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In any case, Garrison labels Arrius as "the social climber who mimics the accents of the intelligentsia". Arrius is the typical fool who, in his attempts to produce educated or noble speech, is uncertain on where to place his aspirates. This idea of aspirates, borrowed from a Greek tradition, is where increased use of the letter "h" makes the speaker seem to reflect the fashion of the day (as in pulcher for pulcer & sepulchrum for sepulcrum) (Garrison). In Arrius' attempt to make himself seem popular, he continuously messes up, and he is the only person who does not see himself as a fool.  
In any case, Garrison labels Arrius as "the social climber who mimics the accents of the intelligentsia". Arrius is the typical fool who, in his attempts to produce educated or noble speech, is uncertain on where to place his aspirates. This idea of aspirates, borrowed from a Greek tradition, is where increased use of the letter "h" makes the speaker seem to reflect the fashion of the day (as in pulcher for pulcer & sepulchrum for sepulcrum) (Garrison). In Arrius' attempt to make himself seem popular, he continuously messes up, and he is the only person who does not see himself as a fool.  

Another interesting note for Poem 84 is this idea of the letter "s". In eleven out of the 12 lines the letter "s" appears at lease once, and in a good portion of these lines "s" appears more than twice. Not only does Arrius misuse his aspirates, he apparently has a hissing voice when he uses the letter "s" (Thomson). This causes a hissing and sputtering" sound that no one can bear. It stops as soon as he enters Syria in line 7, and then there a pleasant line 8 that lacks the letter "s". Then we are thrown into the fire again for the climax in line 12, only to find out Arrius has left his mark in another part of the world.
Another interesting note for Poem 84 is this idea of the letter "s". In eleven out of the 12 lines the letter "s" appears at lease once, and in a good portion of these lines "s" appears more than twice. Not only does Arrius misuse his aspirates, he apparently has a hissing voice when he uses the letter "s" (Thomson). This causes a "hissing and sputtering" sound that no one can bear (Thomson). It stops as soon as he enters Syria in line 7, and then there a pleasant line 8 that lacks the letter "s". Then we are thrown into the fire again for the climax in line 12, only to find out Arrius has left his mark in another part of the world.


Revision as of 00:04, 2 May 2008

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Poem 69

Noli admirari quare tibi femina nulla,

Rufe, velit tenerum supposuisse femur,

non si illam rarae labefactes munere vestis

aut perluciduli deliciis lapidis.

laedit te quaedam mala fabula, qua tibi fertur

valle sub alarum trux habitare caper.

hunc metuunt omnes; neque mirum: nam mala valdest

bestia, nec quicum bella puella cubet.

quare aut crudelem nasorum interfice pestem,

aut admirari desine cur fugiant.

Poem 70

Nulli se dicit mulier mea nubere malle

quam mihi, non si se Iuppiter ipse petat.

dicit: sed mulier cupido quod dicit amanti,

in vento et rapida scribere oportet aqua.

Poem 71

Si cui iure bono sacer alarum obstitit hircus,

aut si quem merito tarda podagra secat.

Aemulus iste tuus, qui vestrem exercet amorem,

mirifice est a te nactus utrumque malum.

Nam quotiens futuit, totiens ulciscitur ambos:

illam affligit odore, ipse perit podagra.

Poem 72

Dicebas quondam solum te nosse Catullum,

Lesbia, nec prae me velle tenere Iouem.

dilexi tum te non tantum ut vulgus amicam,

sed pater ut gnatos diligit et generos.

nunc te cognovi: quare etsi impensius uror,

multo mi tamen es vilior et levior.

qui potis est, inquis? quod amantem iniuria talis

cogit amare magis, sed bene velle minus.

Poem 73

Desine de quoquam quicquam bene velle mereri

aut aliquem fieri posse putare pium.

Omnia sunt ingrata, nihil fecisse benigne

prodest, immo etiam taedet obestque magis;

ut mihi, quem nemo gravius nec acerbius urget,

quam modo qui me unum atque unicum amicum habuit.

