Myths about Men

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Anti-Sexism | Feminist Movement | UN Fourth World Conference on Women - Bejing, China | GLBTQ | INCITE | Men's Liberation | Conclusion| Anti-Sexism Sources

1. Myth: Men are uncaring, and not in touch with their feelings

2. Myth: Men aren’t interested in discussing sensitive issues

3. Myth: Women’s health care deserves an even greater proportion of public

4. Myth: Men are more competitive than women

5. Myth: Women, and not men, are excluded from society

6. Myth: Men are responsible for domestic violence

7. Myth: If women ran governments, there would be world peace

8. Myth: Women in Western nations are discriminated against by men

9. Myth: It's desirable for women to raise children without men

10. Myth: Men have made a mess of human history

11. Myth: Women are better than men at the ‘finer’ things of life

12. Myth: Women are interested in love; men basically want only sex 12myths.html