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<center>[[Caesar Civil War]]</center>
==1. 24==
==1. 24==

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:'''reperio, -ire, repperi, reppertus:'''  find out, discover, find
:'''reperiō, -īre, repperī, reppertus:'''  find out, discover, find

:'''munus, -eris, n.:'''  office, duty
:'''mūnus, -eris, n.:'''  office, duty

:'''remaneo, -ere, -mansi, -mansus:'''  remain, stay behind
:'''remaneō, -ēre, -mānsī, -mansus:'''  remain, stay behind

:'''excusatio, -onis, f.:'''  excuse
:'''excūsātiō, -ōnis, f.:'''  excuse

:'''subicio, -ere, -ieci, -iectus:'''  throw under, make subject
:'''subiciō, -ere, -iēcī, -iectus:'''  throw under, make subject

:'''aliquot:'''  some
:'''aliquot:'''  some

:'''destino, -are:'''  make up one's mind, fix, mark out
:'''dēstinō, -āre:'''  make up one's mind, fix, mark out
==Letter to Cicero==
:'''temerē:'''  rashly, blindly
:'''imprūdenter:'''  unwisely, carelessly, imprudently
:'''iūdicō, -āre:'''  judge, conclude, decide
:'''exīstimō, -āre:'''  value, think, consider
:'''prōclīnō, -āre:'''  tilt forward, bend
:'''cōnsulō, -ere, -luī, -ltus:'''  consult, take counsel, advise
:'''obsequor, -ī, -cūtus sum:'''  yield to
:'''secundus, -a, -um:'''  favorable, second, inferior
:'''accidō, -ere, -cidī, -:'''  come to pass, happen
:'''postrēmus, -a, -um:'''  last
:'''quiēscō, -ere, -ēvī, -ētus:'''  rest, be quiet, be neutral
:'''cīvis, -is, c.:'''  citizen
:'''conveniō, -īre, -vēnī, -ventus:'''  come together, agree
:'''tūtus, -a, -um:'''  safe, unharmed
:'''contentiō, -ōnis, f.:'''  tension, stretching, comparison

Latest revision as of 20:39, 1 August 2011

Caesar Civil War

1. 24

cōgō, -ere, coēgī, coāctus: collect, round up, convene
pāstor, -ōris, m.: shepherd, herdsman
attribuō, -ere, -uī, =ūtus: assign, grant
procul: away, at a distance, far off
cōnspicor, -ārī, -ātus sum: catch sight of, observe
praesum, -esse, -fuī, -futurus: be in charge
dēprēndō, -ere, -dī, -sus: sieze, take by surprise
faber, - brī, m.: workman, engineer
mandātum, -ī: charge, commission, order
quoniam: because, since
facultās, -ātis, f.: opportunity
colloquor, -ī, -cūtus sum: converse, confer, parley
prōficiō, -ere, -fēcī, -fectus: accomplish, effect
condiciō, -ōnis, f.: contract, terms, agreement
cōram: face to face
disceptō, -āre: debate


prōtinus: immediately, without pause
reperiō, -īre, repperī, repertus: discover, learn
obtineō, -ēre, -tinuī, -tentus: get hold of, maintain, hold fast
inopia, -ae, f.: lack, scarcity
resistō, -ere, -stitī, -: pause, make a stand
vereor, -ērī, -itus sum: fear
dīmittō, -ere, -mīsī, -missus: let go, send away
administrātiō, -ōnis, f.: management, aid
portus, -ūs, m.: port
ratiō, -ōnis, f.: method, reasoning
faux, faucis, f.: jaws, entrance
mōlēs, -is, f.: large mass, pile, jetty
agger, -eris, m.: pier, causeway, earthen wall
lītus, -ōris, n.: shore
iaciō, -ere, iēcī, iactus: throw, construct, establish
vadōsus, -a, -um: shallow
ratis, -is, f.: raft, boat
ancora, -ae, f.: anchor
angulus, -ī,m.: corner
fluctus, -ūs, m.: wave, tide
deinceps: following, next in succession
integō, -ere, -tēxī, -tēctus: cover
aditus, -ūs, m.: entrance
incursus, -ūs, m.: approach
crātis, -is, f.: wickerwork, lattice
pluteus, -eī, m.: screen, shed
tabulātum, -ī: floor, story
commodus, -a, -um: suitable, convenient
impetus, -ūs, m.: attack, attempt


onerārius, -a, -um: for transport, freight
adōrnō, -āre: equip, prepare
ērigō, -ere, -rēxī, -rēctus: raise, build
appellō, -ere, -pulī, -pulsus: drive to
cotīdiē: daily, every day
utrimque: on both sides
ēminus: from a distance, long range
funda, -ae, f.: sling
māgnoperē: greatly
temptō, -āre: test, try
tardō, -āre: hinder
necessārius, -a, -um: closely tied
conciliō, -āre: bring about, win over, procure
exīstimātiō, -ōnis, f.: esteem, credit, reputation
perveniō, -īre, -vēnī, -ventus: arrive, reach
compositiō, -ōnis, f.: agreement, compact


