The FLSA - Reasons and Opposition

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Overview | Early Minimum Wages | The FLSA - Reasons and Conflict | Conclusion & References

Gendered Analysis

While the desire to help low wage workers achieve a higher standard of living is an important issue, many economists concentrate on the social issue of gender relations as applicable to the minimum wage.

The Eugenics of Wage Floors

In his 2005 article "Protecting Family and Wage", Tim Leonard posits that the minimum wage can be used as a eugenic device. While it is traditionally thought that minimum wages can help minority groups, Leonard argues that Progressives wished to use market forces to

Male Breadwinners

Role of Unions

The Fair Labor Standards Act of 1938

Role of Voter Ideology

Role of the Southern Political System

Overview | Early Minimum Wages | The FLSA - Reasons and Conflict | Conclusion & References