Works Cited for Human Capital Development
From Dickinson College Wiki
(1) Blau, Francine D., Marianne A. Ferber, and Anne E. Winkler.The Economics of Women,Men and Work. 4th ed. (Upper Saddle River,N.J.:Prentice-Hall,2002),184.
(2)Blau, Francine D., Marianne A. Ferber, and Anne E. Winkler.The Economics of Women,Men and Work. 4th ed. (Upper Saddle River,N.J.:Prentice-Hall,2002),184.
(3)Blau, Francine D., Marianne A. Ferber, and Anne E. Winkler.The Economics of Women,Men and Work. 4th ed. (Upper Saddle River,N.J.:Prentice-Hall,2002),185.