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contendo, -ĕre, -tendi, tentum: strain, exert; strain in relation to some other person or thing; stretch, strain; strive with or for

rēscindo, -ĕre, -scĭdi, -scissum: tear back, tear away again, cut away; break open; rescind, repeal

lēgātĭo, -ōnis f.: delegated authority; office of an ambassador, commander, commander-in-chief; an embassy, legation

mălĕfĭcĭum, -ĭi n.: wrongdoing

occīdo, -ĕre, -cīdi, -cīsum: to strike down, beat to the ground; occīsus, -a, -um: unfortunate

pello, -ĕre, pĕpŭli, pulsum: strike, knock, beat; impel, propel, move; drive, dislodge

iugum, -ī n.: yoke or collar; cross-bar (Roman ‘yoke’)

conccēdo, -ĕre, -cessi, -cessum: to go away, retire, withdraw; yield, grant a thing, give up

făcultas , ātis: f.: feasibility, possibility, opportunity, power, means

faciendi: făcĭo, -ĕre, fēci, factum: do, make

tempĕro, -āre: set bounds, keep within limits; be moderate, control oneself; distribute, mix properly, temper

dēlībĕro, -āre: weigh carefully, consult, consider; resolve as a consequence of deliberation, decide

sūmo, -ĕre, sumpsi, sumptum: take; exact a punishment