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<center>[[History 204]] | [[History of Indian Education]] | [[Dickinson Indian School Public Contacts]] | [[Prosopography of Indian Dickinson College Students]] | [[Insitute to Institute: Dickinson College and Carlisle Indian School]] | [[Bibliographic Information]]</center>
<center>[[History 204]] | [[History of Indian Education]] | [[The Public Relationship Between Dickinson and the Indian School]]| [[Prosopography of Indian Dickinson College Students]] | [[Insitute to Institute: Dickinson College and Carlisle Indian School]] | [[Bibliographic Information]]</center>


Revision as of 19:54, 26 November 2007

History 204 | History of Indian Education | The Public Relationship Between Dickinson and the Indian School| Prosopography of Indian Dickinson College Students | Insitute to Institute: Dickinson College and Carlisle Indian School | Bibliographic Information

Dickinson College and Carlisle Indian Industrial School


Fear-Segal, Jacqueline. “Nineteenth-Century Indian Education: Universalism Versus Evolutionism.” Journal of American Studies 33 (1999): 323-341.

Morel, Mary Kay. “Captain Pratt’s School.” American History 32, no. 2 (May/June 1997): 26-32, 62-64.

Pratt, Richard Henry. Battlefield and Classroom: Four Decades with the American Indians. Edited by Robert M. Utley. Hartford, CT: Yale University Press, 1964.

Pratt, Richard Henry. The Indian Industrial School, Carlisle, Pennsylvania. Carlisle, PA: Cumberland County Historical Society, 1979.

Ryan, Carmelita A. “The Carlisle Indian Industrial School.” Thesis, Georgetown University, 1962.


St. Patrick's Church

“Carlisle School Outing: A Favor to Employers.” Carlisle. 27 April 1918. St. Patrick Church Drop File, Harrisburg Roman Catholic Diocese Archives, Harrisburg, PA.

Ganss, Henry George, Carlisle, to Superintendent M. Friedman, Carlisle, 18 April 1910. St. Patrick Church Drop File, Harrisburg Roman Catholic Diocese Archives, Harrisburg, PA.

Superintendent M. Friedman, Carlisle, to Henry George Ganss, Calisle, 20 April 1910. St. Patrick Church Drop File, Harrisburg Roman Catholic Diocese Archives, Harrisburg, PA.

Preserve America Community: Carlisle, Pennsylvania. http://www.preserveamerica.Gov/11-24-04PAcommunity-carlislePA.html.

Prucha, Francis Paul. The Churches and the Indian Schools, 1888-1912 (Lincoln: University of Nebraska Press, 1979).

Rockwell, Georgiana. St. Katharine's Hall, Carlisle PA: The Unfolding Apostolate of the Sisters of the Blessed Sacrament.Bensalem: Sisters of the Blessed Sacrament.

Van Dolsen, Nancy. "Carlisle 1880: A Historical Demographical Approach." Honors History diss., Dickinson College, 1982.
