Outing Club
Opening the Dickinson Outing Club Blog. Officers
How to use the WIKI
To post an "article" you select the article tab and then click edit, same for the discussion area.
To use the various format tools type your message, highlight it and then click the format option you want to use. HTML code also works in the WIKI
I posted a sample image from the ATC Monitoring class as an example in the discussion area.
Activities for Fall 2005:
Spring Break- trip to Great Smokey Mtns.
Day hike to Tumbling Run early in semester
Climbing trip around Sept. 10-11, possible kayaking
Fall Pause trip to the New River Gorge- climbing, hiking,possible rafting
AT monitoring Nov 19
Boating on the Susquehanne- Sept 23-25
Backpacking to Harper's Ferry - Oct 1-2
Creek Stomp - possibly at Tumbling Run
Night Hike
List Serv Info:
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Send a message to listproc@dickinson.edu containing the following line in the subject and body.
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Send a message to listproc@dickinson.edu containing the following line in the subject and body.
Unsubscribe outingclub-l
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