From Dickinson College Wiki
praecĭpĭo, -ere, -cēpi, -ceptum: order, prescribe; anticipate; praeceptum, -i n.: command, orders
diligens, -ntis: diligent, careful
quaepiam adv.: to any place
velox, -cis: speedy, swift
refugio, refugi: flee back, retreat, make good one’s escape
nudo, -are: to bare
circumvenio, -ire: surround, outflank, cut off, outwit
confertus, -a, -um: compact, in close array, crowded
vito, -are: avoid
conflicto, -are: harass
fortis, -e: brave, valiant, stout of heart
femur, -inis n.: thigh
tragula, -ae f.: javelin
traicio, -ere, -ieci, -iectum: pierce
funda, -ae f.: sling