Talk:AP Event One

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Revision as of 22:03, 9 October 2006 by (talk) (agree with Katie)
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Forum for discussing the movie

Hey, folks. Please feel free to post your reaction to the movie. What did you like, what did you not like about the movie? Did it represent science accurately or misrepresent it to make its points?

Entertaining But Possibly Misleading

I think that the movie does a good job of making quantum physics easier to understand for those who aren't as knowledgeable about science and math. Although, considering quantum mechanics is a fairly fuzzy subject, I think that it's misleading for them to give such definite answers about things. For example, they made very strong statements about how God is not a distinct, separate entity. But the truth is that we just don't know. P.S. That one lady with the accent was frightening.

that was katie by the way

agree with Katie

I agree that the boundaries of quantum mechanics were not elucidtated. To use it to make strong claims about the nature of God, for instance, seems to me completely misguided.

Further, I think it did not really touch upon the full mystery that Q.M. does present to us in a systematic way. I think we will probably hear more on this from a certain colleague of mine (hint, Kerry) ...
