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barbarus, -a, -um: uncultivated, rough; morally rough, savage

equitatus, -us m.: cavalry

essedarius, -i m.: fighter in British or Gallic war chariot; charioteer

genus, -eris n.: kind; class

consuesco, -ere, -suevi, -suetum: accustomed

subsequor, -sequi, -secutus sum: follow, follow after

magnitudo, -inis f.: greatness

onus, -eris n.: a load, burden, freight

desilio, -silire, -silui, -sultum: leap down; dismount

consisto, -ere, -stiti, -stitum: to put oneself in any place; take one’s stand, place oneself; consist, be formed of; stand firmly

expeditus, -a, -um: unshackeled, unimpeded; clear, free, ready for action

notus, -a, -um: known, familiar, customary

audacter: adv.: boldly

conicio, -icere, -ieci, -iectum: throw together; to throw, to hurl

insuefactus, -a, -um: accustomed to, inured to

imperitus, -a, -um: unskilled, inexperienced, ignorant

alacritas, -atis f.: quickness, eagerness, animation

pedester, -tris, -tre: on foot, pedestrian; infantry; on land