Mike Procelli
Perceptions/Attitudes Towards Native Americans in Carlisle
In January 1876, the US Government ordered all indigenous peoples in the United States to move onto reservations, and that those who refused would be considered “hostile.” However, just a couple years later the Carlisle Indian School was founded to educate young Native Americans, here in Carlisle, in a non-reservation setting. I have found a great deal of information on the Carlisle Indian School, going back to about 1880 or so. This information includes articles and/or photos from the America: History and Life database, the American Memory Project database, and the 18th Century US Newspapers database.
Since the school did not exist until after 1876, the focus of my research will largely be cenetered around the public perception of Native Americans in Carlisle, the impact (if any) that the US declaration concerning indigenous peoples had on Carlisle, and any events that occured in 1876 that eventually led to the formation of the school. I assume that this kind of information will best be found through the Cumberland County Historical Society and the Dickinson Archives - hopefully these sources will have some good material.