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Vārus, -i, m.: friend of Catullus

prŏbē: rightly, well, properly

nosco, -ĕre, nōvi, nōtum: know

vĕnustus, -a, -um: lovely, attractive, charming; graceful, pretty, neat

dĭcax, -ācis: well-spoken, quick with repartee

urbānus, -a, -um: of the city, esp. Rome; having city manners, urbane

longē: by far

plūrĭmus, a, um: most, very much, very many (superlative of multus).

versus, -ūs, m.: line of writing, verse of poetry

pŭto (1): think

mille, pl. mīlia: a thousand

dĕcem: indecl. adj., ten

plūs, plūris: adj. & adv., more

perscrībo, -bĕre, -psi, -ptum: write out in full, finish writing

pălimpsestus, -i, m.: a palimpsest, papyrus recycled by erasure to make a low-cost writing material

rĕfĕro, refĕrre, rettŭli, rĕlātum: w/ in + abl., write down

carta, -ae, f.: a sheet or roll of papyrus

rēgĭus, -a, -um: royal; princely, splendid

nŏvus, -a, -um: latest, last

lĭber, -bri, m.: the inner bark of a tree; book, volume, roll

umbĭlīcus, -i, m.: navel; the ornamental end of the cylinder on which a papyrus roll is wound

lōrum, -i, n.: a leather strap for tying

rŭber, -bra, -brum: red

membrāna, -ae, f.: sheepskin or goatskin used as parchment or as a cover for manuscripts

derigo, derigĕre, dĕrexi, dĕrectum: align, make straight, aim

plumbum, -i, n.: lead, used for drawing lines

pūmex, ĭcis, m.: pumice or any similar volcanic rock, used to smooth the ends of book-rolls

aequo (1): make level, even, or smooth

lĕgo, lĕgĕre, lēgi, lectum: gather; remove; pick out; read, read about

bellus, -a, -um: pretty, nice, fine, charming

ūnus, -a, -um: adj., one, alone, only; any, an ordinary

căprĭmulgus, -i, m.: goat milker

fossor, -ōris, m.: a digger, agricultural laborer, ditchdigger

rursus: adv., back again; contrariwise

tantus, -a, -um: so much, pl. so many; so great, such

ăbhorrĕo, -ēre, -ui: shrink back from; be inconsistent

mūto (1): change

mŏdŏ: adv., just now, just

scurra, -ae, m.: a fashionable man about town

scītus, a, um: knowing, shrewd, wise, acute, experienced, skilful, adroit, etc. (from scisco, to learn, ascertain, know)

infăcētus, -a, -um: boorish, gauche

rūs, rūris, n.: country, boondocks

sĭmŭl: adv., at the same time, tohether, as well; conj., as soon as

pŏēma, -ătis, n.: poem

attingo, -tingĕre, -tĭgi, -tactum: touch

nĕque: conj., adv. and not

umquam: adv., ever

aequē: adv., equally

bĕātus, -a, -um: happy, blessed; rich, well-to-do

scrībo, -bĕre, -psi, -ptum: write; mark up, inscribe with drawings

tam: adv., to such a degree, so

gaudĕo, gaudēre, gāvīsus sum: rejoice, take pleasure

mīror, -āri, -ātus sum: be amazed, wonder, marvel at

nīmīrum: no wonder, doubtless

fallo, fallĕre, fĕfelli, falsum: trick, deceive, mislead; pass., err

quisquam, quicquam: indef. pron., anyone, anything

ălĭquis, aliquid: indef. pron., someone, something; indef. adj., some

attrĭbŭo, -ŭĕre, -ŭi, -ūtum: assign, allot

error, -ōris, m.: a wandering; deviation, mistake

mantĭca, -ae, f.: knapsack

tergum, -i, n.: back; hide from an animal's back