quŏque: also

excelsus, -a, -um: lofty

cŏăcervo (1): pile up

agger, -ĕris, m.: fill, rubble; a mound

bustum, -i, n.: funeral pyre; grave mound

excĭpĭo, -cĭpĕre, -cēpi, -ceptum: take out, exclude, except; receive

percello, -cellĕre, -cŭli, -culsum: strike down, kill

cōpĭa, -ae, f.: abundance; supply; opportunity

Ăchīvus, -a, -um: an Achaean, a Greek man

Dardănĭus, -a, -um: of Dardanus, an ancestor of Priam; Trojan

vincŭlum, -i, n.: bond, fetter; any fastening device

mădĕfīo, -fieri, -factus: become wet, be soaked

sĕpulcrum, -i, n.: tomb, sepulcher

anceps, -cĭpĭtis: double-edged

succumbo, -cumbĕre, -cŭbŭi, -cŭbĭtum: collapse; (w/ dat.) "go down," lie under or submit to (a man) in the act of sex

victĭma, -ae, f.: a living sacrificial victim

truncus, -i, m.: body, trunk, torso

summissus, -a, -um: lowered, submissive

poplĕs, -ĭtis, m.: the knee

ăgo, ăgĕre, ēgi, actum: drive, do, conduct, throw; draw (breath); be engaged in

dīva, -ae, f.: goddess; any female immortal, e.g., the sea nymph Thetis

dēdo, -dĕre, -dĭdi, -dĭtum: give up, deliver, hand over; reflexive, devote oneself to

dūdum: adv., some time ago, w/ iam, now after all this time

nupta, -ae, f.: wife

mărītus, -i, m.: husband

ŏrĭor, orīri, ortus sum: rise

rĕvīso, -ĕre: pay another visit; go back and see, return to

hesternus, -a, -um: of or belonging to yesterday

circumdo (1): ring, circle, enclose

discors, cordis, f.: in conflict, at odds, quarreling

sēcŭbĭtus, -ūs, m.: a sleeping apart; the action of sleeping apart from one's spouse or love

praefor, -fāri, -fātus sum: say by way of preface

căno, cănĕre, cĕcĭni, cantum: sing

praesens, -entis: face to face, in person, present

caelĭcŏla, -ae, m. or f.: an inhabitan of heaven, god or goddess

sperno, spernĕre, sprēvi, sprētum: scorn, spurn, reject

pĭĕtas, -ātis, f.: dutiful respect

annŭus, -a, -um: yearly

festus, -a, -um: festal, holiday

sacrum, -i, n.: a sacred object or observance, rite

dĭes, -ēi, m. or f.: day

centum: indecl. adj., a hundred

prōcumbo, -cumbĕre, -cŭbŭi, -cŭbĭtum: bend or fall forward

līber, -ĕra, -ĕrum: free

effūsus, -a, -um: loose; disorderly, in disarray

euans, euantis: uttering the Bacchic cry euan!

certātim: adv., with eager rivalry

rŭo, -ŭĕre, -ŭi, -ŭtum: rush

fūmo (1): emit smoke, smoke

lētĭfer, -fĕra, -fĕrum: bringing death, deadly

Māvors, -vortis, m.: Mars, god of war

ĕra, -ae, f.: a woman in relation to her sevants; mistress, i.e., the woman or goddess one serves (as opp. to a kept woman)

armo (1): arm, equip with arms

hortor, -āri, -ātus sum: exhort, urge on

căterva, -ae, f.: company, squadron, mass

scĕlus, -ĕris, n.: crime, iniquity; a wicked act

nĕfandus, -a, -um: unspeakable; wicked, unlawful, impious

iustĭtĭa, -ae, f.: justice

fŭgo (1): put to flight, drive off, expel

frāter, -tris, m.: brother

dēsisto, -sistĕre, -stĭti, -stĭtum: cease, desist

extinctus, -a, -um: dead, deceased

lūgĕo, -ēre, -xi, -ctum: mourn

prīmaevus, -a, -um: youthful

pŏtĭor, -ī, -ītus sum: get possession of

nŏverca, -ae, f.: stepmother

impĭus, -a, -um: wicked, irreligious, without pietas

vĕrĕor, -ēri, ĭtus sum: show respect for; fear

scĕlĕro (1): stain or defile with wicked acts

Pĕnātes, -ĭum, m.: household gods, the tutelary gods of the Roman pantry

dignor, -āri, -ātus sum: consider worthy; deign, see fit

contingo, -tingĕre, -tĭgi, -tactum: come in contact with; touch, reach

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