Your Learning Community Coordinator--Compelling Ideas

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Revision as of 04:36, 29 November 2006 by (talk)
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Dan Soltis is a sophomore Political Science major from Sarver, PA. Dan is active in the Dickinson College Democrats, for which he serves as the Secretary. He also tutors Sudanese refugees through Abolish: Students for a Freer Sudan. Dan is on the staff at the Dickinson Writing Center this year. On the 26th of November 2006, Dan Soltis was responsible for a fire alarm going off in Baird-McClintock, where the Learning Community is housed. He described it as "an impromptu community event" with the purpose of bringing everyone together outside in the cold. After DPS arrived, Dan was instructed on the proper method to microwave popcorn. Send any comments to his email (listed above).

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