Outing Club:Trips:Saturday, Sept. 9th 2006
Beginner Climbing Trip to White Rocks at Pond Bank
Trip Leaders: Rachel Sanders, Emma Andrews, Kerry Browne
Assistant Leaders: Greg Sunshine, Duncan ?
Participants: Please add your names here!
Comments: Kerry, Greg, and Duncan drove early to White Rocks to set 4 top ropes. Top ropes were set on Thin Crack (rated 5.7, 5.10a, and 5.3), Jim's Throne (rated 5.4), The Chimney (5.1), and the Bolt Routes (multiple ratings, see topo). The other participants arrived at White Rocks around 10:30 AM. We discussed the belay system, practiced belaying and tying in to the rope, and practiced buddy checks for preparedness to climb. We climbed from approcimately 11:00AM - 2:30 PM when a passing rain shower drove us off the cliff. We used our remaining trip time for a stop at Leo's Ice Cream. Overall a very fun trip!!! I'll post some pictures as soon as I get them downloaded!
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