Mini Pot Project

I was in Mexico a few weeks ago and each day I left a small pot I had thrown with a poem inside, The Clay Jug, by Kabir, at a different site, then digi-photographed it. I left my email, along with the poem, so people could let me know that they found the poem and tell me about. I have only had one response so far but it came from Belgium!
The idea was to see if/how/when people responded once they found the pot/poem, but I think a lot of people might not touch the pot thinking it was a religious offering or something, like a Budhist prayer pot. Though, we did get a photograph of a woman picking it up, and as I walked away I heard her exclaim, "oh a pot!" then she returned it. another woman, at another site, picked it up and just examined it, then returned it.
I thought this would be a wonderful experiment to try out on campus. Did you find the pot with poem? Click the edit button above to tell us about it!
The Clay Jug
Inside this clay jug are canyons and pine mountains, And the maker of canyons and pine mountains! All seven oceans are inside, and hundreds of millions of stars. The acid that tests gold is there and the one who judges jewels. And the music from the strings that no one touches, and the source of all water.
If you want the truth, I will tell you the truth;
Friend, listen: The God whom I love is inside.