Poem 74

Gellius audierat patruum obiurgare solere,

si quis delicias diceret aut faceret.

Hoc ne ipsi accideret, patrui perdepsuit ipsam

uxorem, et patruum reddidit Arpocratem.

Quod voluit fecit: nam, quamuis irrumet ipsum

nunc patruum, verbum non faciet patruus.

Poem 75

Huc est mens deducta tua mea, Lesbia, culpa

atque ita se officio perdidit ipsa suo,

ut iam nec bene velle queat tibi, si optima fias,

nec desistere amare, omnia si facias.

Poem 76

Siqua recordanti benefacta prior voluptas

est homini, cum se cogitat esse pium,

nec sanctum violasse fidem, nec foedere nullo

divum ad fallendos numine abusum homines,

multa parata manent in longa aetate, Catulle,

ex hoc ingrato gaudia amore tibi.

Nam quaecumque homines bene cuiquam aut dicere possunt

aut facere, haec a te dictaque factaque sunt.

Omnia quae ingratae perierunt credita menti.

Quare iam te cur amplius excrucies?

Quin tu animo offirmas atque istinc te ipse reducis,

et dis invitis desinis esse miser?

Difficile est longum subito deponere amorem,

difficile est, verum hoc qualubet eficias:

una salus haec est, hoc est tibi pervincendum,

hoc facias, sive id non pote sive pote.

O di, si vestrum est misereri, aut si quibus umquam

extremam iam ipsa in morte tulistis opem,

me miserum aspicite et, si vitam puriter egi,

eripite hanc pestem perniciemque mihi,

quae mihi subrepens imos ut torpor in artus

expulit ex omni pectore laetitias.

Non iam illud quaero, contra me ut diligat illa,

aut, quod non potis est, esse pudica velit:

ipse valere opto et taetrum hunc deponere morbum.

O di, redite mi hoc pro pietate mea.

Poem 77

Rufe, mihi frustra ac nequiquam credite amice

( frustra? immo magno cum pretio atque malo),

sicine subrepsti mi, atque intestina perurens

ei misero eripuisti omnia nostra bona?

eripuisti, heu heu nostrae crudele venenum

vitae, heu heu nostrae pestis amicitiae.

Poem 78

Gallus habet fratres, quorum est lepidissima coniunx

alterius, lepidus filius alterius.

Gallus homo est bellus: nam dulces iungit amores,

cum puero ut bello bella puella cubet.

Gallus homo est stultus, nec se videt esse maritum,

qui patruus patrui monstret adulterium.

Poem 79

Lesbius est pulcer. quid ni? quem Lesbia malit

quam te cum tota gente, Catulle, tua.

sed tamen hic pulcer vendat cum gente Catullum,

si tria natorum suavia reppererit.

Poem 80

Quid dicam, Gelli, quare rosea ista labella

hiberna fiant candidiora nive,

mane domo cum exis et cum te octava quiete

e molli longo suscitat hora die?

nescio quid certe est: an vere fama susurrat

grandia te medii tenta vorare viri?

sic certe est: clamant Victoris rupta miselli

ilia, et emulso labra notata sero.

Poem 81

Nemone in tanto potuit populo esse, Iuventi,

bellus homo, quem tu diligere inciperes.

praeterquam iste tuus moribunda ab sede Pisauri

hospes inavrata palladior statua,

qui tibi nunc cordi est, quem tu praeponere nobis

audes, et nescis quod facinus facias?

Poem 82

Quinti, si tibi vis oculos debere Catullum

aut aliud si quid carius est oculis,

eripere ei noli, multo quod carius illi

est oculis seu quid carius est oculis.

Poem 83

Lesbia mi praesente viro mala plurima dicit:

haec illi fatuo maxima laetitia est.

mule, nihil sentis? si nostri oblita taceret,

sana esset: nunc quod gannit et obloquitur,

non solum meminit, sed, quae multo acrior est res,

irata est. hoc est, uritur et loquitur.

why is uritur passive?

because uro means to burn something (it is transitive). Lesbia urit would mean 'Lesbia is burning' a letter or a pile of leaves. As it is, Lebia is being burned, i.e., by love.

