deterior, -ius: worse
venter, ventris, m.: belly, stopmach
indicere bellum: declare war upon (+ dat.)
haud: = non
aequus, -a, -um: (of a state of mind), even, unruffled, calm, composed, tranquil, patient, enduring — Esp. freq. in the adv. abl.: aequo (aequiore, aequissimo) animo, with even mind, with equanimity, patiently, calmly, quietly, with forbearance.
induco, -ere: draw over, spread over, to overlay, overspread
diffundo, -ere, -fūdi, -fūsum: to spread by pouring, to pour out, pour forth (very freq. and class.).
signa, -orum n. pl: constellations
puer, pueri, m.: slave
convicium, -ii, n.: verbal abuse, insults
ingero, -ere, -gessi, gestum: heap upon
adpello, -ere: nautical t. t., to bring or conduct a ship somewhere, to land
insĕro, -ere, sĕrŭi, sertum: to put, bring, or introduce into, to insert
aes, aeris, n.: copper; money
ex-ĭgo, -ere, -ēgi, -actum: to require, demand, claim any thing due
mula, -ae f.: mule
ligo (1): tie up
cŭlex, ĭcis, m.: gnat, midge, mosquito
rāna, ae, f.: frog
păluster, tris, tre: fenny, marshy, swampy
canto (1): to make some person or thing the subject of one's singing, playing, or song
prō-lŭo, lŭi, lūtum, 3: moisten, wet, wash
vappa, -ae. f: wine that has lost its spirit and flavor; palled, flat, vapid wine
certatim (Adv.): in competition
fessus, -a, -um: wearied, tired, fatigued; worn out, weak, feeble, infirm
pasco, pāvi, pastum, 3: to cause to eat, to feed, pasture
rĕtĭnācŭlum, -i n.: that which holds back or binds; a holdfast, band, tether, halter, halser, rope, cable (only in plur.)
pĭger, gra, grum: slow, dull, lazy, indolent, sluggish, inactive (of persons and things).
rĕ-lĭgo, āvi, ātum, 1: to bind back or behind, to bind or fasten up, to bind fast (freq. and class.).
sterto, ŭi, 3: snore
sŭpīnus, a, um: backwards, bent backwards, thrown backwards, lying on the back, supine (opp. pronus, cernuus)