Moving From Protectionism to Liberalization

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NEW TITLE: Competing intellectual views on Liberalism and Protectionism from 1900-1940


While there have many fluctuations in the level of openness in the international economy, one time frame that stands out for particularly rapid development is the period between approximately 1900 and 1940. In this time, there was a gradual worldwide shift to a more protectionist and isolationist international economy. While the debate about liberalism v. protectionism is one that has been present throughout history, this particular period was rather heated. As Johannes Overbeck writes, "Intellectuals often wield power through the spoken and written word. Experience suggests that when intellectuals have been converted to a set of belief, it is often merely a question of time for their views to become the driving force of politics" (1999). Economists and public intellectuals participating in this debate during the early 20th century include Frank Taussig, Arthur Pigou, Ludwig von Mises, Lionel Robbins, Benito Mussolini, John Maynard Keynes, and Reed Smoot and Willis C. Hawley. The policies being implemented during this time period by politicians on both sides of the Atlantic Ocean generally moved to a more protectionist stance. Although it is difficult to prove a direct, causal relationship between the writings of economists and intellectuals at the time and the evolving policies of different nations, it is nevertheless important to examine and understand what was happening in both the academic and political worlds.

Section Two: Historical Views of Free Trade

Economists in support of free trade: Adam Smith, David Ricardo, Jean Baptiste Say, Frederic Bastiat, John Stuart Mill, Nicolaas Pierson, William Sumner

Economists in favor of protectionism: Alexander Hamilton, Daniel Raymond, Henry Carey, Adam Muller

Section Three: Economists advocating Liberalism from 1900-1940

Frank William Taussing: Protection and Free Trade. The Case for Free Trade. Thesis of argument:

Joseph Chamberlain: The Riddle of the Tariff Thesis of argument:

Ludwig von Mises, Money, Method and the Market Process Thesis of argument:

Lionel Robbins, The Economic Basis of Class Conflict Thesis of argument:

Section Four: Economists advocating Protectionism from 1900-1940

Section Five: Tariff Policy During 1900-1940 --Brief outline of years leading up to Smoot-Hawley and other important (and increasinly restrictive) tariffs: McKinley Tariff of 1890, Fordney-McCumber Act in 1922

Section Six: Conclusion