Poem 84


Poem 84, like so many other Catullan poems, shows the intense aggression and invectiveness that Catullus uses in his writing style. Catullus uses satire, different from his occasional ballistic rampage, to get his point across (Garrison). Catullus attacks a certain Arrius about his incorrect dialect. However, there is a very interesting side to this poem that has remained unanswered. Oddly enough, Catullus was not born in Rome; it is claimed that Catullus was born and raised in Verona, a town in northern Italy. Catullus' first language was a dialect of Latin but it was not the identical prestigious dialect of Rome (Wray). Catullus pokes fun at Arrius' misplaced aspirates; but the question remains: Why would Catullus leave himself open for a similar attack on account of his Veronese dialect (Wray), which differed from the accepted Roman speech? There is no definitive answer to this question, yet we do know that Catullus had mastered the standard Roman Latin when he was involved in his poetic production (Wray). This idea of social acceptance or embracing the customs of Rome, or the latin urbanus, is discussed by Catullus in much of his work.

In any case, Garrison labels Arrius as "the social climber who mimics the accents of the intelligentsia". Arrius is the typical fool who, in his attempts to produce educated or noble speech, is uncertain on where to place his aspirates. This idea of aspirates, borrowed from a Greek tradition, is where increased use of the letter "h" makes the speaker seem to reflect the fashion of the day (as in pulcher for pulcer & sepulchrum for sepulcrum) (Garrison). In Arrius' attempt to make himself seem popular, he continuously messes up, and he is the only person who does not see himself as a fool.

Another interesting note for Poem 84 is this idea of the letter "s". In eleven out of the 12 lines the letter "s" appears at lease once, and in a good portion of these lines "s" appears more than twice. Not only does Arrius misuse his aspirates, he apparently has a hissing voice when he uses the letter "s" (Thomson). This causes a "hissing and sputtering" sound that no one can bear (Thomson). It stops as soon as he enters Syria in line 7, and then there a pleasant line 8 that lacks the letter "s". Then we are thrown into the fire again for the climax in line 12, only to find out Arrius has left his mark in another part of the world.


Arrius said "hadvantages", if at anytime he wished to say

advantages, and said "hambushes" if he wished to say ambushes,

and then he had flattered himself that he had spoken wonderfully well,

when he had said "hambushes" as loud as he could.

I believe, thus (his) mother, thus his free maternal uncle,

thus (his) maternal grandfather and (maternal) grandmother had spoken.

This man having been sent into Syria, the ears for everybody found relief:

they were hearing these same words gently and lightly,

afterwards they were not fearing such words for themselves,

when suddenly the horrible message is brought,

the Ionian waves, after Arrius had gone there,

were now not Ionian but "Hionian".

Observe: the constant use of the past tense and the frequentatives (si quando...vellet & cum...dixerat) shows how Arrius, once a "familiar feature of the Roman scene", is no longer (Quinn).

Chommoda dicebat, si quando commoda vellet

vellet: subjunctive instead of indicative for the frequentative clause, which creates a sense of repetitiveness and annoyance.

dicere, et insidias Arrius hinsidias,

There is no verb that explicitly goes with both "insidias" and "hinsidias". You must take "si quando vellet dicere" from the line above; we know Arrius is the subject again, so it is acceptable to say "he" or use his name. Catullus may have liked to say Arrius yet again for another "s" in the poem.

et tum mirifice sperabat se esse locutum,

sperabat: commonly means "hope", "hope for" or "anticipate"; however the poem's meaning is better in tact when translating as "flattered himself" (Thomson); going with the theme of Arrius' ignorance, the fact that he is incredibly full of himself and how he considers himself to be of the current times and dialect of Rome.

cum quantum poterat dixerat hinsidias.

quantum poterat: in most cases, "quantum" is generally associated with an idea of "how much" or "whatever amount". Poem 84 focuses on Arrius' speech, so take this to mean "as loud as he could/was able" (Thomson). Another interpretation, although straying a lot from the literal Latin meaning, is "with all the force of his lungs" (Fordyce). Not only does he get his speech wrong, but he always seems to make the most of it.

