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=== Mission ===
=== Mission ===

The Independent Progressive Politics Network (IPPN) is network of groups and individuals who strive to create an alternative political party or an alliance of political parties that seek to  change the country by unifying people in opposition in various forms of discrimination such as racism, sexism, homophobia, and age discrimination.
The Independent Progressive Politics Network (IPPN) is network of groups and individuals who strive to create an alternative political party or an alliance of political parties that seek to  change the country by unifying people in opposition in various forms of discrimination such as racism, sexism, homophobia, and age discrimination. <ref> Independent Progressive Politics Network. ''Independent Progressive Politics Network.'' IPPN. Web. 7 May 2011. http://www.ippn.org/ </ref>

=== Goals ===
=== Goals ===

Revision as of 04:31, 8 May 2011

Definition of Social Justice

To gain an applicable and comprehensive definition of social justice, one must look at it as a multi-faceted concept that includes the following: “the creation of just relationships at all system levels, the development of structures that provide for equality of opportunity, the facilitation of access to needed information, services and resources, and the support of meaningful participation in decision-making for all people.”<ref> Doerr Center for Social Justice Education & Research. What is Social Justice? Saint Louis University. 2011. Web. 11 April 2011. http://www.slu.edu/x12275.xml</ref>

Summary of Authors' Essential Points

Gar Alperovitz

Wealth: Alperovitz refers to Kevin Phillips who establishes that wealth “’…reaches beyond its own realm’ to control political power and government at all levels”. <ref> Alperovitz, Gar. America Beyond Capitalism: Reclaiming Our Wealth Our Liberty, and Our Democracy. John Wiley & Sons, Inc:New Jersey, 2005 (2)</ref> In the United States wealth is concentrated in the upper class allowing the top 10% of the population to control and manage 80% of the country’s wealth. Wealth comes in many forms, of either money or property and how this is owned and controlled is the real center of power in our political economy.<ref> Alperovitz, Gar. America Beyond Capitalism: Reclaiming Our Wealth Our Liberty, and Our Democracy. John Wiley & Sons, Inc:New Jersey, 2005 (5)</ref> Current trends demonstrate “…that the ownership of wealth must benefit the vast majority directly”. <ref> Alperovitz, Gar. America Beyond Capitalism: Reclaiming Our Wealth Our Liberty, and Our Democracy. John Wiley & Sons, Inc:New Jersey, 2005 (5)</ref>

America Beyond Capitalism <ref> Alperovitz, Gar. “America Beyond Capitalism.” 2008. Web. http://www.garalperovitz.com/ </ref>

Liberty: Liberty in itself is not what is needed in this day and age but “equal liberty”. ‘Equal liberty’ is “…and idea that also reaches beyond legal and constitutional protections to consider the capacities and real-world conditions of the vast majority”.<ref> Alperovitz, Gar. America Beyond Capitalism: Reclaiming Our Wealth Our Liberty, and Our Democracy. John Wiley & Sons, Inc:New Jersey, 2005 (39)</ref> In order for such liberties to function, they require 3 inputs from society:

1) “First, liberty requires institutional and structural support for individual economic security to replace that which at least in theory was once provided by entrepreneurial property.

2) Second, it requires support for the community-wide conditions needed to nurture the intermediate associations and civil society organizations that are essential to sustaining a culture supportive of liberty.

3) Third, it requires greater amounts of equitably distributed free time (without which little real freedom of choice is possible) and support for individual development (without which the capacities needed to exercise real freedom must inevitably be limited).”<ref> Alperovitz, Gar. America Beyond Capitalism: Reclaiming Our Wealth Our Liberty, and Our Democracy. John Wiley & Sons, Inc:New Jersey, 2005 (40-41)</ref>

Democracy: Alperovitz raises the idea of democracy, by examining it on a small scale and a large scale. He begs the question: “It is possible to have Democracy with a Big D in the system as a whole of you do not have real democracy with a small d at the level where people live, work, and raise families in their local communities”. <ref> Alperovitz, Gar. America Beyond Capitalism: Reclaiming Our Wealth Our Liberty, and Our Democracy. John Wiley & Sons, Inc:New Jersey, 2005 (43)</ref> Without local level democracy, society wide democracy cannot function effectively. He also stipulates that for meaningful democracy to exist, it requires a level of greater equality amongst the citizens. Currently our economic system arranges society in an intentionally unequal stratification. <ref> Alperovitz, Gar. America Beyond Capitalism: Reclaiming Our Wealth Our Liberty, and Our Democracy. John Wiley & Sons, Inc:New Jersey, 2005 (51)</ref>

