Pro Minimum Wage Increase
- Minimum Wage Today
- The current federal minimum wage rate is $5.15 and hour.
- This minimum wage is 31% of the current average wage in the United States, which is its lowest relative value since World War II.
- The real value of the minimum wage is at its lowest value since 1955.
- Recent Debates on Minimum Wage
- Point Counter-Point
- The Hidden Heart of America
- US policy changes in the second decade of the twentieth century
Minimum wage, as one of the factors that influence wage inequality in any society, is directly responsible for either increasing or decreasing the income-distribution gap between the rich and poor households in the American society (Goldin and Margo, p.4, 24.) America significantly reduced its unemployment rate during the second decade of the twentieth century through government programs: in 1933 and 1934, the government passed regulatory policies for maximum working hours and minimum wage, which increased the income gains of the low-income households, leading to wage inequality decrease (Goldin and Margo, p.16, 21.) The US government, aiming at mitigating the welfare of low-income Americans, increased the minimum wage to produce egalitarian wage distribution throughout the society. The minimum wage policies had a positive impact on the bottom part of the society’s wage earners (Goldin and Margo, p.28.)
- Recent trends and facts
The high wage inequality of today is, to a great extent, caused by the declining value of the minimum wage: the fall in the real value of the minimum wage may be a premature consequence for the increase in wage inequality in recent years (Lemieux and Fortin, p.83.) This decline has long-run consequences that have become apparent today: lower purchasing power of less-skilled workers, which in turn may definitely lead to social problems – increase in crime rates and destroying the social capital of a community. As mentioned above, before the 1980s, the wage inequality gap between low-income and high-income households in America was compressed: one of the factors responsible for that was an increase in the minimum wage. Yet, since 1980 the income inequality gap between those households has increased substantially. Labor productivity growth is no longer directly related to minimum wage growth (Figure 7: Inflation Adjusted Minimum Wage and Productivity1947-2004 (indexed to 1968=100)). While the productivity rate has been continuously increasing since the 1980s, the income rate for low-income households has rapidly decreased during the same time, with very short and unstable periods of slight increases: the minimum wage is no longer systematically related to productivity growth as it used to be in the second decade of the twentieth century (Figure 3: Minimum Wage, Median Wage, and Labor Productivity 1979-2005.)
As many as eighteen states, for instance Pennsylvania, New York, and New Jersey to name just a few, has increased their minimum wage rates above the federal rate, which is $5.15.
- The counter argument
Some critics, besides our opponents, argue that the increase in the minimum wage will cause job losses because employers will be willing to decrease their work force, provided they have to face higher wages. Yet, workers have limits to effectively using their abilities and skills as long as they work under obstructive or stressful environment: a worker cannot normally handle many tasks at once because it will lead to bad work performance; besides there are laws and regulations in force to control work conditions such as environment safety, etc. The increase in the minimum wage is aimed to better the financial conditions of low-income workers in the service sector. In heavy industries, for example steel and car sectors, employees are already paid more than twice the federal wage rate per hour.
Moreover, proponents claim the raise will actually foster an increase in employment rates: people will start searching for jobs and will reduce their dependency on government support. If transfers are reduced then the government will have more money to spend, for example, on public goods and services to facilitate an increase in GDP. The increase in minimum wage is beneficial for firms as well. They will have to learn to use innovation and efficiency in their business transactions as their main competitive and core advantages and work to develop them rather than solely relying on profiting from paying lower wages.
- Do we have moral (are we an integrated part of our society)?
The increase of the minimum wage will inevitably lead to improving the overall economic health and social capital of America. A higher minimum wage will increase the purchasing power of low-income households, which in turn will spend more on consumption, generating money in the US economy. Over the years, parents will invest in the education of their children, a crucial factor for the prosperity and development of a well-founded community. Low-income workers have difficulties adjusting to today’s high standard of living, for example the increase in medical costs and school tuitions. Such difficulties can be remedied, without incurring unnecessary monetary burden on the US government, by increasing the minimum wage.
The minimum wage is more that a mere earning tool for low-income American workers: it is one of the founding blocks of the American free society – a society that thrives on its own prosperity. How is it possible? The minimum wage as a monetary unit is very important factor for the entire American population or any society: it can be either the supporter of a well-established community with high social capital and ethic values that facilitates beneficial communications between its citizens or it can be the instigator of crime that destroys social capital and ethic values. To be safe and sound a society depends on its social capital. As a free society, America cannot deprive its citizens from the right to earn adequate minimum wages to support themselves and their children. The high standards of living are real burden for low-income households, who gained very little monetary value over the years 1979-2004 (Figure 1: Hourly Wages of High- Median-, and Low- Wage Earners in Pennsylvania, 1979-2004 (in 2004 dollars)) some of those households consist of a single mother with two children for instance. One of the possibilities to raise the low-income households from destitute is to increase the minimum wage rate.
The necessity of increasing the minimum wage is not purely financial one: it is a highly moral one. We all live in one community and when the betterment of our community is at stake, we better do what is necessary rather than wait blindly and gather the long-lasting and economically rotten consequences of our unwise actions. The good health of our society is not a natural outcome: it is a human one – the outcome of our efforts. As the above arguments suggest, the entire US economy and society will benefit from the increase in the minimum wage.
We are not alone on the frontier for a minimum wage increase: WHO is with us?