dignus, -a, -um: worthy of (+ abl.)
lucerna, -ae, f.: oil lamp; midnight oil
agito (1): attack; deal with
mūgītus, -ūs m.: bellowing, roaring
percutio, -ere, -cussi, -cussus: beat, strike
făber, -bri m.: worker in wood, stone, metal, etc., craftsman, artisan
volo (1): fly
leno, -ōnis m.: brothel keeper, pimp
moechus, -i m.: adulterer
lăcūnar, -nāris n.: paneled ceiling
calix, -icis, m.: cup, goblet
vĭgĭlans, -antis: awake, vigilant, watchful
sterto, -ere, -ui: snore
fas est: it is right, lawful, moral, allowed
cohors, -hortis, f.: a company of soldiers, a cohort, the tenth part of a legion
praesepe, -is n.: stables (for horses)
careo, -ēre, -ui, -iturus: lack
census, -ūs m.: riches, property, possessions
axis, -is m.: chariot
lōrum, -i n.: reins
lăcernātus, -a, -um: wearing a lacerna
se iactāre: to talk boastfully of one's self, to boast, make an ostentatious display