Alperovitz's Ideals

Alperovitz discusses several suggestions to evolve the system’s current political-economic developments: “First, that there is now way to achieve movement toward greater equality without developing new institutions that hold wealth on behalf of small and large publics. Second, that there is no way to rebuild Democracy with a big D in the system as a whole without nurturing the conditions of democracy with a small d in everyday life—including the economic institutions that allow and sustain greater stability of local community life…[Also] that there is no way to achieve a meaningful individual liberty in the modern era without individual economic security and greater amounts of free time—and that neither of these, in turn, is possible without a change in the ownership of wealth and the income flows it permits”. <ref> Alperovitz, Gar. America Beyond Capitalism: Reclaiming Our Wealth Our Liberty, and Our Democracy. John Wiley & Sons, Inc:New Jersey, 2005 (233-234)</ref>

Alperovitz's Reforms

In his concluding remarks Alperovitz leans towards Pluralist Commonwealth Models by stating that: “The Pluralist Commonwealth model holds, beyond this, the democratic control of large economic enterprise—a central problem confronting all political-economic systems—can never be achieved without transforming and making public the ownership of large-scale wealth and without developing a new culture—and further, that this can only be done by building on the four key elements. Without local democracy; there can be no culture of democratic practice; without security and time, there can be only a weak citizenry; without decentralization, it is difficult to mobilize democratic practice and accountability; and without major and far-reaching new forms of wealth holding, there can never be adequate support for the conditions and policies needed to build a more egalitarian and free democratic culture. Finally the model is based on the judgment that greater equality, greater individual economic security, greater amounts of free time, and –upon this basis—the reconstitution of a culture of common responsibility are ultimately required if we are ever to reorient our community and national priorities in general”. <ref> Alperovitz, Gar. America Beyond Capitalism: Reclaiming Our Wealth Our Liberty, and Our Democracy. John Wiley & Sons, Inc:New Jersey, 2005 (234)</ref>

Alperovitz also discusses that reform needs to happen in a “step-by-step nonviolent change” and like revolution the process will reorient the development of different institutional structures to replace traditional corporate formations over time. <ref> Alperovitz, Gar. America Beyond Capitalism: Reclaiming Our Wealth Our Liberty, and Our Democracy. John Wiley & Sons, Inc:New Jersey, 2005 (235)</ref> Alperovitz calls this conjunktur, which “designates a coming together at one movement in time of diverse trends to create new, unforeseen, and often dramatic opportunities for change”. <ref> Alperovitz, Gar. America Beyond Capitalism: Reclaiming Our Wealth Our Liberty, and Our Democracy. John Wiley & Sons, Inc:New Jersey, 2005 (237)</ref>

G. William Domhoff

Domhoff's Ideas By Chapter

Chapter 1: Class and Power in America: Domhoff examines social class and its relation to power as he notices the wealth disparity with the top 10% controlling 80% of the wealth and power in the American capitalist system. Due to the invested economic and social capital by the upper class and corporate classes they are able to maintain their status quo in the wealthy class.

Who Rules America? <ref>Course Smart. “Who Rules America.” 2011 Web. http://www.coursesmart.com/who-rules-america-challenges-to-corporate/domhoff-g-william/dp/0077313305 </ref>

Chapter 2: The Corporate Community: The corporate community is made up of interlocking networks between the members of boards of directors, with individual corporations at the center of these networks and at the center of influence.

Chapter 3: The Corporate Community and the Upper Class: The corporate community is intricately intertwined with the upper class through the perpetuation of upper class organizations, exclusive country clubs and good old boys clubs. These clubs provide an informal and calming environment in which to socialize and make personal or business connections.

Chapter 4: The Policy-Planning Network: Domhoff holds that the policy planning process begins among the power elite in CEO offices and board rooms and those discussion spill over into the government where they are enacted. Domhoff believes the main component to the networks make them especially effective in influencing policy, is their interaction and influence with foundations, think tanks, university research institutes and policy discussion groups. o Power elites are individuals who work as directors, or trustees in corporations and non profits and whose power is most concentrated because they sit on multiple boards.

Who Rules America? <ref> Domhoff, G. William. “Power at the National Level.” April 2005. Web http://sociology.ucsc.edu/whorulesamerica/power/national.html </ref>

Chapter 5: The Role of Public Opinion: Despite the fact that public opinion is not swayed easily by the media, the elite have created an intricate opinion shaping network, through their control of the mass media industry to legitimize their power to the other classes and manipulate public opinion and push their own agenda.

Chapter 6: Parties and Elections: Domhoff elaborates on the ability of the elite to manipulate political parties and the electoral system in order to maintain their power. The two party system is controlled by the elite which is contradictory to the American Dream that anyone can become president. In reality, presidential candidates are able to run for office because they already belong to elite institutions which enable them to make connections, accumulate resources and money.

