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Ireland in 1921, 1961, and even in 1981 remained still a traditional, agricultural economy characterized by low level technology with a growing but still incipent industrial sector.

Since independence Ireland took three independent strategies. Each one was created after the previous one failed. . These were: 1)Comparative advantage, 2)economic autarky, and i3)ndustrialization-by-invitation.
The Irish economy before and after Ireland’s independence from the United Kingdom was known for its lack of success more than anything. Some suggest that Ireland’s geographic location was it’s major disadvantaged as it was “living in the shadow of a giant” [[Source Page| [1]]]. A definite contributer to the weakening of Ireland's economy, however, was the division of Ireland after the War of Independence. In 1922 when Ireland gained independence from the U.K, Ireland was divided into two territories; the Irish Free State (now known as the Republic of Ireland), which consists of twenty-six counties of Ireland, and Northern Ireland, which consists of six counties that have remained a part of the U.K. Ireland's econmoy struggled with the new division of the country, even though economic conditions were unstable to begin with before the separtation.  Both economies of the Republic and the North were weak, however, the North had the advantage of receiving financial subsidies from the U.K., which contributed to a higher standard of living in the North [[Source Page| [4]]].
| Hi I want to see if this works ok so that I can have the image in the middle.
| Hi I want to see if this works ok so that I can have the image in the middle.
Between the years of 1881 and 1981, Ireland experienced a century of population stagnation, which is evident from Table 1. This occurred as a result of an increase in natural population that was offset by substantial emigration rates (more than 400,000 people left Ireland between 1951 and 1961 [[Source Page| [2]]]). During this 100-year span, Ireland did of course experience economic progress, as indicators of economic performance show a rising standard of living. This progress, however, was relatively unimpressive. In 1921, 1961, and even in 1981, Ireland remained a traditional agricultural economy. Much to its disadvantage, the Irish economy seemed to be resisting the industrialization process that was occurring elsewhere [[Source Page| [1]]].

1) The comparitive advantage strategy:
This was the first strategy taken by Ireland. It basically depended on market signals to determine resource allocation. It seemed to be the most risk adverse and relied on non-discretionary policymaking. They adopted a low-key strategy.


Latest revision as of 03:45, 28 April 2006

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The Irish economy before and after Ireland’s independence from the United Kingdom was known for its lack of success more than anything. Some suggest that Ireland’s geographic location was it’s major disadvantaged as it was “living in the shadow of a giant” [1]. A definite contributer to the weakening of Ireland's economy, however, was the division of Ireland after the War of Independence. In 1922 when Ireland gained independence from the U.K, Ireland was divided into two territories; the Irish Free State (now known as the Republic of Ireland), which consists of twenty-six counties of Ireland, and Northern Ireland, which consists of six counties that have remained a part of the U.K. Ireland's econmoy struggled with the new division of the country, even though economic conditions were unstable to begin with before the separtation. Both economies of the Republic and the North were weak, however, the North had the advantage of receiving financial subsidies from the U.K., which contributed to a higher standard of living in the North [4].

Hi I want to see if this works ok so that I can have the image in the middle. Hi I want to see if this works ok so that I can have the image in the middle.

Between the years of 1881 and 1981, Ireland experienced a century of population stagnation, which is evident from Table 1. This occurred as a result of an increase in natural population that was offset by substantial emigration rates (more than 400,000 people left Ireland between 1951 and 1961 [2]). During this 100-year span, Ireland did of course experience economic progress, as indicators of economic performance show a rising standard of living. This progress, however, was relatively unimpressive. In 1921, 1961, and even in 1981, Ireland remained a traditional agricultural economy. Much to its disadvantage, the Irish economy seemed to be resisting the industrialization process that was occurring elsewhere [1].


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