dīmidius, -a, -um: half
dēportō, -āre: transport, convey
profectiō, -ōnis, f.: departure
obstruō, -ere, -ūxī, -ūctus: block up, barricade
vīcus, -ī, m.: street, row of houses
platea, -ae, f.: broad way, street
inaedificō, -āre: build, wall up
trānsversus, -a, -um: at right angles, from side to side
praedūcō, -ere, -dūxī, -ductus: construct, extend
sudis, -is, f.: stake
stīpes, -itis, m.: post
praeacūtus, -a, -um: sharpened, pointed
dēfīgō, -ere, -fīxī, -fīxus: sink, plant, embed
trabs, trabis, f.: tree trunk, log, beam
praesepio, -īre, -sepsī, -septus: block up, fence
cōnscendō, -ere, -endī, -ēnsus: board
sagittārius, -ī, m.: archer
funditor, -ōris, m.: slinger
rārus, -a, -um: scattered, infrequent, in small groups
āctuārius, -a, -um: swift, nimble


iniūria, -ae, f.: injustice, insult, outrage
contumēlia, -ae, f.: indignity, abuse, insult
faveō, -ēre, fāvī, fautūrus: favor, support
concursō, -āre: rush about, run to and fro
vulgus, -i, m.: common people, general public
tēctum, -ī, n.: roof, house
scāla, -ae, f.: ladder
solvō, -ere, solvī, solūtus: untie, free, set sail
conveniō, -īre, -vēnī, -ventus: agree
caecus, -a, -um: blind, dark, hidden
subsistō, -ere, -stitī, -: halt, cause to stop
adhaereō, -ēre, -: stick to, be attached to
scapha, -ae, f.: light boat, skiff
linter, -tris, f.: small boat, tub


priusquam: before
trānsmarīnus, -a, -um: across the sea
mora, -ae, f.: delay
longinquitās, -ātis, f.: length, duration, distance
adimō, -ere, -ēmī, -ēmptus: deprive, take away
fretum, -ī: strait
longus, -a, -um: tedious, taking a long time
impedītus, -a, -um: troublesome, difficult
dēvinciō, -ere, -nxī, -nctus: tie up, bind, unite closely


conquīrō, -ere, -quīsīvī, -quīsītus: seek out, collect
sors, sortis, f.: lot
ēiciō, -ere, -iēcī, -iectus: throw out, eject, expel
cōnsentiō, -īre, -sēnsī, -sēnsus: be in agreement
reficiō, -ere, -fēcī, -fectus: repair, rebuild, restore
exigō, -ere, -ēgī, -āctus: exact, demand, collect
queror, -ī, -questus sum: complain
cōntiō, -ōnis, f.: meeting, assembly
prōiiciō, -ere, -iēcī, -iectus: throw out, abandon
prōdō, -ere, -didī, -ditus: betray, give up
suscipiō, -ere, -cēpī, -ceptus: support, undertake
aptus, -a, -um: ready, suitable


nancīscor, -ī, nactus sum: find
suprā: formerly
nōtitia, -ae, f.: familiarity, acquaintance
adficiō, -ere, -fēcī, -fectus: influence, afflict
valētūdō, -inis, f.: health, illness
expōnō, -ere, - posuī, -positus: set out, disembark
tollō, -ere, sustulī, sublātus: lift


doceō, -ēre, -cuī, -ctus: point out
appetō, -ere, -īvī, -ītus: seek after, desire
lēgitimus, -a, -um: lawful
contentus, -a, -um: satisfied
pateō, -ēre, -uī, -: be accessible, lie open
contrādīcō, -ere, -dīxī, -dictus: contradict, speak against, oppose
ācer, -cris, -cre: sharp, bitter
repūgnō, -āre: oppose, disagree
prīstinus, -a, -um: former, old-fashioned
cōnsuētūdō, -inis, f.: habit, custom
extrahō, -ere, -āxī, -āctus: prolong, drag out
improbō, -āre: disapprove of
prōpōnō, -ere, -posuī, -positus: display, put forward
acerbitās, -ātis, f.: bitterness, harshness, severity
recūsō, -āre: refuse, object to
permisceō, -ēre, -miscuī, -mīxtus: mix together, confound, disturb
mālō, mālle, māluī, -: prefer
praedīcō, -ere, - dīxī, -dictus: advise, admonish, warn
crūdēlitās, -ātis, f.: cruelty, severity
īnsolentia, -ae, f.: arrogance
expetō, -īre, -īvī, -ītus: ask for, desire
colloquium, -i: conversation, conference, parley
suscipiō, -ere, -cēpī, -ceptus: undertake, support
compositiō, -ōnis, f.: arrangement
oportet, -ēre, -uit, -: require, order
reformīdō, -āre: shrink from, dread
tenuis, -e: weak, thin


reperiō, -īre, repperī, reppertus: find out, discover, find
mūnus, -eris, n.: office, duty
remaneō, -ēre, -mānsī, -mansus: remain, stay behind
excūsātiō, -ōnis, f.: excuse
subiciō, -ere, -iēcī, -iectus: throw under, make subject
aliquot: some
dēstinō, -āre: make up one's mind, fix, mark out

Letter to Cicero

temerē: rashly, blindly
imprūdenter: unwisely, carelessly, imprudently
iūdicō, -āre: judge, conclude, decide
exīstimō, -āre: value, think, consider
prōclīnō, -āre: tilt forward, bend
cōnsulō, -ere, -luī, -ltus: consult, take counsel, advise
obsequor, -ī, -cūtus sum: yield to
secundus, -a, -um: favorable, second, inferior
accidō, -ere, -cidī, -: come to pass, happen
postrēmus, -a, -um: last
quiēscō, -ere, -ēvī, -ētus: rest, be quiet, be neutral
cīvis, -is, c.: citizen
conveniō, -īre, -vēnī, -ventus: come together, agree
tūtus, -a, -um: safe, unharmed
contentiō, -ōnis, f.: tension, stretching, comparison