dixerat: pluperfect with "cum" provides frequentative clause, see "vellet" in line 1

Credo, sic mater, sic liber avunculus eius,

Credo: there is no question that this should be taken sarcastically. The joke Catullus continues with deals with members of Arrius' mother's side where "women notoriously preserve purity of speech" (Fordyce). It is a mockery of his family, showing that even his mother could not keep her speech correct with the current times.

mater: although not explicitly stated, mater is refers to Arrius' mother.

sic maternus avus dixerat atque avia.

Just as in the line above, both the grandfather and mother refer to those of Arrius.

maternus avus...atque avia: maternus certainly modifies avus, and even though it does not agree in gender ending with avia, it does modify avia as well.

Hoc misso in Syriam requierant omnibus aures:

hoc misso: it would appear that Arrius' hard work to climb the social ladder as it were has payed off (Garrison).

omnibus aures: aures is nominative plural, and omnibus is dative plural. Literally translated as "the ears for everybody".

audibant eadem haec leniter et leviter,

Notice that this is the only line in the entire poem where the letter "s" is lacking. This is the result from Arrius' "hoc misso" (Thomson).

audibant eadem haec [verba]: audibant = audiebant; haec is the neuter plural D.O. and "verba" should be supplied (Garrison).

leniter: although literally "gently" or "smoothly", in the context of the poem it would be fair to say "without jarring the ear" (Fordyce).

leviter: similiar to above, literally "lightly"; playing with mood of the poem "softly in a low tone" or "trippingly, without undue emphasis" are also acceptable (Fordyce).

nec sibi postilla metuebant talia verba,

metuebant talia verba: Gross overstatement that adds to the satire of the poem (Garrison).

cum subito affertur nuntius horribilis:

cum: take as temporal - "when"

Ionios fluctus, postquam illuc Arrius isset,

illuc: "there" or "to that place"

iam non Ionios esse sed Hionios.

esse: "were"

Note that the mispronunciations provide the first (chommoda) and last (Hionios) words of the poem (Quinn).

Poem 85

Odi et amo. Quare id faciam, fortasse requiris.

nescio, sed fieri sentio et excrucior.

Poem 86

Quintia formosa est multis. mihi candida, longa,

recta est: haec ego sic singula confiteor.

totum illud formosa nego: nam nulla venustas,

nulla in tam magno est corpore mica salis.

Lesbia formosa est, quae cum pulcerrima tota est,

tum omnibus una omnis surripuit Veneres.

Poem 87

Nulla potest mulier tantum se dicere amatam

vere, quantum a me Lesbia amata mea est.

Nulla fides ullo fuit umquam foedere tanta,

quanta in amore tuo ex parte reperta mea est.

Poem 88

Quid facit is, Gelli, qui cum matre atque sorore

prurit, et abiectis pervigilat tunicis?

quid facit is, patruum qui non sinit esse maritum?

ecquid scis quantum suscipiat sceleris?

suscipit, o Gelli, quantum non ultima Tethys

nec genitor Nympharum abluit Oceanus:

nam nihil est quicquam sceleris, quo prodeat ultra,

non si demisso se ipse voret capite.

Poem 89

Gellius est tenuis: quid ni? cui tam bona mater

tamque valens vivat tamque venusta soror

tamque bonus patruus tamque omnia plena puellis

cognatis, quare is desinat esse macer?

qui ut nihil attingat, nisi quod fas tangere non est,

quantumuis quare sit macer invenies.

Poem 90

Nascatur magus ex Gelli matrisque nefando

coniugio et discat Persicum aruspicium:

nam magus ex matre et gnato gignatur oportet,

si vera est Persarum impia religio,

gratus ut accepto veneretur carmine divos

omentum in flamma pingue liquefaciens.