Chapter 7: How the Power Elite Dominate the Government: Through lobbying and the special-interest process, corporations can use their financial and power resources to sway policies in the direction they so choose. As a result, recommendations in the policy planning process reach the government in several ways: 1) People within the policy planning network are often members of committees advising on policies; 2) Corporate executives and experts are prominent on presidential and congressional commissions when appointed to make recommendations; 3) Corporate leaders have personal contact with elected members of organizations with access to the government; 4) Power elites occasionally serve as informal advisers to the president in times of crisis; and 5) Elites that are appointed to government positions can endorse policies from their colleagues and employees in the policy-planning network. <ref> Domhoff, G. William. Who Rules America?: Challenges to Corporate and Class Dominance. 6th Ed. McGraw-Hill: University of California, Santa Cruz, 2010(179-180)</ref>

Chapter 8: The Big Picture: Domhoff discusses different theories of power but identifies with the class domination of power theory. He explains that domination is “the institutionalized outcome of great distributive power”. <ref> Domhoff, G. William. Who Rules America?: Challenges to Corporate and Class Dominance. 6th Ed. McGraw-Hill: University of California, Santa Cruz, 2010(210)</ref> In the United States, the distributive power of the upper and dominant class is based on structural economic power it has gained from being made up of high level executives and business owners.

Domhoff's Reforms By Chapter

Chapter 9: Potential Challenges to Class Domination: Domhoff encourages those whom are opposed to class domination or racial exclusion by would engage in social movements outside the electoral system to try and gain new rights. <ref> Domhoff, G. William. Who Rules America?: Challenges to Corporate and Class Dominance. 6th Ed. McGraw-Hill: University of California, Santa Cruz, 2010(225)</ref> Domhoff also provides advice to the government in that it will have to decide whether it does or does not want to support unions or forms of paternalism (such as improvements in health insurance and other social benefits) or support the corporate community. <ref> Domhoff, G. William. Who Rules America?: Challenges to Corporate and Class Dominance. 6th Ed. McGraw-Hill: University of California, Santa Cruz, 2010(230)</ref>


Ideas In Michael D. Yates' work, Why Unions Matter, Yates describes the importance of unions in creating a fair and equal workplace for the individual in a capitalist society. Yates discusses that unions were originally created as a way for workers to band together in solidarity to improve conditions,<ref> Yates, Michael. Why Unions Matter, 2 ed. Monthly Review Press: New York, 2009. (185) </ref> reduce inequality in incomes and benefits,<ref> Yates, Michael. Why Unions Matter, 2 ed. Monthly Review Press: New York, 2009, (185) </ref> and change the relationship between labor and management.<ref> Yates, Michael. Why Unions Matter, 2 ed. Monthly Review Press: New York, 2009. (42) </ref> Unions use the method of "collective bargaining"<ref> Yates, Michael. Why Unions Matter, 2 ed. Monthly Review Press: New York, 2009, (186) </ref> to come to an agreement about wages, hours and terms of conditions<ref> Yates, Michael. Why Unions Matter, 2 ed. Monthly Review Press: New York, 2009, (83) </ref> between workers and their employers.<ref> Yates, Michael. Why Unions Matter, 2 ed. Monthly Review Press: New York, 2009, (185) </ref> In his work, Yates also analyzes the relationship between unions and politics to encourage a push for labor politics.<ref> Yates, Michael. Why Unions Matter, 2 ed. Monthly Review Press: New York, 2009. (134) </ref> He writes how labor is not fairly represented in government since the American two-tiered party system is mainly supported by big business. <ref> Yates, Michael. Why Unions Matter, 2 ed. Monthly Review Press: New York, 2009, (124) </ref> Yates also details how the labor politics has yet to be a major competitor in the political sphere.<ref> Yates, Michael. Why Unions Matter, 2 ed. Monthly Review Press: New York, 2009, (114) </ref>

Reforms Yates describes the need for labor to have an ideology that provides it's workers with an identity.<ref> Yates, Michael. Why Unions Matter, 2 ed. Monthly Review Press: New York, 2009, (205) </ref> In addition he emphasizes that labor develop it's own political party so that the needs of the working class are met. <ref> Yates, Michael. Why Unions Matter, 2 ed. Monthly Review Press: New York, 2009. (134) </ref>He concludes that labor politics must fight for the necessities to include in every workplace such as employment as a right, creating meaningful and fulfilling work, basic needs provided by the community, democratic control of production, shorter hours of work, a healthy and clean environment, wage and income equality and no discrimination in the work place.<ref> Yates, Michael. Why Unions Matter, 2 ed. Monthly Review Press: New York, 2009, (205-207) </ref>

