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'''Women at Dickinson and the Carlisle Indian School'''<br>
'''Women at Dickinson and the Carlisle Indian School'''<br>
Amthor, Willard, ed. Microcosm, 1907. Achieves and Special Collections, Dickinson
College, Carlisle, PA, 316.

Bureau of Indian Affairs. U.S Indian Census Schedules,1885-1940, 1894. Washington,
D.C.: National Archives and Records Administration, 1894.

The Carlisle Arrow. “Local Miscellany.” Friday, January 25, 1907.
Life For Women at Dickinson:

---. “General School News.” September 10, 1909.
History of Women at Dickinson Speech, Martha Slotter, November 2 and 3, 1984

---. “General School News.” October 6, 1911.
Dickinson Women Students Pamphlet

---. “General School News.” April 28, 1911. 

---. “Out at Work.”  March 15, 1912.
Eva Foster:

---.  “General School News.” April 4, 1913.
The Red Man and Helper Sept 5, 1902

---. “General School News.” September 5, 1913.
Dickinson College Catalog, 1900-1905

Cindy Murdough. “Elizabeth Ryan Bender, Class of 1888.” Unpublished Manuscript,
1907 Microcosm
Dickinson College, 1988.

The Dickinson Alumnus. Carlisle, PA: Dickinson College, 1942, 34-35.
The Red Man and Helper July 31, 1903

Dickinson College Catalog, 1900-1905. Carlisle, PA: Dickinson College, 1905.
The Carlisle Arrow September 10, 1909

Dickinson College Catalog, 1905-1910. Carlisle, PA: Dickinson College, 1910.
The Carlisle Arrow October 6, 1911

Dickinson College Phi Beta Kappa Minutes, 1887-1913. Record Group9/11. Phi Beta
The Carlisle Arrow September 5, 1913
Kappa, Achieves and Special Collections, Dickinson College, Carlisle, PA.

Dickinson Women Students Pamphlet, Women’s Studies Drop File, Archives and Special
Collections, Dickinson College, Carlisle, PA. 

Indian Craftsman.  “Helping the Indian Help Himself.” September 1909.
Alice Denomic:

The Indian Helper. “General School News.” October 23, 1896. 
U.S Indian Census 1885-1940

Milwaukee Public Museum. “Ojibwe Culture.”
Milwaukee Public Museum Website,

The Red Man and Helper. “General School News.” Sept 5, 1902.
The Carlisle Arrow January 25, 1907

---. “General School News.” Friday July 31, 1903.
Dickinson College Catalog, 1905-1910

Slotter, Martha. “The History of Women at Dickinson.” Address delivered at Dickinson
Indian Craftsman September 1909
College, Carlisle, PA, 2 and 3November 1984. Women at Dickinson Drop File,
Achieves and Special Collections, Dickinson College, Carlisle, PA.

South Dakota Department of Health. South Dakota Marriages, 1905-1949. South Dakota:
The Carlisle Arrow April 28, 1911

U.S. Bureau of the Census. 1900 Federal Census, 1900. Washington, D.C.: National
The Carlisle Arrow October 6, 1911
Archives and Records Administration, 1900.
The Carlisle Arrow March 15, 1912
The Carlisle Arrow April 4, 1913
1900 United States Federal Census
South Dakota Marriage Index 1905-1914
Lizzie Bender:
Elizabeth Bender and Dickinson College Essay, Dickinson College Archives, Carlisle, PA
The Dickinson Alumnus, September 1942
Minute Book of Phi Beta Kappa 1887-1913
The Indian Helper October 23, 1896

Revision as of 00:36, 28 November 2007

History 204 | History of Indian Education | The Public Relationship Between Dickinson and the Indian School| Prosopography of Indian Dickinson College Students | Insitute to Institute: Dickinson College and Carlisle Indian School | Bibliographic Information

Dickinson College and Carlisle Indian Industrial School


Fear-Segal, Jacqueline. “Nineteenth-Century Indian Education: Universalism Versus Evolutionism.” Journal of American Studies 33 (1999): 323-341.

Morel, Mary Kay. “Captain Pratt’s School.” American History 32, no. 2 (May/June 1997): 26-32, 62-64.

Pratt, Richard Henry. Battlefield and Classroom: Four Decades with the American Indians. Edited by Robert M. Utley. Hartford, CT: Yale University Press, 1964.

Pratt, Richard Henry. The Indian Industrial School, Carlisle, Pennsylvania. Carlisle, PA: Cumberland County Historical Society, 1979.

Ryan, Carmelita A. “The Carlisle Indian Industrial School.” Thesis, Georgetown University, 1962.


St. Patrick's Church

“Carlisle School Outing: A Favor to Employers.” Carlisle. 27 April 1918. St. Patrick Church Drop File, Harrisburg Roman Catholic Diocese Archives, Harrisburg, PA.

Ganss, Henry George, Carlisle, to Superintendent M. Friedman, Carlisle, 18 April 1910. St. Patrick Church Drop File, Harrisburg Roman Catholic Diocese Archives, Harrisburg, PA.

Superintendent M. Friedman, Carlisle, to Henry George Ganss, Calisle, 20 April 1910. St. Patrick Church Drop File, Harrisburg Roman Catholic Diocese Archives, Harrisburg, PA.

Preserve America Community: Carlisle, Pennsylvania. http://www.preserveamerica.Gov/11-24-04PAcommunity-carlislePA.html.

Prucha, Francis Paul. The Churches and the Indian Schools, 1888-1912 (Lincoln: University of Nebraska Press, 1979).

Rockwell, Georgiana. St. Katharine's Hall, Carlisle PA: The Unfolding Apostolate of the Sisters of the Blessed Sacrament.Bensalem: Sisters of the Blessed Sacrament.

Van Dolsen, Nancy. "Carlisle 1880: A Historical Demographical Approach." Honors History diss., Dickinson College, 1982.


Women at Dickinson and the Carlisle Indian School

Life For Women at Dickinson:

History of Women at Dickinson Speech, Martha Slotter, November 2 and 3, 1984

Dickinson Women Students Pamphlet

Eva Foster:

The Red Man and Helper Sept 5, 1902

Dickinson College Catalog, 1900-1905

1907 Microcosm

The Red Man and Helper July 31, 1903

The Carlisle Arrow September 10, 1909

The Carlisle Arrow October 6, 1911

The Carlisle Arrow September 5, 1913

Alice Denomic:

U.S Indian Census 1885-1940

Milwaukee Public Museum Website,

The Carlisle Arrow January 25, 1907

Dickinson College Catalog, 1905-1910

Indian Craftsman September 1909

The Carlisle Arrow April 28, 1911

The Carlisle Arrow October 6, 1911

The Carlisle Arrow March 15, 1912

The Carlisle Arrow April 4, 1913

1900 United States Federal Census

South Dakota Marriage Index 1905-1914

Lizzie Bender:

Elizabeth Bender and Dickinson College Essay, Dickinson College Archives, Carlisle, PA

The Dickinson Alumnus, September 1942

Minute Book of Phi Beta Kappa 1887-1913

The Indian Helper October 23, 1896