OutingClub:Documents:Proposed Amended Constitution: Difference between revisions

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Officer Duties and Responsibilities
Officer Duties and Responsibilities
President: Make agenda, delegate agenda items, facilitate meetings,
- make agenda, delegate agenda items, facilitate meetings
Organize special events, Backup vehicle reservations, Delegate responsibilities not allocated to specific officers
- organize special events
- backup vehicle reservations
- delegate responsibilities not allocated to specific officers
Vice President
- vehicle reservations
- collect and maintain waiver list
- coordinate with Student Activities
- facilitate meetings in absence of President
- purchase gear (with gear gurus)
- Budget – generate budget, defend at hearing, make purchases
- Reimbursements
- Fundraising (t-shirts)
- Maintain Club Calendar - Trips, budget, constitution review, events
- Meeting minutes/ reminder
- Maintain constitution (with other officers)
- Organize all-campus activities
- Facilitate in absence of V.P.
A.T. Liaison
-    trail monitoring/ maintenance coordination
-    email list maintenance
Gear Guru(s)
- gear checkout/ in
- gear maintenance – retirement, inventory, dates of purchase
- coordinate gear cleanup
- research and make gear purchases (with treasurer)
- climbing wall liaison – shoes, holds, etc.
- trip reports
- picture archive
- coordinate club P.R. / advertising – admissions blurb, special events, bulletin board
- overall wiki maintenance
Club Advisors
- help with elections process
- prepare and help organize new officers
- make sample trip plans and post on wiki
- lead trips
- destination/trip research
- help officers with their responsibilities

Vice President:  vehicle reservations, collect and maintain waiver list, coordinate with Student Activities, facilitate meetings in absence of President
Treasurer:  purchase gear (with gear gurus), Budget (generate budget, defend at hearing, make purchases), Reimbursements, Fundraising (t-shirts)
Secretary: Maintain Club Calendar (Trips, budget, constitution review, events), Meeting minutes/ reminder, Maintain constitution (with other officers), Organize all-campus activities, Facilitate in absence of V.P.
A.T. Liaison: trail monitoring/ maintenance coordination, email list maintenance
Gear Guru(s): gear checkout/ in, gear maintenance (retirement, inventory, dates of purchase), coordinate gear cleanup, research and make gear purchases (with treasurer), climbing wall liaison (shoes, holds, etc.)
Historian: trip reports, picture archive, coordinate club P.R. / advertising (admissions blurb), special events, bulletin board, overall wiki maintenance
Club Advisors: help with elections process, prepare and help organize new officers
Members: make sample trip plans and post on wiki, lead trips, destination/trip research, help officers with their responsibilities

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The effective functioning of the Outing Club relies on the participation of active and responsible officers. If any member of the Club believes that an executive is not doing his/her duties, he/she shall bring up the issue to the general body at any meeting or to any other executive board member, who will then address the club. The issue will be debated for up to on hour total; distributed over one or more meetings. At the end of the debate, the general body will hold a vote. A majority vote will recall the Officer in question. The office will be filled by normal means.
The effective functioning of the Outing Club relies on the participation of active and responsible officers. If any member of the Club believes that an executive is not doing his/her duties, he/she shall bring up the issue to the general body at any meeting or to any other executive board member, who will then address the club. The issue will be debated for up to on hour total; distributed over one or more meetings. At the end of the debate, the general body will hold a vote. A majority vote will recall the Officer in question. The office will be filled by normal means.

Latest revision as of 03:18, 28 November 2006

Dickinson College Outing Club Constitution Written 2004, Last revised Fall 2006


The purpose of the Dickinson Outing Club is to provide a means of recreation not readily available to the members of the Dickinson community. The Club offers opportunities to leave the campus and participate in activities which are new and exciting. The club’s activities aim to teach members about the outdoors while fostering respect and appreciation for nature.


The executive board shall consist of seven officers, as described below. Eligibility to hold office is based solely on possessing current status as a registered Dickinson student. Election of officers will be held by majority vote at the middle of each spring semester or when present Club officers go abroad. Officers-elect will shadow current officers until the end of the term to learn duties and responsibilities. The term for all officers will begin at the end of the spring semester in which they are elected and end at the conclusion of the following spring term. There are no term limits. In the event of Vacancy if an office, the position will be filled by majority vote as soon as possible.

Officer Duties and Responsibilities

President: Make agenda, delegate agenda items, facilitate meetings, Organize special events, Backup vehicle reservations, Delegate responsibilities not allocated to specific officers

Vice President: vehicle reservations, collect and maintain waiver list, coordinate with Student Activities, facilitate meetings in absence of President

Treasurer: purchase gear (with gear gurus), Budget (generate budget, defend at hearing, make purchases), Reimbursements, Fundraising (t-shirts)

Secretary: Maintain Club Calendar (Trips, budget, constitution review, events), Meeting minutes/ reminder, Maintain constitution (with other officers), Organize all-campus activities, Facilitate in absence of V.P.

A.T. Liaison: trail monitoring/ maintenance coordination, email list maintenance

Gear Guru(s): gear checkout/ in, gear maintenance (retirement, inventory, dates of purchase), coordinate gear cleanup, research and make gear purchases (with treasurer), climbing wall liaison (shoes, holds, etc.)

Historian: trip reports, picture archive, coordinate club P.R. / advertising (admissions blurb), special events, bulletin board, overall wiki maintenance

Club Advisors: help with elections process, prepare and help organize new officers

Members: make sample trip plans and post on wiki, lead trips, destination/trip research, help officers with their responsibilities


Membership in the Outing Club is open to all members of the Dickinson College community. Requirements for membership are limited to an interest in outdoor activities, and willingness to work productively in organizing Club events. The outing Club does not discriminate on the basis of race, sex, sexual orientation, creed, religion, or any personal beliefs.


Club meetings, like membership are open to all members of the College community. They are to be held weekly except in the case of extenuating circumstances. The meetings will be overseen by the Facilitator. Special meetings will be held at the discretion of the executive board.


The Outing Clubs finances are obtained from Student Senate. Supplementary money may be obtained by fundraising activities or other reasonable means. Such supplementary money must be recorded and must be applied strictly to costs incurred by the Outing Club.


The Outing Club should organize at least one activity per month. These activities may include, but are not limited to, rock climbing, canoeing, rafting, hiking, camping, backpacking, biking, and bouldering. Trips may be led by any member of the Outing Club.

Trip Leading

The requirements for trip leading are experience in the activity involved and/or having co-led a club trip previously. Members who have limited leadership or outdoor experience are encouraged to propose trips and co-lead their trips with a more experienced leader.


Amendments to this Constitution are to be passed in the following manner. Proposals shall be brought up to the Executive Board which will review and if necessary revise the proposal. The proposed amendment will be brought to the attention of the general body, and after a grace period of one week, the general body will vote on it. The proposed amendment will be passed if it gains a majority vote.


The effective functioning of the Outing Club relies on the participation of active and responsible officers. If any member of the Club believes that an executive is not doing his/her duties, he/she shall bring up the issue to the general body at any meeting or to any other executive board member, who will then address the club. The issue will be debated for up to on hour total; distributed over one or more meetings. At the end of the debate, the general body will hold a vote. A majority vote will recall the Officer in question. The office will be filled by normal means.

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