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quisquam, quicquam: indef. pron., anyone, anything

pŏtis or pŏte: indecl. adj., having the power, able; possible

pūtĭdus, -a, -um: rotten; foul, stinking

vīvo, -ĕre, vixi, victum: live

verbōsus, -a, -um: full of words, long-winded, talkative

fătŭus, -a, -um: feeble minded, silly, foolish, asinine

iste, -a, -ud: pron. & pron. adj., this (which you have or see); this

lingua, -ae, f.: tongue

ūsus, -ūs, m.: use; habitual dealings between persons; requirement, need

vĕnĭo, vĕnīre, vēni, ventum: come

cūlus, -i, m.: anus

crĕpĭda, -ae, f.: a thick-soled sandal of a Greek type

lingo, -ngĕre, -nxi, -nctum: lick

carpatinus, -a, -um: made of hide

omnīno: adv., absolutely, altogether

vīs, vis, f.: strength, force, violence

perdo, -dĕre, -dĭdi, -ditum: ruin, spoil

hisco, -ĕre: begin to open; open the mouth to speak

cŭpĭo, -ĕre, -īvi or -ĭi, -ītum: want, desire

effĭcĭo, -fĭcĕre, -fēci, -fectum: make, cause to occur