Poem 91

Non ideo, Gelli, sperabam te mihi fidum

in misero hoc nostro, hoc perdito amore fore,

quod te cognossem bene constantemue putarem

aut posse a turpi mentem inhibere probro;

sed neque quod matrem nec germanam esse videbam

hanc tibi, cuius me magnus edebat amor.

et quamuis tecum multo coniungerer usu,

non satis id causae credideram esse tibi.

tu satis id duxti: tantum tibi gaudium in omni

culpa est, in quacumque est aliquid sceleris.

Poem 92

Lesbia mi dicit semper male nec tacet umquam

de me: Lesbia me dispeream nisi amat.

quo signo? quia sunt totidem mea: deprecor illam

assidue, verum dispeream nisi amo.

Poem 93

Nil nimium studeo, Caesar, tibi velle placere,

nec scire utrum sis albus an ater homo.

Poem 94

Mentula moechatur. Moechatur mentula? Certe.

Hoc est quod dicunt: ipsa olera olla legit.

Poem 95

Zmyrna mei Cinnae nonam post denique messem

quam coepta est nonamque edita post hiemem,

milia cum interea quingenta Hortensius uno

. . . . . . . . .

Zmyrna cavas Satrachi penitus mittetur ad undas,

Zmyrnam cana diu saecula pervoluent.

at Volusi annales Paduam morientur ad ipsam

et laxas scombris saepe dabunt tunicas.

Poem 96

Si quicquam mutis gratum acceptumve sepulcris

accidere a nostro, Calve, dolore potest,

quo desiderio veteres renovamus amores

atque olim missas flemus amicitias,

certe non tanto mors immatura dolori est

Quintiliae, quantum gaudet amore tuo.

Poem 97

Non ( ita me di ament) quicquam referre putaui,

utrumne os an culum olfacerem Aemilio.

nilo mundius hoc, nihiloque immundius illud,

verum etiam culus mundior et melior:

nam sine dentibus est. hic dentis sesquipedalis,

gingiuas vero ploxeni habet ueteris,

praeterea rictum qualem diffissus in aestu

meientis mulae cunnus habere solet.

hic futuit multas et se facit esse venustum,

et non pistrino traditur atque asino?

quem siqua attingit, non illam posse putemus

aegroti culum lingere carnificis?

Poem 98

In te, si in quemquam, dici pote, putide Victi,

id quod verbosis dicitur et fatuis.

ista cum lingua, si usus veniat tibi, possis

culos et crepidas lingere carpatinas.

Si nos omnino vis omnes perdere, Victi,

hiscas: omnino quod cupis efficies.

Poem 99

Surripui tibi, dum ludis, mellite Iuventi,

suaviolum dulci dulcius ambrosia.

verum id non impune tuli: namque amplius horam

suffixum in summa me memini esse cruce,

dum tibi me purgo nec possum fletibus ullis

tantillum vestrae demere saevitiae.

nam simul id factum est, multis diluta labella

guttis abstersisti omnibus articulis,

ne quicquam nostro contractum ex ore maneret,

tamquam commictae spurca saliva lupae.

praeterea infesto miserum me tradere amori

non cessasti omnique excruciare modo,

ut mi ex ambrosia mutatum iam foret illud

suaviolum tristi tristius elleboro.

quam quoniam poenam misero proponis amori,

numquam iam posthac basia surripiam.

Poem 100

Caelius Aufillenum et Quintius Aufillenam

flos Veronensum depereunt iuvenum,

hic fratrem, ille sororem. hoc est, quod dicitur, illud

fraternum vere dulce sodalicium.

cui faveam potius? Caeli, tibi: nam tua nobis

perspecta ex igni est unica amicitia,

cum vesana meas torreret flamma medullas.

sis felix, Caeli, sis in amore potens.

Poem 101

Multas per gentes et multa per aequora vectus

advenio has miseras, frater, ad inferias,

ut te postremo donarem munere mortis

et mutam nequiquam alloquerer cinerem.

Quandoquidem fortuna mihi tete abstulit ipsum.

