Retreat Agenda
From Dickinson College Wiki
WDCV Winter 2008 Retreat
The retreat will take place Friday January 18th and Saturday January 19th.
Topics for Promotions
- Plan for possible remote broadcast at Springfest/Amani Festival (they are combined this year)
- Fall remote broadcast-First Friday on High I of High Street
- Organize calendaring system to keep track of upcoming events during the year
Technical Training
- Soundforge for recording and editing shows
- Remote Broadcast equipment
- cd ripper in production booth
- Creating Public Affairs Radio Hour
Budget Items
One Time Items
Standing Items
DJ Meeting
- Edit Powerpoint
- Add New shelving pix
- Add New PC pix
- Add Itunes Schedule pix
- Make larger (poster size) schedule that is easier to read for station
- Stress that we are looking for public affairs people to continue work
Semester Events
- Remote Broadcast Springfest
- Remote Broadcast Lunchtime on the plaza
- Bake Sale