<ref> Yates, Michael. Why Unions Matter, 2 ed. Monthly Review Press: New York, 2009. (62) </ref>

Bowles, Edwards & Roosevelt (BER)

Efficiency: According to BER, “The term efficient is applied to a labor process if the effort, time, intelligence, creativity, raw materials, natural environment, information, and machinery used in it are applied in a way that enhances people’s well-being by equipping them with the things and the free time needed to lead a flourishing life.” <ref> Bowles, Samuel, Richard Edwards, and Frank Roosevelt. Understanding Capitalism: Competition, Command and Change. 3rd Ed. New York: Oxford UP, 2005 (62) </ref> “The efficiency of labor refers to

Understanding Capitalism <ref> Amazon. “Understanding Capitalism.” 2001. Web. http://www.amazon.com/Understanding-Capitalism-Competition-Command-Change/dp/0195138651 </ref>

how much output can be produced as a result of a certain level of work effort.” <ref> Bowles, Samuel, Richard Edwards, and Frank Roosevelt. Understanding Capitalism: Competition, Command and Change. 3rd Ed. New York: Oxford UP, 2005 (558) </ref> Two shortcomings that are often overlooked with regards to efficiency are the effects it has on the natural environment, and the fact that household labor and the amount of effort labor take are often not taken into account.

Fairness: “…means that people in an economic system suffer the burdens and enjoy the benefits of that economic system equitably.” <ref> Bowles, Samuel, Richard Edwards, and Frank Roosevelt. Understanding Capitalism: Competition, Command and Change. 3rd Ed. New York: Oxford UP, 2005 (64) </ref> According to BER a fair economic system would distribute both benefits and burdens equitably. They maintain that although equality is endorsed, that the equality of opportunity to live a good life is the real goal of equitably redistributing burdens and benefits in society. <ref> Bowles, Samuel, Richard Edwards, and Frank Roosevelt. Understanding Capitalism: Competition, Command and Change. 3rd Ed. New York: Oxford UP, 2005 (64-65) </ref> The idea of fairness will always be controversial, especially with regard to wealth. Nevertheless, equal opportunity is simply the opportunity and the freedom to remove impediments within society that can be surmounted.<ref> Bowles, Samuel, Richard Edwards, and Frank Roosevelt. Understanding Capitalism: Competition, Command and Change. 3rd Ed. New York: Oxford UP, 2005 (65) </ref>

Democracy: “…is a process with three characteristics: the exercise of power is accountable to those affected by it, civil rights and personal liberties are guaranteed, and citizens have relatively equal access to political resources and influence.” <ref> Bowles, Samuel, Richard Edwards, and Frank Roosevelt. Understanding Capitalism: Competition, Command and Change. 3rd Ed. New York: Oxford UP, 2005 (66) </ref>Democracy can manifest itself in society: in a corporation, in a government and in an economy. “A democratic firm is one that is owned by its employees and run by people who are elected by the employees.” <ref> Bowles, Samuel, Richard Edwards, and Frank Roosevelt. Understanding Capitalism: Competition, Command and Change. 3rd Ed. New York: Oxford UP, 2005 (557) </ref> “Democratic government is a way of organizing a government based on (1) accountability of officials through elections with widespread and equal voting rights and (2) civil liberties and personal freedoms.” <ref> Bowles, Samuel, Richard Edwards, and Frank Roosevelt. Understanding Capitalism: Competition, Command and Change. 3rd Ed. New York: Oxford UP, 2005 (557) </ref> “The third criterion for assessing an economic system is democracy. One important part of this criterion questions the extent to which the economic system promotes (or hinders) the democratic functioning of the government.” <ref> Bowles, Samuel, Richard Edwards, and Frank Roosevelt. Understanding Capitalism: Competition, Command and Change. 3rd Ed. New York: Oxford UP, 2005 (65-66) </ref> However, with regard to economic systems, it must be kept in mind that economic systems are also judged by efficiency and fairness as well. For example an economy can be efficient and undemocratic and unfair, such as slavery. <ref> Bowles, Samuel, Richard Edwards, and Frank Roosevelt. Understanding Capitalism: Competition, Command and Change. 3rd Ed. New York: Oxford UP, 2005 (67) </ref>

Project Vote

Mission & Goals

Project Vote is a nonpartisan nonprofit organization devoted to providing resources to teach, encourage, and assemble marginalized groups such as low income, minorities and youth to vote. <ref> Project Vote. Project Vote. PV, 2011. Web. 7 May 2011. http://projectvote.org/home.html </ref>

