Andrea Hoffmann
My Basic Information
My Name
My full name is Andrea Marie Hoffmann. I know what you’re thinking-- masculine, bitter sea, land-owning, German farmer. Or at least that’s what you would be thinking if you were a dictionary of name meanings and origins. I'm at a loss as to why a name meaning "masculine" would be a girl's name, but I don't consider myself to be particularly masculine so I guess that it doesn't really matter. I pronounce my name like "Anne-dree-uh" and generally prefer it to the "Ahn-dray-ah" pronunciation, with the exception of when my hispanic relatives or my friend Josh DeMoya say it. My middle name, Marie, means "bitter sea" and I'm not quite sure how I should interpret that. It's a family name so my sister and most female cousins on my father's side of the family have the same middle name. My last name "Hoffmann" practically screams German descent. It's defined as "A nickname for a farmer who owned his land rather than rented" by For an extra fun-fact my catholic confirmation name is Rosa, after St. Rosa of Lima. I got my first and middle name meanings from
I'm from a suburb of Washington D.C. in Montgomery County, Maryland. I moved there with my family when I was 2 years old from a house only about 40 minutes away.
I have my mom, dad, a younger brother and an older sister. My extended family on my dad's side almost all live on the west coast. My mom's side of the family live mostly in Peru.
My Mom
My mom's name is Martha Ganoza Hoffmann, Ganoza being her maiden name. She works in Washington D.C. at the Inter-American Development Bank which, put simply, is like the World Bank but dealing mostly with South and Central America. She was born in Trujillo, Peru and came to the United States for the first time as an exchange student in Indiana. She then came back to live and work in Washington D.C. She likes doing a lot of domestic things like cooking and makes the best flan ever.
My mom and I at a Redskins pre-season game
My Dad

My Dad is Randall Arnold Hoffmann Jr. and is from Ames, Iowa. He was born in April 1928 so, in other words, he is really old. He's had many jobs including being in the military and being an economics professor, but is now retired. He has lived in many different places including Argentina, Mexico and Indonesia. He was married before he met my mom and had two sons, my half-brothers, Shane and Wiley. Both are now in their 40's and have families of their own. In his spare time, my dad likes to do pretty much anything involving technology. His father's name was Randall Arnold Hoffmann Sr. and his mother's name was Cleone Hoffmann. I was able to find a record of her under her maiden name, Cleone Albright, during the 1920 U.S. Census with the head of the family being Harry Albright.
My Sister
My older sister Michele is a little more than 2 years older than me. She is currently in her third year at St. Mary's College of Maryland and is involved in a ridiculous amount of clubs and organizations there. She's fashionable in an eccentric way and loves to shop, maybe a little too much. She is very much the girly-girl and very different from me in many ways. She is loud, very involved in singing for choirs and loves anything and everything having to do with Russian culture. She reads a lot with an emphasis on Russian literature and, of course, the Harry Potter books. So far her plan is to double-major in Biology and English.
Professor McGonagall, Michele, Professor Dumbledore and I
My Brother
My brother is named after my dad and grandpa, making him Randall Arnold Hoffmann III. He is 15 and a sophmore in high school. We sometimes refer to him as "Charisma Boy" but for the most part we just call him Randy. He's on the JV football team and is huge, especially for his age. He recently gave up his obsession with the computer game World of Warcraft and has now taken up playing bass guitar. He is the comic relief in my family.