Heu miser indigne frater adempte mihi,

nunc tamen interea haec, prisco quae more parentum

tradita sunt tristi munere ad inferias,

accipe fraterno multum manantia fletu,

atque in perpetuum, frater, ave atque vale.

Poem 102

Si quicquam tacito commissum est fido ab amico,

cuius sit penitus nota fides animi,

meque esse inuenies illorum iure sacratum,

Corneli, et factum me esse puta Arpocratem.

Poem 103

Aut sodes mihi redde decem sestertia, Silo,

deinde esto quamuis saevus et indomitus:

aut, si te nummi delectant, desine quaeso

leno esse atque idem saeuus et indomitus.

Poem 104

Credis me potuisse meae maledicere vitae?

Ambobus mihi quae carior est oculis?

Non potui, nec, si possem, tam perdite amarem

Sed tu cum Tappone omnia monstra facis.

Poem 105

Mentula conatur Pipleium scandere montem:

Musae furcillis praecipitem eiciunt.

Poem 106

Cum puero bello praeconem qui videt esse,

quid credat, nisi se vendere discupere?

Poem 107

Si quicquam cupido optantique optigit umquam

insperanti, hoc est gratum animo proprie.

Quare hoc est gratum nobis quoque carius auro

quod te restituis, Lesbia, mi cupido.

Restituis cupido atque insperanti, ipsa refers te

nobis. O lucem candidiore nota!

Quis me uno vivit felicior aut magis hac est

optandus vita dicere quis poterit?

Poem 108

Si, Comini, populi arbitrio tua cana senectus

spurcata impuris moribus intereat,

non equidem dubito quin primum inimica bonorum

lingua exsecta avido sit data vulturio,

effossos oculos voret atro gutture coruus,

intestina canes, cetera membra lupi.

Poem 109

Iucundum, mea vita, mihi proponis amorem

hunc nostrum inter nos perpetuumque fore.

di magni, facite ut vere promittere possit,

atque id sincere dicat et ex animo,

ut liceat nobis tota perducere vita

aeternum hoc sanctae foedus amicitiae.

Poem 110

Aufillena, bonae semper laudantur amicae:

accipiunt pretium, quae facere instituunt.

tu, quod promisti, mihi quod mentita inimica es,

quod nec das et fers saepe, facis facinus.

aut facere ingenuae est, aut non promisse pudicae,

Aufillena, fuit: sed data corripere

fraudando officiis, plus quam meretricis auarae

quae sese toto corpore prostituit.

Poem 111

Aufillena, viro contentam vivere solo,

nuptarum laus ex laudibus eximiis:

sed cuivis quamuis potius succumbere par est,

quam matrem fratres efficere ex patruo…

Poem 112

Multus homo es, Naso, neque tecum multus homo qui

descendit, Naso, multus es et pathicus.

Poem 113

Consule Pompeio primum duo, Cinna, solebant

Maeciliam: facto consule nunc iterum

manserunt duo, sed creverunt milia in unum

singula. fecundum semen adulterio.

Poem 114

Firmanus saltu non falso Mentula dives

fertur, qui tot res in se habet egregias,

aucupium omne genus, piscis, prata, arua ferasque.

nequiquam: fructus sumptibus exsuperat.

quare concedo sit diues, dum omnia desint.

saltum laudemus, dum modo ipse egeat.

Poem 115

Mentula habet instar triginta iugera prati,

quadraginta arui: cetera sunt maria.

cur non divitiis Croesum superare potis sit,

uno qui in saltu tot bona possideat,

prata arua ingentes silvas saltusque paludesque

usque ad Hyperboreos et mare ad Oceanum?

omnia magna haec sunt, tamen ipsest maximus ultro,

non homo, sed vero mentula magna minax.

Poem 116

Saepe tibi studioso animo venante requirens

carmina uti possem mittere Battiadae,

qui te lenirem nobis, neu conarere

tela infesta meum mittere in usque caput,

hunc uideo mihi nunc frustra sumptum esse laborem,

Gelli, nec nostras hic ualuisse preces.

contra nos tela ista tua evitabimus amitha

at fixus nostris tu dabis supplicium.