Actions Taken

Since 1994 Project Vote has helped register more than 5.6 million low-income and minority voters through it's voter registration and Get-Out-the Vote programs. Project Vote has also taken actions such as advocacy, legal services, and research to ensure that minority groups are not prevented from registration and voting. <ref> Project Vote. Project Vote. PV, 2011. Web. 7 May 2011. http://projectvote.org/home.html </ref>

Get Out the Vote Historically the number of underrepresented American voters increased in the 2008 elections, but voter turnout has declined between presidential and mid-term elections. In order to combat this, in 2010 Project Vote worked with its partners in 12 states to encourage voters. They will focus on Black and Latino voters, new registrants and Americans under the Age of 30, all who were a large turnout in the 2008 election. <ref> Project Vote. Project Vote. PV, 2011. Web. 7 May 2011. http://projectvote.org/home.html </ref>

Election Administration Program The Election Administration Program (EA) is create to ensure that public policy grants access to the ballot. The program protects it's constituents rights by engaging in legal action when necessary. As a long term goal Project Vote is devoted to breaking down barriers that bar underrepresented voters from partaking in the registration and voting processes and also to encourage participation in elections. <ref> Project Vote. Project Vote. PV, 2011. Web. 7 May 2011. http://projectvote.org/home.html </ref>

Public Agency Registration Program The Public Agency and Registration Program is a joint action taken by Project Vote and Demos, a voting rights and electoral reform policy organization. This program was created to uphold the National Voter Registration Act (NVRA), which demands that states must offer voter registration to those in public assistance programs. The Public Agency Registration Program takes legal action when necessary to enforce the NVRA.<ref> Project Vote. Project Vote. PV, 2011. Web. 7 May 2011. http://projectvote.org/home.html </ref>

How does Project Vote's initiatives parallel Alperovitz's thoughts?

Wealth Project Vote serves to combat Alperowitz's ideas of concentrated wealth that only serves the elite class. Project Vote sees that low-income and minority Americans are isolated from the electoral process. In order to combat the inequality in voting, Project Vote serves to encourage and include more minority Americans to have a more equal representation. <ref> Project Vote. Project Vote. PV, 2011. Web. 7 May 2011. http://projectvote.org/home.html </ref>

Liberty Project Vote is devoted to the creation of what Alperowitz calls "equal liberty" by taking the initiative as a nonprofit organization to encourage and include minorities to partake in voting and registration. Project Vote has noticed various types of problems within the electoral system such as voter fraud and voter intimidation which compromise the liberty of American citizens. In order to combat these flaws, Project Vote serves as an advocate for minority groups who wish to take part in the vote so that their voices are heard and reflected in government. <ref> Project Vote. Project Vote. PV, 2011. Web. 7 May 2011. http://projectvote.org/home.html </ref>

Democracy Alperowitz proposes that a greater equality must exisit among it's citizens in order to have democracy.<ref> Alperovitz, Gar. America Beyond Capitalism: Reclaiming Our Wealth Our Liberty, and Our Democracy. John Wiley & Sons, Inc:New Jersey, 2005 (51)</ref> Project Vote incorporates this idea of equality in democracy into their mission. They encourage the equality of democracy by encouraging and giving resources to groups who have historicallly been shut out from government to take part in the electoral process. Project Vote has allowed marginalized individuals to have a voice in order to make a more equal democracy. <ref> Project Vote. Project Vote. PV, 2011. Web. 7 May 2011. http://projectvote.org/home.html </ref>

How does Project Vote's initiatives parallel Domhoff's ideas and reforms?

Project Vote incorporates some of Domhoff's ideas into their ideals to include minority groups into the American electoral system. Domhoff believes that the elite are able to manipulate the current political and economic spheres to their advantage.<ref> Domhoff, G. William. Who Rules America?: Challenges to Corporate and Class Dominance. 6th Ed. McGraw-Hill: University of California, Santa Cruz, 2010. </ref> Project Vote tries to counter act this overwhelming disparity of the ruling elite class by emphasizing the right to vote to minority American citizens in order to change the makeup of the legislature so that there are more representative leaders of America's constants. Project Vote has taken on Domhoff's idea of a social movement for change to spread education and encouragement to vote which they deem necessary for a change in government. <ref> Project Vote. Project Vote. PV, 2011. Web. 7 May 2011. http://projectvote.org/home.html </ref>

How does Project Vote's initiatives parallel Yates' ideas and reforms?

How will Project Action overcome the shortcomings of Capitalism revealed by Bowles, Edwards, Roosevelt?




Are the goals of Project Vote consistent with the ideals of social justice?

