Dana: Local Effects
Wal-Marts Effects on Local Communities
Brief Overview
Wal-Mart is the largest private sector employer in the United States. There is constant controversy over whether Wal-Mart makes positive or negative contributions to the US economy or society in general. Although critics propose many arguments that show Wal-Mart's negative effects, there are two general arguments that critics continuously bring up. Wal-Mart faces considerable analysis and criticism over its treatment of its employees and the affect it has on small businesses in its surrounding area.
Focusing on Wal-Marts effects on small businesses or local markets, popular belief says that because of Wal-Marts, “everyday low prices” it forces small “mom and pop” type businesses into bankruptcy. 99% of businesses in the US are considered small businesses. Small businesses are usually defined as an independent business that has less than 500 employees. They are responsible for providing anywhere between 60 and 80% of the net new jobs in the US and small business share of employment remains at about 50%. In other words, in many ways business in the US is centered on small firms and institutions like Wal-Mart are a threat to their existence.