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| ''Emphasize'', '''strongly''', '''''very strongly'''''
| | [[Catherine]] |
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| You can <s>strike out deleted material</s>
| | [[Anthony]] |
| and <u>underline new material</u>.
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| You can also mark <del>deleted material</del> and
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| | [[Angela]] |
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| | [[Jimmy]] |
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| = Main section =
| | [[Akiko]] |
| {{helpnav}}
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| <b>we type here</b>
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| # <font="red">and nest them</font>
| | [[Michael]] |
| #* like this
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| #*can I mix definition list as well?
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| #blah
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| #blah
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| d jd'aj4389q34uj ;gm4903gj ;43kmh w458u [5490u 99bu34690b w3 u89 u5y8945uy jwlk45j .lj'a '9b06u wja'3jk jsdgf jg8950df gj895 ji js89b8j5 0[-u5jkbt89j'ajy'5sopj590y ja'5jy90s54 jh
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| | [[Amy]] |
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| faksjd fklajsdklfjaskjdflkasj dfajsd klfj askldfhasjhdfj askas hfajksd fhjkas fhdjkshdf j ashdfjlh asdfjh ajdhfajkhd fjashdf jashdfj ashfd asjkdfh asjklhdsj fhajklsfhd ajklshdj ahfjklashd fjkashdkfjh auiofheaiwkhde auiwhefiahfuiohewa lifhuiawehfiluaw
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| * and nest them
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| *# like this
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| *#can I mix definition list as well?
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| *blah
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| *blah
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| === Next section ===
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| :::blah:blah
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| ;blah:blah
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| === Third section ===
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| ==== fourth section ====
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| [[My resume]] | |
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| [[Media:Bravo61.mov]] | | [[File:El Harén.jpg]] |
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| [http://itech.dickinson.edu/wiki/images/5/59/Bravo61.mov link title]
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| {{template:borntorun}}
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| [[Media:Test.mov|thumb|Description]]
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| <p align="right">[[Image:Sweetbaby.jpg|Description]]</p>
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| [[Image:43636736_d145fd6b86_m.jpg||caption]]
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| [[Image:Bckgrdmoney.jpg|right|blah|blah]]
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| This is awesome?
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| I like this?
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| [[Image:caleb1424.jpg]]
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| [[caleb]]
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| <blockquote>blockquotej fdklgjs dfgjs dfjsd fgk asdkl fjaskld fjasjdf asjdf sdklfjahkjfshdfjhasklfhdalksjdhfjashdfjkhasdklfhlasdhfjashdfkjashd fasdh f sdfklasjd hfjk ashdfjkash d fasdl falsd fhsd</blockquote>
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| [[horizontal dividing line]]
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| ==KOgel love diet cherry vanilla soda==
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| Burgar is in a bad mood. He is very sad, and unhappy with life. IIf there are people that are happy around him he is not happy.
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| Kogel is really sweet. He crushes happiness. And steals from little kids.
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To add an image, click the Upload file link in the bottom left menu. Upload the file. Copy the yourfile.jpg part. Edit the page then place what you've copied in brackets yourfile.jpg then save the page. If you edit this page, you can look at the syntax of the image below.