Center for Voting and Democracy (FairVote)

Mission & Goals

Center for Voting and Democracy also known as FairVote is an organization created to reform elections so that every vote is respected. FairVote seeks to optimize voter turnout, ballot selection and provide fair representation. FairVote is a think tank that utilizes research, analysis, education, conferences and by working with reformers, leader and the media in order to implement ideas into policy. FairVote categorizes it's changes into three groups. The first change they desire to achieve is "fair access to participation," which encourages voter registration, the right to vote and provides education for younger generations. FairVote also strives to hold "fair elections," which have more transparent and accountable electoral administration. The organization also supports "fair representation," which supports various forms of proportional voting such as "choice voting" in the various types of elections. <ref>Fair Vote. Fair Vote. FV, 2001. Web. 7 May 2011. http://www.fairvote.org/</ref>

Actions Taken

FairVote uses four methods to maxmize it's impact: (1) FairVote engages in research about American elections (2)FairVote aids to lay the foundation for local, state and national reform coalitions and also assists policymakers who agree with FairVote's reforms (3)FairVote aids reform campaigns to show that there are alternative options (4) FairVote brings high profile media coverage to the reform policies that they have suggested

Fair Elections

National Popular Vote for President:This idea seeks to address the issue that presidental candidates mainly focus on a small piece of American voters and leave the majority of the voters out of the election process. FairVote advocates for the National Popular Vote for President or direct election of the president to give the majority a voice in the elections by providing an equal vote. <ref>Fair Vote. Fair Vote. FV, 2001. Web. 7 May 2011. http://www.fairvote.org/</ref>

Instant Runoff Voting: FairVote encourages majority rule through "instant runoff voting," which is a ranked voting system which gives preferential voting to a pool of candidates. FairVote encourages this system in cases where there are a multitude of choices and high turn out eleections. <ref>Fair Vote. Fair Vote. FV, 2001. Web. 7 May 2011. http://www.fairvote.org/</ref>

Presidential Nominations: FairVote advocates for change to the presidental nomination system calling the system chaotic and confusing. FairVote therefore advocates for a new more transparent and democratic system to be implemented. <ref>Fair Vote. Fair Vote. FV, 2001. Web. 7 May 2011. http://www.fairvote.org/</ref>

2) Fair Representation

Choice Voting/Proportional Representation: FairVote advocates the use of "choice voting" which provides majority rule and fair representation while also increases the validity of the ballot. Fairvote desires to have a representational government of the American voters.<ref>Fair Vote. Fair Vote. FV, 2001. Web. 7 May 2011. http://www.fairvote.org/</ref>

Fix the House: FairVote is in the process of creating a list of ideas to reform the structure of the House of Representatives. Some items which they will include on this list will be increasing the size of the house and reevalutating the districts to go from " single-seat jurisdictions" to "multi-seat super districts." <ref>Fair Vote. Fair Vote. FV, 2001. Web. 7 May 2011. http://www.fairvote.org/</ref>

3) Fair Access to Participation

Right to Vote in the Constitution: Even though the right to vote is a key part of American democracy FairVote still deems that there are many issues with this idea in American government. In order to uphold the right to vote, FairVote insists on the equality and ability of every American citizen to vote so that no citizen will be unable to partake in the voting process. <ref>Fair Vote. Fair Vote. FV, 2001. Web. 7 May 2011. http://www.fairvote.org/</ref>

Universal Voter Registration: FairVote also advocates for the use of a universal voter registration system registers all eligible citizens instead of a system where citizens must register themselves. FairVote claims that this system would get rid of the issues of voter rolls. <ref>Fair Vote. Fair Vote. FV, 2001. Web. 7 May 2011. http://www.fairvote.org/</ref>

How does FairVote's initiatives parallel Alperovitz's thoughts?

Wealth FairVote has noted how historically the wealthy have historically benefited from the American electoral system. FairVote seeks to combat Alperowitz's notion of the wealthy upper class' power and dominance. Through their goals they seek a more free and fair democratic electoral system that will serve the needs of its people and not just the wealthy upper class. <ref>Fair Vote. Fair Vote. FV, 2001. Web. 7 May 2011. http://www.fairvote.org/</ref>

Liberty FairVote meshes it's ideas to seek a more democratic electoral system so that it can uphold Alperowitz's ideas of "equal liberty."<ref> Alperovitz, Gar. America Beyond Capitalism: Reclaiming Our Wealth Our Liberty, and Our Democracy. John Wiley & Sons, Inc:New Jersey, 2005 (39)</ref> FairVote strives for a democratic system that addresses the needs of the American people. FairVote looks at the current electoral system and sees various flaws within the system which have compromised the a free and fair voting system. The organization therefore serves as a tool to look into the ways that the electoral process needs to be reformed in order to grant more freedom and the value of a vote to all American citizens. <ref>Fair Vote. Fair Vote. FV, 2001. Web. 7 May 2011. http://www.fairvote.org/</ref>

Democracy FairVote sees that through the current voting system leaves an unrepresentative American government. FairVote therefore takes into account Alperowitz's idea to include a greater equality.<ref> Alperovitz, Gar. America Beyond Capitalism: Reclaiming Our Wealth Our Liberty, and Our Democracy. John Wiley & Sons, Inc:New Jersey, 2005 (51)</ref> FairVote implements it's tools of research and education to seek and point out the issues within the American government system in order to make a more representative and democratic government. <ref>Fair Vote. Fair Vote. FV, 2001. Web. 7 May 2011. http://www.fairvote.org/</ref>

How does FairVote's initiatives parallel Domhoff's ideas and reforms?

