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conputo, -are: reckon/compute/calculate, sum/count; take/include in reckoning; work out

calceus, , -i, m.: shoe; soft shoe, slipper

panis, -is, m.: bread; loaf

fumus, -i, m.: smoke, steam, vapor, fume

lectica, -ae, f.: litter

maritus, -a, -um: nuptial; of marriage; married, wedded, united

languidus, -a, -um: faint, weak; dull, sluggish, languid; spiritless, listless, inactive; powerless

praegnas, -natis: with child, pregnant

circumduco, -ere, -duxi, -ductus: lead out of the way/round about; cheat, mislead, trick out of; take/go around

callidus, -a, -um: crafty, sly, cunning; wise, expert, skillful, clever, experienced, ingenious

ostendeo, -ere, -i: show; reveal; make clear, point out, display, exhibit

vacuus, -a, -um: empty, vacant, unoccupied; devoid of, free of

coniunx, -iugis: spouse

sella, -ae, f.: seat, stool, chair; chair of magistrate/office/teacher

citus, -a, -um (comp. citior): quick, swift, rapid; moving/acting/passing/occurring quickly, speedy; early

moror, -ari: delay; stay, stay behind; devote attention to

profero, -ferre, -tuli, -latus: bring forward; advance; defer; discover; mention

vexo, -are: shake, jolt, toss violently; annoy, trouble, harass, plague, disturb, vex

quiesco, -ere, quievi, quietus: rest, keep quiet/calm, be at peace/rest; be inactive/neutral; permit; sleep

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