JuvenalSatires1.77-86Vocab: Difference between revisions

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[[JuvenalSatires1.63-76Vocab|previous list]]
[[JuvenalSatires1.63-76Vocab|previous list]]

nurus, -us, f.:  daughter-in-law; prospective daughter-in-law; wife of grandson
nurus, -ūs f.:  daughter-in-law

corruptor, -oris, m.: corruptor, briber; seducer, ravisher
avarus, -a, -um: greedy

avarus, -a, -um: avaricious, greedy; stingy, miserly, mean; covetous, hungry for
sponsa, -ae f.: fiancée

spondeo, -ere, spopondi, sponsuspromise, give pledge/undertaking/surety; contract to give/take in marriage
turpis, -edisgraceful, indecent

turpis, -e: ugly; nasty; disgraceful; indecent; base, shameful, disgusting, repulsive
praetextatus, -a, -um: wearing a toga praetexta; underage, juvenile

praetextatus, -a, -um: underage; juvenile; wearing a toga praetexta
indignatio, -onis f.: indignation; anger; angry outburst

adulter, -era, -erum: impure/adulterated; mixed/crossbred; adulterous, unchaste; of adulterer
quālis-cumque, quale-cumque (adj.): of whatever sort

indignatio, -onis, f.:  indignation; anger; angry outburst
nimbus, -i m.:  raincloud; downpour

nimbus, -i, m.: rainstorm, cloud
tollo, -ere, sustuli, sublatum: lift, raise

tollo, -ere, sustuli, sublatus: lift, raise; destroy; remove, steal; take/lift up/away
aequor, -oris n.: sea

aequor, -oris, n.: even, level surface
navigium, -i n.: vessel, ship

navigium, -i, n.vessel, ship
ascendo, -ere, -endi, -ensusclimb, ascend

ascendo, -ere, -endi, -ensus: climb; go/climb up; mount, scale; mount up, embark; rise, ascend, move upward
sors, sortis f.: oracular response

sors, sortis, f.lot, fate; oracular response
posco, -ere, poposciask, demand

posco, -ere, poposci: ask, demand
paulatim (adv.): little by little, gradually

paulatim: little by little, by degrees, gradually
calesco, -ere, calui: become warm, get hot

caleo, -ere, -ui: be/feel/be kept warm; be hot with passion/inflamed/active/driven hotly/urged
ostendo, -ere, ostendi: display, exhibit

ostendeo, -ere, -i: show; reveal; make clear, point out, display, exhibit
mās, măris m.: male

voluptas, -tatis, f.:  pleasure, delight, enjoyment
voluptas, -tātis f.:  pleasure, delight, enjoyment

discurro, -ere, -i, -cursus: run off in different directions; run/dash around/about; wander; roam
discursus, -ūs m.: (the action of) running this way and that

farrago, -inis, f.: mixed fodder, mash; mixture, medley; a hodgepodge; trifle
farrago, -inis f.: mixture, medley, hodgepodge

[[JuvenalSatires1.87-101Vocab|next list]]
[[JuvenalSatires1.87-101Vocab|next list]]

Latest revision as of 11:25, 22 November 2010

previous list

nurus, -ūs f.: daughter-in-law

avarus, -a, -um: greedy

sponsa, -ae f.: fiancée

turpis, -e: disgraceful, indecent

praetextatus, -a, -um: wearing a toga praetexta; underage, juvenile

indignatio, -onis f.: indignation; anger; angry outburst

quālis-cumque, quale-cumque (adj.): of whatever sort

nimbus, -i m.: raincloud; downpour

tollo, -ere, sustuli, sublatum: lift, raise

aequor, -oris n.: sea

navigium, -i n.: vessel, ship

ascendo, -ere, -endi, -ensus: climb, ascend

sors, sortis f.: oracular response

posco, -ere, poposci: ask, demand

paulatim (adv.): little by little, gradually

calesco, -ere, calui: become warm, get hot

ostendo, -ere, ostendi: display, exhibit

mās, măris m.: male

voluptas, -tātis f.: pleasure, delight, enjoyment

discursus, -ūs m.: (the action of) running this way and that

farrago, -inis f.: mixture, medley, hodgepodge

next list