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dĕus, -i, m.: god

ămo (1): love

quisquis, quaeque, quodquod: interr. or indef. pron., whoever, whatever

rĕfĕro, refĕrre, rettŭli, rĕlātum: bring back; report; (reflexive) return; w/ in + abl., write down; w/ acc. & dat., put something down to, assign to a category

pŭto (1): think

ū̆trum ... an: whether … or

ōs, ōris, n.: mouth; face, countenance

ăn: particle introducing questions with note of surprise or indignation: can it be that … ?; (after utrum) or

cūlus, -i, m.: anus

olfăcĭo, -ăcĕre -ēci, -actum: smell

Aemĭlĭus, -a, -um: Roman nomen gentile

Nīlus, -i, m.: the Nile River in Egypt

mundus, -a, -um: heavens, sky, firmament; world, earth

nĭhĭlum, -i, m.: nothing; abl. w/ adv. Force, an emphatic form of non: not at all

vērus, -a, -um: true

bŏnus, -a, -um: good; of "good" social standing

dēsum, -fŭi, -esse: be wanting or lacking; fail

sesquĭpĕdālis, -e: one and a half feet long

gĭngīva, -ae, f.: the gums

ploxenum, -i, n.: the body of a carriage

vĕtus, -ĕris: old

praetĕrĕā: adv., besides, moreover

rictus, -ūs, m.: an open mouth

quālis, -e: (interr) of what kind; (rel.) such as

diffindo, -findĕre, -fĭdi, -fissum: split

aestus, -ūs, m.: heat, hot weather; swell (of the sea), flood; tumult

mēio, -ĕre: urinate

mūla, -ae, f.: a she mule

cunnus, -i, m.: vulva, the female pudenda (cf. Eng. cunt)

sŏlĕo, -ēre, -ĭtus: to be accustomed (to); (euphemistic, w/ acc.) to "know," i.e., be sexually intimate with

fŭtŭo, -ŭĕre -ui, -ūtum: have sex with, fuck; copulate

multus, -a, -um: much; a lot of, many a; (pl.) many

vĕnustus, -a, -um: lovely, attractive, charming; graceful, pretty, neat

pistrīnum, -i, n.: mill

trādo, trādĕre, -dĭdi, -dĭtum: hand down, consign, entrust, pass on

atque: and

ăsĭnus, -i, m.: ass, donkey

attingo, -tingĕre, -tĭgi, -tactum: touch; touch upon (in speaking), mention

aegrōtus, -a, -um: diseased

lingo, -ngĕre, -nxi, -nctum: lick

carnĭfex, -fĭcis, m.: executioner; scoundrel