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Frymarkd (talk | contribs)
Created page with 'commodus, commoda -um, commodior -or -us, commodissimus -a -umsuitable, convenient, obliging; opportune/timely; favorable/lucky; advantageous quandowhen, at what time; at any tim…'
Frymarkd (talk | contribs)
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commodus, commoda -um, commodior -or -us, commodissimus -a -umsuitable, convenient, obliging; opportune/timely; favorable/lucky; advantageous
com-mŏdus, -a, -um:
quandowhen, at what time; at any time
commodum, commodi Nconvenience, advantage, benefit; interest, profit, yield; wages, reward; gift
commŏdum, -i, n.:
volo, velle, volui, -wish, want, prefer; be willing, will
vŏlo, velle, volui:
insidia, insidiae Fambush/ambuscade; plot; treachery, treacherous attack/device; trap/snare
insĭdĭae, -ārum, f.:
insidia, insidiae Fambush/ambuscade; plot; treachery, treacherous attack/device; trap/snare
mīrĭfĭcus, -a, -um:
mirificus, mirifica, mirificumwonderful; amazing
spēro (1):
spero, sperare, speravi, speratushope for; trust; look forward to; hope
lŏquor, lŏqui, -cātus sum:
loquor, loqui, locutus sumspeak, tell; talk; mention; say, utter; phrase
quantus, -a, -um:
quantus, quanta, quantumhow great; how much/many; of what size/amount/degree/number/worth/price
crēdo, -dere, -dĭdi, -dĭtum
insidia, insidiae Fambush/ambuscade; plot; treachery, treacherous attack/device; trap/snare
māter, -tris, f.:
credo, credere, credidi, creditustrust, entrust; commit/consign; believe, trust in, rely on, confide; suppose
līber, -ĕra, -ĕrum:
mater, matris Fmother, foster mother; lady, matron; origin, source, motherland, mother city
ăvuncŭlus, -i, m.:
liber, libera -um, liberior -or -us, liberrimus -a -umfree; unimpeded; void of; independent, outspoken/frank; free from tribute
māternus, -a, -um:
avunculus, avunculi Mmaternal uncle, mother's brother, mother's sister's husband; great uncle
ăvus, -i, m.:
maternus, materna, maternummaternal, motherly, of a mother
avus, avi Mgrandfather; forefather, ancestor
ăvĭa, -ae, f.:
atqueand, as well/soon as; together with; and moreover/even; and too/also/now; yet
mitto, mittere, mīsi, missum:
avia, aviae Fgrandmother; rooted prejudice, old wives tale
Sȳrĭa, -ae, f.:
mitto, mittere, misi, missussend, throw, hurl, cast; let out, release, dismiss; disregard
rĕquĭesco, -ere, -ēvi, -ētum:
Syria, Syriae FSyria
auris, -is, f.:
requiesco, requiescere, requievi, requietusquiet down; rest; end
auris, auris Fear; hearing; a discriminating sense of hearing,"ear"; pin on plow
eademby the same route; at the same time; likewise; same
leniter, lenius, lenissimegently/mildly/lightly/slightly; w/gentle movement/incline; smoothly; moderately
leviter, levius, levissimelightly/gently/softly/quietly/mildly/slightly; groundlessly/thoughtlessly
mĕtŭo, -uere, -ŭi, -ūtum:
postillaafterwards, after that time
tālis, -e:
metuo, metuere, metui, -fear; be afraid; stand in fear of; be apprehensive, dread
verbum, -i, n.:
talis, talis, talesuch; so great; so excellent; of such kind
verbum, verbi Nword; proverb
affĕro, afferre, attŭli, allātum:
subitosuddenly, unexpectedly; at once, at short notice, quickly; in no time at all
nuntĭus, -i, m.:
affero, afferre, attuli, allatusbring to, carry, convey; report, allege, announce; produce, cause
horrĭbĭlis, -e:
nuntius, nunti(i) Mmessenger/herald/envoy; message, warning; report; messenger's speech
fluctus, -ūs, m.:
horribilis, horribile, horribilior -or -us, horribilissimus -a -umawful, horrible, terrible; monstrous; rough
fluctus, fluctus Mwave; disorder; flood, flow, tide, billow, surge; turbulence, commotion
illucthere, thither, to that place/point
jamnow, already, by/even now; besides

Revision as of 00:39, 7 January 2011

com-mŏdus, -a, -um: quando: commŏdum, -i, n.: vŏlo, velle, volui: insĭdĭae, -ārum, f.: tum: mīrĭfĭcus, -a, -um: spēro (1): lŏquor, lŏqui, -cātus sum: quantus, -a, -um: crēdo, -dere, -dĭdi, -dĭtum māter, -tris, f.: līber, -ĕra, -ĕrum: ăvuncŭlus, -i, m.: māternus, -a, -um: ăvus, -i, m.: atque: ăvĭa, -ae, f.: mitto, mittere, mīsi, missum: Sȳrĭa, -ae, f.: rĕquĭesco, -ere, -ēvi, -ētum: auris, -is, f.: eādem: lēnĭter: lĕvĭter: postillā: mĕtŭo, -uere, -ŭi, -ūtum: tālis, -e: verbum, -i, n.: sŭbĭtō: affĕro, afferre, attŭli, allātum: nuntĭus, -i, m.: horrĭbĭlis, -e: fluctus, -ūs, m.: illuc: iam: