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Exec Member Duties

Members of the executive board is expected to attend weekly meetings on Monday at 5. Executive board members are to work with the station manager and come up with ideas that are beneficial to the station. This may include brainstorming ideas for social events that allow DJs to interact with each other, ways to increase station presence on campus and in the community, charity projects, etc. Members are expected to help out at all radio sponsored events as much as their schedule allows.

DJ Trainer

  1. I realize this job will be combined with the other above, but i feel we should list the duties separately for now.
  2. Train Dj Trainers
  3. Assign new Djs to trainers for apprenticeship
  4. Request weekly feedback from trainers on how process is going
  5. Use feedback to make adjustments for future apprenticeships
  6. Verify apprentices complete 3 weeks training
  7. Schedule new djs with available time slot

Events Coordinator

  1. Work with Exec staff to choose events each semester
  2. Book locations needed through "Conferences and Special Events (CASE)" at least a month before event
  3. Coordinate with Dining Services to order food
  4. Coordinate with Service Coordinator to create service opportunities in preparation of and during the event
  5. Assign tasks to other exec members to help support you if needed
  6. Work with advisors to ensure budget can support the event

Music Director

The main job of the music director is to constantly provide new music for the DJs to be exposed to and spin. This is achieved by the following tasks:

1. Initiating and/or Maintaining Contact with Record Labels and Promotion Labels

The station relies on a steady flow of CDs given to us for free by record labels and distributors. In order for us to have an updated library of CDs, it is integral to keep in contact with these people. Each music director is assigned to one or two contacts and is responsible for calling or emailing them. The music director should also not hesitate to do some research and contact more record labels and or promotion labels. This will allow us to get some more CDs from genres that are not represented so well in the station. Sometimes, there are CDs in the top rank of the CMJ charts and we do not get them. It is the most desirable to contact the label and try to get a promotional copy.

2. Sending charts to CMJ

No label or distributor is going to send the station CDs if we don't chart them on CMJ. Charting closes on Tuesdays at 2pm. The music director must tally up which heavy rotation CDs are played the most and send them to the Radio 200 charts on CMJ. The music director is also responsible to be up to date on when CDs go on adds and chart them on the Radio 200 Adds for that week.

3. Reviewing CDs

There is always material for the music director to listen to. The music director is responsible to listen to the CDs and determine whether it should go to the shit bin, the new music library, or heavy rotation. For the new music library, the music director is responsible for noting which tracks have profanity in them. In the heavy rotation, the music director must fill out the review sheet and write in the track names, recommended tracks, genre, recommended if you listen to, as well as noting profanity tracks. The heavy rotation should be replenished with new CDs frequently and old CDs must be phased out at appropriate times.

4. Cataloguing and Organizing the Library

All CDs that will go into the library (heavy rotation and new music) must be catalogued into the OrangeCD database. When the new music and heavy rotation CDs have gotten too old to chart, these must be put back into the library immediately. Make sure that the CD library is kept neat (as in no random CD cases scattered everywhere) and alphabetized.

To help out with some of the reviewing and organizing, music directors are encouraged to organize listening parties or library upkeep events to offer as service hours for DJs. This helps DJs get more involved with the radio station. The music director is expected to be relatively up to date on current college radio music and is always responsible to find ways to encourage DJs to broadcast new music.

Public Affairs

  1. Help to obtain copies of campus events useful for re-airing on WDCV
  2. Edit programs using Sound Forge
  3. Schedule airing of weekly Public Affairs shows and segments
  4. Work with advisors to help support classroom production of Public Affairs segments
  5. Assist in producing "The Bill Durden Show"
  6. Work to recruit additional djs interested in producing public affairs radio

Personnel Director

Programming Director

  1. Work with exec staff to evaluate and select shows to record for playback.
  2. Coordinate with djs to record their shows using either the cd burner or Sound Forge in the production booth
  3. Edit and prepare pre-recorded shows for future airing
  4. Import pre-recorded shows into Itunes
  5. Maintain and update daily play lists with new shows

Promotions Director

  1. Work with exec staff to select events and shows that should be heavily promoted
  2. Coordinate with service coordinator to create service opportunities related to promotions
  3. Research local Carlisle and public Dickinson events that might be good for WDCV remote broadcasts
  4. Define strategies to help boost campus and community listenership
  5. Work with advisors to define sponsorship pricing
  6. First point of contact for interested parties requesting advertising
  7. Work to create methods to increase advertising revenue for station


  1. Take minutes from each week's exec meeting
  2. Send minutes to all members of exec staff after each weeks meeting
  3. Coordinate with advisors to replenish office supplies

Service Coordinator

  1. Work with exec staff to schedule service opportunities
  2. Maintain and update bulletin board to display current and upcoming service opportunities
  3. Communicate service opportunities to djs through email
  4. Maintain spreadsheet of dj's completed service hours
  5. Email djs with monthly with reminders on how many hours they have completed and still are required to complete

Station Manager

Tm I will be in the station from 2pm- 4pm. I will come up with job descriptions there. Javan


  1. Maintain website
  2. Update Exec Profiles each semester as new staff are added
  3. Add Dj schedule each semester and after new Djs have finished their apprenticeship
  4. Update sports broadcasting Schedule
  5. Update Public Affairs Schedule
  6. Adjust anything as needed to maintain useful, functional site
  7. Monitor stats on Warp Radio each month