repentinus, -a, -um: sudden
tumultus, -us m.: noise, uproar
defectio, -onis f.: defection, revolt
orior, -iri, -ortus sum: to arise; arise, spring up; spring from, be descended from
praesto, -are, -stiti: excel; (impers.) it is preferable; furnish, exhibit; adv.: at hand
comporto, -are: gather, bring together, collect
concito, -are: rouse, arouse, cause to rise
lignator, -is m.: woodcutter, gatherer
ascendo, -ere, -ndi, -nsum: mount, ascend, climb, go up
emitto, -ere, -misi, -missum: send out, send forth; let fly, let go
equester, -tris, -tre: of horsemen, referring to cavalry
oppugnatio, -onis f.: storming, assault, attack; mode of attack or assault
conclamo, -are: cry out loud
mos, -ris m.: custom, manner
conloquium, -i n.: parley, conference; conversation, talk
prodeo, -ire, -ii, -itum: go forth, come out; advance
controversia, -ae f.: dispute, quarrel, feud
minuo, -ere, -ui, -utum: (intrans.) lessen; to decrease