From Dickinson College Wiki
- United Cerebral Palsy officially began in 1949 after previously existing in 1948 under the organizational name of the National Foundation for Cerebral Palsy. It was founded by Leonard and Isabelle Goldenson, as well as Mary laser, Anna Rosenberg and Florence Mahoney. They continued to expand during the 1950s, doing a UCP telethon in 1950 and continuing to support research and legislative changes throughout the decade. One of the leaders of the foundation, Isabelle Goldenson helped to increase the amount of research done for the prevention of cerebral palsy which eventually led to changing laws benefitting people with disabilities in 1958. With this, Congress increased the amount of neurological research and also created advanced professional seminar programs.
- Then in 1988 UCP helped in the passing of the Technology-Related Assistance Act, with this states felt an incentive to advance and improve their access to people with disabilities. Following this, in 1990, UCP helped to pass the Americans With Disabilities Act which helps to improve basic civil rights protections for any person with disabilities in any field of employment, method of transportation, public accommodations and telecommunications.
- In 1994, UCP received the American Society of Association Executive's Summit Award for the ADA Report Card it began producing in 1992. The award was received for the effect the report card had on improving the lives people with disabilities throughout the nation. And last year, UCP celebrated it's 55th anniversary of it's support and commitment to helping people with disabilities.
- Today the United Cerebral Palsy continues to work on opening doors for people with disabilities. UCP is also one of the most efficent health charities in America. In giving to the charity 83 cents to every dollar is spent directly on the programs and services. UCP is also the leading source of information on cerebral palsy and is a pivotal advocate for the rights of persons with any disablilty, 65% of people served at UCP have a disability other than cerebral palsy.
Mission Statement
- UCP Central PA assists with infants, children,youth nd adults with disabilities and their families achieve their goals of development, growth, independence and full citizenship."
Vision Statement
- "All persons in the community, regardless of ability or disability, have an equitable opportunity to fully participate in all facets of community life, in accord with their personal needs and interests."
Values Statement
- "The consumer always comes first. Each person served is at the center of hid or her plan. There is unconditional respect for individual rights and dignity and a commitment to optimal outcomes for each person. Each person served experiences some joy and success each day."
Services Offered
- Alternative Day Training
- offered to people with significant disabilities-focusing on improving functional, communication, socialization and prevocational skills.
- Community Services
- help solve day to day problems dealing with medical care, transportation, housing, employment, education, and attendant care.
- Assistive Technology
- offers devices or services that can help to improve the abilities of a person with disabilities.
- Capital Connections
- allows people with disabilities to make more personalized decisions for what they wish their days to entail, also more individualized work and can involve a more extensive involvement in the community.
- "The services offered are educational, recreational, socialization and
volunteer opportunities for people with mental retardation and other disabilities." - Barry Claypool
- "The biggest problems the agency faces are funding and staffing.
- Ways we attempt to overcome problems are trying to be as fiscally frugal
as possible, working at a state and federal level to attempt to make people understand the challenges of the system, and trying to be creative in regards to recruitment and retention issues to make the agency a place people want to work even though we can't pay as much as we would like." -Interview with Barry Claypool through email
Related Links
- http://www.ucp.org/
- This page offers the best information available both on UCP and on Cerebral Palsy.
- http://www.ninds.nih.gov/disorders/cerebral_palsy/cerebral_palsy.htm
- This page gives an overview of CP as well as contact information.
- http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Plains/8950/
- This page is part of Cerebral Palsy Network and connects parents with CP children and also those having CP to one another.
Contact People
- Since our contact person at UCP Carlise no longer works there I have been trying to get a hold of someone else to help gather information for this project.
- Kathy Seiderer (717)737-3477, is in charge of Central Pa UCP, very hard to get a hold of have called and left several messages but have not heard back from her yet.