Feminist Majority Foundation

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Feminist Majority Foundation Campus Program is the world's largest pro-choice student network. It offers campaigns for college students and offers on-campus activities that can be taken in order to desensitize the campus to sexism.

On their website http://www.feministcampus.org, they have countless amounts of links and opportunities for students to get involved. The opportunities range from small-scale projects to large-scale ones. Therefore, students can choose what they want to get involved in and can apply these to their own campuses and help to increase awareness with these ideas from the website or they can organize trips to larger events sponsored by the Feminist Majority Foundation. The way that the foundation accomplishes this is by establishing Feminist Majority Leadership Alliances. These are leaders at each individual school who lead the Feminist Majority Campaign at their schools.

Colleges and Universities in Pennsylvania that have taken incorporated this group into their efforts include:

Allegheny College

Bryn Mawr College

Bucknell University

Clarion University of Pennsylvania

East Stroudsburg University of Pennsylvania

Indiana University of Pennsylvania

Kutztown University of Pennsylvania

Pennsylvania Sate University - University Park

Swarthmore College

Temple University

University of Pittsburgh

Widener University

University of Alabama-Birmingham

These are the colleges in Pennsylvania that are involved in the program. There are many more across the nation. As can be noticed, Dickinson College is not listed among them. Feminist Majority Campus Program can be started by anyone on their college campus if they are interested and willing. This is a way to get involved. At the following website, there is a form that anyone can fill out in order to begin a new program on his or her campus. http://www.feministcampus.org/fmla/program-materials/launch_process.asp

There is also a branch for high school students as well.

Events they have organized which students can get involved with include:

Freedom Winter

Rock For Choice

Global Voices