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Catholic Conversations Schedule
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== Weekly Events ==
== Weekly Events ==

Mass  - Sunday, 7:00pm, Memorial Hall, Old West
Mass  - Sunday, 7:30pm, Memorial Hall, Old West

Rosary - Tuesday, 8pm, Conway Library (second floor), East College
Rosary - Tuesday, 8pm, Conway Library (second floor), East College

Catholic Conversations - Thursday, 8pm, Bosler 214
Newman Club Meetings - Thursday, 8pm, Bosler 214
== Catholic Conversations ==
A  student-led weekly catechesis on what the Catholic Church teaches on a controversial issue and why. Thursdays, 8pm, in Bosler 214
March 22, 2007 - The Catholic Priesthood: ''Can there be married or female priests?''
March 29, 2007 - Mulieris Dignitatem: ''John Paul II's New Feminism''
April 5, 2007 - No Talk, Holy Thursday Mass
April 12, 2007 - Mary: ''The Mother of God'' or Religion and Science
April 19, 2007 - Heaven, Hell and Purgatory: ''The Resurrection and Life After Death''
April 26, 2007 - The Real Presence: ''The Sacraments and the Body of Christ''
May 3, 2007 - Newman Club Party!

== Executive Board ==
== Executive Board ==
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Father Sola, St. Patrick's Parish
Father Sola, St. Patrick's Parish

Victoria Delarocca, Class of 2009
Victoria LaRocca, Class of 2009
Michelle Hadley, Class of 2009

Jeffrey Reese, Class of 2007
Brendan Boston, Class of 2011

Cassandra Wargo, Class of 2007

Jean-Paul Woodroffe, Class of 2008
Please contact the Newman Club at

Revision as of 20:09, 2 September 2008

The Newman Club

An organization of Catholic students at Dickinson College. The Newman Club is a subset of the Dickinson Catholic Campus Ministry which also serves the Dickinson School of Law.

Weekly Events

Mass - Sunday, 7:30pm, Memorial Hall, Old West

Rosary - Tuesday, 8pm, Conway Library (second floor), East College

Newman Club Meetings - Thursday, 8pm, Bosler 214

Executive Board

Father Sola, St. Patrick's Parish

Victoria LaRocca, Class of 2009

Michelle Hadley, Class of 2009

Brendan Boston, Class of 2011

Please contact the Newman Club at