FairVote tries to combat Domhoff's idea of an unequal society by taking intitiative to reform and readjust the voting and electoral system into a more free and fair system. <ref>Fair Vote. Fair Vote. FV, 2001. Web. 7 May 2011. http://www.fairvote.org/</ref> Domhoff holds a theory that it is the elite who are able to manipulate the electoral system to their advantage and therefore the government is run by elite interests.<ref> Domhoff, G. William. Who Rules America?: Challenges to Corporate and Class Dominance. 6th Ed. McGraw-Hill: University of California, Santa Cruz, 2010</ref> FairVote implements policies through the categories of fair elections, fair representation and fair access to participation. These three methods allow a fairer electoral system which spreads the power and influence from the concentrated elite to the rest of the people. FairVote has implement a fair elections initiative which advocates for reforms in the election and nomination of president so that everyone has a say who they believe should be in power. Under the fair representation method, FairVote advocates for a new voting method and changes to the House of Representatives which would make the legislature more representative of the American people and not just the upper classes. Fair Vote also has set up an initiative to protect and enforce the voting rights of all American citizens which grants them equal influence in government. FairVote ensures that every participant has a voice and that the country is not just represented by Domhoff's elite class.<ref>Fair Vote. Fair Vote. FV, 2001. Web. 7 May 2011. http://www.fairvote.org/</ref>

How does FairVote's initiatives parallel Yates' ideas and reforms?

Yates advocates for the importance of labor unions and the labor movement to become more a part of American government.<ref> Yates, Michael. Why Unions Matter, 2 ed. Monthly Review Press: New York, 2009, (205-207) </ref> The current American government two-tiered system which do not represent the needs and desires of all American people. FairVote advocates for a changes in the electoral system which would give the labor movement more chance in government. FairVote has come up with some ideas such as the "Instant Voting Runoff System," a system which ranks candidates by preference. This system allows for more candidates to run and encourages more voter participation. Therefore if used there could increase the labor turnout and participation in elections. This also allows the labor parties more of a chance for they will only have to raise funds for one election. FairVote has created systems like these that gives more incentive and more push for the labor movement to become a part of the government. <ref>Fair Vote. Fair Vote. FV, 2001. Web. 7 May 2011. http://www.fairvote.org/</ref>

How will FairVote overcome the shortcomings of Capitalism revealed by Bowles, Edwards, Roosevelt?

Efficiency Many of FairVote's reforms would increase the efficiency of the American government system. FairVote's system's advocates a more free and fair electoral system which simultaneously decreases the inefficiencies of voting. Systems such as the "Instant Runoff Voting" system decrease the amount on money spent on elections allowing more money to be spent elsewhere such as on social spending. FairVote is also advocating for a reform of the House of Representatives allowing more efficient and equal representation of the American people. The ideas that FairVote put forth decreases the inefficiencies such as money and time that are spent during the election process which allow these resources to be allocated elsewhere. <ref>Fair Vote. Fair Vote. FV, 2001. Web. 7 May 2011. http://www.fairvote.org/</ref>

Fairness Bowles, Edwards and Roosevelt advocate for equality of opportunity and for the benefits in society to be equally distributed. In the current political system, the power is concentrated among a class of elites who hold power over the political and economic spheres. <ref> Bowles, Samuel, Richard Edwards, and Frank Roosevelt. Understanding Capitalism: Competition, Command and Change. 3rd Ed. New York: Oxford UP, 2005 (64) </ref> The FairVote mission is to advocate for a more fair representation of the American people. Through a multiple of different reforms, FairVote seeks to redistribute and make the electoral process more equal rather than having the system concentrated. These reforms therefore redistribute the benefits and power in society on a more representative level. <ref>Fair Vote. Fair Vote. FV, 2001. Web. 7 May 2011. http://www.fairvote.org/</ref>

