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cēno (1): dine

bĕnĕ: adv. well

mi: abbr. form of dat. mihi, to me; vocative masc. sg. of meus

ăpŭd, ăpŭt: prep. w/ acc., at, near, by; at the house of

pauci, -ae, -a: a few

dĕus, -i, m.: god

făvĕo, favere, fāvi, fautum: be well-disposed, show favor to (w/dat.)

dĭes, -ēi, m. or f.: day

affĕro, afferre, attŭli, allātum: bring along, come with

bŏnus, -a, -um: good; of "good" social standing

atque: and

cēna, -ae, f.: dinner (the principal Roman meal, normally eaten in the evening)

candĭdus, -a, -um: bright; white; fair-skinned (implying beauty); gorgeous (of a woman)

pŭella, -ae, f.: girl; young woman; girlfriend

vīnum, -i, n.: wine

sal, sălis, m.: salt; fig., of a quality that gives character and flavor, wit; by metonymy, the sea

căchinnus, -i, m.: laugh, guffaw; metaph. of rippling waves

inquam: say

vĕnustus, -a, -um: lovely, attractive, charming; graceful, pretty, neat

Cătullus, -i, m.: cognomen of Gaius Valerius Catullus

plēnus, -a, -um: full

saccŭlus, -i, m.: purse

ărānĕa, -ae, f.: spiderweb, cobweb; spider

contrā: adv., in front, opposite; in return; on the other hand

accĭpĭo, -cipere, -cēpi, -ceptum: receive, accept; hear

mĕrus, -a, -um: pure, undiluted (esp. of wine)

ămor, -ōris, m.: love; personified, the god of love

sīve, seu: conj., or if; whether … or

suāvis, -e: agreeable, pleasant

ēlĕgans, -antis: discriminating, refined, elegant

unguentum, -i, n.: a fragrant ointment, unguent, or perfume

dōno (1): give, dedicate

Vĕnus, ĕris, f.: Venus or Aphrodite, goddess of love and charm

cŭpīdo, -ĭnis, f.: desire; object of desire (as term of affection); Cupid or Eros, companion of Venus/Aphrodite, personification of sexual desire

olfăcĭo, -acere -ēci, -actum: smell

rŏgo (1): ask, ask for

tōtus, -a, -um: the whole, all

nāsus, -i, m.: nose