OutingClub:Officers:2005-2006: Difference between revisions

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; President : Emma Andrews and Katie McClellan
; President : Emma Andrews and Katie McClellan
; Vice-President : Leann (Lulu Belle) Leiter
; Vice-President : Leann (Lulu Belle) Leiter
; Treasurer : Rob Hanefin
; Treasurer : Rob Hanifin
; Secretary : Cathleen (Bean) Repholz
; Secretary : Cathleen (Bean) Repholz
; Gear Guru : Kaloyan Todorov
; Gear Guru : Kaloyan Todorov

Latest revision as of 18:54, 15 September 2006

Emma Andrews and Katie McClellan
Leann (Lulu Belle) Leiter
Rob Hanifin
Cathleen (Bean) Repholz
Gear Guru
Kaloyan Todorov
AT Liason
Jensen Gelfond
Faculty Advisors
Kerry Browne, Rachel Sanders, and Dan Buchan

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