Democracy Bowles, Edwards and Roosevelt determine that democracy consists of a civil rights and personal liberties and a equal access to political resources and influence. <ref> Bowles, Samuel, Richard Edwards, and Frank Roosevelt. Understanding Capitalism: Competition, Command and Change. 3rd Ed. New York: Oxford UP, 2005 (66) </ref> In the current system, FairVote has determined that there are many problems within the current electoral system which inhibits the ability of everyone to partake in the electoral system. But FairVote puts forth ideas to make a more free and fair democratic system. They advocate for new election systems that distribute the power of the vote and put new ideas for voting systems such as the "Instant Runoff Voting" system. FirstVote also works to ensure the protection of voting rights of all American citizens. FairVote desires to strengthen the American democratic institution by proposing reforms for a more equal electoral system.<ref>Fair Vote. Fair Vote. FV, 2001. Web. 7 May 2011. http://www.fairvote.org/</ref>

Are the goals of FairVote's consistent with the ideals of social justice?

FairVote is consistent with the ideals of social justice for they promote the idea of equality of opportunity, access information, and participation in decision-making for all people.<ref> Doerr Center for Social Justice Education & Research. What is Social Justice? Saint Louis University. 2011. Web. 11 April 2011. http://www.slu.edu/x12275.xml</ref> FairVote utilizes three different levels; fair access to participation, fair elections, and fair representation, to achieve a more equal electoral democracy These measures allow more equality of opportunity by increasing and ensuring more fair electoral system so that every person's vote counts. FairVote seeks to spread access of information of electoral by bringing immense media attention to electoral reforms. Throughout many of it's plans for reform FairVote also is determined to increase voter participation and equality for all people. Therefore through the definition of social justice, FairVote has taken great strides to ensure equal voting opportunity and participation. <ref>Fair Vote. Fair Vote. FV, 2001. Web. 7 May 2011. http://www.fairvote.org/</ref>

Independent Progressive Politics Network (IPPS)


The Independent Progressive Politics Network (IPPN) is network of groups and individuals who strive to create an alternative political party or an alliance of political parties that seek to change the country by unifying people in opposition in various forms of discrimination such as racism, sexism, homophobia, and age discrimination. <ref> Independent Progressive Politics Network. Independent Progressive Politics Network. IPPN. Web. 7 May 2011. http://www.ippn.org/ </ref>


Actions Taken

Independent Progressive Political Party Network incorporates a variety of people whether they be of different, color, gender of age into leadership positions in IPPN and alternative political party movement. IPPN also provides various outlets for information and further discussion such as a newspaper, web site, provide online discussion, hold conferences and engage in other activities.

How does IPPS's initiatives parallel Alperovitz's thoughts?




How does IPPS's initiatives parallel Domhoff's ideas and reforms?

How does IPPS's initiatives parallel Yates' ideas and reforms?

How will IPPS overcome the shortcomings of Capitalism revealed by Bowles, Edwards, Roosevelt?




Are the goals of IPPS's consistent with the ideals of social justice?

Midwest Democracy Center (MDC)



Actions Taken

How does MDC's initiatives parallel Alperovitz's thoughts?




How does MDC's initiatives parallel Domhoff's ideas and reforms?

How does MDC's initiatives parallel Yates' ideas and reforms?

How will MDC overcome the shortcomings of Capitalism revealed by Bowles, Edwards, Roosevelt?




Are the goals of MDC's consistent with the ideals of social justice?

The Labor Party



Actions Taken

How does the Labor Party's initiatives parallel Alperovitz's thoughts?




How does the Labor Party's initiatives parallel Domhoff's ideas and reforms?

How does the Labor Party's initiatives parallel Yates' ideas and reforms?

How will the Labor Party overcome the shortcomings of Capitalism revealed by Bowles, Edwards, Roosevelt?




Are the goals of the Labor Party's consistent with the ideals of social justice?

The New Party



Actions Taken

How does the New Party's initiatives parallel Alperovitz's thoughts?




How does the New Party's initiatives parallel Domhoff's ideas and reforms?

How does the New Party's initiatives parallel Yates' ideas and reforms?

How will the New Party overcome the shortcomings of Capitalism revealed by Bowles, Edwards, Roosevelt?




Are the goals of the New Party's consistent with the ideals of social justice?

The Working Families Party (WFP)



Actions Taken

How does the WFP's initiatives parallel Alperovitz's thoughts?




How does the WFP's initiatives parallel Domhoff's ideas and reforms?

How does the WFP's initiatives parallel Yates' ideas and reforms?

How will the WFP overcome the shortcomings of Capitalism revealed by Bowles, Edwards, Roosevelt?




Are the goals of the WFP's consistent with the ideals of social justice?



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Website Created by Sam Baxendale, Mary Ann Eggers, and Elyce Nollette for Professor Barone's American Capitalism and Social Justice course ad Dickinson College.