Minimum Wage in the United States and Japan
From Dickinson College Wiki
History of Minimum Wage
United States
Minimum Wage Definition
United States
- Minimum Wage
- the minimum hourly, daily or monthly wage that must be paid to employees or workers. Each country sets its own minimum wage laws and regulations, and more than 90% of all countries have some kind of minimum wage legislation. (according to wikipedia)
- the federal minimum wage
- $5.15 per hour since 1997
- minimum wage of each state
Minimum Wage Differences
United States
Whom does minimum wage apply?
Whom does minimum wage apply?
United States and Japan Enforcement Laws
United States
- Who regulates?
- Department of Labor's Wage and Hour Division
- What is regulated?
- Minimum Wage
- Overtime
- Child Labor Standards
- Record Keeping
- How are regulations maintained?
- Submitting of Records
- Consequences
- Fines not exceeding $10,000 per violation
- Who regulates?
- Ministry of Labour (Korosho)
- What is regulated?
- Same as United States
- How are regulations maintained?
- Inspections in Demember and Springtime
- Submitting Records
- Consequences
- Fine not exceeding 10,000 yen
United States's vs Japan's Minimum Wage
United State's/Japan's Advantages
United States
- Benefits for working families
- Benefits for disadvantaged workers
- Help reserve the trend of declining real wages for workers
- Strategy to end poverty
- Low public and social costs
United State's/Japan's Disadvantages
United States
- Reduce of labor hours and/or employment
- Reduce profits
- Raise prices
- Attracts immigrants from low wage countries