lucerna, -ae, f.: oil lamp; midnight oil
agito, -are: stir/drive/shake/move about
mugio, -ire, -ivi, -itus: low, bellow; make a loud deep noise
percutio, -ere, -cussi, -cussus: beat, strike; pierce
faber, -bra, -brum: skillful; ingenious; of craftsman/workman/artisan or his work
volo, -are: fly
leno, -onis, m.: brothel keeper; bawd; procurer, pimp; panderer
moechus, -i, m.: adulterer
lacunar, -aris, n.: paneled ceiling
calix, -icis, m.: cup, goblet, a vessel for drinking; chalice; cup of wine; pot
vigilo, -are: remain awake, be awake; watch; provide for, care for by watching, be vigilant
sterto, -ere, -ui: snore
fas, undeclined, n.: divine/heaven's law/will/command; that which is right/lawful/moral/allowed
cohors, -hortis, f.: court; enclosure/yard/pen, farmyard; attendants, retinue, staff; circle; crowd
praesepe, -is, n.: crib; manger; stall; brothel; haunt; lodging; home turf
careo, -ere, -ui, -itus: be without/absent from/devoid of/free from; miss; abstain from, lack, lose
axis, -is, m.: axle, axis, pole; chariot; the sky, heaven; north pole; region, clime
lorum, -i, n.: leather strap, thong; shoe strap; rawhide whip; dog leash; reins