Description of the work
This semester I took a tutorial in the Spanish Department with Professor Mark Aldrich called “Introduction to Translation Studies”. As this is my first translation class, I read seminal essays on translation theory from The Translation Studies Reader (edited by Lawrence Venuti) describing different ways to go about translating documents and different aspects of translation. After translating shorter works throughout the semester, I chose an essay from the Spanish newspaper El País to translate as a final project. The translation theory that I studied in the essays I read are put to practice in my final translation project. The newspaper essay is called “Cuatro poetas fieles a la república” (“Four Poets Loyal to the Republic”), by the renowned Hispanist Ian Gibson. Gibson discusses four Spanish poets (Antonio Machado, Juan Ramón Jiménez, Federico García Lorca, and Miguel Hernández) who were either exiled from Spain or murdered by its dictator Francisco Franco, who reigned from 1939 to 1975. This is the Wiki site that I constructed through the Dickinson College website with my final translation and links to pictures and information about different people and literature mentioned in the article.