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Biddle, Jeff, Daniel Hamermesh. "Sleep and the Allocation of Time." Journal of Political Economy 98(1990): 922-943.

Blank, Rebecca and Cordelia Reimers. "Economics, Policy Analysis, and Feminism." Feminist Economics Today:Beyond Economic Man". Ed. Marianne Ferber and Julie Nilson. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2003.

Ferber, Marianne and Julie Nelson. Economics, Policy Analysis, and Feminism." Feminist Economics Today:Beyond Economic Man". Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2003.

France, Anatole. "The Crime of Sylvestre Bonnard". International Collections Library, 1946.

Hall, Robert. "Wages, Income and Hours of Work in the U.S. Labor Force" in Glen Cain and Harold Watts, eds.,"Income Maintenance and Labor Supply". Madison, WI: Institute for Research on Poverty, 1973. pp.102-162

Hum, Derek and Wayne Simpson. "Labor Estimation and Public Policy". Journal of Economic Surveys 8 (1994): 57-81

Jerome, Jerome. "Three Men in a Boat". Tom Dohorty LLC: NY, NY, 2001.

Lunberg, Shelly. "Labor Supply of Husbands and Wives: a Simultaneous Equation Approach". The review of Economics and Statistics70 (1980): 224-235

McPhail, Edward. "" Intermediate Macroeconomics. Dickinson College. 05/03/2006

Passell, Peter. "Economic Watch; Sleep? Why? There's No Money in It." The New York TImes 02 08 1989 A1.

Pencavel, John. "The market work behavior and wages of women: 1975-94." The Journal of Human Resources 33(1998): 771-804.

Schwabish, Jonathan. "Male and Female Wage Elasticities: an Exploration of Convergence". Center for Policy Research. Syracuse University

Szalontai, Gabor and Martin Witenberg. "The Demand for Sleep: A South African Study". University of Cape Code Press, MA:2001.

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