Alvarado2007 Exhibits
From Dickinson College Wiki
EXHIBITS for Teaching with Digital Text 30 October 2007
Kinds of Digital Text
Digital Publications at Dickinson
Critical Editions and Collections
Large, Searchable Collections
- ARTFL = American and French Research on the Treasury of the French Language
- Valley of the Shadow
- Perseus Project
Textual Databases
Electronic Journals
- Bryn Mawr Classical Review
- Google Scholar
- See your Library page!
- See Chris' examples.
Digital Text Hacks
Turn a reading assignment into a Wiki
Create an index and simple concordance out of any text
Teach a course in which students mark-up primary texts
Build an online database of texts and images associated with a particular author, work or historical event
Tools and Resources
- Philologic (used by ARTFL)
- TEI Consortium Homepage