contra (Adv.): on the contrary, on the other hand
genus, generis n.: a descendant, offspring
unde (adv.): from whom, because of whom
Tarquinius Superbus: the last king of Rome, at whose expulsion the Republic was founded
as, assis m.: penny, small coin
lĭcĕo, -ēre, -cŭi, -cĭtum: to be valued, esteemed at so much (+ gen. of price)
noto (1): to censure, reprimand
fama, -ae f.: reputation
ineptus, -a, -um: senseless, silly, absurd
stupeo -ēre, -ui: to be astonished or amazed at
tĭtŭlus, -i m.: a superscription, inscription, label, title
ĭmāgo, ĭnis, f.: an ancestral image of a distinguished Roman (of one who had been aedile, praetor, or consul; usually made of wax, and placed in the atrium of a Roman house, and carried in funeral processions)
ŏportet, ŭit, 2: it is proper, becoming, or reasonable; it behooves