TEST PAGE for IAVCEI 'Volcano-Ice Interactions Working Group web-building project.
This Wiki site is a test to see if it is effective for a group of scientists to collaborate on building a informational web site. Please take time to add information to the site or suggest changes.
Brief instructions:
1. To add or modify text, simply click on the "Edit" tab at the top, and you will be able to add or change text by simply typing/deleting information from the light blue box.
2. When you are done with your edits, REMEMBER TO CLICK ON THE "Save page" button at the bottom or your changes will be lost!
3. If you want to add photographs, you must create a user login (see link in upper right hand corner). Then you will be able to use the "Upload file" button on the lower lefthand side of the screen. Once the file is uploaded, you simply copy the address for the file, and paste it into double brackets so it looks something like this: File:Putyourfilenamehere.jpg.
Also, please try to size images for the web (e.g., 200x300 pixels or so max).
4. If you want to add a link to an outside website, go to the "edit" page, and put the URL for the site in inside single brackets and insert the web address like this: IAVCEI Homepage.
5. If you want to start a new page to the website, simple put the name of the page in double brackets like this: [[ ]].
Click on the links below for more pages, and feel free to add new pages wherever you'd like!
General Ideas for format of the Working Group Web site
IAVCEI Volcano-Ice Working Group Information