Mens Liberation Comapared to Womens Liberation

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Anti-Sexism | Feminist Movement | UN Fourth World Conference on Women - Bejing, China | GLBTQ | INCITE | Men's Liberation | Conclusion| Anti-Sexism Sources

Feminsts say, "the world is patriarchal and male-dominated"

Men's liberationists say, "The world is matriarchala nd female- dominated"

We need to be able to understand that the world is both and that should be a movement that gives equal opportunity and responsibility for both sexes.

Farrell says that the combination of emotianl rejection and being economically hurt results in a revolution, or in this case a men's liberation movement.

emotion rejection- "Like women, men experience emotional rejection if they divorce; but unlike women, men are much more likely to be involuntarily deprived of their children, thus experiencing a double dose of emotional rejection" economically hurt- after a divorce, men feel emotionally deprived and "on top of this, men are told to pay money for what they're deprived of (child and wife), they simultaneously experience economic hurt" (Farrell, 368).

Myths about Men